Changeset: 061ee11850cb for MonetDB
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Branch: rdf
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generate mv col name for future use in handling exception

diffs (truncated from 359 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfdump.c b/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfdump.c
--- a/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfdump.c
+++ b/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfdump.c
@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ static csdumBATdef csdumBatdefs[N_CSDUM_
        {csd_fullC_name, "fullC_name_dump", TYPE_void, TYPE_str},       //Name 
of each column
        {csd_isMV, "isMVBat_dump", TYPE_void, TYPE_int},        // 0 indicating 
single-valued column, otherwise > 0
                                                                // the value is 
the number of column in MVtable
+       {csd_mv_tbl_name, "mvtblname_dump", TYPE_void, TYPE_str},       // 
Table name of a mv col
+       {csd_mv_defaultcol_name, "mvdefaultcolname_dump", TYPE_void, TYPE_str}, 
//Name of default type col in the mv table
        {csd_cname, "cIdxBat_dump", TYPE_void, TYPE_int}        //Index of the 
col in the table
@@ -152,10 +154,19 @@ void dumpCS(CSDump *csdump, int _freqId,
        for (i = 0; i < cstbl.numCol; i++){
                str tmpColName = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * 100);
+               str tmptblMVName = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * 100); 
+               str tmpmvdefaultcolname = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * 100); 
                lstIsMV[i] = cstbl.lstMVTables[i].numCol; 
                lstColbat[i] = cstbl.colBats[i]->batCacheid; 
                getColSQLname(tmpColName, i, -1, cstbl.lstProp[i], mapi, mbat); 
+               getMvTblSQLname(tmptblMVName, tblId, i, tblname, 
cstbl.lstProp[i], mapi, mbat);
+               getColSQLname(tmpmvdefaultcolname, i, 0, cstbl.lstProp[i], 
mapi, mbat); //only get default-type mv col
                BUNappend(csdump->dumpBats[csd_fullC_name], tmpColName, TRUE); 
+               BUNappend(csdump->dumpBats[csd_mv_tbl_name], tmptblMVName, 
+               BUNappend(csdump->dumpBats[csd_mv_defaultcol_name], 
tmpmvdefaultcolname, TRUE); 
        appendIntArrayToBat(csdump->dumpBats[csd_isMV], lstIsMV, cstbl.numCol);
@@ -232,7 +243,7 @@ void freeCSDump(CSDump *csdump){
-SimpleCS *create_simpleCS(int tblId, oid tblname, str tblsname, int freqId, 
int numP, oid* lstProp, int numC, oid* lstCol, bat *lstColbat, str *lstColname, 
int* lstIsMV,  int sup, int cov){
+SimpleCS *create_simpleCS(int tblId, oid tblname, str tblsname, int freqId, 
int numP, oid* lstProp, int numC, oid* lstCol, bat *lstColbat, str *lstColname, 
int* lstIsMV, str *lstMVtblname, str *lstMVdefaultcolname, int sup, int cov){
        SimpleCS *cs;  
        cs = (SimpleCS *) malloc(sizeof(SimpleCS)); 
        cs->tblId = tblId; 
@@ -257,6 +268,9 @@ SimpleCS *create_simpleCS(int tblId, oid
        cs->lstIsMV = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * numC); 
        copyIntSet(cs->lstIsMV, lstIsMV, numC); 
+       cs->lstmvtblname = lstMVtblname;
+       cs->lstmvdefaultcolname = lstMVdefaultcolname;
        cs->sup = sup; 
        cs->cov = cov; 
@@ -274,6 +288,20 @@ void free_simpleCS(SimpleCS *cs){
+       if (cs->lstmvtblname){
+               int i; 
+               for (i = 0; i < cs->numC; i++){
+                       GDKfree(cs->lstmvtblname[i]); 
+               }
+               GDKfree(cs->lstmvtblname); 
+       }
+       if (cs->lstmvdefaultcolname){
+               int i; 
+               for (i = 0; i < cs->numC; i++){
+                       GDKfree(cs->lstmvdefaultcolname[i]); 
+               }
+               GDKfree(cs->lstmvdefaultcolname); 
+       }
@@ -290,7 +318,9 @@ SimpleCS* read_a_cs_from_csdump(int pos,
        bat *lstColbat = NULL; 
        int *lstIsMV = NULL; 
        str *lstColname = NULL; 
-       BATiter cname_mapi, tblsname_mapi; 
+       str *lstMVtblname = NULL; 
+       str *lstMVdefaultcolname = NULL; 
+       BATiter cname_mapi, tblsname_mapi, mvnamei, mvcolnamei; 
        int i; 
        SimpleCS *cs; 
@@ -343,16 +373,28 @@ SimpleCS* read_a_cs_from_csdump(int pos,
        lstColname = (str *)malloc(sizeof(str) * numC); 
+       lstMVtblname = (str *)malloc(sizeof(str) * numC);
+       lstMVdefaultcolname = (str *)malloc(sizeof(str) * numC);
        cname_mapi = bat_iterator(csdump->dumpBats[csd_fullC_name]); 
+       mvnamei = bat_iterator(csdump->dumpBats[csd_mv_tbl_name]);
+       mvcolnamei = bat_iterator(csdump->dumpBats[csd_mv_defaultcol_name]);
        for (i = 0; i < numC; i++){
                 str tmpStr = (str) BUNtail(cname_mapi, 
BUNfirst(csdump->dumpBats[csd_fullC_name]) + (BUN) (*offsetC + i));
+                str tmpMVname = (str) BUNtail(mvnamei, 
BUNfirst(csdump->dumpBats[csd_mv_tbl_name]) + (BUN) (*offsetC + i));
+                str tmpMVcolname = (str) BUNtail(mvcolnamei, 
BUNfirst(csdump->dumpBats[csd_mv_defaultcol_name]) + (BUN) (*offsetC + i));
                  lstColname[i] = GDKstrdup(tmpStr);
+                lstMVtblname[i] = GDKstrdup(tmpMVname);
+                lstMVdefaultcolname[i] = GDKstrdup(tmpMVcolname);
-       cs = create_simpleCS(*tblId, *tblname, tblsname, *freqId, numP, 
lstProp, numC, lstCol, lstColbat, lstColname, lstIsMV, *freq, *coverage);
+       cs = create_simpleCS(*tblId, *tblname, tblsname, *freqId, numP, 
lstProp, numC, lstCol, lstColbat, lstColname, lstIsMV, lstMVtblname, 
lstMVdefaultcolname,  *freq, *coverage);
        return cs; 
diff --git a/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfdump.h b/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfdump.h
--- a/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfdump.h
+++ b/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfdump.h
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ typedef enum {
+       csd_mv_tbl_name,
+       csd_mv_defaultcol_name,
 } csdumBatType;
@@ -70,6 +72,8 @@ typedef struct SimpleDumpCS {
        bat *lstColbat;
        str *lstColname; 
        int *lstIsMV; //Whether the column is multi-valued column or not
+       str *lstmvtblname; 
+       str *lstmvdefaultcolname; 
        int sup; 
        int cov; 
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_rdf.c b/sql/backends/monet5/sql_rdf.c
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_rdf.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/sql_rdf.c
@@ -1528,6 +1528,27 @@ void get_full_outerjoin_p_slices(oid *ls
+void next(BAT *r_sbat, BAT **r_obats, oid **obatCursors, oid 
**regular_obat_cursors, oid **regular_obat_mv_cursors, int cur_p, int np){
+       if (obatCursors[j][pos] == oid_nil){
+               Look for the result from regular bat. 
+               Check if the regular bat is pointing to a MVBat
+               Then, get all teh value from MVBATs
+       }
+       else{
+       }
+       for (int i = 0; i < numofresult; i++){
+               if (cur_p < (np -1)){
+                       next (r_sbat, r_obats, sbat, obats, cur_p + 1, np);
+               }
+               //Output  
+       }  
  * Combine exceptioins and regular tables
  * */
@@ -1536,49 +1557,127 @@ static
 void combine_exception_and_regular_tables(mvc *c, BAT **r_sbat, BAT 
***r_obats, BAT *sbat, BAT **obats, oid *lstProps, int nP, int nRP){
        oid *sbatCursor; 
        oid **obatCursors; 
-       int i, j; 
+       int i, j, pos; 
        int numS; 
        char *schema = "rdf";
+       int curtid = -1; 
+       BAT **regular_obats = NULL; 
+       BAT **regular_obat_mv = NULL; 
+       oid **regular_obat_cursors = NULL; 
+       oid **regular_obat_mv_cursors = NULL;   //If this column is MV col, 
then store the point to its MV BAT
+       int accept = 0; 
+       int nAdded = 0; //Number of tuples added to the output 
+       oid *r_set = NULL; //Set of output values
        (void) r_sbat; 
        (void) r_obats; 
        (void) nRP; 
+       //Init return BATs
+       *r_sbat = BATnew(TYPE_void, TYPE_oid, BATcount(sbat), TRANSIENT); 
+       *r_obats = (BAT **) malloc(sizeof(BAT*) * nP); 
+       for (i = 0; i < nP; i++){
+               (*r_obats)[i] = BATnew(TYPE_void, TYPE_oid, BATcount(sbat), 
+       }
        sbatCursor = (oid *) Tloc(sbat, BUNfirst(sbat));
        obatCursors = (oid **) malloc(sizeof(oid*) * nP); 
+       regular_obat_cursors = (oid **) malloc(sizeof(oid*) * nP); 
        for (i = 0; i < nP; i++){
                obatCursors[i] = (oid *) Tloc(obats[i], BUNfirst(obats[i]));
                assert (BATcount(obats[i]) == BATcount(sbat)); 
+               regular_obat_cursors[i] = NULL; 
+       regular_obats = (BAT **) malloc(sizeof(BAT *) * nP); 
+       regular_obat_mv = (BAT **) malloc(sizeof(BAT *) * nP); 
        numS = BATcount(sbat); 
-       for (i = 0; i < numS; i++){
-               oid sbt = sbatCursor[i]; 
+       for (pos = 0; pos < numS; pos++){
+               oid sbt = sbatCursor[pos]; 
                int tid = -1; 
                oid tmpS = BUN_NONE; 
                getTblIdxFromS(sbt, &tid, &tmpS);
+               if (tid != curtid){
+                       //reload BATs for that table
+                       for (j = 0;  j < nP; j++){
+                               str tmpColname, tmptblname;
+                               int colIdx = getColIdx_from_oid(tid, 
global_csset, lstProps[j]);
+                               if (colIdx == -1) {
+                                       regular_obats[j] = NULL; 
+                                       regular_obat_mv[j] = NULL; 
+                                       regular_obat_cursors[j] = NULL; 
+                                       regular_obat_mv_cursors[j] = NULL; 
+                                       continue; 
+                               }
+                               tmpColname = getColumnName(global_csset, tid, 
+                               tmptblname = 
+                               tmpmvtblname = 
+                               tmpmvdefcolname = 
+                               //Unfix old one
+                               if (regular_obats[j]) {
+                                       BBPunfix(regular_obats[j]->batCacheid); 
+                                       regular_obats[j] = NULL; 
+                               }
+                               if (regular_obat_mv[j]){
+                                       regular_obat_mv[j] = NULL; 
+                               }
+                               regular_obats[j] = mvc_bind(c, schema, 
tmptblname, tmpColname, 0);
+                               assert(regular_obats[j] != NULL); 
+                               regular_obat_cursors[j] = (oid *) 
Tloc(regular_obats[j], BUNfirst(regular_obats[j]));
+                               regular_obat_mv[j] = mvc_bind(c, schema, 
tmpmvtblname, tmpmvdefcolname, 0);
+                               regular_obat_mv_cursors[j] = (oid *) 
Tloc(regular_obat_mv[j], BUNfirst(regular_obat_mv[j]));
+                       }
+               }
                printf("At row "BUNFMT" of table %d\n", tmpS, tid); 
+               accept = 1; 
                for (j = 0;  j < nP; j++){
-                       if (obatCursors[i][j] == oid_nil){
+                       if (obatCursors[j][pos] == oid_nil){
+                               if (regular_obat_cursors[j] == NULL){   //No 
corresponding regular column
+                                       accept = 0; 
+                                       break;                  
+                               }
                                //Look for the value from main table
-                               int colIdx = getColIdx_from_oid(tid, 
global_csset, lstProps[j]);
-                               str tmpColname = getColumnName(global_csset, 
tid, colIdx); 
-                               str tmptblname = 
-                               BAT *regular_obat = NULL; 
+                               if (regular_obat_cursors[j][tmpS] == oid_nil) {
+                                       //TODO: Continue if this [j] is 
optional prop
+                                       accept = 0;
+                                       break; 
+                               }
+                       }       
+               }
-                               assert(colIdx != -1); 
-                               regular_obat = mvc_bind(c, schema, tmptblname, 
tmpColname, 0);                                          
-                               if (regular_obat == NULL) printf("There is no 
BAT binding for table %s and column %s \n", tmptblname, tmpColname); 
-                       }       
+               if (accept == 1){       //Accept, can insert to the output bat
+                       for (j = 0; j < np; j++){
+                       }
+                       nAdded++; 
+       //free
+       for (i = 0; i < nP; i++){
+               if (regular_obats[i]) BBPunfix(regular_obats[j]->batCacheid);
+       }
+       free(regular_obats); 
+       free(regular_obat_cursors); 
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