Changeset: 9800c327ec58 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: rdf
Log Message:

Merge with default branch

diffs (truncated from 1000 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/NT/ b/NT/
--- a/NT/
+++ b/NT/
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ subs = [("@exec_prefix@", r'%prefix%'),
         ("@DIRSEP@", '\\'),
         ("@PATHSEP@", ';')]
-if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1][-19:] == '\\':
+if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1].endswith(r'\'):
     conds = {}
     for line in fileinput.input(sys.argv[1]):
         exec(line, None, conds)
@@ -50,8 +50,11 @@ while len(sys.argv) > 2 and '=' in sys.a
 for key, val in subs[:]:
+    # X prefix for execution-time value
     subs.insert(0, ('@X'+key[1:], val))
+    # Q prefix for quoted value (i.e. \ needs to be scaped)
     subs.insert(0, ('@Q'+key[1:], val.replace('\\', r'\\')))
+    # QX prefix for quoted execution-time value
     subs.insert(0, ('@QX'+key[1:], val.replace('\\', r'\\')))
 def substitute(line):
diff --git a/clients/mapiclient/tomograph.c b/clients/mapiclient/tomograph.c
--- a/clients/mapiclient/tomograph.c
+++ b/clients/mapiclient/tomograph.c
@@ -362,6 +362,7 @@ base_colors[NUM_COLORS] = {
 /*     2 */    { 0, 0, "calc", "bit", 0 },
 /*     2 */    { 0, 0, "calc", "*", 0 },
 /*     2 */    { 0, 0, "algebra", "thetajoin", 0 },
+/*     2 */    { 0, 0, "algebra", "subthetajoin", 0 },
 /*     1 */    { 0, 0, "sql", "dec_round", 0 },
 /*     1 */    { 0, 0, "pqueue", "topn_min", 0 },
 /*     1 */    { 0, 0, "mtime", "date_sub_msec_interval", 0 },
@@ -377,6 +378,20 @@ base_colors[NUM_COLORS] = {
 /*     1 */    { 0, 0, "aggr", "max", 0 },
 /*     ? */    { 0, 0, "aggr", "avg", 0 },
 /*     ? */    { 0, 0, "aggr", "subavg", 0 },
+/*     ? */    { 0, 0, "aggr", "submedian", 0 },
+/*     ? */    { 0, 0, "aggr", "subquantile", 0 },
+/*     ? */    { 0, 0, "aggr", "substdev", 0 },
+/*     ? */    { 0, 0, "batcalc", "floor", 0 },
+/*     ? */    { 0, 0, "batcalc", "identity", 0 },
+/*    ? */     { 0, 0, "batmkey", "hash", 0 },
+/*    ? */     { 0, 0, "calc", "hge", 0 },
+/*    ? */     { 0, 0, "batcalc", "hge", 0 },
+/*    ? */     { 0, 0, "algebra", "firstn", 0 },
+/*    ? */     { 0, 0, "sql", "single", 0 },
+/*    ? */     { 0, 0, "algebra", "crossproduct", 0 },
+/*    ? */     { 0, 0, "profiler", "wait", 0 },
+/*    ? */     { 0, 0, "querylog", "define", 0 },
+/*    ? */     { 0, 0, "*", "*", 0 },
 /*     0 */    { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
@@ -776,10 +791,11 @@ showmemory(void)
 static char *
 getHeatColor(double load)
-       if ( load > 0.75 ) return "yellow";
+       if ( load > 0.9 ) return "red";
+       if ( load > 0.75 ) return "orangered";
        if ( load > 0.5 ) return "orange";
-       if ( load > 0.25 ) return "red";
-       if ( load > 0.02 ) return "blue";
+       if ( load > 0.25 ) return "gold";
+       if ( load > 0.02 ) return "yellow";
        return "white";
@@ -796,7 +812,7 @@ showcpu(void)
        fprintf(gnudata, "set lmarg 10\n");
        fprintf(gnudata, "set rmarg 10\n");
        fprintf(gnudata, "set size 1,0.%02d\n", cpus?cpus:1);
-       fprintf(gnudata, "set origin 0.0, 0.%d\n", 89 - cpus);
+       fprintf(gnudata, "set origin 0.0, 0.%d\n", 88 - cpus);
        fprintf(gnudata, "set ylabel \"CPU\"\n");
        fprintf(gnudata, "unset xtics\n");
        fprintf(gnudata, "unset ytics\n");
@@ -949,18 +965,31 @@ fprintf_time(FILE *f, lng time)
 /* produce a legenda image for the color map */
-#define COLUMNS 5
+#define COLUMNS 3
 static void
 showcolormap(char *filename, int all)
        FILE *f = 0;
        char buf[BUFSIZ];
-       int i, k = 0;
+       int i, k = 0,nl;
        int w = 380; // 600 for 3 columns
-       int h = 590;
+       int h = 590, h1=h;
        lng totfreq = 0, tottime = 0;
        Color *clrs = colors, *_clrs_ = NULL;
+       char *c;
+       time_t tm;
+       char *date;
+       tm = time(0);
+       date = ctime(&tm);
+       if (strchr(date, '\n'))
+               *strchr(date, '\n') = 0;
+       // count size of query text
+       for (nl=0, c= currentquery; c && *c; c++)
+               nl += *c == '\n';
        if (all) {
                snprintf(buf, BUFSIZ, "%s%s_%s_%02d.gpl", cachebuf, 
basefilename, dbname, atlaspage);
@@ -989,7 +1018,7 @@ showcolormap(char *filename, int all)
                fprintf(f, "set lmarg 10\n");
                fprintf(f, "set rmarg 10\n");
                fprintf(f, "set size 1,0.4\n");
-               fprintf(f, "set origin 0.0,%s\n", "-0.05");
+               fprintf(f, "set origin 0.0,%s\n", "-0.04");
                fprintf(f, "set xrange [0:1800]\n");
                fprintf(f, "set yrange [0:600]\n");
                fprintf(f, "unset xtics\n");
@@ -1016,17 +1045,15 @@ showcolormap(char *filename, int all)
                                tottime += clrs[i].timeused;
                                totfreq += clrs[i].freq;
-                               if (k % COLUMNS == 0)
-                                       h -= 45;
+                               if (k % COLUMNS == 0 && i)
+                                       h -= 35;
                                fprintf(f, "set object %d rectangle from %.2f, 
%.2f to %.2f, %.2f fillcolor rgb \"%s\" fillstyle solid 1.0\n",
-                                       object++, (double) (k % COLUMNS) * w, 
(double) h - 40, (double) ((k % COLUMNS) * w + 0.05 * w), (double) h - 5, 
+                                       object++, (double) (k % COLUMNS) * w, 
(double) h - 40, (double) ((k % COLUMNS) * w + 0.09 * w), (double) h - 15, 
                                fprintf(f, "set label %d \"%s.%s \" at %d,%d\n",
-                                       object++, (clrs[i].mod?clrs[i].mod:""), 
clrs[i].fcn, (int) ((k % COLUMNS) * w + 0.07 * w), h - 15);
-                               fprintf(f, "set label %d \"%d call%s: ",
-                                       object++, clrs[i].freq, 
+                                       object++, (clrs[i].mod?clrs[i].mod:""), 
clrs[i].fcn, (int) ((k % COLUMNS) * w + 0.1 * w), h - 20);
+                               fprintf(f, "set label %d \"%d call%s: ", 
object++, clrs[i].freq, clrs[i].freq>1?"s":"");
                                fprintf_time(f, clrs[i].timeused);
-                               fprintf(f, "\" at %f,%f\n",
-                                       (double) ((k % COLUMNS) * w + 0.07 * 
w), (double) h - 35);
+                               fprintf(f, "\" at %f,%f\n", (double) ((k % 
COLUMNS) * w + 0.1 * w), (double) h - 35);
                        } else {
                                clrs[0].timeused += clrs[i].timeused;
@@ -1039,13 +1066,37 @@ showcolormap(char *filename, int all)
                _clrs_ = NULL;
-       h -= 45;
-       fprintf(f, "set label %d \" "LLFMT" MAL instructions executed; total 
CPU core time: ",
-               object++, totfreq);
+       h -= 30;
+       fprintf(f, "set label %d \"MAL instructions executed: "LLFMT, object++, 
+       fprintf(f, "\" at 0,%d\n", h - 30);
+       fprintf(f, "set label %d \"Total CPU core time: ", object++);
        fprintf_time(f, tottime);
-       fprintf(f, "; parallelism usage %.1f %%", totalclkticks / (totalticks / 
-       fprintf(f, "\" at %d,%d\n",
-               (int) (0.2 * w), h - 35);
+       fprintf(f, "\" at 0,%d\n", h - 50);
+       fprintf(f, "set label %d \"Parallelism used: %.1f %%", object++, 
totalclkticks / (totalticks / 100.0));
+       fprintf(f, "\" at 0,%d\n", h - 70);
+       // show complete query text
+       if( currentquery ){
+               h = h1-40;
+               //fprintf(gnudata, "set object %d rectangle from %d.0, 250.0 to 
%d.0,%d.0\n", object++, 3 * w, 5 *w , h -5);
+               fprintf(f, "set label %d \"", object++);
+               k=0;
+               for (c= currentquery; *c; c++){
+                       if (*c == '"') fprintf(f,"\\"); else
+                       if (*c == '\t') fprintf(f,"  "); else
+                       if (*c == '\n') { fprintf(f,"\\n"); k=0; continue;} else
+                       if( ++k >60 && (*c == ' ' || *c =='\t')){
+                               fprintf(f,"\\n");
+                               k = 1;
+                       }
+                       fputc(*c,f);
+               }
+               fprintf(f, "\" at %d,%d\n", (int) ( 3 * w ), h - 17);
+               h-= 17;
+       }
+       fprintf(f, "set label %d \"%d\" at 1750.0, 100.00\n", object++, 
atlaspage + 1);
+       fprintf(f, "set label %d \"%s\" at 0.0, 100.00\n", object++, date);
        fprintf(f, "plot 0 notitle with lines linecolor rgb \"white\"\n");
        if (all) {
@@ -1053,21 +1104,25 @@ showcolormap(char *filename, int all)
 static void
-updmap(int idx)
+updatecolormap(int idx)
        char *mod, *fcn, buf[BUFSIZ], *call = buf;
        int i, fnd = 0;
        if( box[idx].fcn == 0)
        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", box[idx].fcn);
        mod = call;
        fcn = strchr(call, '.');
        if (fcn) {
                *fcn = 0;
-       } else
+       } else{
                fcn = "*";
+       }
+       if( strncmp(call,"end",3) == 0)
+               mod ="*";
        /* find "mod.fcn" */
        for (i = 1; i < NUM_COLORS && colors[i].mod; i++)
                if (strcmp(mod, colors[i].mod) == 0 &&
@@ -1080,8 +1135,8 @@ updmap(int idx)
                fnd = i;
                colors[fnd].mod = mod?strdup(mod): 0;
                colors[fnd].fcn = strdup(fcn);
-               if( debug)
-                       printf("added function #%d: %s.%s\n", fnd, 
(mod?mod:""), fcn);
+               if( debug) 
+                       fprintf(stderr,"-- Added function #%d: %s.%s\n", fnd, 
(mod?mod:""), fcn);
@@ -1095,41 +1150,25 @@ static int height = 160;
 static void
 gnuplotheader(char *filename)
-       time_t tm;
-       char *date, *c,ch;
+       char *c,ch;
        int i=0;
        fprintf(gnudata, "set terminal pdfcairo noenhanced font 'verdana,10' 
color solid size 8.3,11.7\n");
        fprintf(gnudata, "set output \"%s.pdf\"\n", filename);
        fprintf(gnudata, "set size 1,1\n");
        fprintf(gnudata, "set tics front\n");
-       tm = time(0);
-       date = ctime(&tm);
-       if (strchr(date, '\n'))
-               *strchr(date, '\n') = 0;
        if( title){
                for (c = title; c && *c && i <100; c++, i++)
                        if (*c == '_')// for gnuplot
                                *c = '-';
                ch= *c; *c =0;
-               fprintf(gnudata, "set title \"%s\t%s%s\"\n", date, title, *c? 
+               fprintf(gnudata, "set title \"%s%s\"\n", title, (*c? "...":""));
                *c =ch;
-       } else 
-       if( currentquery ){
-               fprintf(gnudata, "set title \"%s\t", date);
-               for (c= currentquery; *c && i <100; c++, i++)
-                       if( *c =='"')
-                               fprintf(gnudata,"\\\"");
-                       else 
-                       if( *c != '\n' && *c != '\t')
-                               fputc(*c,gnudata);
-               if(*c)
-                       fprintf(gnudata, "...");
-               fprintf(gnudata, "\"\n");
-       }
-       else
-               fprintf(gnudata, "set title \"%s\tTomogram\"\n", date);
+       }  else
+               fprintf(gnudata, "set title \"MonetDB tomogram for database 
%s\"\n", dbname);
        fprintf(gnudata, "set multiplot\n");
 static void
@@ -1157,6 +1196,7 @@ createTomogram(void)
        if( strchr(buf,'.'))
                *strchr(buf, '.') = 0;
+       object=1;
        showio(); //DISABLED due to access permissions
@@ -1167,7 +1207,7 @@ createTomogram(void)
        fprintf(gnudata, "set lmarg 10\n");
        fprintf(gnudata, "set rmarg 10\n");
        fprintf(gnudata, "set size 1,0.48\n");
-       fprintf(gnudata, "set origin 0.0,%s\n", "0.32");
+       fprintf(gnudata, "set origin 0.0,%s\n", "0.33");
        fprintf(gnudata, "set xrange ["LLFMT".0:"LLFMT".0]\n", startrange, 
lastclktick - starttime);
        /* detect all different threads and assign them a row */
@@ -1183,12 +1223,12 @@ createTomogram(void)
                                rows[top++] = box[i].thread;
                        if( box[i].state != MDB_WAIT)
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