Changeset: 6201792825e4 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: geo
Log Message:

Some code improvements.

diffs (175 lines):

diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_upgrades.c 
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_upgrades.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/sql_upgrades.c
@@ -1124,6 +1124,7 @@ sql_update_dec2015(Client c, int olddb)
        mvc *sql = ((backend*) c->sqlcontext)->mvc;
        ValRecord *schvar = stack_get_var(sql, "current_schema");
        char *schema = NULL;
+       geomsqlfix_fptr fixfunc;
        if (schvar)
                schema = strdup(schvar->val.sval);
@@ -1141,28 +1142,75 @@ sql_update_dec2015(Client c, int olddb)
                "create procedure profiler.setstream(host string, port int) 
external name profiler.setstream;");
-       if (geomsqlfix_get() != NULL) {
-               char *gbuf, *obuf;
+       // Add the new storage inspection functions.
+       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
+               "create function sys.\"storage\"( sname string)\n"
+               "returns table (\n"
+               "    \"schema\" string,\n"
+               "    \"table\" string,\n"
+               "    \"column\" string,\n"
+               "    \"type\" string,\n"
+               "    \"mode\" string,\n"
+               "    location string,\n"
+               "    \"count\" bigint,\n"
+               "    typewidth int,\n"
+               "    columnsize bigint,\n"
+               "    heapsize bigint,\n"
+               "    hashes bigint,\n"
+               "    phash boolean,\n"
+               "    imprints bigint,\n"
+               "    sorted boolean\n"
+               ")\n"
+               "external name sql.\"storage\";\n"
+               "\n"
+               "create function sys.\"storage\"( sname string, tname string)\n"
+               "returns table (\n"
+               "    \"schema\" string,\n"
+               "    \"table\" string,\n"
+               "    \"column\" string,\n"
+               "    \"type\" string,\n"
+               "    \"mode\" string,\n"
+               "    location string,\n"
+               "    \"count\" bigint,\n"
+               "    typewidth int,\n"
+               "    columnsize bigint,\n"
+               "    heapsize bigint,\n"
+               "    hashes bigint,\n"
+               "    phash boolean,\n"
+               "    imprints bigint,\n"
+               "    sorted boolean\n"
+               ")\n"
+               "external name sql.\"storage\";\n"
+               "\n"
+               "create function sys.\"storage\"( sname string, tname string, 
cname string)\n"
+               "returns table (\n"
+               "    \"schema\" string,\n"
+               "    \"table\" string,\n"
+               "    \"column\" string,\n"
+               "    \"type\" string,\n"
+               "    \"mode\" string,\n"
+               "    location string,\n"
+               "    \"count\" bigint,\n"
+               "    typewidth int,\n"
+               "    columnsize bigint,\n"
+               "    heapsize bigint,\n"
+               "    hashes bigint,\n"
+               "    phash boolean,\n"
+               "    imprints bigint,\n"
+               "    sorted boolean\n"
+               ")\n"
+               "external name sql.\"storage\";\n"
+       );
+       if ((fixfunc = geomsqlfix_get()) != NULL) {
                str geomupgrade;
                size_t gbufsize;
-               geomupgrade = (*geomsqlfix_get())(olddb);
-               gbufsize = strlen(geomupgrade) + bufsize + 1;
-               if ((strlen(geomupgrade) <= 0) || 
-                   ((gbuf = GDKmalloc(gbufsize)) == NULL)) {
-                       err = SQLstatementIntern(c, &buf, "update", 1, 0, NULL);
-                       GDKfree(buf);
-                       return err;
-               }
-               strcpy(gbuf, buf);
-               strcat(gbuf, geomupgrade);
-               strcat(gbuf, " ");
-               obuf = buf;
-               buf = gbuf;
-               pos = strlen(buf);
-               bufsize = gbufsize;
-               GDKfree(obuf);
+               geomupgrade = (*fixfunc)(olddb);
+               gbufsize = strlen(geomupgrade) + 1;
+               buf = GDKrealloc(buf, bufsize + gbufsize);
+               bufsize += gbufsize;
+               pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "%s", geomupgrade);
@@ -1170,67 +1218,8 @@ sql_update_dec2015(Client c, int olddb)
                pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "set schema 
\"%s\";\n", schema);
        assert(pos < bufsize);
-       // Add the new storage inspection functions.
-       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, 
-               "create function sys.\"storage\"( sname string)"
-               "returns table ("
-               "       \"schema\" string,"
-               "       \"table\" string,"
-               "       \"column\" string,"
-               "       \"type\" string,"
-               "       \"mode\" string,"
-               "       location string,"
-               "       \"count\" bigint,"
-               "       typewidth int,"
-               "       columnsize bigint,"
-               "       heapsize bigint,"
-               "       hashes bigint,"
-               "       phash boolean,"
-               "       imprints bigint,"
-               "       sorted boolean"
-               ")"
-               "external name sql.\"storage\";"
-               ""
-               "create function sys.\"storage\"( sname string, tname string)"
-               "returns table ("
-               "       \"schema\" string,"
-               "       \"table\" string,"
-               "       \"column\" string,"
-               "       \"type\" string,"
-               "       \"mode\" string,"
-               "       location string,"
-               "       \"count\" bigint,"
-               "       typewidth int,"
-               "       columnsize bigint,"
-               "       heapsize bigint,"
-               "       hashes bigint,"
-               "       phash boolean,"
-               "       imprints bigint,"
-               "       sorted boolean"
-               ")"
-               "external name sql.\"storage\";"
-               ""
-               "create function sys.\"storage\"( sname string, tname string, 
cname string)"
-               "returns table ("
-               "       \"schema\" string,"
-               "       \"table\" string,"
-               "       \"column\" string,"
-               "       \"type\" string,"
-               "       \"mode\" string,"
-               "       location string,"
-               "       \"count\" bigint,"
-               "       typewidth int,"
-               "       columnsize bigint,"
-               "       heapsize bigint,"
-               "       hashes bigint,"
-               "       phash boolean,"
-               "       imprints bigint,"
-               "       sorted boolean"
-               ")"
-               "external name sql.\"storage\";"
-       );
        printf("Running database upgrade commands:\n%s\n", buf);
        err = SQLstatementIntern(c, &buf, "update", 1, 0, NULL);
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