Changeset: ef6771d153b4 for MonetDB
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diffs (197 lines):

diff --git a/clients/Tests/SQL-dump.stable.out 
--- a/clients/Tests/SQL-dump.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/SQL-dump.stable.out
@@ -1220,11 +1220,11 @@ external name sql.sysmon_stop;
 -- This script gives the database administrator insight in the actual
 -- footprint of the persistent tables and the maximum playground used
 -- when indices are introduced upon them.
--- By chancing the storagemodelinput table directly, the footprint for
+-- By changing the storagemodelinput table directly, the footprint for
 -- yet to be loaded databases can be assessed.
 -- The actual storage footprint of an existing database can be
--- obtained by the table procuding function storage()
+-- obtained by the table producing function storage()
 -- It represents the actual state of affairs, i.e. storage on disk
 -- of columns and foreign key indices, and possible temporary hash indices.
 -- For strings we take a sample to determine their average length.
@@ -5708,13 +5708,42 @@ CREATE TABLE "sys"."dependencies" (
        "depend_id"   INTEGER,
        "depend_type" SMALLINT
-COPY 236 RECORDS INTO "sys"."dependencies" FROM stdin USING DELIMITERS 
+COPY 325 RECORDS INTO "sys"."dependencies" FROM stdin USING DELIMITERS 
 368    5272    7
 367    5272    7
 870    5272    7
 368    5276    7
 367    5276    7
 870    5276    7
+5281   5283    15
+5281   5287    15
+5281   5291    15
+5281   5295    15
+5281   5299    15
+5281   5303    15
+5281   5307    15
+5281   5311    15
+5281   5315    15
+5281   5319    15
+5281   5323    15
+5281   5327    15
+5281   5331    15
+5281   5335    15
+5281   5339    15
+5281   5346    15
+5381   5383    15
+5381   5387    15
+5381   5391    15
+5381   5395    15
+5381   5400    15
+5381   5404    15
+5381   5408    15
+5381   5412    15
+5381   5416    15
+5381   5420    15
+5381   5425    15
+5381   5430    15
+5381   5435    15
 5440   5469    5
 5450   5480    5
 5440   5498    5
@@ -5868,6 +5897,66 @@ 5742     5750    5
 5752   5758    5
 5784   5802    5
 5822   5832    5
+6139   6143    15
+6141   6143    15
+6141   6147    15
+6139   6152    15
+6129   6157    15
+6131   6162    15
+6133   6167    15
+6134   6172    15
+6136   6177    15
+6138   6182    15
+6138   6187    15
+6133   6192    15
+6139   6197    15
+6139   6201    15
+6139   6205    15
+6129   6209    15
+6139   6214    15
+6139   6218    15
+6139   6222    15
+6139   6226    15
+6139   6230    15
+6139   6234    15
+6139   6238    15
+6139   6242    15
+6139   6247    15
+6139   6252    15
+6139   6257    15
+6139   6262    15
+6139   6267    15
+6139   6272    15
+6139   6277    15
+6139   6283    15
+6139   6288    15
+6139   6294    15
+6139   6298    15
+6139   6302    15
+6139   6307    15
+6139   6312    15
+6139   6316    15
+6139   6321    15
+6139   6326    15
+6139   6331    15
+6336   6338    15
+6336   6343    15
+6336   6348    15
+6336   6353    15
+6336   6358    15
+6336   6363    15
+6336   6367    15
+6336   6383    15
+6336   6387    15
+6336   6391    15
+6336   6395    15
+6336   6399    15
+6336   6403    15
+6336   6407    15
+6336   6419    15
+6434   6436    15
+6434   6439    15
+6434   6443    15
 6467   6469    10
 6467   6468    4
 6472   6474    10
@@ -7291,7 +7380,7 @@ 6494      "fitsload"      "create procedure fitslo
 6497   "listdirpat"    "create procedure listdirpat(dirname string,pat string) 
external name fits.listdirpattern;"     "fits"  1       2       true    false   
false   2000
 6533   "netcdf_attach" "-- gr_name is ""GLOBAL"" or ""ROOT"" for classic 
NetCDF files\n-- used for groups in HDF5 files\n-- global attributes have 
obj_name=""""\n\n-- create function netcdfvar (fname varchar(256)) 
\n--\treturns int external name netcdf.test;\n\ncreate procedure 
netcdf_attach(fname varchar(256))\n    external name netcdf.attach;"    
"netcdf"        1       2       true    false   false   2000
 6536   "netcdf_importvar"      "create procedure netcdf_importvar(fid integer, 
varnname varchar(256))\n    external name netcdf.importvariable;"       
"netcdf"        1       2       true    false   false   2000
-6540   "storage"       "-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of 
the Mozilla Public\n-- License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not 
distributed with this\n-- file, You can obtain one at\n--\n-- Copyright 2008-2015 MonetDB B.V.\n\n-- 
Author M.Kersten\n-- This script gives the database administrator insight in 
the actual\n-- footprint of the persistent tables and the maximum playground 
used\n-- when indices are introduced upon them.\n-- By chancing the 
storagemodelinput table directly, the footprint for\n-- yet to be loaded 
databases can be assessed.\n\n-- The actual storage footprint of an existing 
database can be\n-- obtained by the table procuding function storage()\n-- It 
represents the actual state of affairs, i.e. storage on disk\n-- of columns and 
foreign key indices, and possible temporary hash indices.\n-- For strings we 
take a sample to determine their average length.\n\ncreate function 
sys.""storage""()\nreturns table (\n\t""schema"" strin
 g,\n\t""table"" string,\n\t""column"" string,\n\t""type"" string,\n\t""mode"" 
string,\n\tlocation string,\n\t""count"" bigint,\n\ttypewidth 
int,\n\tcolumnsize bigint,\n\theapsize bigint,\n\thashes bigint,\n\tphash 
boolean,\n\timprints bigint,\n\tsorted boolean\n)\nexternal name 
sql.""storage"";"       "sql"   1       5       false   false   false   2000
+6540   "storage"       "-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of 
the Mozilla Public\n-- License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not 
distributed with this\n-- file, You can obtain one at\n--\n-- Copyright 2008-2015 MonetDB B.V.\n\n-- 
Author M.Kersten\n-- This script gives the database administrator insight in 
the actual\n-- footprint of the persistent tables and the maximum playground 
used\n-- when indices are introduced upon them.\n-- By changing the 
storagemodelinput table directly, the footprint for\n-- yet to be loaded 
databases can be assessed.\n\n-- The actual storage footprint of an existing 
database can be\n-- obtained by the table producing function storage()\n-- It 
represents the actual state of affairs, i.e. storage on disk\n-- of columns and 
foreign key indices, and possible temporary hash indices.\n-- For strings we 
take a sample to determine their average length.\n\ncreate function 
sys.""storage""()\nreturns table (\n\t""schema"" strin
 g,\n\t""table"" string,\n\t""column"" string,\n\t""type"" string,\n\t""mode"" 
string,\n\tlocation string,\n\t""count"" bigint,\n\ttypewidth 
int,\n\tcolumnsize bigint,\n\theapsize bigint,\n\thashes bigint,\n\tphash 
boolean,\n\timprints bigint,\n\tsorted boolean\n)\nexternal name 
sql.""storage"";"       "sql"   1       5       false   false   false   2000
 6584   "storagemodelinit"      "-- this table can be adjusted to reflect the 
anticipated final database size\n\n-- The model input can be derived from the 
current database using\ncreate procedure 
sys.storagemodelinit()\nbegin\n\tdelete from sys.storagemodelinput;\n\n\tinsert 
into sys.storagemodelinput\n\tselect x.""schema"", x.""table"", x.""column"", 
x.""type"", x.typewidth, x.count, 0, x.typewidth, false, x.sorted from 
sys.""storage""() x;\n\n\tupdate sys.storagemodelinput\n\tset reference = 
true\n\twhere concat(concat(""schema"",""table""), ""column"") in (\n\t\tselect 
concat( concat(""fkschema"".""name"", ""fktable"".""name""), 
""fkkeycol"".""name"" )\n\t\tfrom\t""sys"".""keys"" as    
""fkkey"",\n\t\t\t\t""sys"".""objects"" as 
""fkkeycol"",\n\t\t\t\t""sys"".""tables"" as  
""fktable"",\n\t\t\t\t""sys"".""schemas"" as ""fkschema""\n\t\twhere   
""fktable"".""id"" = ""fkkey"".""table_id""\n\t\t\tand ""fkkey"".""id"" = 
""fkkeycol"".""id""\n\t\t\tand ""fkschema"".""id"" = ""fktable"".""schem
 a_id""\n\t\t\tand ""fkkey"".""rkey"" > -1);\n\n\tupdate 
sys.storagemodelinput\n\tset ""distinct"" = ""count"" -- assume all 
distinct\n\twhere ""type"" = 'varchar' or ""type""='clob';\nend;"  "user"  2    
   2       true    false   false   2000
 6586   "columnsize"    "-- The predicted storage footprint of the complete 
database\n-- determines the amount of diskspace needed for persistent 
storage\n-- and the upperbound when all possible index structures are 
created.\n-- The storage requirement for foreign key joins is split amongst the 
participants.\n\ncreate function sys.columnsize(nme string, i bigint, d 
bigint)\nreturns bigint\nbegin\n\tcase\n\twhen nme = 'boolean' then return 
i;\n\twhen nme = 'char' then return 2*i;\n\twhen nme = 'smallint' then return 2 
* i;\n\twhen nme = 'int' then return 4 * i;\n\twhen nme = 'bigint' then return 
8 * i;\n\twhen nme = 'hugeint' then return 16 * i;\n\twhen nme = 'timestamp' 
then return 8 * i;\n\twhen  nme = 'varchar' then\n\t\tcase\n\t\twhen cast(d as 
bigint) << 8 then return i;\n\t\twhen cast(d as bigint) << 16 then return 2 * 
i;\n\t\twhen cast(d as bigint) << 32 then return 4 * i;\n\t\telse return 8 * 
i;\n\t\tend case;\n\telse return 8 * i;\n\tend case;\nend;"    "user"  2       
1       false   false   false   2
 6592   "heapsize"      "create function sys.heapsize(tpe string, i bigint, w 
int)\nreturns bigint\nbegin\n\tif  tpe <> 'varchar' and tpe <> 
'clob'\n\tthen\n\t\treturn 0;\n\tend if;\n\treturn 10240 + i * w;\nend;"   
"user"  2       1       false   false   false   2000
@@ -7439,6 +7528,33 @@ 5214     1       1       0       0
 5240   1       1       0       0
 5243   1       1       0       0
 5247   1       1       0       0
+5254   1       16      3       0
+5259   1       16      3       0
+5264   1       16      3       0
+5268   1       16      3       0
+5272   1       16      3       0
+5276   1       16      3       0
+5280   1       16      3       0
+5352   1       16      3       0
+5357   1       16      3       0
+5362   1       16      3       0
+5367   1       16      3       0
+5372   1       16      3       0
+5377   1       16      3       0
+5539   1       16      3       0
+5543   1       16      3       0
+5547   1       16      3       0
+5551   1       16      3       0
+5689   1       16      3       0
+5696   1       16      3       0
+5701   1       16      3       0
+5707   1       16      3       0
+5713   1       16      3       0
+5718   1       16      3       0
+5723   1       16      3       0
+5727   1       16      3       0
+5822   1       16      3       0
+6431   1       16      3       0
 6879   1       1       3       0
diff --git a/clients/Tests/SQL-dump.stable.out.int128 
--- a/clients/Tests/SQL-dump.stable.out.int128
+++ b/clients/Tests/SQL-dump.stable.out.int128
@@ -1257,11 +1257,11 @@ external name sql.sysmon_stop;
 -- This script gives the database administrator insight in the actual
 -- footprint of the persistent tables and the maximum playground used
 -- when indices are introduced upon them.
--- By chancing the storagemodelinput table directly, the footprint for
+-- By changing the storagemodelinput table directly, the footprint for
 -- yet to be loaded databases can be assessed.
 -- The actual storage footprint of an existing database can be
--- obtained by the table procuding function storage()
+-- obtained by the table producing function storage()
 -- It represents the actual state of affairs, i.e. storage on disk
 -- of columns and foreign key indices, and possible temporary hash indices.
 -- For strings we take a sample to determine their average length.
@@ -8109,7 +8109,7 @@ 7012      "fitsload"      "create procedure fitslo
 7015   "listdirpat"    "create procedure listdirpat(dirname string,pat string) 
external name fits.listdirpattern;"     "fits"  1       2       true    false   
false   2000
 7051   "netcdf_attach" "-- gr_name is ""GLOBAL"" or ""ROOT"" for classic 
NetCDF files\n-- used for groups in HDF5 files\n-- global attributes have 
obj_name=""""\n\n-- create function netcdfvar (fname varchar(256)) 
\n--\treturns int external name netcdf.test;\n\ncreate procedure 
netcdf_attach(fname varchar(256))\n    external name netcdf.attach;"    
"netcdf"        1       2       true    false   false   2000
 7054   "netcdf_importvar"      "create procedure netcdf_importvar(fid integer, 
varnname varchar(256))\n    external name netcdf.importvariable;"       
"netcdf"        1       2       true    false   false   2000
-7058   "storage"       "-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of 
the Mozilla Public\n-- License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not 
distributed with this\n-- file, You can obtain one at\n--\n-- Copyright 2008-2015 MonetDB B.V.\n\n-- 
Author M.Kersten\n-- This script gives the database administrator insight in 
the actual\n-- footprint of the persistent tables and the maximum playground 
used\n-- when indices are introduced upon them.\n-- By chancing the 
storagemodelinput table directly, the footprint for\n-- yet to be loaded 
databases can be assessed.\n\n-- The actual storage footprint of an existing 
database can be\n-- obtained by the table procuding function storage()\n-- It 
represents the actual state of affairs, i.e. storage on disk\n-- of columns and 
foreign key indices, and possible temporary hash indices.\n-- For strings we 
take a sample to determine their average length.\n\ncreate function 
sys.""storage""()\nreturns table (\n\t""schema"" strin
 g,\n\t""table"" string,\n\t""column"" string,\n\t""type"" string,\n\t""mode"" 
string,\n\tlocation string,\n\t""count"" bigint,\n\ttypewidth 
int,\n\tcolumnsize bigint,\n\theapsize bigint,\n\thashes bigint,\n\tphash 
boolean,\n\timprints bigint,\n\tsorted boolean\n)\nexternal name 
sql.""storage"";"       "sql"   1       5       false   false   false   2000
+7058   "storage"       "-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of 
the Mozilla Public\n-- License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not 
distributed with this\n-- file, You can obtain one at\n--\n-- Copyright 2008-2015 MonetDB B.V.\n\n-- 
Author M.Kersten\n-- This script gives the database administrator insight in 
the actual\n-- footprint of the persistent tables and the maximum playground 
used\n-- when indices are introduced upon them.\n-- By changing the 
storagemodelinput table directly, the footprint for\n-- yet to be loaded 
databases can be assessed.\n\n-- The actual storage footprint of an existing 
database can be\n-- obtained by the table producing function storage()\n-- It 
represents the actual state of affairs, i.e. storage on disk\n-- of columns and 
foreign key indices, and possible temporary hash indices.\n-- For strings we 
take a sample to determine their average length.\n\ncreate function 
sys.""storage""()\nreturns table (\n\t""schema"" strin
 g,\n\t""table"" string,\n\t""column"" string,\n\t""type"" string,\n\t""mode"" 
string,\n\tlocation string,\n\t""count"" bigint,\n\ttypewidth 
int,\n\tcolumnsize bigint,\n\theapsize bigint,\n\thashes bigint,\n\tphash 
boolean,\n\timprints bigint,\n\tsorted boolean\n)\nexternal name 
sql.""storage"";"       "sql"   1       5       false   false   false   2000
 7102   "storagemodelinit"      "-- this table can be adjusted to reflect the 
anticipated final database size\n\n-- The model input can be derived from the 
current database using\ncreate procedure 
sys.storagemodelinit()\nbegin\n\tdelete from sys.storagemodelinput;\n\n\tinsert 
into sys.storagemodelinput\n\tselect x.""schema"", x.""table"", x.""column"", 
x.""type"", x.typewidth, x.count, 0, x.typewidth, false, x.sorted from 
sys.""storage""() x;\n\n\tupdate sys.storagemodelinput\n\tset reference = 
true\n\twhere concat(concat(""schema"",""table""), ""column"") in (\n\t\tselect 
concat( concat(""fkschema"".""name"", ""fktable"".""name""), 
""fkkeycol"".""name"" )\n\t\tfrom\t""sys"".""keys"" as    
""fkkey"",\n\t\t\t\t""sys"".""objects"" as 
""fkkeycol"",\n\t\t\t\t""sys"".""tables"" as  
""fktable"",\n\t\t\t\t""sys"".""schemas"" as ""fkschema""\n\t\twhere   
""fktable"".""id"" = ""fkkey"".""table_id""\n\t\t\tand ""fkkey"".""id"" = 
""fkkeycol"".""id""\n\t\t\tand ""fkschema"".""id"" = ""fktable"".""schem
 a_id""\n\t\t\tand ""fkkey"".""rkey"" > -1);\n\n\tupdate 
sys.storagemodelinput\n\tset ""distinct"" = ""count"" -- assume all 
distinct\n\twhere ""type"" = 'varchar' or ""type""='clob';\nend;"  "user"  2    
   2       true    false   false   2000
 7104   "columnsize"    "-- The predicted storage footprint of the complete 
database\n-- determines the amount of diskspace needed for persistent 
storage\n-- and the upperbound when all possible index structures are 
created.\n-- The storage requirement for foreign key joins is split amongst the 
participants.\n\ncreate function sys.columnsize(nme string, i bigint, d 
bigint)\nreturns bigint\nbegin\n\tcase\n\twhen nme = 'boolean' then return 
i;\n\twhen nme = 'char' then return 2*i;\n\twhen nme = 'smallint' then return 2 
* i;\n\twhen nme = 'int' then return 4 * i;\n\twhen nme = 'bigint' then return 
8 * i;\n\twhen nme = 'hugeint' then return 16 * i;\n\twhen nme = 'timestamp' 
then return 8 * i;\n\twhen  nme = 'varchar' then\n\t\tcase\n\t\twhen cast(d as 
bigint) << 8 then return i;\n\t\twhen cast(d as bigint) << 16 then return 2 * 
i;\n\t\twhen cast(d as bigint) << 32 then return 4 * i;\n\t\telse return 8 * 
i;\n\t\tend case;\n\telse return 8 * i;\n\tend case;\nend;"    "user"  2       
1       false   false   false   2
 7110   "heapsize"      "create function sys.heapsize(tpe string, i bigint, w 
int)\nreturns bigint\nbegin\n\tif  tpe <> 'varchar' and tpe <> 
'clob'\n\tthen\n\t\treturn 0;\n\tend if;\n\treturn 10240 + i * w;\nend;"   
"user"  2       1       false   false   false   2000
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