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diff --git a/sql/test/SQLite_regress/sqllogictest/Tests/select1.test.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/SQLite_regress/sqllogictest/Tests/select1.test.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/SQLite_regress/sqllogictest/Tests/select1.test.stable.out
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ Ready.
 % sys.L1,      sys.L2 # table_name
 % L1,  L2 # name
-% hugeint,     hugeint # type
+% bigint,      bigint # type
 % 4,   3 # length
 [ 1529,        102     ]
 [ 1612,        107     ]
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ Ready.
 % sys.L1,      sys.L2, sys.L3, sys.L4, sys.L5 # table_name
 % L1,  L2,     L3,     L4,     L5 # name
-% hugeint,     smallint,       bigint, hugeint,        hugeint # type
+% bigint,      smallint,       bigint, bigint, bigint # type
 % 4,   3,      1,      3,      4 # length
 [ 1680,        222,    1,      112,    674     ]
 [ 1826,        222,    1,      122,    738     ]
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ Ready.
 % sys.t1,      sys.L1, sys.L2, sys.L3, sys.t1 # table_name
 % c,   L1,     L2,     L3,     e # name
-% int, bigint, smallint,       hugeint,        int # type
+% int, bigint, smallint,       bigint, int # type
 % 3,   2,      3,      4,      3 # length
 [ 102, -2,     555,    1014,   103     ]
 [ 106, -1,     333,    1067,   109     ]
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ Ready.
 % sys.L1,      sys.L2, sys.L3, sys.t1, sys.L4, sys.t1 # table_name
 % L1,  L2,     L3,     e,      L4,     d # name
-% hugeint,     hugeint,        int,    int,    smallint,       int # type
+% bigint,      bigint, int,    int,    smallint,       int # type
 % 4,   3,      3,      3,      3,      3 # length
 [ 1226,        122,    121,    120,    333,    122     ]
 [ 1371,        137,    138,    135,    111,    136     ]
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ Ready.
 % .L1, .L2,    .L4,    .t1 # table_name
 % L1,  L2,     L4,     c # name
-% hugeint,     smallint,       wrd,    int # type
+% bigint,      smallint,       wrd,    int # type
 % 4,   3,      1,      3 # length
 [ 1067,        333,    0,      106     ]
 [ 1172,        333,    0,      119     ]
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ Ready.
 % .L1, .L2,    .L3,    .L4,    .t1,    .L6,    .L7 # table_name
 % L1,  L2,     L3,     L4,     c,      L6,     L7 # name
-% smallint,    smallint,       hugeint,        hugeint,        int,    bigint, 
bigint # type
+% smallint,    smallint,       bigint, bigint, int,    bigint, bigint # type
 % 3,   3,      4,      4,      3,      4,      1 # length
 [ 555, 444,    1014,   610,    102,    1000,   2       ]
 [ 333, 333,    1067,   635,    106,    1050,   1       ]
@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ Ready.
 % .L2, .L3,    .L4,    .L6,    .t1,    .L7 # table_name
 % L2,  L3,     L4,     L6,     c,      L7 # name
-% bigint,      smallint,       hugeint,        wrd,    int,    bigint # type
+% bigint,      smallint,       bigint, wrd,    int,    bigint # type
 % 4,   3,      4,      1,      3,      2 # length
 [ 1000,        444,    610,    0,      102,    -2      ]
 [ 1050,        333,    635,    0,      106,    -1      ]
@@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ Ready.
 % .L1, .t1,    .L2,    .L3,    .L5 # table_name
 % L1,  d,      L2,     L3,     L5 # name
-% wrd, int,    hugeint,        bigint, wrd # type
+% wrd, int,    bigint, bigint, wrd # type
 % 1,   3,      4,      2,      2 # length
 [ 0,   101,    1014,   4,      0       ]
 [ 0,   108,    1067,   2,      1       ]
@@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ Ready.
 % sys.L2,      sys.L3, sys.L4, sys.t1, sys.L5, sys.L6 # table_name
 % L2,  L3,     L4,     c,      L5,     L6 # name
-% bigint,      bigint, bigint, int,    smallint,       hugeint # type
+% bigint,      bigint, bigint, int,    smallint,       bigint # type
 % 4,   2,      1,      3,      3,      4 # length
 [ 1000,        4,      2,      102,    444,    1014    ]
 [ 1050,        2,      1,      106,    333,    1067    ]
@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ Ready.
 % sys.L1,      sys.t1, sys.L2, sys.L3, sys.t1, sys.L4, sys.L5 # table_name
 % L1,  a,      L2,     L3,     e,      L4,     L5 # name
-% hugeint,     int,    hugeint,        hugeint,        int,    bigint, 
smallint # type
+% bigint,      int,    bigint, bigint, int,    bigint, smallint # type
 % 3,   3,      4,      3,      3,      2,      3 # length
 [ 304, 104,    1529,   102,    103,    1,      444     ]
 [ 317, 107,    1612,   107,    109,    -2,     333     ]
@@ -742,7 +742,7 @@ Ready.
 % sys.L2,      sys.L3, sys.L4, sys.L5, sys.L6, sys.L7 # table_name
 % L2,  L3,     L4,     L5,     L6,     L7 # name
-% bigint,      hugeint,        bigint, bigint, smallint,       bigint # type
+% bigint,      bigint, bigint, bigint, smallint,       bigint # type
 % 4,   4,      1,      1,      3,      1 # length
 [ 1510,        2281,   1,      1,      333,    2       ]
 [ 1580,        2349,   3,      3,      555,    1       ]
@@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ Ready.
 % sys.L1,      sys.L2, sys.L3, sys.L4, sys.L5, sys.t1 # table_name
 % L1,  L2,     L3,     L4,     L5,     a # name
-% hugeint,     int,    bigint, bigint, smallint,       int # type
+% bigint,      int,    bigint, bigint, smallint,       int # type
 % 4,   3,      2,      2,      3,      3 # length
 [ 1529,        104,    -2,     1,      555,    104     ]
 [ 1612,        107,    -1,     -2,     333,    107     ]
@@ -805,7 +805,7 @@ Ready.
 % .L1, .t1,    .L3,    .L4,    .t1,    .L5,    .L6 # table_name
 % L1,  c,      L3,     L4,     b,      L5,     L6 # name
-% smallint,    int,    wrd,    bigint, int,    smallint,       hugeint # type
+% smallint,    int,    wrd,    bigint, int,    smallint,       bigint # type
 % 3,   3,      2,      2,      3,      3,      3 # length
 [ 333, 134,    6,      -4,     130,    444,    391     ]
 [ 444, 244,    28,     -4,     240,    222,    723     ]
@@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ Ready.
 % sys.t1,      sys.L1, sys.L2, sys.L4, sys.L5, sys.L6 # table_name
 % a,   L1,     L2,     L4,     L5,     L6 # name
-% int, hugeint,        bigint, bigint, bigint, hugeint # type
+% int, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint # type
 % 3,   4,      2,      4,      2,      3 # length
 [ 104, 1529,   1,      1000,   -2,     304     ]
 [ 107, 1612,   -2,     1050,   -1,     317     ]
@@ -896,7 +896,7 @@ Ready.
 % sys.L1,      sys.L2, sys.t1, sys.L3, sys.L4, sys.L5, sys.L6 # table_name
 % L1,  L2,     b,      L3,     L4,     L5,     L6 # name
-% bigint,      int,    int,    bigint, hugeint,        bigint, smallint # type
+% bigint,      int,    int,    bigint, bigint, bigint, smallint # type
 % 1,   3,      3,      1,      4,      1,      3 # length
 [ 1,   131,    130,    1,      793,    4,      333     ]
 [ 1,   138,    139,    1,      827,    2,      222     ]
@@ -918,7 +918,7 @@ Ready.
 % sys.L1,      sys.L2, sys.L3, sys.L4, sys.L5, sys.L6, sys.t1 # table_name
 % L1,  L2,     L3,     L4,     L5,     L6,     c # name
-% smallint,    hugeint,        hugeint,        hugeint,        hugeint,        
bigint, int # type
+% smallint,    bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, int # type
 % 3,   4,      4,      3,      4,      2,      3 # length
 [ 444, 610,    1529,   102,    1014,   -2,     102     ]
 [ 333, 635,    1612,   107,    1067,   -1,     106     ]
@@ -1007,7 +1007,7 @@ Ready.
 % .L1, .L2,    .L3,    .t1,    .L4,    .L5,    .L7 # table_name
 % L1,  L2,     L3,     a,      L4,     L5,     L7 # name
-% hugeint,     bigint, smallint,       int,    hugeint,        hugeint,        
wrd # type
+% bigint,      bigint, smallint,       int,    bigint, bigint, wrd # type
 % 4,   1,      3,      3,      4,      3,      2 # length
 [ 674, 1,      111,    111,    1130,   335,    2       ]
 [ 793, 4,      444,    131,    1325,   391,    6       ]
@@ -1031,7 +1031,7 @@ Ready.
 % sys.L1,      sys.L2, sys.L4, sys.t1, sys.L5 # table_name
 % L1,  L2,     L4,     c,      L5 # name
-% hugeint,     hugeint,        bigint, int,    smallint # type
+% bigint,      bigint, bigint, int,    smallint # type
 % 3,   4,      4,      3,      3 # length
 [ 385, 760,    1290,   125,    222     ]
 [ 455, 905,    1510,   150,    333     ]
@@ -1053,7 +1053,7 @@ Ready.
 % sys.L1,      sys.L2, sys.t1, sys.L3, sys.L4, sys.t1, sys.L6 # table_name
 % L1,  L2,     a,      L3,     L4,     d,      L6 # name
-% hugeint,     smallint,       int,    bigint, hugeint,        int,    bigint 
# type
+% bigint,      smallint,       int,    bigint, bigint, int,    bigint # type
 % 4,   3,      3,      1,      3,      3,      4 # length
 [ 1612,        333,    107,    1,      317,    108,    1050    ]
 [ 1680,        222,    111,    1,      335,    114,    1120    ]
@@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@ Ready.
 % .L1, .t1,    .L2,    .L4,    .L5 # table_name
 % L1,  b,      L2,     L4,     L5 # name
-% smallint,    int,    hugeint,        wrd,    smallint # type
+% smallint,    int,    bigint, wrd,    smallint # type
 % 3,   3,      3,      2,      3 # length
 [ 555, 100,    304,    0,      444     ]
 [ 333, 105,    317,    1,      333     ]
@@ -1191,7 +1191,7 @@ Ready.
 % sys.t1,      sys.L1, sys.L2, sys.L3, sys.L4, sys.L5 # table_name
 % d,   L1,     L2,     L3,     L4,     L5 # name
-% int, hugeint,        hugeint,        bigint, hugeint,        bigint # type
+% int, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint # type
 % 3,   4,      4,      2,      3,      2 # length
 [ 101, 1529,   610,    1,      102,    4       ]
 [ 108, 1612,   635,    -2,     107,    2       ]
@@ -1237,7 +1237,7 @@ Ready.
 % .L1, .L2,    .L3,    .L4,    .L5,    .L7,    .L10 # table_name
 % L1,  L2,     L3,     L4,     L5,     L7,     L10 # name
-% smallint,    hugeint,        hugeint,        bigint, int,    wrd,    hugeint 
# type
+% smallint,    bigint, bigint, bigint, int,    wrd,    bigint # type
 % 3,   4,      3,      1,      3,      1,      4 # length
 [ 555, 1529,   102,    2,      104,    0,      610     ]
 [ 333, 1612,   107,    1,      107,    0,      635     ]
@@ -1300,7 +1300,7 @@ Ready.
 % sys.L1,      sys.t1, sys.L2, sys.t1, sys.t1, sys.L3 # table_name
 % L1,  a,      L2,     b,      d,      L3 # name
-% bigint,      int,    hugeint,        int,    int,    bigint # type
+% bigint,      int,    bigint, int,    int,    bigint # type
 % 2,   3,      4,      3,      3,      2 # length
 [ -3,  115,    708,    118,    116,    -1      ]
 [ -3,  191,    1158,   194,    190,    -2      ]
@@ -1318,7 +1318,7 @@ Ready.
 % .L1, .L2,    .L3,    .t1,    .t1,    .L5 # table_name
 % L1,  L2,     L3,     a,      e,      L5 # name
-% hugeint,     hugeint,        bigint, int,    int,    wrd # type
+% bigint,      bigint, bigint, int,    int,    wrd # type
 % 3,   3,      2,      3,      3,      2 # length
 [ 122, 369,    1,      121,    120,    4       ]
 [ 127, 385,    -3,     127,    126,    5       ]
@@ -1346,7 +1346,7 @@ Ready.
 % sys.t1,      sys.L1, sys.L2, sys.L3, sys.L4 # table_name
 % b,   L1,     L2,     L3,     L4 # name
-% int, hugeint,        smallint,       bigint, bigint # type
+% int, bigint, smallint,       bigint, bigint # type
 % 3,   3,      3,      1,      2 # length
 [ 100, 102,    555,    2,      -2      ]
 [ 105, 107,    333,    1,      -1      ]
@@ -1377,7 +1377,7 @@ Ready.
 % sys.L1,      sys.t1, sys.L2, sys.L3 # table_name
 % L1,  a,      L2,     L3 # name
-% bigint,      int,    hugeint,        smallint # type
+% bigint,      int,    bigint, smallint # type
 % 1,   3,      3,      3 # length
 [ 1,   111,    335,    222     ]
 [ 1,   115,    351,    222     ]
@@ -1478,7 +1478,7 @@ Ready.
 % .L1, .t1,    .L3 # table_name
 % L1,  e,      L3 # name
-% hugeint,     int,    wrd # type
+% bigint,      int,    wrd # type
 % 3,   3,      1 # length
 [ 102, 103,    0       ]
 [ 107, 109,    0       ]
@@ -1521,7 +1521,7 @@ Ready.
 % .L1, .L2,    .L4,    .L5 # table_name
 % L1,  L2,     L4,     L5 # name
-% bigint,      hugeint,        wrd,    bigint # type
+% bigint,      bigint, wrd,    bigint # type
 % 2,   3,      1,      2 # length
 [ -3,  579,    0,      -2      ]
 [ -3,  351,    0,      -1      ]
@@ -1549,7 +1549,7 @@ Ready.
 % sys.L1 # table_name
 % L1 # name
-% hugeint # type
+% bigint # type
 % 3 # length
 [ 304  ]
 [ 317  ]
@@ -1588,7 +1588,7 @@ Ready.
 % .L1, .L3,    .L4,    .t1,    .L6,    .L7 # table_name
 % L1,  L3,     L4,     b,      L6,     L7 # name
-% smallint,    wrd,    bigint, int,    wrd,    hugeint # type
+% smallint,    wrd,    bigint, int,    wrd,    bigint # type
 % 3,   1,      2,      3,      2,      3 # length
 [ 333, 0,      -1,     105,    1,      317     ]
 [ 111, 0,      4,      112,    2,      335     ]
@@ -1644,7 +1644,7 @@ Ready.
 % sys.L1,      sys.L2, sys.t1, sys.L3, sys.t1 # table_name
 % L1,  L2,     c,      L3,     b # name
-% hugeint,     hugeint,        int,    hugeint,        int # type
+% bigint,      bigint, int,    bigint, int # type
 % 4,   4,      3,      3,      3 # length
 [ 610, 1529,   102,    102,    100     ]
 [ 635, 1612,   106,    107,    105     ]
@@ -1734,7 +1734,7 @@ Ready.
 % sys.t1,      sys.L1, sys.L2, sys.L3, sys.L4, sys.L5 # table_name
 % c,   L1,     L2,     L3,     L4,     L5 # name
-% int, smallint,       int,    hugeint,        hugeint,        bigint # type
+% int, smallint,       int,    bigint, bigint, bigint # type
 % 3,   3,      3,      3,      3,      2 # length
 [ 155, 333,    159,    157,    475,    -1      ]
 [ 166, 333,    168,    167,    502,    4       ]
@@ -1752,7 +1752,7 @@ Ready.
 % sys.L1,      sys.L3, sys.L4, sys.t1 # table_name
 % L1,  L3,     L4,     d # name
-% smallint,    bigint, hugeint,        int # type
+% smallint,    bigint, bigint, int # type
 % 3,   4,      4,      3 # length
 [ 111, 1120,   1680,   114     ]
 [ 333, 1240,   1826,   122     ]
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