Changeset: a1e8ee921bcf for MonetDB
Removed Files:
Modified Files:
Branch: embedded
Log Message:

merge with default

diffs (truncated from 2029 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/MonetDB.spec b/MonetDB.spec
--- a/MonetDB.spec
+++ b/MonetDB.spec
@@ -136,9 +136,9 @@ BuildRequires: R-core-devel
 %if (0%{?fedora} >= 22)
-Recommends: %{name}-SQL-server5
-Recommends: MonetDB5-server
-Suggests: %{name}-client
+Recommends: %{name}-SQL-server5%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Recommends: MonetDB5-server%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Suggests: %{name}-client%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
 # need to define python_sitelib on RHEL 5 and older
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ library.
 Summary: MonetDB - Monet Database Management System Client Programs
 Group: Applications/Databases
 %if (0%{?fedora} >= 22)
-Recommends: %{name}-SQL-server5
+Recommends: %{name}-SQL-server5%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
 %description client
@@ -598,11 +598,11 @@ Requires(pre): shadow-utils
 Requires: %{name}-client%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
 Obsoletes: MonetDB5-server-rdf
 %if (0%{?fedora} >= 22)
-Recommends: %{name}-SQL-server5
+Recommends: %{name}-SQL-server5%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
 %if %{bits} == 64
-Recommends: MonetDB5-server-hugeint
+Recommends: MonetDB5-server-hugeint%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
-Suggests: %{name}-client
+Suggests: %{name}-client%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
 %description -n MonetDB5-server
@@ -745,9 +745,9 @@ Obsoletes: MonetDB-SQL-devel
 Obsoletes: %{name}-SQL
 %if (0%{?fedora} >= 22)
 %if %{bits} == 64
-Recommends: %{name}-SQL-server5-hugeint
+Recommends: %{name}-SQL-server5-hugeint%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
-Suggests: %{name}-client
+Suggests: %{name}-client%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
 %description SQL-server5
diff --git a/clients/ b/clients/
--- a/clients/
+++ b/clients/
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@
 SUBDIRS = mapilib mapiclient HAVE_ODBC?odbc HAVE_PERL?perl php 
HAVE_RUBYGEM?ruby examples HAVE_PYTHON2?python2 HAVE_PYTHON3?python3 
+EXTRA_DIST_DIR = Tests R nodejs
diff --git a/clients/Tests/SQL-dump.stable.out 
--- a/clients/Tests/SQL-dump.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/SQL-dump.stable.out
@@ -469,13 +469,13 @@ create function "abbrev" (p inet) return
        external name inet."abbrev";
 create function alpha(pdec double, pradius double)
 returns double external name sql.alpha;
-create procedure analyze(minmax int, "sample" bigint)
+create procedure sys.analyze(minmax int, "sample" bigint)
 external name sql.analyze;
-create procedure analyze(minmax int, "sample" bigint, sch string)
+create procedure sys.analyze(minmax int, "sample" bigint, sch string)
 external name sql.analyze;
-create procedure analyze(minmax int, "sample" bigint, sch string, tbl string)
+create procedure sys.analyze(minmax int, "sample" bigint, sch string, tbl 
 external name sql.analyze;
-create procedure analyze(minmax int, "sample" bigint, sch string, tbl string, 
col string)
+create procedure sys.analyze(minmax int, "sample" bigint, sch string, tbl 
string, col string)
 external name sql.analyze;
 -- ogc Spatial Analysis methods
@@ -1167,7 +1167,22 @@ external name sql.sysmon_stop;
 -- For strings we take a sample to determine their average length.
 create function sys."storage"()
-returns table ("schema" string, "table" string, "column" string, "type" 
string, "mode" string, location string, "count" bigint, typewidth int, 
columnsize bigint, heapsize bigint, hashes bigint, phash boolean, imprints 
bigint, sorted boolean)
+returns table (
+       "schema" string,
+       "table" string,
+       "column" string,
+       "type" string,
+       "mode" string,
+       location string,
+       "count" bigint,
+       typewidth int,
+       columnsize bigint,
+       heapsize bigint,
+       hashes bigint,
+       phash boolean,
+       imprints bigint,
+       sorted boolean
 external name sql."storage";
 create function sys.storagemodel()
 returns table (
@@ -6994,10 +7009,10 @@ 5509    "querylog_disable"      "create procedur
 5511   "tracelog"      "-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of 
the Mozilla Public\n-- License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not 
distributed with this\n-- file, You can obtain one at\n--\n-- Copyright 2008-2015 MonetDB B.V.\n\n-- 
make the offline tracing table available for inspection\ncreate function 
sys.tracelog()\n\treturns table (\n\t\tevent integer,\t\t-- event 
counter\n\t\tclk varchar(20),\t-- wallclock, no mtime in kernel\n\t\tpc 
varchar(50),\t-- module.function[nr]\n\t\tthread int,\t\t-- thread 
identifier\n\t\tticks bigint,\t\t-- time in microseconds\n\t\trrsmb 
bigint,\t\t-- resident memory in MB\n\t\tvmmb bigint,\t\t-- virtual size in 
MB\n\t\treads bigint,\t\t-- number of blocks read\n\t\twrites bigint,\t\t-- 
number of blocks written\n\t\tminflt bigint,\t\t-- minor page 
faults\n\t\tmajflt bigint,\t\t-- major page faults\n\t\tnvcsw bigint,\t\t-- 
non-volantary conext switch\n\t\tstmt string\t\t-- actual statement 
 l name sql.dump_trace;"        "sql"   1       5       false   false   false   
 5541   "profiler_openstream"   "create procedure profiler_openstream(host 
string, port int) external name profiler.""openStream"";"    "profiler"      1  
     2       true    false   false   2000
 5545   "profiler_stethoscope"  "create procedure profiler_stethoscope(ticks 
int) external name profiler.stethoscope;"  "profiler"      1       2       true 
   false   false   2000
-5548   "epoch" "-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the 
Mozilla Public\n-- License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not distributed 
with this\n-- file, You can obtain one at\n--\n-- 
Copyright 2008-2015 MonetDB B.V.\n\n-- assume milliseconds when converted to 
TIMESTAMP\ncreate function ""epoch""(sec bigint) returns timestamp\n\texternal 
name timestamp.""epoch"";"    "timestamp"     1       1       false   false   
false   2000
-5552   "epoch" "create function ""epoch""(sec int) returns 
timestamp\n\texternal name timestamp.""epoch"";"    "timestamp"     1       1   
    false   false   false   2000
-5556   "epoch" "create function ""epoch""(ts timestamp) returns 
int\n\texternal name timestamp.""epoch"";"     "timestamp"     1       1       
false   false   false   2000
-5560   "epoch" "create function ""epoch""(ts timestamp with time zone) returns 
int\n\texternal name timestamp.""epoch"";"      "timestamp"     1       1       
false   false   false   2000
+5548   "epoch" "-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the 
Mozilla Public\n-- License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not distributed 
with this\n-- file, You can obtain one at\n--\n-- 
Copyright 2008-2015 MonetDB B.V.\n\n-- assume milliseconds when converted to 
TIMESTAMP\ncreate function sys.""epoch""(sec bigint) returns 
timestamp\n\texternal name timestamp.""epoch"";"        "timestamp"     1       
1       false   false   false   2000
+5552   "epoch" "create function sys.""epoch""(sec int) returns 
timestamp\n\texternal name timestamp.""epoch"";"        "timestamp"     1       
1       false   false   false   2000
+5556   "epoch" "create function sys.""epoch""(ts timestamp) returns 
int\n\texternal name timestamp.""epoch"";" "timestamp"     1       1       
false   false   false   2000
+5560   "epoch" "create function sys.""epoch""(ts timestamp with time zone) 
returns int\n\texternal name timestamp.""epoch"";"  "timestamp"     1       1   
    false   false   false   2000
 5564   "shrink"        "-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of 
the Mozilla Public\n-- License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not 
distributed with this\n-- file, You can obtain one at\n--\n-- Copyright 2008-2015 MonetDB B.V.\n\n-- 
Vacuum a relational table should be done with care.\n-- For, the oid's are used 
in join-indices.\n\n-- Vacuum of tables may improve IO performance and disk 
footprint.\n-- The foreign key constraints should be dropped before\n-- and 
re-established after the cluster operation.\n\ncreate procedure shrink(sys 
string, tab string)\n\texternal name sql.shrink;"       "sql"   1       2       
true    false   false   2000
 5568   "reuse" "create procedure reuse(sys string, tab string)\n\texternal 
name sql.reuse;"    "sql"   1       2       true    false   false   2000
 5572   "vacuum"        "create procedure vacuum(sys string, tab 
string)\n\texternal name sql.vacuum;"  "sql"   1       2       true    false   
false   2000
@@ -7192,17 +7207,17 @@ 6482    "fitsload"      "create procedure fitslo
 6485   "listdirpat"    "create procedure listdirpat(dirname string,pat string) 
external name fits.listdirpattern;"     "fits"  1       2       true    false   
false   2000
 6521   "netcdf_attach" "-- gr_name is ""GLOBAL"" or ""ROOT"" for classic 
NetCDF files\n-- used for groups in HDF5 files\n-- global attributes have 
obj_name=""""\n\n-- create function netcdfvar (fname varchar(256)) 
\n--\treturns int external name netcdf.test;\n\ncreate procedure 
netcdf_attach(fname varchar(256))\n    external name netcdf.attach;"    
"netcdf"        1       2       true    false   false   2000
 6524   "netcdf_importvar"      "create procedure netcdf_importvar(fid integer, 
varnname varchar(256))\n    external name netcdf.importvariable;"       
"netcdf"        1       2       true    false   false   2000
-6528   "storage"       "-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of 
the Mozilla Public\n-- License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not 
distributed with this\n-- file, You can obtain one at\n--\n-- Copyright 2008-2015 MonetDB B.V.\n\n-- 
Author M.Kersten\n-- This script gives the database administrator insight in 
the actual\n-- footprint of the persistent tables and the maximum playground 
used\n-- when indices are introduced upon them.\n-- By chancing the 
storagemodelinput table directly, the footprint for\n-- yet to be loaded 
databases can be assessed.\n\n-- The actual storage footprint of an existing 
database can be\n-- obtained by the table procuding function storage()\n-- It 
represents the actual state of affairs, i.e. storage on disk\n-- of columns and 
foreign key indices, and possible temporary hash indices.\n-- For strings we 
take a sample to determine their average length.\n\ncreate function 
sys.""storage""()\nreturns table (""schema"" string, "
 "table"" string, ""column"" string, ""type"" string, ""mode"" string, location 
string, ""count"" bigint, typewidth int, columnsize bigint, heapsize bigint, 
hashes bigint, phash boolean, imprints bigint, sorted boolean)\nexternal name 
sql.""storage"";"    "sql"   1       5       false   false   false   2000
+6528   "storage"       "-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of 
the Mozilla Public\n-- License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not 
distributed with this\n-- file, You can obtain one at\n--\n-- Copyright 2008-2015 MonetDB B.V.\n\n-- 
Author M.Kersten\n-- This script gives the database administrator insight in 
the actual\n-- footprint of the persistent tables and the maximum playground 
used\n-- when indices are introduced upon them.\n-- By chancing the 
storagemodelinput table directly, the footprint for\n-- yet to be loaded 
databases can be assessed.\n\n-- The actual storage footprint of an existing 
database can be\n-- obtained by the table procuding function storage()\n-- It 
represents the actual state of affairs, i.e. storage on disk\n-- of columns and 
foreign key indices, and possible temporary hash indices.\n-- For strings we 
take a sample to determine their average length.\n\ncreate function 
sys.""storage""()\nreturns table (\n\t""schema"" strin
 g,\n\t""table"" string,\n\t""column"" string,\n\t""type"" string,\n\t""mode"" 
string,\n\tlocation string,\n\t""count"" bigint,\n\ttypewidth 
int,\n\tcolumnsize bigint,\n\theapsize bigint,\n\thashes bigint,\n\tphash 
boolean,\n\timprints bigint,\n\tsorted boolean\n)\nexternal name 
sql.""storage"";"       "sql"   1       5       false   false   false   2000
 6572   "storagemodelinit"      "-- this table can be adjusted to reflect the 
anticipated final database size\n\n-- The model input can be derived from the 
current database using\ncreate procedure 
sys.storagemodelinit()\nbegin\n\tdelete from sys.storagemodelinput;\n\n\tinsert 
into sys.storagemodelinput\n\tselect x.""schema"", x.""table"", x.""column"", 
x.""type"", x.typewidth, x.count, 0, x.typewidth, false, x.sorted from 
sys.""storage""() x;\n\n\tupdate sys.storagemodelinput\n\tset reference = 
true\n\twhere concat(concat(""schema"",""table""), ""column"") in (\n\t\tselect 
concat( concat(""fkschema"".""name"", ""fktable"".""name""), 
""fkkeycol"".""name"" )\n\t\tfrom\t""sys"".""keys"" as    
""fkkey"",\n\t\t\t\t""sys"".""objects"" as 
""fkkeycol"",\n\t\t\t\t""sys"".""tables"" as  
""fktable"",\n\t\t\t\t""sys"".""schemas"" as ""fkschema""\n\t\twhere   
""fktable"".""id"" = ""fkkey"".""table_id""\n\t\t\tand ""fkkey"".""id"" = 
""fkkeycol"".""id""\n\t\t\tand ""fkschema"".""id"" = ""fktable"".""schem
 a_id""\n\t\t\tand ""fkkey"".""rkey"" > -1);\n\n\tupdate 
sys.storagemodelinput\n\tset ""distinct"" = ""count"" -- assume all 
distinct\n\twhere ""type"" = 'varchar' or ""type""='clob';\nend;"  "user"  2    
   2       true    false   false   2000
 6574   "columnsize"    "-- The predicted storage footprint of the complete 
database\n-- determines the amount of diskspace needed for persistent 
storage\n-- and the upperbound when all possible index structures are 
created.\n-- The storage requirement for foreign key joins is split amongst the 
participants.\n\ncreate function sys.columnsize(nme string, i bigint, d 
bigint)\nreturns bigint\nbegin\n\tcase\n\twhen nme = 'boolean' then return 
i;\n\twhen nme = 'char' then return 2*i;\n\twhen nme = 'smallint' then return 2 
* i;\n\twhen nme = 'int' then return 4 * i;\n\twhen nme = 'bigint' then return 
8 * i;\n\twhen nme = 'hugeint' then return 16 * i;\n\twhen nme = 'timestamp' 
then return 8 * i;\n\twhen  nme = 'varchar' then\n\t\tcase\n\t\twhen cast(d as 
bigint) << 8 then return i;\n\t\twhen cast(d as bigint) << 16 then return 2 * 
i;\n\t\twhen cast(d as bigint) << 32 then return 4 * i;\n\t\telse return 8 * 
i;\n\t\tend case;\n\telse return 8 * i;\n\tend case;\nend;"    "user"  2       
1       false   false   false   2
 6580   "heapsize"      "create function sys.heapsize(tpe string, i bigint, w 
int)\nreturns bigint\nbegin\n\tif  tpe <> 'varchar' and tpe <> 
'clob'\n\tthen\n\t\treturn 0;\n\tend if;\n\treturn 10240 + i * w;\nend;"   
"user"  2       1       false   false   false   2000
 6586   "hashsize"      "create function sys.hashsize(b boolean, i 
bigint)\nreturns bigint\nbegin\n\t-- assume non-compound keys\n\tif  b = 
true\n\tthen\n\t\treturn 8 * i;\n\tend if;\n\treturn 0;\nend;"      "user"  2   
    1       false   false   false   2000
 6591   "imprintsize"   "create function sys.imprintsize(i bigint, nme 
string)\nreturns bigint\nbegin\n\tif nme = 'boolean'\n\t\tor nme = 
'tinyint'\n\t\tor nme = 'smallint'\n\t\tor nme = 'int'\n\t\tor nme = 
'bigint'\n\t\tor nme = 'hugeint'\n\t\tor nme = 'decimal'\n\t\tor nme = 
'date'\n\t\tor nme = 'timestamp'\n\t\tor nme = 'real'\n\t\tor nme = 
'double'\n\tthen\n\t\treturn cast( i * 0.12 as bigint);\n\tend if ;\n\treturn 
0;\nend;"       "user"  2       1       false   false   false   2000
 6596   "storagemodel"  "create function sys.storagemodel()\nreturns table 
(\n\t""schema"" string,\n\t""table"" string,\n\t""column"" string,\n\t""type"" 
string,\n\t""count"" bigint,\n\tcolumnsize bigint,\n\theapsize 
bigint,\n\thashes bigint,\n\timprints bigint,\n\tsorted 
boolean)\nbegin\n\treturn select i.""schema"", i.""table"", i.""column"", 
i.""type"", i.""count"",\n\tcolumnsize(i.""type"", i.count, 
i.""distinct""),\n\theapsize(i.""type"", i.""distinct"", 
sys.storagemodelinput i;\nend;"        "user"  2       5       false   false   
false   2000
-6643   "analyze"       "create procedure analyze(minmax int, ""sample"" 
bigint)\nexternal name sql.analyze;"   "sql"   1       2       true    false   
false   2000
-6647   "analyze"       "create procedure analyze(minmax int, ""sample"" 
bigint, sch string)\nexternal name sql.analyze;"       "sql"   1       2       
true    false   false   2000
-6652   "analyze"       "create procedure analyze(minmax int, ""sample"" 
bigint, sch string, tbl string)\nexternal name sql.analyze;"   "sql"   1       
2       true    false   false   2000
-6658   "analyze"       "create procedure analyze(minmax int, ""sample"" 
bigint, sch string, tbl string, col string)\nexternal name sql.analyze;"       
"sql"   1       2       true    false   false   2000
+6643   "analyze"       "create procedure sys.analyze(minmax int, ""sample"" 
bigint)\nexternal name sql.analyze;"       "sql"   1       2       true    
false   false   2000
+6647   "analyze"       "create procedure sys.analyze(minmax int, ""sample"" 
bigint, sch string)\nexternal name sql.analyze;"   "sql"   1       2       true 
   false   false   2000
+6652   "analyze"       "create procedure sys.analyze(minmax int, ""sample"" 
bigint, sch string, tbl string)\nexternal name sql.analyze;"       "sql"   1    
   2       true    false   false   2000
+6658   "analyze"       "create procedure sys.analyze(minmax int, ""sample"" 
bigint, sch string, tbl string, col string)\nexternal name sql.analyze;"   
"sql"   1       2       true    false   false   2000
 6665   "reverse"       "-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of 
the Mozilla Public\n-- License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not 
distributed with this\n-- file, You can obtain one at\n--\n-- Copyright 2008-2015 MonetDB B.V.\n\n-- add 
function signatures to SQL catalog\n\n\n-- Reverse a string\ncreate function 
reverse(src string)\nreturns string external name udf.reverse;"   "udf"   1     
  1       false   false   false   2000
 6669   "fuse"  "-- fuse two (1-byte) tinyint values into one (2-byte) smallint 
value\ncreate function fuse(one tinyint, two tinyint)\nreturns smallint 
external name udf.fuse;"        "udf"   1       1       false   false   false   
 6674   "fuse"  "-- fuse two (2-byte) smallint values into one (4-byte) integer 
value\ncreate function fuse(one smallint, two smallint)\nreturns integer 
external name udf.fuse;"       "udf"   1       1       false   false   false   
diff --git a/clients/Tests/SQL-dump.stable.out.int128 
--- a/clients/Tests/SQL-dump.stable.out.int128
+++ b/clients/Tests/SQL-dump.stable.out.int128
@@ -465,13 +465,13 @@ create function "abbrev" (p inet) return
        external name inet."abbrev";
 create function alpha(pdec double, pradius double)
 returns double external name sql.alpha;
-create procedure analyze(minmax int, "sample" bigint)
+create procedure sys.analyze(minmax int, "sample" bigint)
 external name sql.analyze;
-create procedure analyze(minmax int, "sample" bigint, sch string)
+create procedure sys.analyze(minmax int, "sample" bigint, sch string)
 external name sql.analyze;
-create procedure analyze(minmax int, "sample" bigint, sch string, tbl string)
+create procedure sys.analyze(minmax int, "sample" bigint, sch string, tbl 
 external name sql.analyze;
-create procedure analyze(minmax int, "sample" bigint, sch string, tbl string, 
col string)
+create procedure sys.analyze(minmax int, "sample" bigint, sch string, tbl 
string, col string)
 external name sql.analyze;
 -- ogc Spatial Analysis methods
@@ -1204,7 +1204,22 @@ external name sql.sysmon_stop;
 -- For strings we take a sample to determine their average length.
 create function sys."storage"()
-returns table ("schema" string, "table" string, "column" string, "type" 
string, "mode" string, location string, "count" bigint, typewidth int, 
columnsize bigint, heapsize bigint, hashes bigint, phash boolean, imprints 
bigint, sorted boolean)
+returns table (
+       "schema" string,
+       "table" string,
+       "column" string,
+       "type" string,
+       "mode" string,
+       location string,
+       "count" bigint,
+       typewidth int,
+       columnsize bigint,
+       heapsize bigint,
+       hashes bigint,
+       phash boolean,
+       imprints bigint,
+       sorted boolean
 external name sql."storage";
 create function sys.storagemodel()
 returns table (
@@ -7674,10 +7689,10 @@ 5962    "querylog_disable"      "create procedur
 5964   "tracelog"      "-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of 
the Mozilla Public\n-- License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not 
distributed with this\n-- file, You can obtain one at\n--\n-- Copyright 2008-2015 MonetDB B.V.\n\n-- 
make the offline tracing table available for inspection\ncreate function 
sys.tracelog()\n\treturns table (\n\t\tevent integer,\t\t-- event 
counter\n\t\tclk varchar(20),\t-- wallclock, no mtime in kernel\n\t\tpc 
varchar(50),\t-- module.function[nr]\n\t\tthread int,\t\t-- thread 
identifier\n\t\tticks bigint,\t\t-- time in microseconds\n\t\trrsmb 
bigint,\t\t-- resident memory in MB\n\t\tvmmb bigint,\t\t-- virtual size in 
MB\n\t\treads bigint,\t\t-- number of blocks read\n\t\twrites bigint,\t\t-- 
number of blocks written\n\t\tminflt bigint,\t\t-- minor page 
faults\n\t\tmajflt bigint,\t\t-- major page faults\n\t\tnvcsw bigint,\t\t-- 
non-volantary conext switch\n\t\tstmt string\t\t-- actual statement 
 l name sql.dump_trace;"        "sql"   1       5       false   false   false   
 5994   "profiler_openstream"   "create procedure profiler_openstream(host 
string, port int) external name profiler.""openStream"";"    "profiler"      1  
     2       true    false   false   2000
 5998   "profiler_stethoscope"  "create procedure profiler_stethoscope(ticks 
int) external name profiler.stethoscope;"  "profiler"      1       2       true 
   false   false   2000
-6001   "epoch" "-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the 
Mozilla Public\n-- License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not distributed 
with this\n-- file, You can obtain one at\n--\n-- 
Copyright 2008-2015 MonetDB B.V.\n\n-- assume milliseconds when converted to 
TIMESTAMP\ncreate function ""epoch""(sec bigint) returns timestamp\n\texternal 
name timestamp.""epoch"";"    "timestamp"     1       1       false   false   
false   2000
-6005   "epoch" "create function ""epoch""(sec int) returns 
timestamp\n\texternal name timestamp.""epoch"";"    "timestamp"     1       1   
    false   false   false   2000
-6009   "epoch" "create function ""epoch""(ts timestamp) returns 
int\n\texternal name timestamp.""epoch"";"     "timestamp"     1       1       
false   false   false   2000
-6013   "epoch" "create function ""epoch""(ts timestamp with time zone) returns 
int\n\texternal name timestamp.""epoch"";"      "timestamp"     1       1       
false   false   false   2000
+6001   "epoch" "-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the 
Mozilla Public\n-- License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not distributed 
with this\n-- file, You can obtain one at\n--\n-- 
Copyright 2008-2015 MonetDB B.V.\n\n-- assume milliseconds when converted to 
TIMESTAMP\ncreate function sys.""epoch""(sec bigint) returns 
timestamp\n\texternal name timestamp.""epoch"";"        "timestamp"     1       
1       false   false   false   2000
+6005   "epoch" "create function sys.""epoch""(sec int) returns 
timestamp\n\texternal name timestamp.""epoch"";"        "timestamp"     1       
1       false   false   false   2000
+6009   "epoch" "create function sys.""epoch""(ts timestamp) returns 
int\n\texternal name timestamp.""epoch"";" "timestamp"     1       1       
false   false   false   2000
+6013   "epoch" "create function sys.""epoch""(ts timestamp with time zone) 
returns int\n\texternal name timestamp.""epoch"";"  "timestamp"     1       1   
    false   false   false   2000
 6017   "shrink"        "-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of 
the Mozilla Public\n-- License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not 
distributed with this\n-- file, You can obtain one at\n--\n-- Copyright 2008-2015 MonetDB B.V.\n\n-- 
Vacuum a relational table should be done with care.\n-- For, the oid's are used 
in join-indices.\n\n-- Vacuum of tables may improve IO performance and disk 
footprint.\n-- The foreign key constraints should be dropped before\n-- and 
re-established after the cluster operation.\n\ncreate procedure shrink(sys 
string, tab string)\n\texternal name sql.shrink;"       "sql"   1       2       
true    false   false   2000
 6021   "reuse" "create procedure reuse(sys string, tab string)\n\texternal 
name sql.reuse;"    "sql"   1       2       true    false   false   2000
 6025   "vacuum"        "create procedure vacuum(sys string, tab 
string)\n\texternal name sql.vacuum;"  "sql"   1       2       true    false   
false   2000
@@ -7880,17 +7895,17 @@ 6970    "fitsload"      "create procedure fitslo
 6973   "listdirpat"    "create procedure listdirpat(dirname string,pat string) 
external name fits.listdirpattern;"     "fits"  1       2       true    false   
false   2000
 7009   "netcdf_attach" "-- gr_name is ""GLOBAL"" or ""ROOT"" for classic 
NetCDF files\n-- used for groups in HDF5 files\n-- global attributes have 
obj_name=""""\n\n-- create function netcdfvar (fname varchar(256)) 
\n--\treturns int external name netcdf.test;\n\ncreate procedure 
netcdf_attach(fname varchar(256))\n    external name netcdf.attach;"    
"netcdf"        1       2       true    false   false   2000
 7012   "netcdf_importvar"      "create procedure netcdf_importvar(fid integer, 
varnname varchar(256))\n    external name netcdf.importvariable;"       
"netcdf"        1       2       true    false   false   2000
-7016   "storage"       "-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of 
the Mozilla Public\n-- License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not 
distributed with this\n-- file, You can obtain one at\n--\n-- Copyright 2008-2015 MonetDB B.V.\n\n-- 
Author M.Kersten\n-- This script gives the database administrator insight in 
the actual\n-- footprint of the persistent tables and the maximum playground 
used\n-- when indices are introduced upon them.\n-- By chancing the 
storagemodelinput table directly, the footprint for\n-- yet to be loaded 
databases can be assessed.\n\n-- The actual storage footprint of an existing 
database can be\n-- obtained by the table procuding function storage()\n-- It 
represents the actual state of affairs, i.e. storage on disk\n-- of columns and 
foreign key indices, and possible temporary hash indices.\n-- For strings we 
take a sample to determine their average length.\n\ncreate function 
sys.""storage""()\nreturns table (""schema"" string, "
 "table"" string, ""column"" string, ""type"" string, ""mode"" string, location 
string, ""count"" bigint, typewidth int, columnsize bigint, heapsize bigint, 
hashes bigint, phash boolean, imprints bigint, sorted boolean)\nexternal name 
sql.""storage"";"    "sql"   1       5       false   false   false   2000
+7016   "storage"       "-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of 
the Mozilla Public\n-- License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not 
distributed with this\n-- file, You can obtain one at\n--\n-- Copyright 2008-2015 MonetDB B.V.\n\n-- 
Author M.Kersten\n-- This script gives the database administrator insight in 
the actual\n-- footprint of the persistent tables and the maximum playground 
used\n-- when indices are introduced upon them.\n-- By chancing the 
storagemodelinput table directly, the footprint for\n-- yet to be loaded 
databases can be assessed.\n\n-- The actual storage footprint of an existing 
database can be\n-- obtained by the table procuding function storage()\n-- It 
represents the actual state of affairs, i.e. storage on disk\n-- of columns and 
foreign key indices, and possible temporary hash indices.\n-- For strings we 
take a sample to determine their average length.\n\ncreate function 
sys.""storage""()\nreturns table (\n\t""schema"" strin
 g,\n\t""table"" string,\n\t""column"" string,\n\t""type"" string,\n\t""mode"" 
string,\n\tlocation string,\n\t""count"" bigint,\n\ttypewidth 
int,\n\tcolumnsize bigint,\n\theapsize bigint,\n\thashes bigint,\n\tphash 
boolean,\n\timprints bigint,\n\tsorted boolean\n)\nexternal name 
sql.""storage"";"       "sql"   1       5       false   false   false   2000
 7060   "storagemodelinit"      "-- this table can be adjusted to reflect the 
anticipated final database size\n\n-- The model input can be derived from the 
current database using\ncreate procedure 
sys.storagemodelinit()\nbegin\n\tdelete from sys.storagemodelinput;\n\n\tinsert 
into sys.storagemodelinput\n\tselect x.""schema"", x.""table"", x.""column"", 
x.""type"", x.typewidth, x.count, 0, x.typewidth, false, x.sorted from 
sys.""storage""() x;\n\n\tupdate sys.storagemodelinput\n\tset reference = 
true\n\twhere concat(concat(""schema"",""table""), ""column"") in (\n\t\tselect 
concat( concat(""fkschema"".""name"", ""fktable"".""name""), 
""fkkeycol"".""name"" )\n\t\tfrom\t""sys"".""keys"" as    
""fkkey"",\n\t\t\t\t""sys"".""objects"" as 
""fkkeycol"",\n\t\t\t\t""sys"".""tables"" as  
""fktable"",\n\t\t\t\t""sys"".""schemas"" as ""fkschema""\n\t\twhere   
""fktable"".""id"" = ""fkkey"".""table_id""\n\t\t\tand ""fkkey"".""id"" = 
""fkkeycol"".""id""\n\t\t\tand ""fkschema"".""id"" = ""fktable"".""schem
 a_id""\n\t\t\tand ""fkkey"".""rkey"" > -1);\n\n\tupdate 
sys.storagemodelinput\n\tset ""distinct"" = ""count"" -- assume all 
distinct\n\twhere ""type"" = 'varchar' or ""type""='clob';\nend;"  "user"  2    
   2       true    false   false   2000
 7062   "columnsize"    "-- The predicted storage footprint of the complete 
database\n-- determines the amount of diskspace needed for persistent 
storage\n-- and the upperbound when all possible index structures are 
created.\n-- The storage requirement for foreign key joins is split amongst the 
participants.\n\ncreate function sys.columnsize(nme string, i bigint, d 
bigint)\nreturns bigint\nbegin\n\tcase\n\twhen nme = 'boolean' then return 
i;\n\twhen nme = 'char' then return 2*i;\n\twhen nme = 'smallint' then return 2 
* i;\n\twhen nme = 'int' then return 4 * i;\n\twhen nme = 'bigint' then return 
8 * i;\n\twhen nme = 'hugeint' then return 16 * i;\n\twhen nme = 'timestamp' 
then return 8 * i;\n\twhen  nme = 'varchar' then\n\t\tcase\n\t\twhen cast(d as 
bigint) << 8 then return i;\n\t\twhen cast(d as bigint) << 16 then return 2 * 
i;\n\t\twhen cast(d as bigint) << 32 then return 4 * i;\n\t\telse return 8 * 
i;\n\t\tend case;\n\telse return 8 * i;\n\tend case;\nend;"    "user"  2       
1       false   false   false   2
 7068   "heapsize"      "create function sys.heapsize(tpe string, i bigint, w 
int)\nreturns bigint\nbegin\n\tif  tpe <> 'varchar' and tpe <> 
'clob'\n\tthen\n\t\treturn 0;\n\tend if;\n\treturn 10240 + i * w;\nend;"   
"user"  2       1       false   false   false   2000
 7074   "hashsize"      "create function sys.hashsize(b boolean, i 
bigint)\nreturns bigint\nbegin\n\t-- assume non-compound keys\n\tif  b = 
true\n\tthen\n\t\treturn 8 * i;\n\tend if;\n\treturn 0;\nend;"      "user"  2   
    1       false   false   false   2000
 7079   "imprintsize"   "create function sys.imprintsize(i bigint, nme 
string)\nreturns bigint\nbegin\n\tif nme = 'boolean'\n\t\tor nme = 
'tinyint'\n\t\tor nme = 'smallint'\n\t\tor nme = 'int'\n\t\tor nme = 
'bigint'\n\t\tor nme = 'hugeint'\n\t\tor nme = 'decimal'\n\t\tor nme = 
'date'\n\t\tor nme = 'timestamp'\n\t\tor nme = 'real'\n\t\tor nme = 
'double'\n\tthen\n\t\treturn cast( i * 0.12 as bigint);\n\tend if ;\n\treturn 
0;\nend;"       "user"  2       1       false   false   false   2000
 7084   "storagemodel"  "create function sys.storagemodel()\nreturns table 
(\n\t""schema"" string,\n\t""table"" string,\n\t""column"" string,\n\t""type"" 
string,\n\t""count"" bigint,\n\tcolumnsize bigint,\n\theapsize 
bigint,\n\thashes bigint,\n\timprints bigint,\n\tsorted 
boolean)\nbegin\n\treturn select i.""schema"", i.""table"", i.""column"", 
i.""type"", i.""count"",\n\tcolumnsize(i.""type"", i.count, 
i.""distinct""),\n\theapsize(i.""type"", i.""distinct"", 
sys.storagemodelinput i;\nend;"        "user"  2       5       false   false   
false   2000
-7131   "analyze"       "create procedure analyze(minmax int, ""sample"" 
bigint)\nexternal name sql.analyze;"   "sql"   1       2       true    false   
false   2000
-7135   "analyze"       "create procedure analyze(minmax int, ""sample"" 
bigint, sch string)\nexternal name sql.analyze;"       "sql"   1       2       
true    false   false   2000
-7140   "analyze"       "create procedure analyze(minmax int, ""sample"" 
bigint, sch string, tbl string)\nexternal name sql.analyze;"   "sql"   1       
2       true    false   false   2000
-7146   "analyze"       "create procedure analyze(minmax int, ""sample"" 
bigint, sch string, tbl string, col string)\nexternal name sql.analyze;"       
"sql"   1       2       true    false   false   2000
+7131   "analyze"       "create procedure sys.analyze(minmax int, ""sample"" 
bigint)\nexternal name sql.analyze;"       "sql"   1       2       true    
false   false   2000
+7135   "analyze"       "create procedure sys.analyze(minmax int, ""sample"" 
bigint, sch string)\nexternal name sql.analyze;"   "sql"   1       2       true 
   false   false   2000
+7140   "analyze"       "create procedure sys.analyze(minmax int, ""sample"" 
bigint, sch string, tbl string)\nexternal name sql.analyze;"       "sql"   1    
   2       true    false   false   2000
+7146   "analyze"       "create procedure sys.analyze(minmax int, ""sample"" 
bigint, sch string, tbl string, col string)\nexternal name sql.analyze;"   
"sql"   1       2       true    false   false   2000
 7153   "reverse"       "-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of 
the Mozilla Public\n-- License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not 
distributed with this\n-- file, You can obtain one at\n--\n-- Copyright 2008-2015 MonetDB B.V.\n\n-- add 
function signatures to SQL catalog\n\n\n-- Reverse a string\ncreate function 
reverse(src string)\nreturns string external name udf.reverse;"   "udf"   1     
  1       false   false   false   2000
 7157   "fuse"  "-- fuse two (1-byte) tinyint values into one (2-byte) smallint 
value\ncreate function fuse(one tinyint, two tinyint)\nreturns smallint 
external name udf.fuse;"        "udf"   1       1       false   false   false   
 7162   "fuse"  "-- fuse two (2-byte) smallint values into one (4-byte) integer 
value\ncreate function fuse(one smallint, two smallint)\nreturns integer 
external name udf.fuse;"       "udf"   1       1       false   false   false   
diff --git a/clients/mapiclient/mapisplit-dummy.c 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/clients/mapiclient/mapisplit-dummy.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-This refers to ../R/MonetDB.R/src/mapisplit.c . We cannot have this file here, 
-as the R connector needs to be able to compile stand-alone. 
-#include "mapisplit.c"
diff --git a/clients/mapiclient/profiler-dummy.c 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/clients/mapiclient/profiler-dummy.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-This refers to ../R/MonetDB.R/src/profiler.c . We cannot have this file here, 
-as the R connector needs to be able to compile stand-alone. 
-#include "profiler.c"
diff --git a/clients/odbc/driver/ b/clients/odbc/driver/
--- a/clients/odbc/driver/
+++ b/clients/odbc/driver/
@@ -109,3 +109,4 @@ lib_MonetODBC = {
        LIBS = ../../mapilib/libmapi $(LTLIBICONV) $(ODBCINST_LIBS) 
+EXTRA_DIST = Copyright
diff --git a/clients/python3/ChangeLog.Jul2015 
--- a/clients/python3/ChangeLog.Jul2015
+++ b/clients/python3/ChangeLog.Jul2015
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-# ChangeLog file for python2
+# ChangeLog file for python3
 # This file is updated with Maddlog
diff --git a/sql/ChangeLog.Jul2015 b/sql/ChangeLog.Jul2015
--- a/sql/ChangeLog.Jul2015
+++ b/sql/ChangeLog.Jul2015
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
 # ChangeLog file for sql
 # This file is updated with Maddlog
+* Tue Jul 28 2015 Sjoerd Mullender <>
+- Added support for 128-bit integers (called HUGEINT) on platforms that
+  support this.
 * Wed Feb 18 2015 Sjoerd Mullender <>
 - Removed support for the mseed library.
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_upgrades.c 
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_upgrades.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/sql_upgrades.c
@@ -1166,45 +1166,30 @@ sql_update_hugeint(Client c)
                        "returns table (value hugeint)\n"
                        "external name generator.series;\n");
+       /* 39_analytics_hge.sql */
        pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
-                       "create aggregate sys.stddev_samp(val hugeint)\n"
-                       "returns double\n"
-                       "external name aggr.stdev;\n");
+                       "create aggregate sys.stddev_samp(val HUGEINT) returns 
+                       "    external name \"aggr\".\"stdev\";\n"
+                       "create aggregate sys.stddev_pop(val HUGEINT) returns 
+                       "    external name \"aggr\".\"stdevp\";\n"
+                       "create aggregate sys.var_samp(val HUGEINT) returns 
+                       "    external name \"aggr\".\"variance\";\n"
+                       "create aggregate sys.var_pop(val HUGEINT) returns 
+                       "    external name \"aggr\".\"variancep\";\n"
+                       "create aggregate sys.median(val HUGEINT) returns 
+                       "    external name \"aggr\".\"median\";\n"
+                       "create aggregate sys.quantile(val HUGEINT, q DOUBLE) 
returns HUGEINT\n"
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