Changeset: 2fbbcb60dc63 for MonetDB
Added Files:
Modified Files:
Branch: profiler
Log Message:

merge with default

diffs (truncated from 915 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/clients/ChangeLog.Jul2015 b/clients/ChangeLog.Jul2015
--- a/clients/ChangeLog.Jul2015
+++ b/clients/ChangeLog.Jul2015
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
 # ChangeLog file for clients
 # This file is updated with Maddlog
+* Sun Aug 30 2015 Sjoerd Mullender <>
+- In the SQL formatter of mclient (the default) we now properly align
+  East Asian wide characters.
diff --git a/clients/R/MonetDB.R/R/dbi.R b/clients/R/MonetDB.R/R/dbi.R
--- a/clients/R/MonetDB.R/R/dbi.R
+++ b/clients/R/MonetDB.R/R/dbi.R
@@ -291,7 +291,9 @@ quoteIfNeeded <- function(conn, x, warn=
     message("Identifier(s) ", paste("\"", x[reserved],"\"", collapse=", ", 
sep=""), " are reserved SQL keywords and need(s) to be quoted in queries.")
   qts <- reserved | chars
-  x[qts] <- dbQuoteIdentifier(conn, x[qts])
+  if (any(qts)) {
+    x[qts] <- dbQuoteIdentifier(conn, x[qts])
+  }
@@ -656,19 +658,11 @@ <- <- fu
   delimspec <- paste0("USING DELIMITERS '", delim, "','", newline, "','", 
quote, "'")
-  if(header){
-    for(i in seq_along(files)) {
-      thefile <- normalizePath(files[i])
-      dbSendUpdate(conn, paste("COPY OFFSET 2 INTO", 
-        tablename, "FROM", paste("'", thefile, "'", sep=""), delimspec, "NULL 
as", paste("'", 
-        na.strings[1], "'", sep=""), if(locked) "LOCKED"))
-    }
-  } else {
-    for(i in seq_along(files)) {
-      thefile <- normalizePath(files[i])
-      dbSendUpdate(conn, paste0("COPY INTO ", tablename, " FROM ", paste("'", 
thefile, "'", sep=""), 
-        delimspec, "NULL as ", paste("'", na.strings[1], "'", sep=""), 
if(locked) " LOCKED "))
-    }
+  for(i in seq_along(files)) {
+    thefile <- normalizePath(files[i])
+    dbSendUpdate(conn, paste("COPY", if(header) "OFFSET 2", "INTO", 
+      tablename, "FROM", paste("'", thefile, "'", sep=""), delimspec, "NULL 
as", paste("'", 
+      na.strings[1], "'", sep=""), if(locked) "LOCKED"))
   dbGetQuery(conn, paste("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM", tablename))[[1]]
diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
@@ -41137,7 +41137,7 @@ address STRPrefix;
 comment Prefix check.
 command str.stringlength(s:str):int 
-address STRstringLength;
+address STRSQLLength;
 comment Return the length of a right trimed string (SQL semantics).
 command str.string(s:str,offset:int,count:int):str 
diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128
@@ -52080,7 +52080,7 @@ address STRPrefix;
 comment Prefix check.
 command str.stringlength(s:str):int 
-address STRstringLength;
+address STRSQLLength;
 comment Return the length of a right trimed string (SQL semantics).
 command str.string(s:str,offset:int,count:int):str 
diff --git a/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out b/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out
--- a/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out
@@ -1936,7 +1936,6 @@ str STRreplace(str *ret, const str *s1, 
 str STRspace(str *ret, const int *l);
 str STRsplitpart(str *res, str *haystack, str *needle, int *field);
 str STRstrSearch(int *res, const str *arg1, const str *arg2);
-str STRstringLength(int *res, const str *s);
 str STRsubstring(str *ret, const str *s, const int *start, const int *l);
 str STRsubstringTail(str *ret, const str *s, const int *start);
 str STRsuffix(str *ret, const str *s, const int *l);
diff --git a/clients/mapiclient/mclient.c b/clients/mapiclient/mclient.c
--- a/clients/mapiclient/mclient.c
+++ b/clients/mapiclient/mclient.c
@@ -359,36 +359,127 @@ SQLsetSpecial(const char *command)
 /* return the display length of a UTF-8 string
    if e is not NULL, return length up to e */
 static size_t
-utf8strlen(const char *s, const char *e)
+utf8strlenmax(char *s, char *e, size_t max, char **t)
-       size_t len = 0;
+       size_t len = 0, len0 = 0;
+       int c;
+       int n;
+       char *t0 = s;
+       assert(max == 0 || t != NULL);
        if (s == NULL)
                return 0;
-       while (*s && (e == NULL || s < e)) {
-               /* only count first byte of a sequence */
-               if ((*s & 0xC0) != 0x80)
+       c = 0;
+       n = 0;
+       while (*s != 0 && (e == NULL || s < e)) {
+               if (*s == '\n') {
+                       assert(n == 0);
+                       if (max) {
+                               *t = s;
+                               return len;
+                       }
+                       n = 0;
+               } else if ((*s & 0x80) == 0) {
+                       assert(n == 0);
+                       len++;
+                       n = 0;
+               } else if ((*s & 0xC0) == 0x80) {
+                       c = (c << 6) | (*s & 0x3F);
+                       if (--n == 0) {
+                               /* last byte of a multi-byte character */
+                               len++;
+                               /* the following code points are all East
+                                * Asian Fullwidth and East Asian Wide
+                                * characters as defined in Unicode 8.0 */
+                               if ((0x1100 <= c && c <= 0x115F) ||
+                                   c == 0x2329 ||
+                                   c == 0x232A ||
+                                   (0x2E80 <= c && c <= 0x2E99) ||
+                                   (0x2E9B <= c && c <= 0x2EF3) ||
+                                   (0x2F00 <= c && c <= 0x2FD5) ||
+                                   (0x2FF0 <= c && c <= 0x2FFB) ||
+                                   (0x3000 <= c && c <= 0x303E) ||
+                                   (0x3041 <= c && c <= 0x3096) ||
+                                   (0x3099 <= c && c <= 0x30FF) ||
+                                   (0x3105 <= c && c <= 0x312D) ||
+                                   (0x3131 <= c && c <= 0x318E) ||
+                                   (0x3190 <= c && c <= 0x31BA) ||
+                                   (0x31C0 <= c && c <= 0x31E3) ||
+                                   (0x31F0 <= c && c <= 0x321E) ||
+                                   (0x3220 <= c && c <= 0x3247) ||
+                                   (0x3250 <= c && c <= 0x4DBF) ||
+                                   (0x4E00 <= c && c <= 0xA48C) ||
+                                   (0xA490 <= c && c <= 0xA4C6) ||
+                                   (0xA960 <= c && c <= 0xA97C) ||
+                                   (0xAC00 <= c && c <= 0xD7A3) ||
+                                   (0xF900 <= c && c <= 0xFAFF) ||
+                                   (0xFE10 <= c && c <= 0xFE19) ||
+                                   (0xFE30 <= c && c <= 0xFE52) ||
+                                   (0xFE54 <= c && c <= 0xFE66) ||
+                                   (0xFE68 <= c && c <= 0xFE6B) ||
+                                   (0xFF01 <= c && c <= 0xFFE6) ||
+                                   (0x1B000 <= c && c <= 0x1B001) ||
+                                   (0x1F200 <= c && c <= 0x1F202) ||
+                                   (0x1F210 <= c && c <= 0x1F23A) ||
+                                   (0x1F240 <= c && c <= 0x1F248) ||
+                                   (0x1F250 <= c && c <= 0x1F251) ||
+                                   (0x20000 <= c && c <= 0x2FFFD) ||
+                                   (0x30000 <= c && c <= 0x3FFFD))
+                                       len++;
+                       }
+               } else if ((*s & 0xE0) == 0xC0) {
+                       assert(n == 0);
+                       n = 1;
+                       c = *s & 0x1F;
+               } else if ((*s & 0xF0) == 0xE0) {
+                       assert(n == 0);
+                       n = 2;
+                       c = *s & 0x0F;
+               } else if ((*s & 0xF8) == 0xF0) {
+                       assert(n == 0);
+                       n = 3;
+                       c = *s & 0x07;
+               } else if ((*s & 0xFC) == 0xF8) {
+                       assert(n == 0);
+                       n = 4;
+                       c = *s & 0x03;
+               } else {
+                       assert(0);
+                       n = 0;
+               }
+               if (n == 0) {
+                       if (max != 0) {
+                               if (len > max) {
+                                       *t = t0;
+                                       return len0;
+                               }
+                               if (len == max) {
+                                       *t = s;
+                                       return len;
+                               }
+                       }
+                       t0 = s;
+                       len0 = len;
+               }
+       if (max != 0)
+               *t = s;
        return len;
+static size_t
+utf8strlen(char *s, char *e)
+       return utf8strlenmax(s, e, 0, NULL);
 /* skip the specified number of UTF-8 characters, but stop at a newline */
 static char *
 utf8skip(char *s, size_t i)
-       while (*s && i > 0) {
-               if ((*s & 0xC0) == 0xC0) {
-                       s++;
-                       while ((*s & 0xC0) == 0x80)
-                               s++;
-               } else if (*s == '\n')
-                       return s;
-               else
-                       s++;
-               i--;
-       }
+       utf8strlenmax(s, NULL, i, &s);
        return s;
@@ -434,8 +525,11 @@ SQLrow(int *len, int *numeric, char **re
                                         * correction for a terminal
                                         * screen (1.62 * 2 -> 3 :
                                         * 9.72~10) */
-                                       if (ulen > (size_t) len[i])
+                                       if (ulen > (size_t) len[i]) {
                                                cutafter[i] = 3 * len[i] / 10;
+                                               if (cutafter[i] == 1)
+                                                       cutafter[i]++;
+                                       }
                                /* on each cycle we get closer to the limit */
diff --git a/clients/odbc/driver/SQLDriverConnect.c 
--- a/clients/odbc/driver/SQLDriverConnect.c
+++ b/clients/odbc/driver/SQLDriverConnect.c
@@ -217,16 +217,17 @@ ODBCConnectionString(SQLRETURN rc,
        /* calculate how much space was needed */
        if (StringLength2Ptr)
-               *StringLength2Ptr = (int) (strlen(dsn ? dsn : "DEFAULT") + 5 +
-                                          (uid ? strlen(uid) + 5 : 0) +
-                                          (pwd ? strlen(pwd) + 5 : 0) +
-                                          (host ? strlen(host) + 6 : 0) +
-                                          (port ? port + 6 : 0) +
-                                          (database ? strlen(database) + 10 : 
+               *StringLength2Ptr = (SQLSMALLINT)
+                       (strlen(dsn ? dsn : "DEFAULT") + 5 +
+                        (uid ? strlen(uid) + 5 : 0) +
+                        (pwd ? strlen(pwd) + 5 : 0) +
+                        (host ? strlen(host) + 6 : 0) +
+                        (port ? port + 6 : 0) +
+                        (database ? strlen(database) + 10 : 0)
-                                          + (ODBCdebug && getenv("ODBCDEBUG") 
== NULL ? strlen(ODBCdebug) + 9 : 0)
+                        + (ODBCdebug && getenv("ODBCDEBUG") == NULL ? 
strlen(ODBCdebug) + 9 : 0)
-                       );
+                               );
        ODBCLOG("ConnectionString: \"%.*s\" %d\n", buf ? buflen : 6, buf ? 
(char *) buf : "(null)", buflen);
diff --git a/gdk/gdk_heap.c b/gdk/gdk_heap.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_heap.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_heap.c
@@ -412,12 +412,15 @@ GDKupgradevarheap(COLrec *c, var_t v, in
         * indicated by the "free" pointer */
        n = (copyall ? c->heap.size : c-> >> c->shift;
-       /* for memory mapped files, create a backup copy before widening
+       /* Create a backup copy before widening.
-        * this solves a problem that we don't control what's in the
-        * actual file until the next commit happens, so a crash might
-        * otherwise leave the file (and the database) in an
-        * inconsistent state
+        * If the file is memory-mapped, this solves a problem that we
+        * don't control what's in the actual file until the next
+        * commit happens, so a crash might otherwise leave the file
+        * (and the database) in an inconsistent state.  If, on the
+        * other hand, the heap is allocated, it may happen that later
+        * on the heap is extended and converted into a memory-mapped
+        * file.  Then the same problem arises.
         * also see do_backup in gdk_bbp.c */
        filename = strrchr(c->heap.filename, DIR_SEP);
@@ -426,9 +429,11 @@ GDKupgradevarheap(COLrec *c, var_t v, in
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