Changeset: 6958076a9de0 for MonetDB
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Pass by value, not by reference.

diffs (112 lines):

diff --git a/gdk/gdk_join.c b/gdk/gdk_join.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_join.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_join.c
@@ -195,16 +195,14 @@ joininitresults(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BU
 #define BINSEARCHFUNC(TYPE)                                            \
 static inline BUN                                                      \
 binsearch_##TYPE(const oid *rcand, oid offset, const TYPE *rvals,      \
-                BUN lo, BUN hi, const void *vp, int ordering, int last) \
+                BUN lo, BUN hi, TYPE v, int ordering, int last)        \
 {                                                                      \
        BUN mid;                                                        \
-       TYPE v, x;                                                      \
+       TYPE x;                                                         \
        assert(ordering == 1 || ordering == -1);                        \
        assert(lo <= hi);                                               \
-       v = *(const TYPE *) vp;         /* value we're searching for */ \
-                                                                       \
        if (ordering > 0) {                                             \
                if (rcand) {                                            \
                        if (last) {                                     \
@@ -355,10 +353,10 @@ BINSEARCHFUNC(hge)
-#define binsearch_oid(rcand, offset, rvals, lo, hi, vp, ordering, last) 
binsearch_int(rcand, offset, (const int *) rvals, lo, hi, (const int *) (vp), 
ordering, last)
+#define binsearch_oid(rcand, offset, rvals, lo, hi, v, ordering, last) 
binsearch_int(rcand, offset, (const int *) rvals, lo, hi, (int) (v), ordering, 
-#define binsearch_oid(rcand, offset, rvals, lo, hi, vp, ordering, last) 
binsearch_lng(rcand, offset, (const lng *) rvals, lo, hi, (const lng *) (vp), 
ordering, last)
+#define binsearch_oid(rcand, offset, rvals, lo, hi, v, ordering, last) 
binsearch_lng(rcand, offset, (const lng *) rvals, lo, hi, (lng) (v), ordering, 
 /* Do a binary search for the first/last occurrence of v between lo and hi
@@ -385,10 +383,10 @@ binsearch(const oid *rcand, oid offset,
        switch (type) {
        case TYPE_bte:
                return binsearch_bte(rcand, offset, (const bte *) rvals,
-                                    lo, hi, (const bte *) v, ordering, last);
+                                    lo, hi, *(const bte *) v, ordering, last);
        case TYPE_sht:
                return binsearch_sht(rcand, offset, (const sht *) rvals,
-                                    lo, hi, (const sht *) v, ordering, last);
+                                    lo, hi, *(const sht *) v, ordering, last);
        case TYPE_int:
        case TYPE_wrd:
@@ -397,7 +395,7 @@ binsearch(const oid *rcand, oid offset,
        case TYPE_oid:
                return binsearch_int(rcand, offset, (const int *) rvals,
-                                    lo, hi, (const int *) v, ordering, last);
+                                    lo, hi, *(const int *) v, ordering, last);
        case TYPE_lng:
        case TYPE_wrd:
@@ -406,18 +404,18 @@ binsearch(const oid *rcand, oid offset,
        case TYPE_oid:
                return binsearch_lng(rcand, offset, (const lng *) rvals,
-                                    lo, hi, (const lng *) v, ordering, last);
+                                    lo, hi, *(const lng *) v, ordering, last);
 #ifdef HAVE_HGE
        case TYPE_hge:
                return binsearch_hge(rcand, offset, (const hge *) rvals,
-                                    lo, hi, (const hge *) v, ordering, last);
+                                    lo, hi, *(const hge *) v, ordering, last);
        case TYPE_flt:
                return binsearch_flt(rcand, offset, (const flt *) rvals,
-                                    lo, hi, (const flt *) v, ordering, last);
+                                    lo, hi, *(const flt *) v, ordering, last);
        case TYPE_dbl:
                return binsearch_dbl(rcand, offset, (const dbl *) rvals,
-                                    lo, hi, (const dbl *) v, ordering, last);
+                                    lo, hi, *(const dbl *) v, ordering, last);
        if ((c = ordering * cmp(VALUE(r, rcand ? rcand[lo] - offset : lo), v)) 
> 0 ||
@@ -746,7 +744,7 @@ mergejoin_void(BAT *r1, BAT *r2, BAT *l,
                if (only_misses) {
                        for (i = 0; i < cnt && lvals[i] < lo; i++)
                                APPEND(r1, lvals[i]);
-                       i = binsearch_oid(NULL, 0, lvals, 0, cnt - 1, &hi, 1, 
+                       i = binsearch_oid(NULL, 0, lvals, 0, cnt - 1, hi, 1, 0);
                        for (; i < cnt; i++)
                                APPEND(r1, lvals[i]);
                } else {
@@ -761,7 +759,7 @@ mergejoin_void(BAT *r1, BAT *r2, BAT *l,
                                        r2->tkey = i > 1;
                        } else {
-                               i = binsearch_oid(NULL, 0, lvals, 0, cnt - 1, 
&lo, 1, 0);
+                               i = binsearch_oid(NULL, 0, lvals, 0, cnt - 1, 
lo, 1, 0);
                        for (; i < cnt && lvals[i] < hi; i++) {
                                APPEND(r1, lvals[i]);
@@ -812,11 +810,11 @@ mergejoin_void(BAT *r1, BAT *r2, BAT *l,
                        /* first restrict candidate list (lcand and
                         * cnt) to section that refers to l */
                        o = l->hseqbase;
-                       i = binsearch_oid(NULL, 0, lcand, 0, cnt - 1, &o, 1, 0);
+                       i = binsearch_oid(NULL, 0, lcand, 0, cnt - 1, o, 1, 0);
                        lcand += i;
                        cnt -= i;
                        o = l->hseqbase + BATcount(l);
-                       i = binsearch_oid(NULL, 0, lcand, 0, cnt - 1, &o, 1, 0);
+                       i = binsearch_oid(NULL, 0, lcand, 0, cnt - 1, o, 1, 0);
                        cnt -= i;
                        if (BATextend(r1, cnt) != GDK_SUCCEED)
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