Changeset: a6d9d12a58e6 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: rdf
Log Message:

Optimize for the case with Optional keyword.

Adding ifthenelse projection instead of using left outer join

diffs (truncated from 647 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/sql.c b/sql/backends/monet5/sql.c
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/sql.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/sql.c
@@ -133,6 +133,10 @@ sql_symbol2relation(mvc *c, symbol *sym)
                        if (1) c->emod = mod_explain;
+               else {
+                       _rel_print(c,r);
+               }
                if (1){
                r = rel_optimizer(c, r);
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_rdf.h b/sql/backends/monet5/sql_rdf.h
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_rdf.h
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/sql_rdf.h
@@ -51,6 +51,9 @@ extern PropStat *global_c_propstat;
 extern BAT *global_mbat;
 extern BATiter global_mapi;
-#define USINGRDFSCAN   1
+#define USINGRDFSCAN   0
+#define APPLY_OPTIMIZATION_FOR_OPTIONAL        1       /* Instead of using 
left join, we use a project with ifthenelse */
+                                               /* on the set of optional 
columns */
 #endif /*_SQL_RDF_H */
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_rdf_jgraph.c 
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_rdf_jgraph.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/sql_rdf_jgraph.c
@@ -1197,7 +1197,7 @@ void extract_prop_and_subj_from_exps(mvc
-void tranforms_exps(mvc *c, sql_rel *r, list *trans_select_exps, list 
*trans_tbl_exps, str tblname, int colIdx, oid tmpPropId, str *atblname, str 
*asubjcolname, list *sp_prj_exps){
+void tranforms_exps(mvc *c, sql_rel *r, list *trans_select_exps, list 
*trans_tbl_exps, str tblname, int colIdx, oid tmpPropId, str *atblname, str 
*asubjcolname, list *sp_prj_exps, list *base_column_exps){
        list *tmpexps = NULL; 
        list *tmp_tbl_exps = NULL; 
@@ -1279,10 +1279,12 @@ void tranforms_exps(mvc *c, sql_rel *r, 
                                sql_column *tmpcol = get_rdf_column(c, tblname, 
                                sql_exp *e = exp_alias(sa, tmpexp->rname, 
tmpexp->name, origtblname, origcolname, &tmpcol->type, CARD_MULTI, 
tmpcol->null, 0);
                                sql_exp *proj_e = exp_alias(sa, tmpexp->rname, 
tmpexp->name, tmpexp->rname, tmpexp->name, &tmpcol->type, CARD_MULTI, 
tmpcol->null, 0);  
+                               sql_exp *base_col_e = exp_copy(sa, proj_e);
                                printf("tmpcolname in rdf basetable is %s\n", 
                                append(trans_tbl_exps, e); 
                                if (sp_prj_exps) append(sp_prj_exps, proj_e); 
+                               if (base_column_exps) append(base_column_exps, 
                        if (strcmp(tmpexp->name, "s") == 0){
@@ -1293,7 +1295,7 @@ void tranforms_exps(mvc *c, sql_rel *r, 
                                sql_column *tmpcol = get_rdf_column(c, 
origtblname, origcolname);
                                sql_exp *e = exp_alias(sa, tmpexp->rname, 
tmpexp->name, origtblname, origcolname, &tmpcol->type, CARD_MULTI, 
tmpcol->null, 0);
                                sql_exp *proj_e = exp_alias(sa, tmpexp->rname, 
tmpexp->name, tmpexp->rname, tmpexp->name, &tmpcol->type, CARD_MULTI, 
tmpcol->null, 0);
+                               sql_exp *base_col_e = exp_copy(sa, proj_e);
                                if (*atblname == NULL){
                                        *atblname = GDKstrdup(tmpexp->rname);
@@ -1301,6 +1303,7 @@ void tranforms_exps(mvc *c, sql_rel *r, 
                                append(trans_tbl_exps, e); 
                                if (sp_prj_exps) append(sp_prj_exps, proj_e); 
+                               if (base_column_exps) append(base_column_exps, 
@@ -1309,7 +1312,7 @@ void tranforms_exps(mvc *c, sql_rel *r, 
-void tranforms_mvprop_exps(mvc *c, sql_rel *r, mvPropRel *mvproprel, int 
tblId, oid tblnameoid, int colIdx, oid tmpPropId, int isMVcol, list 
+void tranforms_mvprop_exps(mvc *c, sql_rel *r, mvPropRel *mvproprel, int 
tblId, oid tblnameoid, int colIdx, oid tmpPropId, int isMVcol, list 
*sp_prj_exps, list *base_column_exps){
        list *tmpexps = NULL; 
        list *trans_select_exps = NULL; 
@@ -1403,10 +1406,12 @@ void tranforms_mvprop_exps(mvc *c, sql_r
                                sql_column *tmpcol = get_rdf_column(c, 
mvtblname, origcolname);
                                sql_exp *e = exp_alias(sa, tmpexp->rname, 
tmpexp->name, origtblname, origcolname, &tmpcol->type, CARD_MULTI, 
tmpcol->null, 0);
                                sql_exp *proj_e = exp_alias(sa, tmpexp->rname, 
tmpexp->name, tmpexp->rname, tmpexp->name, &tmpcol->type, CARD_MULTI, 
tmpcol->null, 0);
+                               sql_exp *base_col_e = exp_copy(sa, proj_e);
                                printf("tmpmvcolname in rdf basetable is %s\n", 
                                append(trans_tbl_exps, e); 
                                append(sp_prj_exps, proj_e);
+                               if (base_column_exps) append(base_column_exps, 
                        if (strcmp(tmpexp->name, "s") == 0){
@@ -1417,9 +1422,11 @@ void tranforms_mvprop_exps(mvc *c, sql_r
                                sql_column *tmpcol = get_rdf_column(c, 
origtblname, origcolname);
                                sql_exp *e = exp_alias(sa, tmpexp->rname, 
tmpexp->name, origtblname, origcolname, &tmpcol->type, CARD_MULTI, 
tmpcol->null, 0);
                                sql_exp *proj_e = exp_alias(sa, tmpexp->rname, 
tmpexp->name, tmpexp->rname, tmpexp->name, &tmpcol->type, CARD_MULTI, 
tmpcol->null, 0);
+                               sql_exp *base_col_e = exp_copy(sa, proj_e);
                                append(trans_tbl_exps, e); 
                                append(sp_prj_exps, proj_e);
+                               if (base_column_exps) append(base_column_exps, 
                                mvproprel->atblname = GDKstrdup(tmpexp->rname);
                                mvproprel->asubjcolname = 
@@ -1643,6 +1650,191 @@ sql_rel *connect_sp_select_and_mv_prop(m
+list *single_exp_list(sql_allocator *sa, sql_exp *e){
+       list *lst = NULL; 
+       lst = new_exp_list(sa);
+       append(lst, e); 
+       return lst; 
+ * Return sys.isnull(e)
+ * Right now, it is more like e = null
+ * */
+sql_exp* exp_isnull(sql_allocator *sa, sql_exp *e){
+       sql_exp *l = NULL; 
+       sql_exp *r = NULL; 
+       sql_exp *isnull_exp = NULL;
+       l = e;
+       r = exp_atom(sa, atom_general(sa, exp_subtype(l), NULL));
+       isnull_exp = exp_compare(sa, l, r, cmp_equal); 
+       return isnull_exp; 
+sql_exp* exp_isnotnull(sql_allocator *sa, sql_exp *e){
+       sql_exp *l = NULL; 
+       sql_exp *r = NULL; 
+       sql_exp *isnotnull_exp = NULL;
+       l = e;
+       r = exp_atom(sa, atom_general(sa, exp_subtype(l), NULL));
+       isnotnull_exp = exp_compare(sa, l, r, cmp_notequal); 
+       return isnotnull_exp; 
+ * Create exps for optional set of columns
+ * e.g., base_column_exps  [s1.p1, s1.p2, s1.p3]
+ * Then, the opt_exps will be
+ * sys.ifthenelse(
+ *     sys.ifthenelse(
+ *             sys.isnull(
+ *             sys.or(sys.isnull(s1.p1),
+ *                     sys.or(sys.isnull(s1.p2), sys.isnull(s1.p3))
+ *             )),
+ *             boolean "false",
+ *             sys.or(sys.isnull(s1.p1),
+ *                     sys.or(sys.isnull(s1.p2), sys.isnull(s1.p3))
+ *             )
+ *     ),
+ *     NULL, 
+ *     s1.p1
+ * )
+ *
+ * Look complicated :)
+ *
+ * If it is a set of required columns, then put sys.isnotnull()
+ *
+ * NOTE THAT as set of base columns can look like s1.s, s1.o, s2.s, s2.o,...
+ * we only put the condition on o, while keeping s as original
+ *
+ * */
+list *create_optional_exps(sql_allocator *sa, list *base_column_exps, int 
isOptionalGroup, int contain_mv_col){
+       list *opt_exps = NULL ;
+       list *req_exps = NULL; 
+       sql_exp *or_exp = NULL; 
+       node *en = NULL; 
+       list *only_o_exps = NULL; //keeping only o
+       only_o_exps = new_exp_list(sa); 
+       for (en = base_column_exps->h; en; en = en->next){
+               sql_exp *o_exp = (sql_exp *) en->data;
+               assert(o_exp->type == e_column);
+               if (strcmp(o_exp->name, "o") == 0){
+                       sql_exp *tmp_o_exp =  exp_copy(sa, o_exp); 
+                       append(only_o_exps, tmp_o_exp);  
+               }
+       }
+       if (isOptionalGroup){
+               opt_exps = new_exp_list(sa); 
+               if (contain_mv_col){
+                       printf("Do nothing for group of optional prop 
containing mv col \n");
+                       return base_column_exps; 
+               } else {
+                       node *first_node = only_o_exps->h;
+                       sql_exp *first_exp = (sql_exp *) first_node->data;
+                       sql_exp *first_isnull_exp = exp_isnull(sa, first_exp); 
+                       if (first_node->next){
+                               for (en = first_node->next; en; en = en->next){
+                                       sql_exp *tmpexp = (sql_exp *) en->data;
+                                       sql_exp *tmp_isnull_exp = NULL; 
+                                       assert(tmpexp->type == e_column); 
+                                       tmp_isnull_exp = exp_isnull(sa, 
+                                       if (or_exp == NULL){
+                                               list *lst1 = 
single_exp_list(sa, first_isnull_exp); 
+                                               list *lst2 = 
single_exp_list(sa, tmp_isnull_exp); 
+                                               or_exp = exp_or(sa, lst1, 
+                                       } else {
+                                               list *lst1 = 
single_exp_list(sa, or_exp); 
+                                               list *lst2 = 
single_exp_list(sa, tmp_isnull_exp);
+                                               or_exp = exp_or(sa, lst1, 
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       }
+                       if (or_exp == NULL){
+                               or_exp = exp_copy(sa, first_isnull_exp); 
+                       }
+                       //Replace each column by ifthenelse
+                       //e.g.: col1 = ifthenelse ( or (col1 == null, col2 == 
null, col3 ==null), null, col1)
+                       for (en =base_column_exps->h; en; en = en->next){       
+                               sql_exp *tmpexp = (sql_exp *) en->data;
+                               sql_exp *if_exp = NULL; 
+                               sql_exp *exp_null = NULL; 
+                               list *lst_ifthen;
+                               list *lst_else;
+                               assert(tmpexp->type == e_column);
+                               assert(or_exp != NULL);         
+                               if (strcmp(tmpexp->name, "o") == 0){
+                                       exp_null = exp_atom(sa, 
atom_general(sa, exp_subtype(tmpexp), NULL));
+                                       lst_ifthen = single_exp_list(sa, 
+                                       lst_else = single_exp_list(sa, tmpexp); 
+                                       if_exp = exp_if(sa, or_exp, lst_ifthen, 
+                                       append(opt_exps, if_exp); 
+                               } else {
+                                       sql_exp *s_exp = NULL;
+                                       assert (strcmp(tmpexp->name, "s") == 
+                                       s_exp = exp_copy(sa, tmpexp); 
+                                       append(opt_exps, s_exp); 
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
+               return opt_exps;        
+       } else {
+               req_exps = new_exp_list(sa); 
+               for (en = base_column_exps->h; en; en = en->next){
+                       sql_exp *tmpexp = (sql_exp *) en->data;
+                       sql_exp *exp_notnull = NULL;
+                       assert(tmpexp->type == e_column);
+                       exp_notnull = exp_isnotnull(sa, tmpexp); 
+                       append(req_exps, exp_notnull);
+               }
+               return req_exps; 
+       }
+void append_sp_rdfscan_proj_exps(list *opt_col_exps, list 
+       node *en; 
+       for (en = opt_col_exps->h; en; en = en->next){
+               sql_exp *tmpexp = (sql_exp *) en->data;
+               append(sp_rdfscan_proj_exps, tmpexp); 
+       }
  * Input: 
  * - A sub-join graph (jsg) that all nodes are connected by using inner join
@@ -1655,7 +1847,7 @@ sql_rel *connect_sp_select_and_mv_prop(m
  *  - sp_prj_exps stores all the columns should be selected in the "original 
  * */
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