Changeset: 6081699fac3a for MonetDB
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Remove old stuff

diffs (130 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/mal/mal_debugger.c b/monetdb5/mal/mal_debugger.c
--- a/monetdb5/mal/mal_debugger.c
+++ b/monetdb5/mal/mal_debugger.c
@@ -988,51 +988,6 @@ int mdbSession(void)
        return mdbSessionActive;
- * It may be relevant to trap against dangerous situations, such
- * as underlying types not being aligned with what is expected
- * at the MAL level. Since such tests can be quite expensive
- * it should be used with care.
- */
-#if 0
-mdbSanityCheck(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, int pc)
-       int i;
-       VarPtr n;
-       ValPtr v;
-       str nme, nmeOnStk;
-       (void) stk;
-       (void) pc;
-       (void) mb;
-       for (i = 1; i < mb->vtop; i++) {
-               n = getVar(mb, i);
-               v = stk->stk + i;
-               if (isaBatType(n->type) && v->val.ival) {
-                       int i = v->val.ival;
-                       BAT *b;
-                       b = BBPquickdesc(abs(i), TRUE);
-                       if (i < 0)
-                               b = BATmirror(b);
-                       if (b) {
-                               nme = getTypeName(n->type);
-                               nmeOnStk = getTypeName(newColumnType(b->ttype));
-                               if (strcmp(nme, nmeOnStk)) {
-                                       printTraceCall(cntxt->fdout, mb, stk, 
pc, cntxt->flags);
-                                       mnstr_printf(cntxt->fdout, "!ERROR: %s 
!= :%s\n",
-                                                       nme, nmeOnStk);
-                                       stk->cmd = 'n';
-                               }
-                               GDKfree(nme);
-                               GDKfree(nmeOnStk);
-                       }
-               }
-       }
 static Client trapped_cntxt;
 static MalBlkPtr trapped_mb;
 static MalStkPtr trapped_stk;
@@ -1425,74 +1380,6 @@ printBatProperties(stream *f, VarPtr n, 
-#if 0                                                  /* these are not 
referenced anywhere */
- * The memory positions for the BATs is useful information to
- * assess for memory fragmentation.
- */
-static str
-memProfileVector(stream *out, int cells)
-       str v;
-       bat i;
-       if (cells <= 0)
-               return GDKstrdup("");
-       v = GDKmalloc(cells + 1);
-       if (v == 0)
-               return NULL;
-       for (i = 0; i < cells; i++)
-               v[i] = '.';
-       v[i] = 0;
-       for (i = 1; i < getBBPsize(); i++)
-               if (BBP_status(i) & BBPLOADED) {
-                       BAT *b = BATdescriptor(i);
-                       Heap *hp;
-                       Hash *h;
-                       mnstr_printf(out, "\tdesc=" PTRFMT " size=" SZFMT "\n", 
PTRFMTCAST b, sizeof(*b));
-                       hp = &b->T->heap;
-                       if (hp && hp->base) {
-                               mnstr_printf(out, "\thead=" PTRFMT " size=" 
SZFMT "\n", PTRFMTCAST hp->base, hp->size);
-                       }
-                       hp = b->T->vheap;
-                       if (hp && hp->base) {
-                               mnstr_printf(out, "\ttheap=" PTRFMT " size=" 
SZFMT "\n", PTRFMTCAST hp->base, hp->size);
-                       }
-                       h = b->T->hash;
-                       if (h && h->mask) {
-                               mnstr_printf(out, "\tthash=" PTRFMT " size=" 
SZFMT "\n", PTRFMTCAST h, sizeof(*h));
-                               mnstr_printf(out, "\tthashlink=" PTRFMT " 
size=" SZFMT "\n", PTRFMTCAST h->Link,
-                                               (h->mask + h->lim + 1) * 
-                       }
-                       BBPunfix(b->batCacheid);
-               }
-       return v;
-printBBPinfo(stream *out)
-       str v;
-       mnstr_printf(out, "#BBP memory layout\n");
-       v = memProfileVector(out, 32);
-       if (v) {
-               mnstr_printf(out, "#%s\n", v);
-               GDKfree(v);
-       }
-       mnstr_printf(out, "#BBP VM history available\n");
-       mnstr_printf(out, "#BBP VM history not available\n");
 static void
 mdbHelp(stream *f)
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