Changeset: 02c7189e3b2d for MonetDB
Added Files:
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

approved default stable output after changeset 5a127d2a5309

diffs (truncated from 944 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/sql/benchmarks/ATIS/Tests/select_group.stable.out.int128 
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/benchmarks/ATIS/Tests/select_group.stable.out.int128
@@ -0,0 +1,823 @@
+stdout of test 'select_group` in directory 'sql/benchmarks/ATIS` itself:
+# 16:01:29 >  
+# 16:01:29 >   mserver5 
"--config=/ufs/niels/scratch/monetdb/Linux-x86_64/etc/monetdb5.conf" --debug=10 
--set gdk_nr_threads=4 --set 
 --set "gdk_dbfarm=/ufs/niels/scratch/monetdb/Linux-x86_64/var/MonetDB5/dbfarm" 
--set mapi_open=true --set xrpc_open=true --set mapi_port=34442 --set 
xrpc_port=47029 --set monet_prompt= --trace  
"--dbname=mTests_src_benchmarks_ATIS" --set mal_listing=0 "--dbinit= include 
sql;" ; echo ; echo Over..
+# 16:01:29 >  
+# MonetDB server v5.7.0, based on kernel v1.25.0
+# Serving database 'mTests_src_benchmarks_ATIS', using 4 threads
+# Compiled for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/64bit with 64bit OIDs dynamically 
+# Copyright (c) 1993-2008 CWI, all rights reserved
+# Visit for further information
+# Listening for connection requests on mapi:monetdb://
+# MonetDB/SQL module v2.25.0 loaded
+#function user.main():void;
+#    clients.quit();
+#end main;
+#select day_name.day_name,day_name.day_code,count(*) from flight_day,day_name 
where day_name.day_code=flight_day.day_code group by 
day_name.day_name,day_name.day_code order by day_code;
+% sys.day_name,        sys.day_name,   sys.L1 # table_name
+% day_name,    day_code,       L1 # name
+% char,        decimal,        wrd # type
+% 9,   2,      2 # length
+[ "MONDAY",    1,      64      ]
+[ "TUESDAY",   2,      64      ]
+[ "WEDNESDAY", 3,      64      ]
+[ "THURSDAY",  4,      64      ]
+[ "FRIDAY",    5,      64      ]
+[ "SATURDAY",  6,      64      ]
+[ "SUNDAY",    7,      64      ]
+#select day_name.day_name,count(*) from flight_day,day_name where 
day_name.day_code=flight_day.day_code group by day_name.day_name;
+% sys.day_name,        sys.L1 # table_name
+% day_name,    L1 # name
+% char,        wrd # type
+% 9,   2 # length
+[ "MONDAY",    64      ]
+[ "TUESDAY",   64      ]
+[ "WEDNESDAY", 64      ]
+[ "THURSDAY",  64      ]
+[ "FRIDAY",    64      ]
+[ "SATURDAY",  64      ]
+[ "SUNDAY",    64      ]
+% sys.month_name,      sys.day_name # table_name
+% month_name,  day_name # name
+% char,        char # type
+% 9,   9 # length
+[ "APRIL",     "THURSDAY"      ]
+[ "MAY",       "FRIDAY"        ]
+[ "JUNE",      "SATURDAY"      ]
+[ "JULY",      "SUNDAY"        ]
+#select day_name.day_name,flight_day.day_code,count(*) from 
flight_day,day_name where day_name.day_code=flight_day.day_code group by 
flight_day.day_code,day_name.day_name order by day_code;
+% sys.day_name,        sys.flight_day, sys.L1 # table_name
+% day_name,    day_code,       L1 # name
+% char,        decimal,        wrd # type
+% 9,   2,      2 # length
+[ "MONDAY",    1,      64      ]
+[ "TUESDAY",   2,      64      ]
+[ "WEDNESDAY", 3,      64      ]
+[ "THURSDAY",  4,      64      ]
+[ "FRIDAY",    5,      64      ]
+[ "SATURDAY",  6,      64      ]
+[ "SUNDAY",    7,      64      ]
+#select sum(engines) from aircraft;
+% sys.L1 # table_name
+% L1 # name
+% decimal # type
+% 40 # length
+[ 278  ]
+#select avg(engines) from aircraft;
+% sys.L1 # table_name
+% L1 # name
+% double # type
+% 24 # length
+[ 2.059259259  ]
+#select avg(engines) from aircraft where engines>0;
+% sys.L1 # table_name
+% L1 # name
+% double # type
+% 24 # length
+[ 2.376068376  ]
+#select count(*),min(pay_load),max(pay_load) from aircraft where pay_load>0;
+% sys.L1,      sys.L2, sys.L3 # table_name
+% L1,  L2,     L3 # name
+% wrd, int,    int # type
+% 2,   3,      6 # length
+[ 94,  240,    165710  ]
+#select min(flight_code),min(flight_code) from flight;
+% sys.L1,      sys.L2 # table_name
+% L1,  L2 # name
+% int, int # type
+% 6,   6 # length
+[ 101908,      101908  ]
+#select min(from_airport),min(to_airport) from flight;
+% sys.L1,      sys.L2 # table_name
+% L1,  L2 # name
+% char,        char # type
+% 3,   3 # length
+[ "ATL",       "ATL"   ]
+#select count(*) from aircraft where pay_load>10000;
+% sys.L1 # table_name
+% L1 # name
+% wrd # type
+% 2 # length
+[ 50   ]
+#select count(*) from aircraft where pay_load<>0;
+% sys.L1 # table_name
+% L1 # name
+% wrd # type
+% 2 # length
+[ 94   ]
+#select count(*) from flight where flight_code >= 112793;
+% sys.L1 # table_name
+% L1 # name
+% wrd # type
+% 3 # length
+[ 279  ]
+#SELECT from_airport,to_airport,avg(time_elapsed) FROM flight WHERE 
from_airport='ATL' AND to_airport='BOS' group by from_airport,to_airport;
+% sys.flight,  sys.flight,     sys.L1 # table_name
+% from_airport,        to_airport,     L1 # name
+% char,        char,   double # type
+% 3,   3,      24 # length
+[ "ATL",       "BOS",  154.3684211     ]
+#select city_code, avg(ground_fare) from ground_service where ground_fare<>0 
group by city_code;
+% sys.ground_service,  sys.L1 # table_name
+% city_code,   L1 # name
+% char,        double # type
+% 4,   24 # length
+[ "MATL",      9       ]
+[ "BBOS",      5       ]
+[ "DDFW",      6       ]
+[ "FDFW",      6       ]
+[ "DDEN",      5       ]
+[ "PPHL",      4.75    ]
+[ "PPIT",      7.5     ]
+[ "OOAK",      4.75    ]
+[ "SSFO",      4.5     ]
+[ "WWAS",      12      ]
+[ "BBWI",      5       ]
+#select count(*), ground_service.city_code from ground_service group by 
+% sys.L1,      sys.ground_service # table_name
+% L1,  city_code # name
+% wrd, char # type
+% 1,   4 # length
+[ 3,   "MATL"  ]
+[ 3,   "BBOS"  ]
+[ 2,   "DDFW"  ]
+[ 2,   "FDFW"  ]
+[ 3,   "DDEN"  ]
+[ 3,   "PPHL"  ]
+[ 3,   "PPIT"  ]
+[ 5,   "OOAK"  ]
+[ 4,   "SSFO"  ]
+[ 1,   "WWAS"  ]
+[ 3,   "BBWI"  ]
+[ 1,   ""      ]
+#select category,count(*) as totalnr from aircraft where engines=2 group by 
category having count(*)>4 order by category;
+% sys.aircraft,        sys.L1 # table_name
+% category,    totalnr # name
+% char,        wrd # type
+% 10,  2 # length
+[ "JET",       15      ]
+[ "PROPELLER", 16      ]
+[ "TURBOPROP", 32      ]
+#select category,count(*) from aircraft where engines=2 group by category 
having count(*)>4 order by category;
+% sys.aircraft,        sys.L1 # table_name
+% category,    L1 # name
+% char,        wrd # type
+% 10,  2 # length
+[ "JET",       15      ]
+[ "PROPELLER", 16      ]
+[ "TURBOPROP", 32      ]
+% sys.flight,  sys.aircraft,   sys.flight_class # table_name
+% flight_number,       range_miles,    fare_class # name
+% decimal,     decimal,        char # type
+% 5,   6,      3 # length
+[ 30,  2400,   "B"     ]
+[ 30,  2400,   "F"     ]
+[ 30,  2400,   "H"     ]
+[ 30,  2400,   "Q"     ]
+[ 30,  2400,   "Y"     ]
+[ 37,  2500,   "B"     ]
+[ 37,  2500,   "F"     ]
+[ 37,  2500,   "H"     ]
+[ 37,  2500,   "Q"     ]
+[ 37,  2500,   "Y"     ]
+[ 106, 3060,   "B"     ]
+[ 106, 3060,   "F"     ]
+[ 106, 3060,   "M"     ]
+[ 106, 3060,   "Q"     ]
+[ 106, 3060,   "Y"     ]
+[ 116, 3450,   "B"     ]
+[ 116, 3450,   "F"     ]
+[ 116, 3450,   "M"     ]
+[ 116, 3450,   "Q"     ]
+[ 116, 3450,   "Y"     ]
+[ 162, 2400,   "B"     ]
+[ 162, 2400,   "F"     ]
+[ 162, 2400,   "H"     ]
+[ 162, 2400,   "Q"     ]
+[ 162, 2400,   "Y"     ]
+[ 162, 2440,   "B"     ]
+[ 162, 2440,   "F"     ]
+[ 162, 2440,   "M"     ]
+[ 162, 2440,   "Q"     ]
+[ 162, 2440,   "Y"     ]
+[ 166, 2500,   "B"     ]
+[ 166, 2500,   "F"     ]
+[ 166, 2500,   "H"     ]
+[ 166, 2500,   "Q"     ]
+[ 166, 2500,   "Y"     ]
+[ 293, 2500,   "B"     ]
+[ 293, 2500,   "F"     ]
+[ 293, 2500,   "H"     ]
+[ 293, 2500,   "Q"     ]
+[ 293, 2500,   "Y"     ]
+[ 296, 2400,   "BN"    ]
+[ 296, 2400,   "FN"    ]
+[ 296, 2400,   "M"     ]
+[ 296, 2400,   "Q"     ]
+[ 296, 2400,   "YN"    ]
+[ 313, 3060,   "B"     ]
+[ 313, 3060,   "F"     ]
+[ 313, 3060,   "M"     ]
+[ 313, 3060,   "V"     ]
+[ 313, 3060,   "Y"     ]
+[ 343, 7150,   "B"     ]
+[ 343, 7150,   "F"     ]
+[ 343, 7150,   "M"     ]
+[ 343, 7150,   "Q"     ]
+[ 343, 7150,   "Y"     ]
+[ 354, 2400,   "B"     ]
+[ 354, 2400,   "F"     ]
+[ 354, 2400,   "M"     ]
+[ 354, 2400,   "Q"     ]
+[ 354, 2400,   "Y"     ]
+[ 459, 3060,   "B"     ]
+[ 459, 3060,   "F"     ]
+[ 459, 3060,   "M"     ]
+[ 459, 3060,   "V"     ]
+[ 459, 3060,   "Y"     ]
+[ 504, 3060,   "B"     ]
+[ 504, 3060,   "F"     ]
+[ 504, 3060,   "M"     ]
+[ 504, 3060,   "V"     ]
+[ 504, 3060,   "Y"     ]
+[ 551, 3000,   "B"     ]
+[ 551, 3000,   "F"     ]
+[ 551, 3000,   "M"     ]
+[ 551, 3000,   "Q"     ]
+[ 551, 3000,   "Y"     ]
+[ 589, 2400,   "B"     ]
+[ 589, 2400,   "F"     ]
+[ 589, 2400,   "M"     ]
+[ 589, 2400,   "Q"     ]
+[ 589, 2400,   "Y"     ]
+[ 673, 2500,   "B"     ]
+[ 673, 2500,   "F"     ]
+[ 673, 2500,   "M"     ]
+[ 673, 2500,   "Q"     ]
+[ 673, 2500,   "Y"     ]
+[ 726, 2400,   "B"     ]
+[ 726, 2400,   "F"     ]
+[ 726, 2400,   "M"     ]
+[ 726, 2400,   "Q"     ]
+[ 726, 2400,   "Y"     ]
+[ 773, 3000,   "B"     ]
+[ 773, 3000,   "F"     ]
+[ 773, 3000,   "M"     ]
+[ 773, 3000,   "Q"     ]
+[ 773, 3000,   "Y"     ]
+[ 813, 4500,   "B"     ]
+[ 813, 4500,   "F"     ]
+[ 813, 4500,   "M"     ]
+[ 813, 4500,   "V"     ]
+[ 813, 4500,   "Y"     ]
+[ 880, 3000,   "B"     ]
+[ 880, 3000,   "F"     ]
+[ 880, 3000,   "M"     ]
+[ 880, 3000,   "Q"     ]
+[ 880, 3000,   "Y"     ]
+[ 888, 3000,   "B"     ]
+[ 888, 3000,   "F"     ]
+[ 888, 3000,   "M"     ]
+[ 888, 3000,   "Q"     ]
+[ 888, 3000,   "Y"     ]
+[ 928, 4500,   "B"     ]
+[ 928, 4500,   "FN"    ]
+[ 928, 4500,   "M"     ]
+[ 928, 4500,   "V"     ]
+[ 928, 4500,   "YN"    ]
+[ 1074,        3060,   "B"     ]
+[ 1074,        3060,   "F"     ]
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