Changeset: 2589429c024b for MonetDB
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Add OPT for handling exception with possible matching table candidates

diffs (300 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.c b/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.c
--- a/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.c
+++ b/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.c
@@ -9994,6 +9994,15 @@ void getTblIdxFromS(oid Soid, int *tbidx
        //return freqCSid; 
+int getTblId_from_S_simple(oid Soid){
+       int tbidx = (int) ((Soid >> (sizeof(BUN)*8 - NBITS_FOR_CSID))  &  ((1 
<< (NBITS_FOR_CSID-1)) - 1)) ;
+       tbidx = tbidx - 1; 
+       return tbidx; 
 /* This function should be the same as getTblIdxFromS */
 void getTblIdxFromO(oid Ooid, int *tbidx){
diff --git a/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.h b/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.h
--- a/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.h
+++ b/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.h
@@ -571,4 +571,8 @@ void addaProp(PropStat* propStat, oid pr
 void getTblIdxFromS(oid Soid, int *tbidx, oid *baseSoid);
+int getTblId_from_S_simple(oid Soid); 
 #endif /* _RDFSCHEMA_H_ */
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_rdf.c b/sql/backends/monet5/sql_rdf.c
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_rdf.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/sql_rdf.c
@@ -1513,23 +1513,115 @@ bat2return(MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci, 
+void setBasicProps(BAT *b){
+       b->hdense = 1;
+       b->hseqbase = 0; 
+       b->hsorted = 1; 
+ * Input: 
+ *     sbat: BAT of subjects
+ *     obat: BAT of objects
+ *     tblCand: Set of possible matching table Ids
+ *     nt: number of possible matching table
+ * Output: 
+ *             
+ * */
+static void refine_BAT_with_possible_tblId(BAT *sbat, BAT *obat, BAT 
**retsbat, BAT **retobat, int *tblCand, int nt){
+       oid *sbatpt = (oid *) Tloc(sbat, BUNfirst(sbat));                       
+       oid *obatpt = (oid *) Tloc(obat, BUNfirst(obat)); 
+       int cnt = BATcount(sbat); 
+       int i = 0; 
+       int curId = -1;         //Cur possible tblId
+       int curpos = -1;        //Cur possition in the tblCand
+       BAT *r_sbat = NULL; 
+       BAT *r_obat = NULL; 
+       r_sbat = BATnew(TYPE_void, TYPE_oid, cnt, TRANSIENT); 
+       setBasicProps(r_sbat); 
+       r_sbat->tsorted = 1; 
+       r_obat = BATnew(TYPE_void, TYPE_oid, cnt, TRANSIENT);
+       for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++){
+               //Check one by one from sbat and obat and then write to the 
output BAT
+               oid tmps = sbatpt[i]; 
+               oid tmpo = obatpt[i]; 
+               int tmptbid = -1; 
+               tmptbid = getTblId_from_S_simple(tmps); 
+               while (tmptbid > curId){
+                       curpos++; 
+                       if (curpos >= nt) break; 
+                       curId = tblCand[curpos];
+               }
+               if (curpos >= nt) break; 
+               if (tmptbid == curId){  
+                       //This row is possible candidate. Write tmps, tmpo to 
the ret BATs      
+                       if (BUNfastins(r_sbat, ATOMnilptr(TYPE_void), &tmps)== 
+                               fprintf(stderr, "Cannot insert into r_sbat in 
refine_BAT_with_possible_tblId \n");
+                       }
+                       if (BUNfastins(r_obat, ATOMnilptr(TYPE_void), &tmpo)== 
+                               fprintf(stderr, "Cannot insert into r_obat in 
refine_BAT_with_possible_tblId \n");
+                       }
+               } else {
+                       continue; 
+               }
+       }
+       *retsbat = r_sbat; 
+       *retobat = r_obat; 
-void get_full_outerjoin_p_slices(oid *lstprops, int np, oid *los, oid *his, 
BAT *full_obat, BAT *full_sbat, BAT **r_sbat, BAT ***r_obats){
+void get_full_outerjoin_p_slices(oid *lstprops, int nrp, int np, oid *los, oid 
*his, BAT *full_obat, BAT *full_sbat, BAT **r_sbat, BAT ***r_obats){
        BAT **obats, **sbats; 
        int i; 
        clock_t start, end;
+       int num_match_tbl = 0; 
+       int *regtblIds = NULL; 
+       #endif
+       (void) nrp; 
        obats = (BAT**)malloc(sizeof(BAT*) * np);
        sbats = (BAT**)malloc(sizeof(BAT*) * np);
        (*r_obats) = (BAT**)malloc(sizeof(BAT*) * np);
+       get_possible_matching_tbl_from_RPs(&regtblIds, &num_match_tbl, 
lstprops, nrp, BUN_NONE);
+       printf("Exception handling: Possible matching regular table [ ");
+       for (i = 0; i < num_match_tbl; i++){
+               printf(" %d ", regtblIds[i]); 
+       }
+       printf(" ]\n"); 
+       #endif
        for (i = 0; i < np; i++){
+               BAT *tmpobat = NULL; 
+               BAT *tmpsbat = NULL; 
                start = clock(); 
                printf("Slides of P = "BUNFMT " with o constraints from 
"BUNFMT" to " BUNFMT"\n", lstprops[i], los[i], his[i]);
-               getSlides_per_P(pso_propstat, &(lstprops[i]), los[i], his[i], 
full_obat, full_sbat, &(obats[i]), &(sbats[i])); 
+               getSlides_per_P(pso_propstat, &(lstprops[i]), los[i], his[i], 
full_obat, full_sbat, &tmpobat, &tmpsbat); 
                end = clock(); 
+               printf(" [Took %f seconds)\n",((float)(end - 
+               refine_BAT_with_possible_tblId(tmpsbat, tmpobat, &(sbats[i]), 
&(obats[i]), regtblIds, num_match_tbl);
+               #else
+               sbats[i] = tmpsbat; 
+               obats[i] = tmpobat;
+               #endif
                if (sbats[i]){
                        printf("   contains "BUNFMT " rows in sbat\n", 
@@ -1543,9 +1635,8 @@ void get_full_outerjoin_p_slices(oid *ls
-               printf(" [Took %f seconds)\n",((float)(end - 
        start = clock(); 
        RDFmultiway_merge_outerjoins(np, sbats, obats, r_sbat, (*r_obats));
        end = clock(); 
@@ -1631,12 +1722,7 @@ void fetch_result(BAT **r_obats, oid **o
-void setBasicProps(BAT *b){
-       b->hdense = 1;
-       b->hseqbase = 0; 
-       b->hsorted = 1; 
  * Combine exceptioins and regular tables
  * */
@@ -1719,8 +1805,10 @@ void combine_exception_and_regular_table
                                        regular_obat_cursors[j] = NULL; 
                                        regular_obat_mv_cursors[j] = NULL; 
-                                       if (j < nRP) lst_missing_props[num_mp] 
= j; 
-                                       num_mp++; 
+                                       if (j < nRP){ 
+                                               lst_missing_props[num_mp] = j; 
+                                               num_mp++; 
+                                       }
@@ -1896,7 +1984,7 @@ SQLrdfScan(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, M
                pso_fullSbat = mvc_bind(m, schema, "pso", "s",0);
                pso_fullObat = mvc_bind(m, schema, "pso", "o",0);
-               get_full_outerjoin_p_slices(lstProps, *nP, los, his, 
pso_fullObat, pso_fullSbat, &r_sbat, &r_obats);
+               get_full_outerjoin_p_slices(lstProps, *nRP, *nP, los, his, 
pso_fullObat, pso_fullSbat, &r_sbat, &r_obats);
                eT1 = clock(); 
                printf("Step 1 in Handling exception took  %f seconds.\n", 
((float)(eT1 - sT1))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_rdf.h b/sql/backends/monet5/sql_rdf.h
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_rdf.h
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/sql_rdf.h
@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ sql5_export str SQLrdfScan(Client cntxt,
 sql5_export void getSlides_per_P(PsoPropStat *pso_pstat, oid *p, oid low, oid 
hi, BAT *obat, BAT *sbat, BAT **ret_oBat, BAT **ret_sBat); 
+sql5_export void get_possible_matching_tbl_from_RPs(int **rettbId, int 
*num_match_tbl, oid *lstRP, int num, oid subj); 
 extern SimpleCSset *global_csset; 
 extern PropStat *global_p_propstat;
 extern PropStat *global_c_propstat;
@@ -74,4 +76,6 @@ extern PsoPropStat *pso_propstat;
+#define RDF_HANDLING_EXCEPTION_POSSIBLE_TBL_OPT        1 /* Use the set of 
possible table for the set of required props to limit the number of matching 
subj Id */
 #endif /*_SQL_RDF_H */
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_rdf_jgraph.c 
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_rdf_jgraph.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/sql_rdf_jgraph.c
@@ -1800,7 +1800,10 @@ void tranforms_mvprop_exps(mvc *c, sql_r
- * 
+ * Output: 
+ * num_match_tbl: Number of table having columns of these input props
+ * rettbId: List of matching tables 
+ *
  * */
 void get_matching_tbl_from_spprops(int **rettbId, spProps *spprops, int 
@@ -1887,6 +1890,66 @@ void get_matching_tbl_from_spprops(int *
+ * lstRP: list of required props
+ * num: Num of RP
+ * subj: Subject oid
+ * num_possible_tbl: Number of tables that, by combining with exceptions, can 
contain these set of RP props 
+ * ret_pos_tbId: List of possible tables
+ */
+void get_possible_matching_tbl_from_RPs(int **rettbId, int *num_match_tbl, oid 
*lstRP, int num, oid subj){
+       int i; 
+       int **tmptblId;         //lists of tables corresonding to each prop
+       int *count;             //number of tables per prop     
+       int *tblId;             //list of matching tblId
+       int numtbl = 0;         
+       if (subj != BUN_NONE){
+               int tblIdx;
+               oid baseSoid; 
+               getTblIdxFromS(subj, &tblIdx, &baseSoid);
+               numtbl = 1;
+               tblId = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
+               tblId[0] = tblIdx;
+               printf("Possible table Id found based on known subj is: %d\n", 
+       }
+       else{
+               tmptblId = (int **) malloc(sizeof(int *) * num); 
+               count = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * num); 
+               printf("Possible table Id for set of props [");
+               for (i = 0; i < num; i++){
+                       Postinglist *pl = get_p_postingList(global_p_propstat, 
+                       if (pl != NULL){
+                               tmptblId[i] = pl->lstIdx;
+                               count[i] = pl->numAdded; 
+                               printf("  " BUNFMT, lstRP[i]);
+                       } else {
+                               printf(" NO TABLE"); 
+                               break; 
+                       }
+               }
+               if (i == num)   //All props have matching tabe
+                       intersect_intsets(tmptblId, count, num, &tblId,  
+               printf(" ] --> ");
+               free(count); 
+       }
+       *rettbId = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * numtbl); 
+       for (i = 0; i < numtbl; i++){
+               (*rettbId)[i] = tblId[i];
+       }
+       *num_match_tbl = numtbl; 
 mvPropRel* init_mvPropRelSet(int n){
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