Changeset: ae661d755579 for MonetDB
Added Files:
Modified Files:
Branch: pyapi
Log Message:

Return types are now directly mapped into BATs instead of copied if possible. 
Also added some fixes for other compilers.

diffs (truncated from 1617 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/gdk/gdk.h b/gdk/gdk.h
--- a/gdk/gdk.h
+++ b/gdk/gdk.h
@@ -644,6 +644,8 @@ typedef enum {
        STORE_MEM = 0,          /* load into GDKmalloced memory */
        STORE_MMAP = 1,         /* mmap() into virtual memory */
        STORE_PRIV = 2,         /* BAT copy of copy-on-write mmap */
+       STORE_CMEM = 3,     /* Indicates the value is stored in regular C 
memory rather than GDK memory.*/
+       STORE_NOWN = 4,     /* Indicates that the bat does not own the chunk of 
memory and is not in charge of freeing it.*/
        STORE_INVALID           /* invalid value, used to indicate error */
 } storage_t;
diff --git a/gdk/gdk_heap.c b/gdk/gdk_heap.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_heap.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_heap.c
@@ -551,12 +551,15 @@ HEAPcopy(Heap *dst, Heap *src)
 HEAPfree(Heap *h, int remove)
-       if (h->base) {
+       if (h->base && h->storage != STORE_NOWN) {
                if (h->storage == STORE_MEM) {  /* plain memory */
                        HEAPDEBUG fprintf(stderr, "#HEAPfree " SZFMT
                                          " " PTRFMT "\n",
                                          h->size, PTRFMTCAST h->base);
+               } else if (h->storage == STORE_CMEM) {
+                       //heap is stored in regular C memory rather than GDK 
+                       free(h->base);
                } else {        /* mapped file, or STORE_PRIV */
                        gdk_return ret = GDKmunmap(h->base, h->size);
diff --git a/monetdb5/extras/pyapi/ 
--- a/monetdb5/extras/pyapi/
+++ b/monetdb5/extras/pyapi/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ MTSAFE
 lib__pyapi = {
        DIR = libdir/monetdb5
-       SOURCES = pyapi.c pyapi.h unicode.c unicode.h
+       SOURCES = pyapi.c pyapi.h unicode.c unicode.h pytypes.c pytypes.h 
type_conversion.c type_conversion.h
        XDEPS = $(libpy_LIBDEP)
        LIBS = ../../tools/libmonetdb5 \
        ../../../gdk/libbat \
diff --git a/monetdb5/extras/pyapi/Tests/pyapi_types_boolean.malC 
--- a/monetdb5/extras/pyapi/Tests/pyapi_types_boolean.malC
+++ b/monetdb5/extras/pyapi/Tests/pyapi_types_boolean.malC
@@ -1,4 +1,15 @@
-# return a string when an int is expected
-r:bat[:oid,:int] := pyapi.eval(nil:ptr,"import 
+# int with null value
+rint:bat[:oid,:int] := pyapi.eval(nil:ptr,"return(arg1)",bint);
diff --git a/monetdb5/extras/pyapi/Tests/ 
--- a/monetdb5/extras/pyapi/Tests/
+++ b/monetdb5/extras/pyapi/Tests/
@@ -1,15 +1,18 @@
-for j in range(1,2):
-    f = open('workfile' + str(j) + '.sql', 'w')
-    import random
-    random.seed()
-    f.write("START TRANSACTION;\n")
-    for i in range(1, 50000):
-        f.write("INSERT INTO rval VALUES ")
-        x = random.randint(0,100)
-        y = random.randint(0,100)
-        f.write("(" + str(x) + "," + str(y) + ");\n")
-    f.write("COMMIT;\n")
-    f.close()
+f = open('workfile.sql', 'w')
+import random
+records = 15000000
+f.write("START TRANSACTION;\n")
+f.write("CREATE TABLE rval2 (a integer, b integer);\n");
+f.write("copy " + str(records) + " records into rval2 from stdin;\n");
+for i in range(0, records):
+    x = random.randint(0,100)
+    y = random.randint(0,100)
+    f.write(str(x) + "|" + str(y) + "\n")
diff --git a/monetdb5/extras/pyapi/pyapi.c b/monetdb5/extras/pyapi/pyapi.c
--- a/monetdb5/extras/pyapi/pyapi.c
+++ b/monetdb5/extras/pyapi/pyapi.c
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
 const char* pyapi_enableflag = "embedded_py";
 #define VERBOSE_MESSAGE(...) {   \
     printf(__VA_ARGS__);        \
@@ -71,25 +70,61 @@ static MT_Lock pyapiLock;
 static MT_Lock pyapiSluice;
 static int pyapiInitialized = FALSE;
-#define BAT_TO_NP(bat, mtpe, nptpe)                                   \
-        PyArray_New(&PyArray_Type, 1, (npy_intp[1]) {BATcount(bat)},  \
-        nptpe, NULL, (mtpe*) Tloc(bat, BUNfirst(bat)), 0,             \
+#define BAT_TO_NP(bat, mtpe, nptpe)                                            
+        PyArray_New(&PyArray_Type, 1, (npy_intp[1]) {BATcount(bat)},           
+        nptpe, NULL, (mtpe*) Tloc(bat, BUNfirst(bat)), 0,                      
+#define BAT_MMAP(bat, mtpe) {                                                  
+        bat = BATnew(TYPE_void, TYPE_##mtpe, 0, TRANSIENT);                    
+        BATseqbase(bat, 0); bat->T->nil = 0; bat->T->nonil = 1;                
+        bat->tkey = 0; bat->tsorted = 0; bat->trevsorted = 0;                  
+        /*Change nil values to the proper values, if they exist*/              
+        if (mask != NULL)                                                      
+        {                                                                      
+            for (j = 0; j < ret->count; j++)                                   
+            {                                                                  
+                if (mask[index_offset * ret->count + j] == TRUE)               
+                {                                                              
+                    (*(mtpe*)(&data[(index_offset * ret->count + j) * 
ret->memory_size])) = mtpe##_nil; \
+                    bat->T->nil = 1;                                           
+                }                                                              
+            }                                                                  
+        }                                                                      
+        bat->T->nonil = 1 - bat->T->nil;                                       
+        /*When we create a BAT a small part of memory is allocated, free it*/  
+        GDKfree(bat->T->heap.base);                                            
+        bat->T->heap.base = &data[(index_offset * ret->count) * 
ret->memory_size];                      \
+        bat->T->heap.size = ret->count * ret->memory_size;                     
+        bat->T-> = bat->T->heap.size;  /*There are no free places in 
the array*/               \
+        /*If index_offset > 0, we are mapping part of a multidimensional 
array.*/                       \
+        /*The entire array will be cleared when the part with index_offset=0 
is freed*/                 \
+        /*So we set this part of the mapping to 'NOWN'*/                       
+        if (index_offset > 0) bat->T-> = STORE_NOWN;               
+        else bat->T-> = STORE_CMEM; /*Numpy allocated the array 
with malloc*/               \
+        bat->T->heap.newstorage = STORE_MEM;                                   
+        bat->S->count = ret->count;                                            
+        bat->S->capacity = ret->count;                                         
+        bat->S->copiedtodisk = false;                                          
+        /*Take over the data from the numpy array*/                            
+        PyArray_CLEARFLAGS(ret->numpy_array, NPY_ARRAY_OWNDATA);               
+    }
-#define NP_COL_BAT_LOOP(bat, mtpe_to, mtpe_from) {                             
-    if (mask == NULL)                                                          
-    {                                                                          
-        for (j = 0; j < ret->count; j++)                                       
-        {                                                                      
-            ((mtpe_to*) Tloc(bat, BUNfirst(bat)))[j] = 
(mtpe_to)(*(mtpe_from*)(&data[(index_offset * ret->count + j) * 
ret->memory_size]));  \
-        }                                                                      
-    }                                                                          
-    else                                                                       
-    {                                                                          
-        for (j = 0; j < ret->count; j++)                                       
-        {                                                                      
-            if (mask[index_offset * ret->count + j] == TRUE)                   
+#define NP_COL_BAT_LOOP(bat, mtpe_to, mtpe_from) {                             
+    if (mask == NULL)                                                          
+    {                                                                          
+        for (j = 0; j < ret->count; j++)                                       
+        {                                                                      
+            ((mtpe_to*) Tloc(bat, BUNfirst(bat)))[j] = 
(mtpe_to)(*(mtpe_from*)(&data[(index_offset * ret->count + j) * 
ret->memory_size]));      \
+        }                                                                      
+    }                                                                          
+    else                                                                       
+    {                                                                          
+        for (j = 0; j < ret->count; j++)                                       
+        {                                                                      
+            if (mask[index_offset * ret->count + j] == TRUE)                   
                 bat->T->nil = 1;                                               
                 ((mtpe_to*) Tloc(bat, BUNfirst(bat)))[j] = mtpe_to##_nil;      
@@ -101,110 +136,120 @@ static int pyapiInitialized = FALSE;
     } }
-#define NP_COL_BAT_LOOP_FUNC(bat, mtpe_to, func) {                             
-    mtpe_to value;                                                             
-    if (mask == NULL)                                                          
-    {                                                                          
-        for (j = 0; j < ret->count; j++)                                       
-        {                                                                      
-            if (!func(&data[(index_offset * ret->count + j) * 
ret->memory_size], ret->memory_size, &value))                                  \
-            {                                                                  
-                msg = createException(MAL, "pyapi.eval", "Could not convert 
from type %s to type %s", PyType_Format(ret->result_type), #mtpe_to); \
-                goto wrapup;                                                   
-            }                                                                  
-            ((mtpe_to*) Tloc(bat, BUNfirst(bat)))[j] = value;                  
-        }                                                                      
-    }                                                                          
-    else                                                                       
-    {                                                                          
-        for (j = 0; j < ret->count; j++)                                       
-        {                                                                      
-            if (mask[index_offset * ret->count + j] == TRUE)                   
-            {                                                                  
-                bat->T->nil = 1;                                               
-                ((mtpe_to*) Tloc(bat, BUNfirst(bat)))[j] = mtpe_to##_nil;      
-            }                                                                  
-            else                                                               
-            {                                                                  
-                if (!func(&data[(index_offset * ret->count + j) * 
ret->memory_size], ret->memory_size, &value))                                  \
-                {                                                              
+#define NP_COL_BAT_LOOP_FUNC(bat, mtpe_to, func) {                             
+    mtpe_to value;                                                             
+    if (mask == NULL)                                                          
+    {                                                                          
+        for (j = 0; j < ret->count; j++)                                       
+        {                                                                      
+            if (!func(&data[(index_offset * ret->count + j) * 
ret->memory_size], ret->memory_size, &value))                                   
+            {                                                                  
+                msg = createException(MAL, "pyapi.eval", "Could not convert 
from type %s to type %s", PyType_Format(ret->result_type), #mtpe_to);     \
+                goto wrapup;                                                   
+            }                                                                  
+            ((mtpe_to*) Tloc(bat, BUNfirst(bat)))[j] = value;                  
+        }                                                                      
+    }                                                                          
+    else                                                                       
+    {                                                                          
+        for (j = 0; j < ret->count; j++)                                       
+        {                                                                      
+            if (mask[index_offset * ret->count + j] == TRUE)                   
+            {                                                                  
+                bat->T->nil = 1;                                               
+                ((mtpe_to*) Tloc(bat, BUNfirst(bat)))[j] = mtpe_to##_nil;      
+            }                                                                  
+            else                                                               
+            {                                                                  
+                if (!func(&data[(index_offset * ret->count + j) * 
ret->memory_size], ret->memory_size, &value))                                   
+                {                                                              
                     msg = createException(MAL, "pyapi.eval", "Could not 
convert from type %s to type %s", PyType_Format(ret->result_type), #mtpe_to); \
-                    goto wrapup;                                               
-                }                                                              
-                ((mtpe_to*) Tloc(bat, BUNfirst(bat)))[j] = value;              
-            }                                                                  
-        }                                                                      
+                    goto wrapup;                                               
+                }                                                              
+                ((mtpe_to*) Tloc(bat, BUNfirst(bat)))[j] = value;              
+            }                                                                  
+        }                                                                      
     } }
-#define NP_COL_BAT_STR_LOOP(bat, mtpe, conv)                                   
-    if (mask == NULL)                                                          
-    {                                                                          
-        for (j = 0; j < ret->count; j++)                                       
-        {                                                                      
-            conv(utf8_string, *((mtpe*)&data[(index_offset * ret->count + j) * 
ret->memory_size]));                                         \
-            BUNappend(bat, utf8_string, FALSE);                                
-        }                                                                      
-    }                                                                          
-    else                                                                       
-    {                                                                          
-        for (j = 0; j < ret->count; j++)                                       
-        {                                                                      
-            if (mask[index_offset * ret->count + j] == TRUE)                   
-            {                                                                  
-                bat->T->nil = 1;                                               
-                BUNappend(b, str_nil, FALSE);                                  
-            }                                                                  
-            else                                                               
-            {                                                                  
-                conv(utf8_string, *((mtpe*)&data[(index_offset * ret->count + 
j) * ret->memory_size]));                                     \
-                BUNappend(bat, utf8_string, FALSE);                            
-            }                                                                  
-        }                                                                      
+#define NP_COL_BAT_STR_LOOP(bat, mtpe, conv)                                   
+    if (mask == NULL)                                                          
+    {                                                                          
+        for (j = 0; j < ret->count; j++)                                       
+        {                                                                      
+            conv(utf8_string, *((mtpe*)&data[(index_offset * ret->count + j) * 
ret->memory_size]));                                                   \
+            BUNappend(bat, utf8_string, FALSE);                                
+        }                                                                      
+    }                                                                          
+    else                                                                       
+    {                                                                          
+        for (j = 0; j < ret->count; j++)                                       
+        {                                                                      
+            if (mask[index_offset * ret->count + j] == TRUE)                   
+            {                                                                  
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