Changeset: 86a80eabe40a for MonetDB
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Branch: pyapi
Log Message:

Added support for DECIMAL, DATE, TIME and TIMESTAMP SQL types.

diffs (truncated from 777 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/extras/pyapi/connection.c 
--- a/monetdb5/extras/pyapi/connection.c
+++ b/monetdb5/extras/pyapi/connection.c
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ static PyObject *
                 input.bat_type = ATOMstorage(getColumnType(b->T->type));
                 input.scalar = false;
-                numpy_array = PyMaskedArray_FromBAT(&input, 0, input.count, 
+                numpy_array = PyMaskedArray_FromBAT(self->cntxt, &input, 0, 
input.count, &res);
                 if (!numpy_array) {
                     PyErr_Format(PyExc_Exception, "SQL Query Failed: %s", (res 
? res : "<no error>"));
diff --git a/monetdb5/extras/pyapi/pyapi.c b/monetdb5/extras/pyapi/pyapi.c
--- a/monetdb5/extras/pyapi/pyapi.c
+++ b/monetdb5/extras/pyapi/pyapi.c
@@ -39,6 +39,10 @@
 #include "benchmark.h"
 #include "lazyarray.h"
+#include "sql_scenario.h"
+#include "sql_cast.h"
+//#include "sql_cast_impl_up_to_flt.h"
 #ifndef WIN32
 // These libraries are used for PYTHON_MAP operations on Linux [to start new 
processes and wait on them]
 #include <sys/types.h>
@@ -357,6 +361,11 @@ PyAPIevalAggrMap(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr
 static char *PyError_CreateException(char *error_text, char *pycall);
+static enum _sqltype get_sql_token(sql_subtype *sqltype);
+str ConvertFromSQLType(Client cntxt, BAT *b, enum _sqltype sqltype, 
sql_subtype *sql_subtype, BAT **ret_bat, int *ret_type);
+str ConvertToSQLType(Client cntxt, BAT *b, enum _sqltype sqltype, sql_subtype 
*sql_subtype, BAT **ret_bat, int *ret_type);
 //! The main PyAPI function, this function does everything PyAPI related
 //! It takes as argument a bunch of input BATs, a python function, and outputs 
a number of BATs
 //! This function follows the following pipeline
@@ -396,6 +405,7 @@ str PyAPIeval(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb
     int retcols = !varres ? pci->retc : -1;
     bool holds_gil = !mapped;
     (void) cntxt;
     if (!PyAPIEnabled()) {
@@ -471,6 +481,7 @@ str PyAPIeval(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb
     // Construct PyInput objects, we do this before any multiprocessing 
because there is some locking going on in there, and locking + forking = bad 
idea (a thread can fork while another process is in the lock, which means we 
can get stuck permanently)
+    argnode = sqlfun && sqlfun->ops->cnt > 0 ? sqlfun->ops->h : NULL;
     for (i = pci->retc + 2; i < pci->argc; i++)
         PyInput *inp = &pyinput_values[i - (pci->retc + 2)];
@@ -497,7 +508,13 @@ str PyAPIeval(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb
             inp->bat_type = ATOMstorage(getColumnType(getArgType(mb,pci,i)));
             inp->bat = b;
+        if (argnode) {
+            inp->sql_subtype = &((sql_arg*)argnode->data)->type;
+            argnode = argnode->next;
+        }
     if (!mapped) {
         MT_lock_set(&pyapiLock, "pyapi.evaluate");
         if (python_call_active) {
@@ -705,7 +722,7 @@ str PyAPIeval(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb
             } else
-                result_array = PyMaskedArray_FromBAT(&pyinput_values[i - 
(pci->retc + 2)], t_start, t_end, &msg);
+                result_array = PyMaskedArray_FromBAT(cntxt, &pyinput_values[i 
- (pci->retc + 2)], t_start, t_end, &msg);
         if (result_array == NULL) {
@@ -883,7 +900,7 @@ str PyAPIeval(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb
                 // WARNING: Because we could be converting to a NPY_STRING or 
NPY_UNICODE array (if the desired type is TYPE_str or TYPE_hge), this means 
that memory usage can explode
                 //   because NPY_STRING/NPY_UNICODE arrays are 2D string 
arrays with fixed string length (so if there's one very large string the size 
explodes quickly)
                 //   if someone has some problem with memory size exploding 
when using PYTHON_MAP but it being fine in regular PYTHON this is probably the 
-                int bat_type = 
+                int bat_type = getColumnType(getArgType(mb,pci,i));
                 PyObject *new_array = PyArray_FromAny(ret->numpy_array, 
PyArray_DescrFromType(BatType_ToPyType(bat_type)), 1, 1, NPY_ARRAY_CARRAY | 
                 if (new_array == NULL) {
                     msg = createException(MAL, "pyapi.eval", "Could not 
convert the returned NPY_OBJECT array to the desired array of type %s.\n", 
@@ -947,10 +964,12 @@ returnvalues:
     VERBOSE_MESSAGE("Returning values.\n");
+    argnode = sqlfun && sqlfun->res ? sqlfun->res->h : NULL;
     for (i = 0; i < retcols; i++)
         PyReturn *ret = &pyreturn_values[i];
         int bat_type = TYPE_any;
+        sql_subtype *sql_subtype = argnode ? &((sql_arg*)argnode->data)->type 
         if (!varres) {
             bat_type = getColumnType(getArgType(mb,pci,i));
@@ -962,7 +981,7 @@ returnvalues:
             bat_type = PyType_ToBat(ret->result_type);
-        b = PyObject_ConvertToBAT(ret, bat_type, i, seqbase, &msg);
+        b = PyObject_ConvertToBAT(ret, sql_subtype, bat_type, i, seqbase, 
         if (b == NULL) {
             goto wrapup;
@@ -976,6 +995,9 @@ returnvalues:
         { // single value return, only for non-grouped aggregations
             VALinit(&stk->stk[pci->argv[i]], bat_type, Tloc(b, BUNfirst(b)));
+        if (argnode) {
+            argnode = argnode->next;
+        }
         msg = MAL_SUCCEED;
@@ -1309,11 +1331,30 @@ wrapup:
     return vararray;
-PyObject *PyMaskedArray_FromBAT(PyInput *inp, size_t t_start, size_t t_end, 
char **return_message)
+PyObject *PyMaskedArray_FromBAT(Client cntxt, PyInput *inp, size_t t_start, 
size_t t_end, char **return_message)
-    BAT *b = inp->bat;
+    BAT *b;
     char *msg;
-    PyObject *vararray = PyArrayObject_FromBAT(inp, t_start, t_end, 
+    PyObject *vararray;
+    enum _sqltype sql_type = get_sql_token(inp->sql_subtype);
+    if (sql_type != sql_none) { // if the sql type is set, we have to do some 
+        if (inp->scalar) {
+            // todo: scalar SQL types
+            msg = PyError_CreateException("Scalar SQL types haven't been 
implemented yet... sorry", NULL);
+            goto wrapup;
+        } else {
+            BAT *ret_bat = NULL;
+            msg = ConvertFromSQLType(cntxt, inp->bat, sql_type, 
inp->sql_subtype, &ret_bat, &inp->bat_type);
+            if (msg != MAL_SUCCEED) {
+                goto wrapup;
+            }
+            inp->bat = ret_bat;
+        }
+    }
+    b = inp->bat;
+    vararray = PyArrayObject_FromBAT(inp, t_start, t_end, return_message);
     if (vararray == NULL) {
         return NULL;
@@ -1601,7 +1642,11 @@ PyObject *PyArrayObject_FromBAT(PyInput 
-        msg = createException(MAL, "pyapi.eval", "unknown argument type ");
+        if (!inp->sql_subtype || !inp->sql_subtype->type) {
+            msg = createException(MAL, "pyapi.eval", "unknown argument type");
+        } else {
+            msg = createException(MAL, "pyapi.eval", "Unsupported SQL Type: 
%s", inp->sql_subtype->type->sqlname);
+        }
         goto wrapup;
     if (vararray == NULL) {
@@ -1931,14 +1976,31 @@ wrapup:
     return FALSE;
-BAT *PyObject_ConvertToBAT(PyReturn *ret, int bat_type, int i, int seqbase, 
char **return_message)
+BAT *PyObject_ConvertToBAT(PyReturn *ret, sql_subtype *type, int bat_type, int 
i, int seqbase, char **return_message)
     BAT *b = NULL;
     size_t index_offset = 0;
     char *msg;
     size_t iu;
+    int sql_token;
     if (ret->multidimensional) index_offset = i;
+    sql_token = get_sql_token(type);
+    switch(sql_token)
+    {
+        case sql_timestamp:
+        case sql_time:
+        case sql_date:
+            bat_type = TYPE_str;
+            break;
+        case sql_decimal:
+            bat_type = TYPE_dbl;
+            break;
+        default: 
+            break;
+    }
     VERBOSE_MESSAGE("- Returning a Numpy Array of type %s of size %zu and 
storing it in a BAT of type %s\n", PyType_Format(ret->result_type), ret->count, 
     switch (bat_type)
@@ -2116,8 +2178,201 @@ BAT *PyObject_ConvertToBAT(PyReturn *ret
         msg = createException(MAL, "pyapi.eval", "Unrecognized BAT type 
%s.\n", BatType_Format(bat_type));
         goto wrapup;
+    if (sql_token != sql_none) {
+        BAT *result;
+        msg = ConvertToSQLType(NULL, b, sql_token, type, &result, &bat_type);
+        if (msg != MAL_SUCCEED) { 
+            goto wrapup;
+        }
+        b = result;
+    }
     return b;
     *return_message = msg;
     return NULL;
+str ConvertFromSQLType(Client cntxt, BAT *b, enum _sqltype sqltype, 
sql_subtype *sql_subtype, BAT **ret_bat,  int *ret_type)
+    str res = MAL_SUCCEED;
+    int conv_type; 
+    switch(sqltype)
+    {
+        case sql_timestamp:
+        case sql_time:
+        case sql_date:
+            conv_type = TYPE_str;
+            break;
+        case sql_decimal:
+            conv_type = TYPE_dbl;
+            break;
+        default: 
+            return createException(MAL, "pyapi.eval", "Convert From SQL Type: 
Unrecognized SQL type %s (%d).", sql_subtype->type->sqlname, sqltype);
+    }
+    if (conv_type == TYPE_str)
+    {
+        // maybe there's a more elegant way for obj->str conversion than 
calling this MAL function? probably not
+        int eclass = -1;
+        int d1 = 0;
+        int s1 = 0;
+        int has_tz = 0;
+        bat bid = b->batCacheid;
+        int digits = 0;
+        int i;
+        int nvar = 7; // variables we need to fill in
+        MalBlkRecord mb;
+        MalStack*     stk = NULL;
+        InstrRecord*  pci = NULL;
+        switch(sqltype)
+        {
+            case sql_date:
+                eclass = EC_DATE;
+                d1 = 0;
+                break;
+            case sql_time:
+                eclass = EC_TIME;
+                d1 = 1;
+                break;
+            case sql_timestamp:
+                eclass = EC_TIMESTAMP;
+                d1 = 7;
+                break;
+            default: 
+                break;
+        }
+        // very black MAL magic below
+        stk = GDKmalloc(sizeof(MalStack) + nvar * sizeof(ValRecord));
+        pci = GDKmalloc(sizeof(InstrRecord) + nvar * sizeof(int));
+        assert(stk != NULL && pci != NULL); // cough, cough
+        for (i = 0; i < nvar; i++) {
+            pci->argv[i] = i;
+        }
+        stk->stk[0].vtype = TYPE_bat;
+        stk->stk[1].val.ival = eclass;
+        stk->stk[1].vtype = TYPE_int;
+        stk->stk[2].val.ival = d1;
+        stk->stk[2].vtype = TYPE_int;
+        stk->stk[3].val.ival = s1;
+        stk->stk[3].vtype = TYPE_int;
+        stk->stk[4].val.ival = has_tz;
+        stk->stk[4].vtype = TYPE_int;
+        stk->stk[5].val.bval = bid;
+        stk->stk[5].vtype = TYPE_bat;
+        stk->stk[6].val.ival = digits;
+        stk->stk[6].vtype = TYPE_int;
+        res = SQLbatstr_cast(cntxt, &mb, stk, pci);
+        if (res == MAL_SUCCEED) {
+            *ret_bat = BATdescriptor(stk->stk[0].val.bval);
+            *ret_type = TYPE_str;
+        } else {
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