Changeset: 9573b019aeb6 for MonetDB
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Branch: default
Log Message:

Push maximum value for overflow check up the call chain.

diffs (truncated from 6343 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/gdk/gdk_aggr.c b/gdk/gdk_aggr.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_aggr.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_aggr.c
@@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ BATgroupaggrinit(BAT *b, BAT *g, BAT *e,
                                        ADD_WITH_CHECK(TYPE1, x,        \
                                                       TYPE2, sum,      \
                                                       TYPE2, sum,      \
+                                                      GDK_##TYPE2##_max, \
                                                       goto overflow);  \
                                }                                       \
                        } else {                                        \
@@ -177,6 +178,7 @@ BATgroupaggrinit(BAT *b, BAT *g, BAT *e,
                                                ADD_WITH_CHECK(TYPE1, x, \
                                                               TYPE2, sum, \
                                                               TYPE2, sum, \
GDK_##TYPE2##_max, \
                                                               goto overflow); \
                                                seenval = 1;            \
                                        }                               \
@@ -209,6 +211,7 @@ BATgroupaggrinit(BAT *b, BAT *g, BAT *e,
                                        ADD_WITH_CHECK(TYPE1, x,        \
                                                       TYPE2, sum,      \
                                                       TYPE2, sum,      \
+                                                      GDK_##TYPE2##_max, \
                                                       goto overflow);  \
                                        seenval = 1;                    \
                                }                                       \
@@ -246,6 +249,7 @@ BATgroupaggrinit(BAT *b, BAT *g, BAT *e,
                                                                sums[gid], \
                                                                TYPE2,  \
                                                                sums[gid], \
GDK_##TYPE2##_max, \
                                                                goto overflow); 
                                                }                       \
                                        }                               \
@@ -285,6 +289,7 @@ BATgroupaggrinit(BAT *b, BAT *g, BAT *e,
                                                                sums[gid], \
                                                                TYPE2,  \
                                                                sums[gid], \
GDK_##TYPE2##_max, \
                                                                goto overflow); 
                                                }                       \
                                        }                               \
@@ -710,6 +715,7 @@ BATsum(void *res, int tp, BAT *b, BAT *s
                                                        TYPE1, vals[i], \
                                                        TYPE2, prods[gid], \
                                                        TYPE2, prods[gid], \
+                                                       GDK_##TYPE2##_max, \
                                                        TYPE3,          \
                                                        goto overflow); \
                                        }                               \
@@ -758,6 +764,7 @@ BATsum(void *res, int tp, BAT *b, BAT *s
                                        HGEMUL_CHECK(TYPE, vals[i],     \
                                                     hge, prods[gid],   \
                                                     prods[gid],        \
+                                                    GDK_hge_max,       \
                                                     goto overflow);    \
                                }                                       \
                        }                                               \
@@ -805,6 +812,7 @@ BATsum(void *res, int tp, BAT *b, BAT *s
                                                        TYPE, vals[i],  \
                                                        lng, prods[gid], \
                                                        prods[gid],     \
+                                                       GDK_lng_max,    \
                                                        goto overflow); \
                                        }                               \
                                }                                       \
@@ -1618,6 +1626,7 @@ BATgroupavg(BAT **bnp, BAT **cntsp, BAT 
                        ADD_WITH_CHECK(TYPE, x,                         \
                                       lng_hge, sum,                    \
                                       lng_hge, sum,                    \
+                                      GDK_hge_max,                     \
                                       goto overflow##TYPE);            \
                        /* don't count value until after overflow check */ \
                        n++;                                            \
diff --git a/gdk/gdk_calc.c b/gdk/gdk_calc.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_calc.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_calc.c
@@ -1312,7 +1312,8 @@ BATcalcmax_no_nil(BAT *b1, BAT *b2, BAT 
 static BUN                                                             \
 add_##TYPE1##_##TYPE2##_##TYPE3(const TYPE1 *lft, int incr1,           \
                                const TYPE2 *rgt, int incr2,            \
-                               TYPE3 *restrict dst, BUN cnt, BUN start, \
+                               TYPE3 *restrict dst, TYPE3 max,         \
+                               BUN cnt, BUN start,                     \
                                BUN end, const oid *restrict cand,      \
                                const oid *candend, oid candoff,        \
                                int abort_on_error)                     \
@@ -1331,6 +1332,7 @@ add_##TYPE1##_##TYPE2##_##TYPE3(const TY
                        ADD_WITH_CHECK(TYPE1, lft[i],                   \
                                       TYPE2, rgt[j],                   \
                                       TYPE3, dst[k],                   \
+                                      max,                             \
                                       ON_OVERFLOW(TYPE1, TYPE2, "+")); \
                }                                                       \
        }                                                               \
@@ -1342,22 +1344,41 @@ add_##TYPE1##_##TYPE2##_##TYPE3(const TY
 static BUN                                                             \
 add_##TYPE1##_##TYPE2##_##TYPE3(const TYPE1 *lft, int incr1,           \
                                const TYPE2 *rgt, int incr2,            \
-                               TYPE3 *restrict dst, BUN cnt, BUN start, \
+                               TYPE3 *restrict dst, TYPE3 max,         \
+                               BUN cnt, BUN start,                     \
                                BUN end, const oid *restrict cand,      \
-                               const oid *candend, oid candoff)        \
+                               const oid *candend, oid candoff,        \
+                               int abort_on_error)                     \
 {                                                                      \
        BUN i, j, k;                                                    \
        BUN nils = 0;                                                   \
        CANDLOOP(dst, k, TYPE3##_nil, 0, start);                        \
-       for (i = start * incr1, j = start * incr2, k = start;           \
-            k < end; i += incr1, j += incr2, k++) {                    \
-               CHECKCAND(dst, k, candoff, TYPE3##_nil);                \
-               if (lft[i] == TYPE1##_nil || rgt[j] == TYPE2##_nil) {   \
-                       dst[k] = TYPE3##_nil;                           \
-                       nils++;                                         \
-               } else {                                                \
-                       dst[k] = (TYPE3) lft[i] + rgt[j];               \
+       if (max < (TYPE3) GDK_##TYPE1##_max + (TYPE3) GDK_##TYPE2##_max) { \
+               for (i = start * incr1, j = start * incr2, k = start;   \
+                    k < end; i += incr1, j += incr2, k++) {            \
+                       CHECKCAND(dst, k, candoff, TYPE3##_nil);        \
+                       if (lft[i] == TYPE1##_nil || rgt[j] == TYPE2##_nil) { \
+                               dst[k] = TYPE3##_nil;                   \
+                               nils++;                                 \
+                       } else {                                        \
+                               ADD_WITH_CHECK(TYPE1, lft[i],           \
+                                              TYPE2, rgt[j],           \
+                                              TYPE3, dst[k],           \
+                                              max,                     \
+                                              ON_OVERFLOW(TYPE1, TYPE2, "+")); 
+                       }                                               \
+               }                                                       \
+       } else {                                                        \
+               for (i = start * incr1, j = start * incr2, k = start;   \
+                    k < end; i += incr1, j += incr2, k++) {            \
+                       CHECKCAND(dst, k, candoff, TYPE3##_nil);        \
+                       if (lft[i] == TYPE1##_nil || rgt[j] == TYPE2##_nil) { \
+                               dst[k] = TYPE3##_nil;                   \
+                               nils++;                                 \
+                       } else {                                        \
+                               dst[k] = (TYPE3) lft[i] + rgt[j];       \
+                       }                                               \
                }                                                       \
        }                                                               \
        CANDLOOP(dst, k, TYPE3##_nil, end, cnt);                        \
@@ -1621,42 +1642,55 @@ add_typeswitchloop(const void *lft, int 
                        switch (tp) {
                        case TYPE_bte:
                                nils = add_bte_bte_bte(lft, incr1, rgt, incr2,
-                                                      dst, cnt, start, end,
+                                                      dst, GDK_bte_max, cnt,
+                                                      start, end,
                                                       cand, candend, candoff,
                        case TYPE_sht:
                                nils = add_bte_bte_sht(lft, incr1, rgt, incr2,
-                                                      dst, cnt, start, end,
-                                                      cand, candend, candoff);
+                                                      dst, GDK_sht_max, cnt,
+                                                      start, end,
+                                                      cand, candend, candoff,
+                                                      abort_on_error);
                        case TYPE_int:
                                nils = add_bte_bte_int(lft, incr1, rgt, incr2,
-                                                      dst, cnt, start, end,
-                                                      cand, candend, candoff);
+                                                      dst, GDK_int_max, cnt,
+                                                      start, end,
+                                                      cand, candend, candoff,
+                                                      abort_on_error);
                        case TYPE_lng:
                                nils = add_bte_bte_lng(lft, incr1, rgt, incr2,
-                                                      dst, cnt, start, end,
-                                                      cand, candend, candoff);
+                                                      dst, GDK_lng_max, cnt,
+                                                      start, end,
+                                                      cand, candend, candoff,
+                                                      abort_on_error);
 #ifdef HAVE_HGE
                        case TYPE_hge:
                                nils = add_bte_bte_hge(lft, incr1, rgt, incr2,
-                                                      dst, cnt, start, end,
-                                                      cand, candend, candoff);
+                                                      dst, GDK_hge_max, cnt,
+                                                      start, end,
+                                                      cand, candend, candoff,
+                                                      abort_on_error);
                        case TYPE_flt:
                                nils = add_bte_bte_flt(lft, incr1, rgt, incr2,
-                                                      dst, cnt, start, end,
-                                                      cand, candend, candoff);
+                                                      dst, GDK_flt_max, cnt,
+                                                      start, end,
+                                                      cand, candend, candoff,
+                                                      abort_on_error);
                        case TYPE_dbl:
                                nils = add_bte_bte_dbl(lft, incr1, rgt, incr2,
-                                                      dst, cnt, start, end,
-                                                      cand, candend, candoff);
+                                                      dst, GDK_dbl_max, cnt,
+                                                      start, end,
+                                                      cand, candend, candoff,
+                                                      abort_on_error);
@@ -1667,37 +1701,48 @@ add_typeswitchloop(const void *lft, int 
                        switch (tp) {
                        case TYPE_sht:
                                nils = add_bte_sht_sht(lft, incr1, rgt, incr2,
-                                                      dst, cnt, start, end,
+                                                      dst, GDK_sht_max, cnt,
+                                                      start, end,
                                                       cand, candend, candoff,
                        case TYPE_int:
                                nils = add_bte_sht_int(lft, incr1, rgt, incr2,
-                                                      dst, cnt, start, end,
-                                                      cand, candend, candoff);
+                                                      dst, GDK_int_max, cnt,
+                                                      start, end,
+                                                      cand, candend, candoff,
+                                                      abort_on_error);
                        case TYPE_lng:
                                nils = add_bte_sht_lng(lft, incr1, rgt, incr2,
-                                                      dst, cnt, start, end,
-                                                      cand, candend, candoff);
+                                                      dst, GDK_lng_max, cnt,
+                                                      start, end,
+                                                      cand, candend, candoff,
+                                                      abort_on_error);
 #ifdef HAVE_HGE
                        case TYPE_hge:
                                nils = add_bte_sht_hge(lft, incr1, rgt, incr2,
-                                                      dst, cnt, start, end,
-                                                      cand, candend, candoff);
+                                                      dst, GDK_hge_max, cnt,
+                                                      start, end,
+                                                      cand, candend, candoff,
+                                                      abort_on_error);
                        case TYPE_flt:
                                nils = add_bte_sht_flt(lft, incr1, rgt, incr2,
-                                                      dst, cnt, start, end,
-                                                      cand, candend, candoff);
+                                                      dst, GDK_flt_max, cnt,
+                                                      start, end,
+                                                      cand, candend, candoff,
+                                                      abort_on_error);
                        case TYPE_dbl:
                                nils = add_bte_sht_dbl(lft, incr1, rgt, incr2,
-                                                      dst, cnt, start, end,
-                                                      cand, candend, candoff);
+                                                      dst, GDK_dbl_max, cnt,
+                                                      start, end,
+                                                      cand, candend, candoff,
+                                                      abort_on_error);
@@ -1708,32 +1753,41 @@ add_typeswitchloop(const void *lft, int 
                        switch (tp) {
                        case TYPE_int:
                                nils = add_bte_int_int(lft, incr1, rgt, incr2,
-                                                      dst, cnt, start, end,
+                                                      dst, GDK_int_max, cnt,
+                                                      start, end,
                                                       cand, candend, candoff,
                        case TYPE_lng:
                                nils = add_bte_int_lng(lft, incr1, rgt, incr2,
-                                                      dst, cnt, start, end,
-                                                      cand, candend, candoff);
+                                                      dst, GDK_lng_max, cnt,
+                                                      start, end,
+                                                      cand, candend, candoff,
+                                                      abort_on_error);
 #ifdef HAVE_HGE
                        case TYPE_hge:
                                nils = add_bte_int_hge(lft, incr1, rgt, incr2,
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