Changeset: 95c7ddccc21f for MonetDB
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OPTmitosisImplementation(): (hopefully) fixing Windows compilation:
memory size requires type size_t, not type BUN

diffs (54 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/optimizer/opt_mitosis.c b/monetdb5/optimizer/opt_mitosis.c
--- a/monetdb5/optimizer/opt_mitosis.c
+++ b/monetdb5/optimizer/opt_mitosis.c
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ OPTmitosisImplementation(Client cntxt, M
        str schema = 0, table = 0;
        BUN r = 0, rowcnt = 0;    /* table should be sizeable to consider 
parallel execution*/
        InstrPtr q, *old, target = 0;
-       size_t argsize = 6 * sizeof(lng);
+       size_t argsize = 6 * sizeof(lng), m = 0;
        /*     per op:   6 = (2+1)*2   <=  2 args + 1 res, each with head & 
tail */
        int threads = GDKnr_threads ? GDKnr_threads : 1;
        int activeClients;
@@ -123,18 +123,18 @@ OPTmitosisImplementation(Client cntxt, M
         * Take into account the number of client connections, 
         * because all user together are responsible for resource contentions
-       r = monet_memory / argsize;
+       m = monet_memory / argsize;
        /* if data exceeds memory size,
         * i.e., (rowcnt*argsize > monet_memory),
-        * i.e., (rowcnt > monet_memory/argsize = r) */
-       if (rowcnt > r && r / threads / activeClients > 0) {
+        * i.e., (rowcnt > monet_memory/argsize = m) */
+       if (rowcnt > m && m / threads / activeClients > 0) {
                /* create |pieces| > |threads| partitions such that
                 * |threads| partitions at a time fit in memory,
-                * i.e., (threads*(rowcnt/pieces) <= r),
-                * i.e., (rowcnt/pieces <= r/threads),
-                * i.e., (pieces => rowcnt/(r/threads))
-                * (assuming that (r > threads*MINPARTCNT)) */
-               pieces = (int) (rowcnt / (r / threads / activeClients)) + 1;
+                * i.e., (threads*(rowcnt/pieces) <= m),
+                * i.e., (rowcnt/pieces <= m/threads),
+                * i.e., (pieces => rowcnt/(m/threads))
+                * (assuming that (m > threads*MINPARTCNT)) */
+               pieces = (int) (rowcnt / (m / threads / activeClients)) + 1;
        } else if (rowcnt > MINPARTCNT) {
        /* exploit parallelism, but ensure minimal partition size to
         * limit overhead */
@@ -160,12 +160,12 @@ OPTmitosisImplementation(Client cntxt, M
        mnstr_printf(cntxt->fdout, "#opt_mitosis: target is %s.%s "
-                                                          " with " BUNFMT " 
rows of size %d into " BUNFMT
+                                                          " with " BUNFMT " 
rows of size %d into " SZFMT
                                                                " rows/piece %d 
threads %d pieces"
                                                                " fixed parts 
%d fixed size %d\n",
                                 getVarConstant(mb, getArg(target, 2)).val.sval,
                                 getVarConstant(mb, getArg(target, 3)).val.sval,
-                                rowcnt, row_size, r, threads, pieces, 
mito_parts, mito_size);
+                                rowcnt, row_size, m, threads, pieces, 
mito_parts, mito_size);
        if (pieces <= 1)
                return 0;
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