Changeset: 5babd737c3a4 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: leftmart
Log Message:

Merge with default branch.

diffs (truncated from 1963 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out b/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out
--- a/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out
@@ -106,7 +106,6 @@ void BATcommit(BAT *b);
 BAT *BATconst(BAT *l, int tt, const void *val, int role);
 BAT *BATconstant(int tt, const void *val, BUN cnt, int role);
 BAT *BATconvert(BAT *b, BAT *s, int tp, int abort_on_error);
-BAT *BATcopy(BAT *b, int ht, int tt, int writeable, int role);
 BUN BATcount_no_nil(BAT *b);
 gdk_return BATdel(BAT *b, BAT *c, bit force);
 BAT *BATdelta(BAT *b);
@@ -211,6 +210,7 @@ BUN BUNdelete(BAT *b, BUN p, bit force);
 BUN BUNfnd(BAT *b, const void *right);
 gdk_return BUNinplace(BAT *b, BUN p, const void *left, const void *right, bit 
 gdk_return BUNreplace(BAT *b, const void *left, const void *right, bit force);
+BAT *COLcopy(BAT *b, int tt, int writeable, int role);
 size_t GDK_mem_maxsize;
 size_t GDK_vm_maxsize;
 int GDK_vm_trim;
diff --git a/clients/mapilib/mapi.c b/clients/mapilib/mapi.c
--- a/clients/mapilib/mapi.c
+++ b/clients/mapilib/mapi.c
@@ -1006,18 +1006,13 @@ struct MapiStatement {
                mapi_clrError((X)->mid);                                \
        } while (0)
-static Mapi mapi_new(void);
 static int mapi_extend_bindings(MapiHdl hdl, int minbindings);
 static int mapi_extend_params(MapiHdl hdl, int minparams);
-static MapiMsg mapi_setError(Mapi mid, const char *msg, const char *action, 
MapiMsg error);
 static void close_connection(Mapi mid);
 static MapiMsg read_into_cache(MapiHdl hdl, int lookahead);
 static int unquote(const char *msg, char **start, const char **next, int 
endchar, size_t *lenp);
 static int mapi_slice_row(struct MapiResultSet *result, int cr);
 static void mapi_store_bind(struct MapiResultSet *result, int cr);
-static void parse_uri_query(Mapi mid, char *uri);
-static void set_uri(Mapi mid);
-static MapiMsg connect_to_server(Mapi mid);
 static int mapi_initialized = 0;
@@ -1872,9 +1867,9 @@ mapi_new(void)
        mid->index = index++;   /* for distinctions in log records */
        mid->auto_commit = 1;
        mid->error = MOK;
-       mid->hostname = strdup("localhost");
+       mid->hostname = NULL;
        mid->server = NULL;
-       mid->language = strdup("sql");
+       mid->language = NULL;
        mid->languageId = LANG_SQL;
        mid->noexplain = NULL;
@@ -1901,380 +1896,9 @@ mapi_new(void)
        mid->first = NULL;
-       if (mid->hostname == NULL || mid->language == NULL) {
-               /* strdup failed, give up */
-               mapi_destroy(mid);
-               return NULL;
-       }
        return mid;
-mapi_mapiuri(const char *url, const char *user, const char *pass, const char 
-       char *uri;
-       char *host;
-       int port;
-       char *dbname;
-       char *p;
-       Mapi mid;
-       if (!mapi_initialized) {
-               mapi_initialized = 1;
-               if (mnstr_init() < 0)
-                       return NULL;
-       }
-       mid = mapi_new();
-       if (mid == NULL)
-               return NULL;
-       if (url == NULL) {
-               mapi_setError(mid, "url is null", "mapi_mapiuri", MERROR);
-               return mid;
-       }
-       if (user == NULL) {
-               mapi_setError(mid, "user is null", "mapi_mapiuri", MERROR);
-               return mid;
-       }
-       if (pass == NULL) {
-               mapi_setError(mid, "pass is null", "mapi_mapiuri", MERROR);
-               return mid;
-       }
-       if (lang == NULL) {
-               mapi_setError(mid, "lang is null", "mapi_mapiuri", MERROR);
-               return mid;
-       }
-       if (strncmp(url, "mapi:monetdb://", sizeof("mapi:monetdb://") - 1) != 
0) {
-               mapi_setError(mid,
-                             "url has unsupported scheme, "
-                             "expecting mapi:monetdb://...",
-                             "mapi_mapiuri", MERROR);
-               return mid;
-       }
-       /* copy to a writable working buffer */
-       uri = strdup(url + sizeof("mapi:monetdb://") - 1);
-       if (uri[0] != '/') {
-               if ((p = strchr(uri, ':')) == NULL) {
-                       mapi_setError(mid, "URI must contain a port number 
after "
-                                       "the hostname", "mapi_mapiuri", MERROR);
-                       free(uri);
-                       return mid;
-               }
-               *p++ = '\0';
-               dbname = p;             /* temp misuse */
-               host = uri;
-               if ((p = strchr(dbname, '/')) == NULL) {
-                       p = dbname;
-                       dbname = NULL;
-               } else {
-                       *p++ = '\0';
-                       if (*p == '\0') {
-                               p = dbname;
-                               dbname = NULL;
-                       } else {
-                               char *t = dbname;
-                               dbname = p;
-                               p = t;
-                       }
-               }
-               port = atoi(p);
-               if (port <= 0) {
-                       mapi_setError(mid, "URI contains invalid port",
-                                       "mapi_mapiuri", MERROR);
-                       free(uri);
-                       return mid;
-               }
-       } else {
-               host = uri;
-               port = 0;
-               dbname = NULL;
-       }
-       mid->port = port;
-       if (mid->username != NULL)
-               free(mid->username);
-       mid->username = strdup(user);
-       if (mid->password)
-               free(mid->password);
-       mid->password = strdup(pass);
-       free(mid->language);
-       mid->language = strdup(lang);
-       if (strcmp(lang, "mal") == 0 || strcmp(lang, "msql") == 0)
-               mid->languageId = LANG_MAL;
-       else if (strstr(lang, "sql") == lang)
-               mid->languageId = LANG_SQL;
-       else if (strstr(lang, "profiler") == lang)
-               mid->languageId = LANG_PROFILER;
-       if (mid->database)
-               free(mid->database);
-       mid->database = NULL;
-       /* this is in particular important for unix sockets */
-       parse_uri_query(mid, uri);
-       /* doing this here, because parse_uri_query will terminate the
-        * string if a ? is in place */
-       if (mid->hostname)
-               free(mid->hostname);
-       mid->hostname = strdup(host);
-       if (mid->database == NULL && dbname != NULL)
-               mid->database = strdup(dbname);
-       set_uri(mid);
-       free(uri);
-       return mid;
-/* Allocate a new connection handle and fill in the information needed
-   to connect to a server, but don't connect yet. */
-mapi_mapi(const char *host, int port, const char *username,
-         const char *password, const char *lang, const char *dbname)
-       Mapi mid;
-#ifdef HAVE_SYS_UN_H
-       char buf[1024];
-       if (!mapi_initialized) {
-               mapi_initialized = 1;
-               if (mnstr_init() < 0)
-                       return NULL;
-       }
-       mid = mapi_new();
-       if (mid == NULL)
-               return NULL;
-       /* connection searching strategy:
-        * 0) if host and port are given, resort to those
-        * 1) if no dbname given, make TCP connection (merovingian will
-        *    complain regardless, so it is more likely an mserver is
-        *    meant to be directly addressed)
-        *    a) resort to default (hardwired) port 50000, unless port given, 
-        *    b) resort to port given
-        * 2) a dbname is given
-        *    a) if a port is given, open unix socket for that port, resort
-        *       to TCP connection if not found
-        *    b) no port given, start looking for a matching merovingian, by
-        *       searching through socket files, attempting connect to given
-        *       dbname
-        *       I) try available sockets that have a matching owner with
-        *          the current user
-        *       II) try other sockets
-        *       III) resort to TCP connection on hardwired port
-        *            (localhost:50000)
-        */
-       if (host != NULL && port != 0) {
-               /* case 0), just do what the user told us */
-#ifdef HAVE_SYS_UN_H
-               if (*host == '/') {
-                       /* don't stat or anything, the connect_to_server will 
-                        * the error if it doesn't exists, falling back to TCP 
-                        * a hostname like '/var/sockets' won't work anyway */
-                       snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/.s.monetdb.%d", host, 
-                       host = buf;
-               }
-       } else if (dbname == NULL) {
-               /* case 1) */
-               if (port == 0)
-                       port = 50000;   /* case 1a), hardwired default */
-               if (host == NULL)
-                       host = "localhost";
-       } else {
-               /* case 2), dbname is given */
-               if (port != 0) {
-                       /* case 2a), if unix socket found, use it, otherwise 
TCP */
-#ifdef HAVE_SYS_UN_H
-                       struct stat st;
-                       snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "/tmp/.s.monetdb.%d", port);
-                       if (stat(buf, &st) != -1 && S_ISSOCK(st.st_mode))
-                               host = buf;
-                       else
-                               host = "localhost";
-               } else if (host != NULL) {
-#ifdef HAVE_SYS_UN_H
-                       if (*host == '/') {
-                               /* see comment above for why we don't stat */
-                               snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), 
"%s/.s.monetdb.50000", host);
-                               host = buf;
-                       }
-                       port = 50000;
-               } else {
-                       /* case 2b), no host, no port, but a dbname, search for 
meros */
-#ifdef HAVE_SYS_UN_H
-                       DIR *d;
-                       struct dirent *e;
-                       struct stat st;
-                       char found = 0;
-                       struct {
-                               int port;
-                               uid_t owner;
-                       } socks[24];
-                       int i = 0;
-                       int len;
-                       uid_t me = getuid();
-                       d = opendir("/tmp");
-                       if (d != NULL) {
-                               while ((e = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
-                                       if (strncmp(e->d_name, ".s.monetdb.", 
11) != 0)
-                                               continue;
-                                       if (snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), 
"/tmp/%s", e->d_name) >= (int) sizeof(buf))
-                                               continue; /* ignore long name */
-                                       if (stat(buf, &st) != -1 && 
S_ISSOCK(st.st_mode)) {
-                                               socks[i].owner = st.st_uid;
-                                               socks[i++].port = 
atoi(e->d_name + 11);
-                                       }
-                                       if (i == sizeof(socks) / 
-                                               break;
-                               }
-                               closedir(d);
-                               len = i;
-                               /* case 2bI) first those with a matching owner 
-                               for (i = 0; found == 0 && i < len; i++) {
-                                       if (socks[i].port != 0 &&
-                                           socks[i].owner == me) {
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