Changeset: 77beed0b06a5 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

Footnote, defense code, row shifting
- footnote for ease reference
- avoid leaks and memory limits
- shift rows up when less cores are used

diffs (truncated from 363 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/clients/mapiclient/eventparser.c b/clients/mapiclient/eventparser.c
--- a/clients/mapiclient/eventparser.c
+++ b/clients/mapiclient/eventparser.c
@@ -48,6 +48,10 @@ char *
 stripQuotes(char *currentquery)
 {      char *q, *c, *qry;
                        q = qry = (char *) malloc(strlen(currentquery) * 2);
+                       if( q == NULL){
+                               fprintf(stderr,"Could not allocate query buffer 
of size "SZFMT"\n", strlen(currentquery) * 2);
+                               exit(-1);
+                       }
                        for (c= currentquery; *c; ){
                                if ( strncmp(c,"\\\\t",3) == 0){
                                        *q++ = '\t';
@@ -98,6 +102,10 @@ parseArguments(char *call, int m)
                        *c = 0;
                        malvariables[malvartop++] = strdup(v);
+                       if( malvariables[malvartop-1] == NULL){
+                               fprintf(stderr,"Could not allocate memory\n");
+                               exit(-1);
+                       }
                        *c = '=';
@@ -114,6 +122,10 @@ parseArguments(char *call, int m)
                        *l= 0;
                        malarguments[malargc] = strdup(c);
+                       if( malarguments[malargc] == NULL){
+                               fprintf(stderr,"Could not allocate memory\n");
+                               exit(-1);
+                       }
                        c= l+1;
                        // we skip to the type or end of term
                        while( *c && *c != ':' && *c !=',' && *c !=')' && *c != 
';') c++;
@@ -124,6 +136,10 @@ parseArguments(char *call, int m)
                        *c =0;
                        malarguments[malargc] = strdup(l);
+                       if( malarguments[malargc] == NULL){
+                               fprintf(stderr,"Could not allocate memory\n");
+                               exit(-1);
+                       }
                        *c = '[';
                        while( *c && *c != ':' && *c !=',' && *c !=')' && *c != 
';') c++;
@@ -134,6 +150,10 @@ parseArguments(char *call, int m)
                        ch = *c;
                        malarguments[malargc] = strdup(l);
+                       if( malarguments[malargc] == NULL){
+                               fprintf(stderr,"Could not allocate memory\n");
+                               exit(-1);
+                       }
                        *c = ch;
                        if( ch == ';') break;
@@ -152,6 +172,10 @@ parseArguments(char *call, int m)
                        malpc[malargc] = argc;
                        argc+= m;
                        maltypes[malargc++] = strdup(w);
+                       if( malarguments[malargc-1] == NULL){
+                               fprintf(stderr,"Could not allocate memory\n");
+                               exit(-1);
+                       }
                        *c = ch;
                        if( ch == ';') break;
                } else malargc++;
@@ -230,6 +254,10 @@ eventparser(char *row, EventRecord *ev)
                        return -4;
                *c = 0;
                ev->blk= strdup(nme);
+               if( ev->blk == NULL){
+                       fprintf(stderr,"Could not allocate blk memory\n");
+                       exit(-1);
+               }
                *c = '[';
                ev->pc = atoi(c+1);
                c= strchr(c+1,']');
@@ -298,6 +326,10 @@ eventparser(char *row, EventRecord *ev)
                return -1;
        *c = 0;
        ev->numa= strdup(numa);
+       if( ev->num == NULL){
+               fprintf(stderr,"Could not allocate numa memory\n");
+               exit(-1);
+       }
        *c = '"';
@@ -337,10 +369,22 @@ eventparser(char *row, EventRecord *ev)
                return -15;
        ev->fcn = strdup(c);
+       if( ev->fcn == NULL){
+               fprintf(stderr,"Could not allocate fcn memory\n");
+               exit(-1);
+       }
        ev->stmt = strdup(ev->fcn);
+       if( ev->stmt == NULL){
+               fprintf(stderr,"Could not allocate stmt memory\n");
+               exit(-1);
+       }
        c= ev->fcn;
        if( ev->state == MDB_SYSTEM){
                monetdb_characteristics = strdup(ev->stmt);
+               if( ev->stmt == NULL){
+                       fprintf(stderr,"Could not allocate 
monetdb_characteristics memory\n");
+                       exit(-1);
+               }
        } else
        if( *c != '[')
diff --git a/clients/mapiclient/tachograph.c b/clients/mapiclient/tachograph.c
--- a/clients/mapiclient/tachograph.c
+++ b/clients/mapiclient/tachograph.c
@@ -511,25 +511,25 @@ initFiles(void)
        tachojson= fopen(buf,"w");
        if( tachojson == NULL){
                fprintf(stderr,"Could not create %s\n",buf);
-               exit(0);
+               exit(-1);
        snprintf(buf,BUFSIZ,"%s%s_%s_%d_mal.csv",cachebuf, basefilename, 
dbname, queryid);
        tachomal= fopen(buf,"w");
        if( tachomal == NULL){
                fprintf(stderr,"Could not create %s\n",buf);
-               exit(0);
+               exit(-1);
        snprintf(buf,BUFSIZ,"%s%s_%s_%d_stmt.csv", cachebuf, basefilename, 
dbname, queryid);
        tachostmt= fopen(buf,"w");
        if( tachostmt == NULL){
                fprintf(stderr,"Could not create %s\n",buf);
-               exit(0);
+               exit(-1);
        snprintf(buf,BUFSIZ,"%s%s_%s_%d.trace", cachebuf, basefilename, dbname, 
        tachotrace= fopen(buf,"w");
        if( tachotrace == NULL){
                fprintf(stderr,"Could not create %s\n",buf);
-               exit(0);
+               exit(-1);
@@ -971,8 +971,10 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
        snprintf(buf,BUFSIZ,"%s%s_%s.trace", cachebuf, basefilename,dbname);
        // keep a trace of the events received
        trace = fopen(buf,"w");
-       if( trace == NULL)
+       if( trace == NULL){
                fprintf(stderr,"Could not create trace file\n");
+               exit(-1);
+       }
        len = 0;
        while ((n = mnstr_read(conn, buf + len, 1, BUFSIZ - len)) > 0) {
diff --git a/clients/mapiclient/tomograph.c b/clients/mapiclient/tomograph.c
--- a/clients/mapiclient/tomograph.c
+++ b/clients/mapiclient/tomograph.c
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ showNumaHeatmap(void){
        f= fopen(buf,"a");
        if( f == NULL){
                fprintf(stderr,"Can not create %s\n",buf);
-               return;
+               exit(-1);
        for( i=0; i< MAXTHREADS; i++){
                if( target[i])
@@ -557,10 +557,15 @@ static void resetTomograph(void){
        snprintf(buf,BUFSIZ,"%s%s_%s_%02d.trace", cachebuf, 
-       if( inputfile == 0 || strcmp(inputfile,buf) ){
+       if( inputfile && strcmp(inputfile,buf) == 0 ){
+               fprintf(stderr,"Should not overwrite existing trace file 
+               exit(-1);
+       }
+       if( inputfile == 0 ){
                tracefd = fopen(buf,"w");
                if( tracefd == NULL)
-                       fprintf(stderr,"Could not create file %s\n",buf);
+                       fprintf(stderr,"Could not create trace file 
+                       exit(-1);
        if (debug)
                fprintf(stderr, "RESET tomograph %d\n", atlaspage);
@@ -574,6 +579,12 @@ static void resetTomograph(void){
        events = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < MAXTHREADS; i++)
                threads[i] = topbox++;
+       for ( i=MAXTHREADS; i< maxbox; i++){
+               if( box[i].fcn ){
+                       free(box[i].fcn);
+                       box[i].fcn=0;
+               }
+       }
        memset((char*) box, 0, sizeof(Box) * maxbox);
        totalclkticks = 0; 
@@ -718,8 +729,8 @@ dumpboxes(void)
        snprintf(buf, BUFSIZ, "%s%s_%s_%02d.dat", cachebuf, 
basefilename,DBNAME, atlaspage);
        f = fopen(buf, "w");
        if(f == NULL){
-               fprintf(stderr,"Could not create %s\n",buf);
-               exit(0);
+               fprintf(stderr,"Could not create file '%s'\n",buf);
+               exit(-1);
        for (i = 0; i < topbox; i++)
@@ -997,12 +1008,12 @@ showcolormap(char *filename, int all)
        for (nl=0, c= currentquery; c && *c; c++)
                nl += *c == '\n';
+       snprintf(buf, BUFSIZ, "%s%s_%s_%02d.gpl", cachebuf, basefilename, 
DBNAME, atlaspage);
        if (all) {
-               snprintf(buf, BUFSIZ, "%s%s_%s_%02d.gpl", cachebuf, 
basefilename, DBNAME, atlaspage);
                f = fopen(buf, "w");
                if (f == NULL) {
-                       fprintf(stderr, "Creating file %s failed\n", buf);
-                       exit(1);
+                       fprintf(stderr, "Could not create file '%s'\n", buf);
+                       exit(-1);
                fprintf(f, "set terminal pdfcairo noenhanced color solid size 
8.3, 11.7\n");
                fprintf(f, "set output \"%s.pdf\"\n", filename);
@@ -1102,6 +1113,7 @@ showcolormap(char *filename, int all)
                h-= 17;
        fprintf(f, "set label %d \"%d\" at 1750.0, 100.00\n", object++, 
atlaspage + 1);
+       fprintf(f, "set label %d \"%s\" at 500.0, 100.00\n", object++, buf);
        fprintf(f, "set label %d \"%s\" at 0.0, 100.00\n", object++, date);
        fprintf(f, "plot 0 notitle with lines linecolor rgb \"white\"\n");
        if (all) {
@@ -1182,7 +1194,7 @@ createTomogram(void)
        char buf[BUFSIZ];
        int rows[MAXTHREADS] = {0};
-       int top = 0;
+       int top = 0, rowoffset = 0;
        int i, j;
        int h, prevobject = 1;
        lng w = lastclktick - starttime;
@@ -1196,7 +1208,7 @@ createTomogram(void)
        snprintf(buf, BUFSIZ, "%s%s_%s_%02d.gpl", cachebuf, 
        gnudata = fopen(buf, "w");
        if (gnudata == 0) {
-               printf("Could not create of %s\n", buf);
+               printf("Could not create file '%s'\n", buf);
        if( strrchr(buf,'.'))
@@ -1234,7 +1246,9 @@ createTomogram(void)
-       height = (top < cpus? cpus : top) * 20;
+       h = 10; /* unit height of bars */
+       height = (top < cpus? cpus : top) * 2 * h;
+       rowoffset = top<cpus ? cpus-top:0;
        fprintf(gnudata, "set yrange [0:%d]\n", height);
        fprintf(gnudata, "set ylabel \"threads\"\n");
        fprintf(gnudata, "set key right \n");
@@ -1245,19 +1259,21 @@ createTomogram(void)
        /* calculate the effective use of parallelism */
        totalticks = 0;
+       if( top < cpus)
+               for(i=0; i < topbox; i++)
+                       box[i].row += rowoffset;
        for (i = 0; i < top; i++)
                totalticks += lastclk[rows[i]];
-       h = 10; /* unit height of bars */
        fprintf(gnudata, "set ytics (");
        for (i = 0; i < top; i++)
-               fprintf(gnudata, "\"%d\" %d%c", rows[i], i * 2 * h + h / 2, (i 
< top - 1 ? ',' : ' '));
+               fprintf(gnudata, "\"%d\" %d%c", rows[i], (rowoffset + i) * 2 * 
h + h / 2, (i < top - 1 ? ',' : ' '));
        fprintf(gnudata, ")\n");
        /* mark duration of each thread */
        for (i = 0; i < top; i++)
                fprintf(gnudata, "set object %d rectangle from %d, %d to 
"LLFMT".0, %d\n",
-                       object++, 0, i * 2 * h + h/3, lastclk[rows[i]], i * 2 * 
h + h - h/3);
+                       object++, 0, (rowoffset + i) * 2 * h + h/3, 
lastclk[rows[i]], (rowoffset + i) * 2 * h + h - h/3);
        /* fill the duration of each instruction encountered that fit our range 
constraint */
        for (i = 0; i < topbox; i++)
@@ -1339,14 +1355,15 @@ update(char *line, EventRecord *ev)
        if (topbox == maxbox || maxbox < topbox) {
-               if( box == 0)
+               if( box == 0){
                        box = (Box*) malloc(MAXBOX * sizeof(Box)); 
-               else
+                       memset((char*) box, 0, sizeof(Box) * MAXBOX);
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