Changeset: c77acdff8acf for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Jul2015
Log Message:

Do not depend on (changeable) system tables in tests.

diffs (132 lines):

diff --git a/sql/test/BugTracker-2013/Tests/swapped_likejoin.Bug-3375.sql 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker-2013/Tests/swapped_likejoin.Bug-3375.sql
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2013/Tests/swapped_likejoin.Bug-3375.sql
@@ -1,5 +1,67 @@
+CREATE TABLE "sys"."tbls" (
+       "id"            INTEGER,
+       "name"          VARCHAR(1024),
+       "schema_id"     INTEGER,
+       "query"         VARCHAR(2048),
+       "type"          SMALLINT,
+       "system"        BOOLEAN,
+       "commit_action" SMALLINT,
+       "access"        SMALLINT
+COPY 49 RECORDS INTO "sys"."tbls" FROM stdin USING DELIMITERS '\t','\n','"';
+2001   schemas 2000            0       true    0       0
+2007   types   2000            0       true    0       0
+2016   functions       2000            0       true    0       0
+2027   args    2000            0       true    0       0
+2036   sequences       2000            0       true    0       0
+2046   dependencies    2000            0       true    0       0
+2050   connections     2000            0       true    0       0
+2059   _tables 2000            0       true    0       0
+2068   _columns        2000            0       true    0       0
+2079   keys    2000            0       true    0       0
+2086   idxs    2000            0       true    0       0
+2091   triggers        2000            0       true    0       0
+2102   objects 2000            0       true    0       0
+2107   _tables 2106            0       true    2       0
+2116   _columns        2106            0       true    2       0
+2127   keys    2106            0       true    2       0
+2134   idxs    2106            0       true    2       0
+2139   triggers        2106            0       true    2       0
+2150   objects 2106            0       true    2       0
+5659   tables  2000    "SELECT * FROM (SELECT p.*, 0 AS ""temporary"", 
CAST(CASE WHEN system THEN type + 10 /* system table/view */ ELSE (CASE WHEN 
commit_action = 0 THEN type /* table/view */ ELSE type + 20 /* global temp 
table */ END) END AS SMALLINT) AS table_type FROM ""sys"".""_tables"" AS p 
UNION ALL SELECT t.*, 1 AS ""temporary"", CAST(type + 30 /* local temp table */ 
AS SMALLINT) AS table_type FROM ""tmp"".""_tables"" AS t) AS tables where 
tables.type <> 2;" 1       true    0       0
+5670   columns 2000    "SELECT * FROM (SELECT p.* FROM ""sys"".""_columns"" AS 
p UNION ALL SELECT t.* FROM ""tmp"".""_columns"" AS t) AS columns;"     1       
true    0       0
+5686   db_user_info    2000            0       true    0       0
+5692   users   2000    "SELECT u.""name"" AS ""name"", ui.""fullname"", 
ui.""default_schema"" FROM db_users() AS u LEFT JOIN ""sys"".""db_user_info"" 
AS ui ON u.""name"" = ui.""name"" ;"     1       true    0       0
+5696   user_role       2000            0       true    0       0
+5699   auths   2000            0       true    0       0
+5703   privileges      2000            0       true    0       0
+5925   querylog_catalog        2000    "-- create table views for 
convenience\ncreate view sys.querylog_catalog as select * from 
sys.querylog_catalog();"      1       true    0       0
+5936   querylog_calls  2000    "create view sys.querylog_calls as select * 
from sys.querylog_calls();" 1       true    0       0
+5954   querylog_history        2000    "create view sys.querylog_history 
as\nselect qd.*, ql.""start"",ql.""stop"", ql.arguments, ql.tuples,, 
ql.ship, ql.cpu,\nfrom sys.querylog_catalog() qd, sys.querylog_calls() 
ql\nwhere = and qd.owner = user;"        1       true    0       0
+5993   tracelog        2000    "create view sys.tracelog as select * from 
sys.tracelog();"     1       true    0       0
+6133   sessions        2000    "create view sys.sessions as select * from 
sys.sessions();"     1       true    0       0
+6213   optimizers      2000    "create view sys.optimizers as select * from 
sys.optimizers();" 1       true    0       0
+6221   environment     2000    "create view sys.environment as select * from 
sys.environment();"       1       true    0       0
+6259   queue   2000    "create view sys.queue as select * from sys.queue();"   
1       true    0       0
+6289   rejects 2000    "create view sys.rejects as select * from 
sys.rejects();"       1       true    0       0
+6947   keywords        2000            0       true    0       0
+6955   table_types     2000            0       true    0       0
+6963   dependency_types        2000            0       true    0       0
+6967   netcdf_files    2000            0       true    0       0
+6973   netcdf_dims     2000            0       true    0       0
+6981   netcdf_vars     2000            0       true    0       0
+6987   netcdf_vardim   2000            0       true    0       0
+6995   netcdf_attrs    2000            0       true    0       0
+7034   storage 2000    "create view sys.""storage"" as select * from 
sys.""storage""();"       1       true    0       0
+7046   storagemodelinput       2000            0       true    0       0
+7094   storagemodel    2000    "create view sys.storagemodel as select * from 
sys.storagemodel();"     1       true    0       0
+7104   tablestoragemodel       2000    "-- A summary of the table storage 
requirement is is available as a table view.\n-- The auxiliary column denotes 
the maximum space if all non-sorted columns\n-- would be augmented with a hash 
(rare situation)\ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodel\nas select 
""schema"",""table"",max(count) as ""count"",\n\tsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,\n\tsum(heapsize) as heapsize,\n\tsum(hashes) as 
hashes,\n\tsum(imprints) as imprints,\n\tsum(case when sorted = false then 8 * 
count else 0 end) as auxiliary\nfrom sys.storagemodel() group by 
""schema"",""table"";"   1       true    0       0
+7117   statistics      2000            0       true    0       0
+7245   systemfunctions 2000            0       true    0       0
 create table x (s string);
 insert into x values('%able%');
-select name, schema_id, query, type, system, commit_action, access, s from 
sys._tables, x where name like s;
+select name, schema_id, query, type, system, commit_action, access, s from 
tbls, x where name like s;
 drop table x;
+drop table tbls;
diff --git 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker-2013/Tests/swapped_likejoin.Bug-3375.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2013/Tests/swapped_likejoin.Bug-3375.stable.out
@@ -25,19 +25,46 @@ Ready.
 # 10:06:32 >  "mclient" "-lsql" "-ftest" "-Eutf-8" "-i" "-e" 
"--host=/var/tmp/mtest-22741" "--port=34205"
 # 10:06:32 >  
+#CREATE TABLE "sys"."tbls" (
+#      "id"            INTEGER,
+#      "name"          VARCHAR(1024),
+#      "schema_id"     INTEGER,
+#      "query"         VARCHAR(2048),
+#      "type"          SMALLINT,
+#      "system"        BOOLEAN,
+#      "commit_action" SMALLINT,
+#      "access"        SMALLINT
+#COPY 49 RECORDS INTO "sys"."tbls" FROM stdin USING DELIMITERS '\t','\n','"';
+#2001  schemas 2000            0       true    0       0
+#2007  types   2000            0       true    0       0
+#2016  functions       2000            0       true    0       0
+#2027  args    2000            0       true    0       0
+#2036  sequences       2000            0       true    0       0
+#2046  dependencies    2000            0       true    0       0
+#2050  connections     2000            0       true    0       0
+#2059  _tables 2000            0       true    0       0
+#2068  _columns        2000            0       true    0       0
+#2079  keys    2000            0       true    0       0
+#2086  idxs    2000            0       true    0       0
+#2091  triggers        2000            0       true    0       0
+#2102  objects 2000            0       true    0       0
+#2107  _tables 2106            0       true    2       0
+#2116  _columns        2106            0       true    2       0
+[ 49   ]
 #create table x (s string);
 #insert into x values('%able%');
 [ 1    ]
-#select * from sys._tables, x where name like s;
-% sys._tables, sys._tables,    sys._tables,    sys._tables,    sys._tables,    
sys._tables,    sys._tables,    sys._tables,    sys.x # table_name
-% id,  name,   schema_id,      query,  type,   system, commit_action,  access, 
s # name
-% int, varchar,        int,    varchar,        smallint,       boolean,        
smallint,       smallint,       clob # type
-% 4,   17,     4,      597,    1,      5,      1,      1,      6 # length
-[ 2059,        "_tables",      2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      0,      
"%able%"        ]
-[ 2107,        "_tables",      2106,   NULL,   0,      true,   2,      0,      
"%able%"        ]
-[ 5659,        "tables",       2000,   "SELECT "id", "name", "schema_id", 
"query", CAST(CASE WHEN "system" THEN "type" + 10 /* system table/view */ ELSE 
(CASE WHEN "commit_action" = 0 THEN "type" /* table/view */ ELSE "type" + 20 /* 
global temp table */ END) END AS SMALLINT) AS "type", "system", 
"commit_action", "access", CASE WHEN (NOT "system" AND "commit_action" > 0) 
THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS "temporary" FROM "sys"."_tables" WHERE "type" <> 2 UNION 
ALL SELECT "id", "name", "schema_id", "query", CAST("type" + 30 /* local temp 
table */ AS SMALLINT) AS "type", "system", "commit_action", "access", 1 AS 
"temporary" FROM "tmp"."_tables";",        1,      true,   0,      0,      
"%able%"        ]
-[ 6950,        "table_types",  2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      0,      
"%able%"        ]
-[ 7112,        "tablestoragemodel",    2000,   "-- A summary of the table 
storage requirement is is available as a table view.\n-- The auxiliary column 
denotes the maximum space if all non-sorted columns\n-- would be augmented with 
a hash (rare situation)\ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodel\nas select 
\"schema\",\"table\",max(count) as \"count\",\n\tsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,\n\tsum(heapsize) as heapsize,\n\tsum(hashes) as 
hashes,\n\tsum(imprints) as imprints,\n\tsum(case when sorted = false then 8 * 
count else 0 end) as auxiliary\nfrom sys.storagemodel() group by 
\"schema\",\"table\";",  1,      true,   0,      0,      "%able%"        ]
+#select name, schema_id, query, type, system, commit_action, access, s from 
tbls, x where name like s;
+% sys.tbls,    sys.tbls,       sys.tbls,       sys.tbls,       sys.tbls,       
sys.tbls,       sys.tbls,       sys.x # table_name
+% name,        schema_id,      query,  type,   system, commit_action,  access, 
s # name
+% varchar,     int,    varchar,        smallint,       boolean,        
smallint,       smallint,       clob # type
+% 17,  4,      522,    1,      5,      1,      1,      6 # length
+[ "_tables",   2000,   "",     0,      true,   0,      0,      "%able%"        
+[ "_tables",   2106,   "",     0,      true,   2,      0,      "%able%"        
+[ "tables",    2000,   "SELECT * FROM (SELECT p.*, 0 AS \"temporary\", 
CAST(CASE WHEN system THEN type + 10 /* system table/view */ ELSE (CASE WHEN 
commit_action = 0 THEN type /* table/view */ ELSE type + 20 /* global temp 
table */ END) END AS SMALLINT) AS table_type FROM \"sys\".\"_tables\" AS p 
UNION ALL SELECT t.*, 1 AS \"temporary\", CAST(type + 30 /* local temp table */ 
AS SMALLINT) AS table_type FROM \"tmp\".\"_tables\" AS t) AS tables where 
tables.type <> 2;",        1,      true,   0,      0,      "%able%"        ]
+[ "table_types",       2000,   "",     0,      true,   0,      0,      
"%able%"        ]
+[ "tablestoragemodel", 2000,   "-- A summary of the table storage requirement 
is is available as a table view.\n-- The auxiliary column denotes the maximum 
space if all non-sorted columns\n-- would be augmented with a hash (rare 
situation)\ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodel\nas select 
\"schema\",\"table\",max(count) as \"count\",\n\tsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,\n\tsum(heapsize) as heapsize,\n\tsum(hashes) as 
hashes,\n\tsum(imprints) as imprints,\n\tsum(case when sorted = false then 8 * 
count else 0 end) as auxiliary\nfrom sys.storagemodel() group by 
\"schema\",\"table\";",  1,      true,   0,      0,      "%able%"        ]
 #drop table x;
 # 10:06:32 >  
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