Changeset: 5e0839367a63 for MonetDB
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Branch: SciQL-2
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some comments, printouts and renames to help me understand

diffs (truncated from 390 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/mal/ b/monetdb5/modules/mal/
--- a/monetdb5/modules/mal/
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/mal/
@@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ ARRAYfiller(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, 
  * - only dimension types SMALLINT (bte), TINYINY (sht), INT(EGER) (int) are 
  * - dimensions must be ascending, i.e., start <= stop && step > 0
  * - only step-size 1 is supported
- * - array must be stored "canonically", i.e., sorted (ascending) on first 
+ * - array must be stored ", p, (double)bRest[p]);canonically", i.e., sorted 
(ascending) on first dimension,
  *   and each subsequent dimension sub-sorted (ascending) within each value of 
its preceding dimension
@@ -665,6 +665,8 @@ ARRAYtiles_@4_@1_@8(Client cntxt, MalBlk
                arrsze *= dSize[i];
+//fprintf(stderr, "arrsze = %u\n", (unsigned int)arrsze);
        /* check sanity of value BAT */
        if (!BAThdense(bVal)) {
@@ -675,6 +677,8 @@ ARRAYtiles_@4_@1_@8(Client cntxt, MalBlk
                throw(MAL, "array.@4", "tail type of value BAT is not type @1");
        arrcnt = BATcount(bVal);
+fprintf(stderr, "arrcnt = %u\n", (unsigned int)arrcnt);
        if (arrcnt != arrsze) {
                throw(MAL, "array.@4", "count of value BAT ("BUNFMT") != 
product of dimension sizes ("BUNFMT")",
@@ -726,8 +730,9 @@ ARRAYtiles_@4_@1_@8(Client cntxt, MalBlk
                /* access tails as arrays */
                bDimsT[i] = (@8*) Tloc(bDims[i], BUNfirst(bDims[i]));
                bOffsetsT[i] = (@8*) Tloc(bOffsets[i], BUNfirst(bOffsets[i]));
-               /* be optimistic */
+for(p=0; p<BATcount(bOffsets[i]); p++)
+       fprintf(stderr, "%u: %d - %d\n", (unsigned int)i, (int)bDimsT[i][p], 
+               /* be optimistic, i.e. assume that BATs are ordered and 
subordered (e.g. y subordered on x etc.) */
                dMin[i] = bDimsT[i][0];
                dMax[i] = bDimsT[i][arrcnt-1];
@@ -802,6 +807,7 @@ ARRAYtiles_@4_@1_@8(Client cntxt, MalBlk
                        offset[r] += mul * bOffsetsT[i][r];
                        mul *= dSize[i];
+fprintf(stderr, "offset: %u => %f\n", (unsigned int)r, (double)offset[r]);
        /* For each anchor piont, compute all cells belong to this tile 
@@ -838,14 +844,15 @@ ARRAYtiles_@4_@1_@8(Client cntxt, MalBlk
                        if (!skip) {
                                @1 elm = bValT[vid];
                                if (elm != @1_nil) {
-                                       @6;
+                                       @6; //@6 := sum += elm (if sum)
+fprintf(stderr, "elm: (p=%u, r=%u) => %d -> %f\n", (unsigned int)p, (unsigned 
int)r, (int)elm, (double)@7);
-               bResT[p] = (cnt ? @7 : @3_nil);
+               bResT[p] = (cnt ? @7 : @3_nil); //@7 := sum (if sum)
+fprintf(stderr, "\t%u: %f\n", (unsigned int)p, (double)bResT[p]);
                nils |= !cnt;
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/sciql.c b/sql/backends/monet5/sciql.c
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/sciql.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/sciql.c
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
 #define MTRL_CLEANUP() \
 { \
-       if (N) GDKfree(N); \
-       if (M) GDKfree(M); \
+       if (idxRepetitionsPerGroup) GDKfree(idxRepetitionsPerGroup); \
+       if (groups) GDKfree(groups); \
        if (bids) { \
                for (i = 0; i < list_length(a->columns.set); i++) { \
                        if (bids[i] != 0) \
@@ -58,16 +58,18 @@ static str
        return createException(type, fcn, "%s", msg);
-SCIQLmaterialise(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci)
+/* It is called in each update query involving an array. If the array is 
materialised nothing happens.
+ * Otherwise, it creates all necessary BATs initialising them with the 
appropriate values (the
+ * non-dimensional BAT is initialised with the default value). The query is 
handled then as any other 
+ * query */
+str SCIQLmaterialise(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci) {
        mvc *sql = NULL;
        str msg = getSQLContext(cntxt, mb, &sql, NULL);
-       str sname = *(str*) getArgReference(stk, pci, 1);
-       str aname = *(str*) getArgReference(stk, pci, 2);
+       str schema_name = *(str*) getArgReference(stk, pci, 1);
+       str array_name = *(str*) getArgReference(stk, pci, 2);
        sql_schema *s = NULL;
        sql_table *a = NULL;
-       int i = 0, j = 0, *N = NULL, *M = NULL, *bids = NULL;
+       int i = 0, j = 0, *idxRepetitionsPerGroup = NULL, *groups = NULL, *bids 
        BUN cntall = 1; /* cntall must be initialised with 1! */
        node *n = NULL;
@@ -82,50 +84,51 @@ SCIQLmaterialise(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr
        if (msg)
                return msg;
-       if (!(s = mvc_bind_schema(sql, sname)))
+       if (!(s = mvc_bind_schema(sql, schema_name)))
                throw(MAL, "sciql.materialise", RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
-       if (!(a = mvc_bind_table(sql, s, aname)))
+       if (!(a = mvc_bind_table(sql, s, array_name)))
                throw(MAL, "sciql.materialise", RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
-       if (a->materialised)
+       if (a->materialised) //If materialised then it is treated than any 
other BAT (should this change? Does it make sense to have partially initialised 
                return MAL_SUCCEED;
-       /* To compute N (the #times each value is repeated), multiply the size 
-        * dimensions defined after the current dimension.  For the last 
-        * its N is 1.  To compute M (the #times each value group is repeated),
-        * multiply the size of dimensions defined before the current dimension.
-        * For the first dimension, its M is 1. */
-       N = GDKmalloc(a->valence * sizeof(int)); /* #repeats of each value */
-       M = GDKmalloc(a->valence * sizeof(int)); /* #repeats of each group of 
values */
+       /* When having a single dimension, e.g. x then each value corresponds 
to a different x_idx, x_idx=0, x_idx=1, etc.
+       * When having more dimensions, e.g. x and y then each value corresponds 
to a different pair of idxs, 
+       * e.g. (x_idx=0, y_idx=0), (x_idx=0, y_idx=1), (x_idx=0, y_idx=2) etc. 
From the example is obvious that until all
+       * possible values of y_idx has been used the x_idx will be 0, when all 
y_idx values has been used x_idx will increase
+       * and the y_idx values will start from the beggining. So, the 
idxRepettitionsPerGroup for y is 1 (the y_idx is changed 
+       * in each repetition) while the groups groups for y equals the number 
of x_idx values (all y_idx values are repeated for
+       * each value of x_idx)  */
+       idxRepetitionsPerGroup = GDKmalloc(a->valence * sizeof(int)); /* 
#repeats of each value */
+       groups = GDKmalloc(a->valence * sizeof(int)); /* #repeats of each group 
of values */
        bids = GDKzalloc(list_length(a->columns.set) * sizeof(int)); /* BAT ids 
for each column */
-       if (!N || !M || !bids) {
+       if (!idxRepetitionsPerGroup || !groups || !bids) {
                throw(MAL, "sciql.materialise", MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
        for (i = 0; i < a->valence; i++)
-               N[i] = M[i] = 1;
+               idxRepetitionsPerGroup[i] = groups[i] = 1;
        for (n = a->columns.set->h, i = 0; n; n = n->next) {
                sql_column *sc = n->data;
                if (sc->dim) {
                        /* TODO: overflow check, see gdk_calc.c */
-                       lng cnt_l = sc->dim->step > 0 ? (sc->dim->stop - 
sc->dim->strt + sc->dim->step - 1) / sc->dim->step :
-                               (sc->dim->strt - sc->dim->stop - sc->dim->step 
- 1) / -sc->dim->step;
-                       int cnt_i = (int) cnt_l;
+                       lng dimensionElementsNum_lng = 1+(sc->dim->step > 0 ? 
(sc->dim->stop-1 - sc->dim->strt) / sc->dim->step : (sc->dim->strt - 1 - 
sc->dim->stop) / -sc->dim->step);
+                       int dimensionElementsNum_int = (int) 
 #ifndef NDEBUG
-                       int lim = GDK_int_max / cnt_i;
+                       int lim = GDK_int_max / dimensionElementsNum_int;
-                       assert(cnt_l <= (lng) GDK_int_max);
+                       assert(dimensionElementsNum_lng <= (lng) GDK_int_max);
                        for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
-                               assert(N[j] <= lim);
-                               N[j] *= cnt_i;
+                               assert(idxRepetitionsPerGroup[j] <= lim);
+                               idxRepetitionsPerGroup[j] *= 
                        for (j = a->valence - 1; j > i; j--) {
-                               assert(M[j] <= lim);
-                               M[j] *= cnt_i;
+                               assert(groups[j] <= lim);
+                               groups[j] *= dimensionElementsNum_int;
-                       assert((BUN) cnt_i <= BUN_MAX / cntall);
-                       cntall *= cnt_i;
+                       assert((BUN) dimensionElementsNum_int <= BUN_MAX / 
+                       cntall *= dimensionElementsNum_int;
@@ -134,27 +137,27 @@ SCIQLmaterialise(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr
        for (n = a->columns.set->h, i = 0; n; n = n->next, i++){
                sql_column *sc = n->data;
                BAT *bn = NULL;
-               int tpe = sc->type.type->localtype;
+               int tpe = sc->type.type->localtype; //the type of the column
                if (sc->dim) {
                        switch (tpe) {
                        case TYPE_bte:
-                               ARRAYseries_bte(&bids[i], (bte 
*)&sc->dim->strt, (bte *)&sc->dim->step, (bte *)&sc->dim->stop, &N[i], &M[i]);
+                               ARRAYseries_bte(&bids[i], (bte 
*)&sc->dim->strt, (bte *)&sc->dim->step, (bte *)&sc->dim->stop, 
&idxRepetitionsPerGroup[i], &groups[i]);
                        case TYPE_sht:
-                               ARRAYseries_sht(&bids[i], (sht 
*)&sc->dim->strt, (sht *)&sc->dim->step, (sht *)&sc->dim->stop, &N[i], &M[i]);
+                               ARRAYseries_sht(&bids[i], (sht 
*)&sc->dim->strt, (sht *)&sc->dim->step, (sht *)&sc->dim->stop, 
&idxRepetitionsPerGroup[i], &groups[i]);
                        case TYPE_int:                                          
-                               ARRAYseries_int(&bids[i], (int 
*)&sc->dim->strt, (int *)&sc->dim->step, (int *)&sc->dim->stop, &N[i], &M[i]);
+                               ARRAYseries_int(&bids[i], (int 
*)&sc->dim->strt, (int *)&sc->dim->step, (int *)&sc->dim->stop, 
&idxRepetitionsPerGroup[i], &groups[i]);
                        case TYPE_lng:                                          
-                               ARRAYseries_lng(&bids[i], (lng 
*)&sc->dim->strt, (lng *)&sc->dim->step, (lng *)&sc->dim->stop, &N[i], &M[i]);
+                               ARRAYseries_lng(&bids[i], (lng 
*)&sc->dim->strt, (lng *)&sc->dim->step, (lng *)&sc->dim->stop, 
&idxRepetitionsPerGroup[i], &groups[i]);
                        case TYPE_flt:                                          
-                               ARRAYseries_flt(&bids[i], (flt 
*)&sc->dim->strt, (flt *)&sc->dim->step, (flt *)&sc->dim->stop, &N[i], &M[i]);
+                               ARRAYseries_flt(&bids[i], (flt 
*)&sc->dim->strt, (flt *)&sc->dim->step, (flt *)&sc->dim->stop, 
&idxRepetitionsPerGroup[i], &groups[i]);
                        case TYPE_dbl:                                          
-                               ARRAYseries_dbl(&bids[i], (dbl 
*)&sc->dim->strt, (dbl *)&sc->dim->step, (dbl *)&sc->dim->stop, &N[i], &M[i]);
+                               ARRAYseries_dbl(&bids[i], (dbl 
*)&sc->dim->strt, (dbl *)&sc->dim->step, (dbl *)&sc->dim->stop, 
&idxRepetitionsPerGroup[i], &groups[i]);
@@ -165,12 +168,13 @@ SCIQLmaterialise(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr
                                throw(MAL, "sciql.materialise", "Cannot access 
-               } else {
+               } else { //non-dimensional column
                        ValRecord src, dst;
                        int ret = 0;
                        src.vtype = TYPE_str;
-                       if (sc->def) {
+                       if (sc->def) { //the column has a default value
+                               //no mater what the default value is all values 
set will have the same value
                                size_t l = strlen(sc->def);
                                if (l == 4 && (sc->def[0] == 'n' || sc->def[0] 
== 'N') &&
                                                (sc->def[1] == 'u' || 
sc->def[1] == 'U') &&
@@ -197,6 +201,7 @@ SCIQLmaterialise(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr
                                return _rethrow(MAL, "sciql.materialise", 
"string conversion failed");
+                       /* Fill the BAT with the constant value */
                        switch(tpe) { /* TODO: check for overflow */
                        case TYPE_bte:
                                bn = BATconstant(tpe, &dst.val.btval, cntall);
@@ -239,11 +244,11 @@ SCIQLmaterialise(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr
        systable = find_sql_table(syss, "_tables");
        sysarray = find_sql_table(syss, "_arrays");
        /* find 'id' of this array in _tables */
-       rid = table_funcs.column_find_row(tr, find_sql_column(systable, 
"name"), aname, NULL);
-       tid = *(sqlid*) table_funcs.column_find_value(tr, 
find_sql_column(systable, "id"), rid);
+       rid = table_funcs.column_find_row(tr, find_sql_column(systable, 
"name"), array_name, NULL); //find the row in _tables that is about the 
processed array
+       tid = *(sqlid*) table_funcs.column_find_value(tr, 
find_sql_column(systable, "id"), rid); //find the column in the above row that 
is about id
        /* update value in _arrays */
-       rid = table_funcs.column_find_row(tr, find_sql_column(sysarray, 
"table_id"), &tid, NULL);
-       table_funcs.column_update_value(tr, find_sql_column(sysarray, 
"materialised"), rid, &materialised);     
+       rid = table_funcs.column_find_row(tr, find_sql_column(sysarray, 
"table_id"), &tid, NULL); //find the row in arrays that is about the processed 
+       table_funcs.column_update_value(tr, find_sql_column(sysarray, 
"materialised"), rid, &materialised);     //set the value in the column about 
        a->materialised = 1;
        return MAL_SUCCEED;
diff --git a/sql/server/rel_schema.c b/sql/server/rel_schema.c
--- a/sql/server/rel_schema.c
+++ b/sql/server/rel_schema.c
@@ -891,74 +891,76 @@ rel_create_table(mvc *sql, sql_schema *s
                        mvc_create_table(sql, s, name, tt, 0, 
SQL_DECLARED_TABLE, commit_action, -1);
                dnode *n;
                dlist *columns = table_elements_or_subquery->data.lval;
-               list *drngs = sa_list(sql->sa);
+               list *dimensionsRanges = sa_list(sql->sa);
-               for (n = columns->h; n; n = n->next) {
-                       symbol *sym = n->data.sym;
+               for (n = columns->h; n; n = n->next) { //for each column
+                       symbol *sym = n->data.sym; //each column is represented 
with a symbol
                        int res = table_element(sql, sym, s, t, 0);
                        if (res == SQL_ERR) 
                                return NULL;
                        /* A dimension column? Add the range expressions to 
rel_table */
-                       if (sym->token == SQL_COLUMN && sym->data.lval->cnt == 
4) {
-                               dnode *dn = sym->data.lval->h->next->next->next;
-                               sql_column *dc = t->columns.set->t->data;
-                               char *sqltpe = dc->type.type->sqlname;
+                       if (sym->token == SQL_COLUMN && sym->data.lval->cnt == 
4 && sym->data.lval->h->next->next->next->data.sym->token == SQL_DIMENSION) {
+                               dnode *dimensionNode = 
+                               sql_column *dimensionColumn = 
+                               char *sqltpe = 
                                int is_int_dc = isAnSQLIntType(sqltpe, 
-                               dlist *drng = NULL;
+                               dlist *dimensionRange = 
                                sql_exp *val_exp = NULL;
                                exp_kind ek = {type_value, card_value, TRUE};
                                sql_subtype *lngtpe = sql_bind_localtype("lng");
                                if (!isArray(t))
-                                       return sql_error(sql, 02, "%s %s: 
dimensions ('%s') not allowed in non-ARRAY\n", action, tt2string(tt), 
+                                       return sql_error(sql, 02, "%s %s: 
dimensions ('%s') not allowed in non-ARRAY\n", action, tt2string(tt), 
                                if (!isSupportedType(sqltpe))
                                        return sql_error(sql, 02, "%s ARRAY: 
dimension type '%s' not supported yet\n", action, sqltpe);
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