Changeset: 66ec54a58e55 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Jul2015
Log Message:

sys.epoch is a system function.

diffs (60 lines):

diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_upgrades.c 
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_upgrades.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/sql_upgrades.c
@@ -1500,7 +1500,7 @@ sql_update_jul2015(Client c)
        pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
-                       "insert into sys.systemfunctions (select id from 
sys.functions where name in ('columnsize', 'ilike', 'imprintsize', 'like', 
'querylog_calls', 'storage', 'storagemodel', 'tracelog') and schema_id = 
(select id from sys.schemas where name = 'sys') and id not in (select 
function_id from sys.systemfunctions));\n"
+                       "insert into sys.systemfunctions (select id from 
sys.functions where name in ('columnsize', 'epoch', 'ilike', 'imprintsize', 
'like', 'querylog_calls', 'storage', 'storagemodel', 'tracelog') and schema_id 
= (select id from sys.schemas where name = 'sys') and id not in (select 
function_id from sys.systemfunctions));\n"
                        "delete from systemfunctions where function_id not in 
(select id from functions);\n"
                        "update sys._tables set system = true where name in 
('dependency_types', 'keywords', 'querylog_calls', 'querylog_history', 
'statistics', 'storage', 'storagemodel', 'tables', 'tablestoragemodel', 
'table_types', 'tracelog') and schema_id = (select id from sys.schemas where 
name = 'sys');\n");
diff --git a/sql/test/testdb-upgrade-chain/Tests/upgrade.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/testdb-upgrade-chain/Tests/upgrade.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/testdb-upgrade-chain/Tests/upgrade.stable.out
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ returns table (
        stmt string
        ) external name sql.dump_trace;
 create view sys.tracelog as select * from sys.tracelog();
-insert into sys.systemfunctions (select id from sys.functions where name in 
('columnsize', 'ilike', 'imprintsize', 'like', 'querylog_calls', 'storage', 
'storagemodel', 'tracelog') and schema_id = (select id from sys.schemas where 
name = 'sys') and id not in (select function_id from sys.systemfunctions));
+insert into sys.systemfunctions (select id from sys.functions where name in 
('columnsize', 'epoch', 'ilike', 'imprintsize', 'like', 'querylog_calls', 
'storage', 'storagemodel', 'tracelog') and schema_id = (select id from 
sys.schemas where name = 'sys') and id not in (select function_id from 
 delete from systemfunctions where function_id not in (select id from 
 update sys._tables set system = true where name in ('dependency_types', 
'keywords', 'querylog_calls', 'querylog_history', 'statistics', 'storage', 
'storagemodel', 'tables', 'tablestoragemodel', 'table_types', 'tracelog') and 
schema_id = (select id from sys.schemas where name = 'sys');
 drop procedure sys.cluster1;
diff --git a/sql/test/testdb-upgrade-chain/Tests/upgrade.stable.out.int128 
--- a/sql/test/testdb-upgrade-chain/Tests/upgrade.stable.out.int128
+++ b/sql/test/testdb-upgrade-chain/Tests/upgrade.stable.out.int128
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ returns table (
        stmt string
        ) external name sql.dump_trace;
 create view sys.tracelog as select * from sys.tracelog();
-insert into sys.systemfunctions (select id from sys.functions where name in 
('columnsize', 'ilike', 'imprintsize', 'like', 'querylog_calls', 'storage', 
'storagemodel', 'tracelog') and schema_id = (select id from sys.schemas where 
name = 'sys') and id not in (select function_id from sys.systemfunctions));
+insert into sys.systemfunctions (select id from sys.functions where name in 
('columnsize', 'epoch', 'ilike', 'imprintsize', 'like', 'querylog_calls', 
'storage', 'storagemodel', 'tracelog') and schema_id = (select id from 
sys.schemas where name = 'sys') and id not in (select function_id from 
 delete from systemfunctions where function_id not in (select id from 
 update sys._tables set system = true where name in ('dependency_types', 
'keywords', 'querylog_calls', 'querylog_history', 'statistics', 'storage', 
'storagemodel', 'tables', 'tablestoragemodel', 'table_types', 'tracelog') and 
schema_id = (select id from sys.schemas where name = 'sys');
 drop procedure sys.cluster1;
diff --git a/sql/test/testdb-upgrade/Tests/upgrade.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/testdb-upgrade/Tests/upgrade.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/testdb-upgrade/Tests/upgrade.stable.out
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ returns table (
        stmt string
        ) external name sql.dump_trace;
 create view sys.tracelog as select * from sys.tracelog();
-insert into sys.systemfunctions (select id from sys.functions where name in 
('columnsize', 'ilike', 'imprintsize', 'like', 'querylog_calls', 'storage', 
'storagemodel', 'tracelog') and schema_id = (select id from sys.schemas where 
name = 'sys') and id not in (select function_id from sys.systemfunctions));
+insert into sys.systemfunctions (select id from sys.functions where name in 
('columnsize', 'epoch', 'ilike', 'imprintsize', 'like', 'querylog_calls', 
'storage', 'storagemodel', 'tracelog') and schema_id = (select id from 
sys.schemas where name = 'sys') and id not in (select function_id from 
 delete from systemfunctions where function_id not in (select id from 
 update sys._tables set system = true where name in ('dependency_types', 
'keywords', 'querylog_calls', 'querylog_history', 'statistics', 'storage', 
'storagemodel', 'tables', 'tablestoragemodel', 'table_types', 'tracelog') and 
schema_id = (select id from sys.schemas where name = 'sys');
 drop procedure sys.cluster1;
diff --git a/sql/test/testdb-upgrade/Tests/upgrade.stable.out.int128 
--- a/sql/test/testdb-upgrade/Tests/upgrade.stable.out.int128
+++ b/sql/test/testdb-upgrade/Tests/upgrade.stable.out.int128
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ returns table (
        stmt string
        ) external name sql.dump_trace;
 create view sys.tracelog as select * from sys.tracelog();
-insert into sys.systemfunctions (select id from sys.functions where name in 
('columnsize', 'ilike', 'imprintsize', 'like', 'querylog_calls', 'storage', 
'storagemodel', 'tracelog') and schema_id = (select id from sys.schemas where 
name = 'sys') and id not in (select function_id from sys.systemfunctions));
+insert into sys.systemfunctions (select id from sys.functions where name in 
('columnsize', 'epoch', 'ilike', 'imprintsize', 'like', 'querylog_calls', 
'storage', 'storagemodel', 'tracelog') and schema_id = (select id from 
sys.schemas where name = 'sys') and id not in (select function_id from 
 delete from systemfunctions where function_id not in (select id from 
 update sys._tables set system = true where name in ('dependency_types', 
'keywords', 'querylog_calls', 'querylog_history', 'statistics', 'storage', 
'storagemodel', 'tables', 'tablestoragemodel', 'table_types', 'tracelog') and 
schema_id = (select id from sys.schemas where name = 'sys');
 drop procedure sys.cluster1;
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