Changeset: 61636c271241 for MonetDB
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Approve MAL signature changes.

diffs (truncated from 3160 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures_all.stable.out 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures_all.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures_all.stable.out
@@ -2364,9 +2364,9 @@ command algebra.leftfetchjoin(left:bat[:
 address ALGleftfetchjoin;
 comment Hook directly into the left fetch join implementation.
 address ALGleftjoinestimate;
 address ALGleftjoin;
 address ALGmark_grp_2;
@@ -2551,9 +2551,9 @@ command algebra.thetasubselect(b:bat[:oi
 address ALGthetasubselect1;
 comment Select all head values for which the tail value obeys the relation     
value OP VAL.   Input is a dense-headed BAT, output is a dense-headed BAT with 
in       the tail the head value of the input BAT for which the  relationship 
holds.  The output BAT is sorted on the tail value.
 address ALGtdifference;
 address ALGtintersect;
 command alarm.ctime{unsafe}():str 
 address ALARMctime;
@@ -31186,10 +31186,6 @@ command bat.delete(b:bat[:oid,:any_1],h:
 address BKCdelete;
 comment Delete all BUNs with a certain head value.
-command bat.delete(b:bat[:oid,:any_1],h:oid,t:any_1):bat[:oid,:any_1] 
-address BKCdelete_bun;
-comment Delete one specific BUN.
 command bat.getName(b:bat[:oid,:any_1]):str 
 address BKCgetBBPname;
 comment Gives back the logical name of a BAT.
@@ -31218,14 +31214,6 @@ command bat.getSize(b:bat[:oid,:any_1]):
 address BKCgetSize;
 comment Calculate the actual size of the BAT descriptor, heaps, hashes and 
imprint indices in bytes         rounded to the memory page size (see 
-command bat.getDelta(b:bat[:oid,:any_1]):bat[:oid,:any_1] 
-address BKCgetDelta;
-comment Obtain the list of BUNs deleted
-command bat.getAlpha(b:bat[:oid,:any_1]):bat[:oid,:any_1] 
-address BKCgetAlpha;
-comment Obtain the list of BUNs added
 command bat.imprintsize(b:bat[:oid,:dbl]):lng 
 address CMDBATimprintsize;
 comment Return the storage size of the imprints index structure.
@@ -31282,30 +31270,6 @@ command[:oid,:any_1]) (X_
 address BKCinfo;
 comment Produce a table containing information about a BAT in 
[attribute,value] format.         It contains all properties of the BAT record. 
-address BKCbat_inplace_force;
-comment inplace replace values on the given locations
-address BKCbun_inplace_force;
-comment Inplace replace values on the given positions
-command bat.inplace(o:bat[:oid,:any_1],d:bat[:oid,:any_1]):bat[:oid,:any_1] 
-address BKCbat_inplace;
-comment Inplace replace values on the given positions
-command bat.inplace(o:bat[:oid,:any_1],id:oid,t:any_1):bat[:oid,:any_1] 
-address BKCbun_inplace;
-comment Inplace replace values on the given positions
-address BKCinsert_bat_force;
-comment Insert all BUNs of the second BAT into the first.
-command bat.insert(b:bat[:oid,:any_1],src:bat[:oid,:any_1]):bat[:oid,:any_1] 
-address BKCinsert_bat;
-comment Insert all BUNs of the second BAT into the first.
 command bat.load(name:str):bat[:oid,:any_1] 
 address BKCload;
 comment Load a particular BAT from disk
@@ -31396,14 +31360,6 @@ pattern bat.single(val:any_1):bat[:oid,:
 address CMDBATsingle;
 comment Create a BAT with a single elemenet
-command bat.shrinkMap(b:bat[:oid,:any_1],del:bat[:oid,:oid]):bat[:oid,:oid] 
-address BKCshrinkBATmap;
-comment Derive the oid mapping for shrink BAT based on list of to-be-deleted
-command bat.shrink(b:bat[:oid,:any_1],del:bat[:oid,:oid]):bat[:oid,:any_1] 
-address BKCshrinkBAT;
-comment Shrink the BAT based on a list of entries identified as to-be-deleted
 command bat.setImprints(b:bat[:oid,:any_1]):bit 
 address BKCsetImprints;
 comment Create an imprints structure on the column
@@ -31412,22 +31368,6 @@ command bat.setHash(b:bat[:oid,:any_1]):
 address BKCsetHash;
 comment Create a hash structure on the column
-command bat.setMemoryMap(b:bat[:oid,:any_1],mode:int):bit 
-address BKCmmap2;
-comment Alias for mmap(b, mode, mode, mode, mode)
-address BKCmmap;
-comment For each individual heap, you can change the allocation mode         
to either STORE_MEM or STORE_MMAP. Passing an int(nil) means:        no change. 
 Changing a dirty STORE_MEM heap into STORE_MMAP,         will cause a BAT save 
(this has to happen before the heap can         be mapped into virtual memory). 
These modes are persistent. 
-command bat.setHot(b:bat[:oid,:any_1]):void 
-address BKCsetHotBAT;
-comment Makes a BAT very hot for the BBP. The chance of being chosen for       
  swapout is small, afterwards.
-command bat.setCold(b:bat[:oid,:any_1]):void 
-address BKCsetColdBAT;
-comment Makes a BAT very cold for the BBP. The chance of being choses         
for swapout is big, afterwards.
 address BKCsave;
 comment Save a BAT to storage, if it was loaded and dirty.          Returns 
whether IO was necessary.  Please realize that     calling this function 
violates the atomic commit protocol!!
@@ -31438,10 +31378,6 @@ command bat.setPersistent(b:bat[:oid,:an
 address BKCsetPersistent;
 comment Make the BAT persistent.
-command bat.setPersistent(b:bat[:oid,:any_1],f:bit):void 
-address BKCpersists;
-comment Backward compatibility
 command bat.setTransient(b:bat[:oid,:any_1]):void 
 address BKCsetTransient;
 comment Make the BAT transient.  Returns       boolean which indicates if 
theBAT administration has indeed changed.
@@ -37630,10 +37566,6 @@ command calc.xml(src:xml):xml
 address XMLxml2xml;
 command calc.xml(src:str):xml 
 address XMLstr2xml;
-pattern centipede.vector(b:bat[:oid,:any_1]) (X_2:oid,X_3:oid...) 
-address OPTvectorOid;
-comment Derive a series of slices values based on sampling
 pattern cluster.column(m:bat[:oid,:oid],b:bat[:oid,:any_1]):bat[:oid,:any_1] 
 address CLUSTER_column;
 comment Reorder tail of the BAT using the cluster map
@@ -39078,10 +39010,6 @@ command mapi.trace(mid:int,flag:int):voi
 address SERVERtrace;
 comment Toggle the Mapi library debug tracer.
-command mapreduce.getCloud(nme:str):bat[:oid,:str] 
-address MRgetCloud;
-comment Localize the elements of a named cloud
 pattern manual.completion(pat:str):void 
 address MANUALcompletion;
 comment Produces the wordcompletion table.
@@ -39979,114 +39907,108 @@ comment Modify the plan to exploit paral
 pattern optimizer.cluster():str 
 address OPTwrapper;
-pattern optimizer.centipede(mod:str,fcn:str):str 
+pattern optimizer.dumpQEP(mod:str,fcn:str):str 
+address OPTwrapper;
+comment Produce an indented tree visualisation
+pattern optimizer.dumpQEP():void 
+address OPTwrapper;
+pattern optimizer.derivePath(mod:str,fcn:str):str 
+address OPTwrapper;
+comment Join path constructor
+pattern optimizer.derivePath():str 
+address OPTwrapper;
+pattern optimizer.deadcode(mod:str,fcn:str):str 
+address OPTwrapper;
+comment Dead code optimizer
+pattern optimizer.deadcode():str 
+address OPTwrapper;
+pattern optimizer.dataflow(mod:str,fcn:str):str 
+address OPTwrapper;
+comment Dataflow bracket code injection
+pattern optimizer.dataflow():str 
+address OPTwrapper;
+pattern optimizer.evaluate(mod:str,fcn:str):str 
+address OPTwrapper;
+comment Evaluate constant expressions once.
+pattern optimizer.evaluate():str 
+address OPTwrapper;
+pattern optimizer.emptySet(mod:str,fcn:str):str 
+address OPTwrapper;
+comment Symbolic evaluation of empty BAT expressions
+pattern optimizer.emptySet():str 
+address OPTwrapper;
+pattern optimizer.factorize(mod:str,fcn:str):str 
+address OPTwrapper;
+comment Turn function into a factory
+pattern optimizer.factorize():str 
+address OPTwrapper;
+pattern optimizer.generator(mod:str,fcn:str):str 
+address OPTwrapper;
+comment Sequence generator optimizer
+pattern optimizer.generator():str 
+address OPTwrapper;
+pattern optimizer.groups(mod:str,fcn:str):str 
+address OPTwrapper;
+comment Join path constructor
+pattern optimizer.groups():str 
+address OPTwrapper;
+pattern optimizer.garbageCollector(mod:str,fcn:str):str 
+address OPTwrapper;
+comment Garbage collector optimizer
+pattern optimizer.garbageCollector():str 
+address OPTwrapper;
+pattern optimizer.inline(mod:str,fcn:str):str 
+address OPTwrapper;
+comment Expand inline functions
+pattern optimizer.inline():str 
+address OPTwrapper;
+pattern optimizer.json(mod:str,fcn:str):str 
+address OPTwrapper;
+comment Unroll the mat.pack operation
+pattern optimizer.json():str 
+address OPTwrapper;
+pattern optimizer.joinselect(mod:str,fcn:str):str 
+address OPTwrapper;
+comment Replace select with join select
+pattern optimizer.joinselect():str 
+address OPTwrapper;
+pattern optimizer.joinPath(mod:str,fcn:str):str 
+address OPTwrapper;
+comment Join path constructor
+pattern optimizer.joinPath():str 
+address OPTwrapper;
+pattern optimizer.matpack(mod:str,fcn:str):str 
+address OPTwrapper;
+comment Unroll the mat.pack operation
+pattern optimizer.matpack():str 
+address OPTwrapper;
+pattern optimizer.multiplex(mod:str,fcn:str):void 
+address OPTwrapper;
+comment Compiler for multiplexed instructions.
+pattern optimizer.multiplex():void 
+address OPTwrapper;
+comment Compiler for multiplexed instructions.
+pattern optimizer.mitosis(mod:str,fcn:str):str 
 address OPTwrapper;
 comment Modify the plan to exploit parallel processing on multiple cores
-pattern optimizer.centipede():str 
-address OPTwrapper;
-pattern optimizer.dumpQEP(mod:str,fcn:str):str 
-address OPTwrapper;
-comment Produce an indented tree visualisation
-pattern optimizer.dumpQEP():void 
-address OPTwrapper;
-pattern optimizer.derivePath(mod:str,fcn:str):str 
-address OPTwrapper;
-comment Join path constructor
-pattern optimizer.derivePath():str 
-address OPTwrapper;
-pattern optimizer.deadcode(mod:str,fcn:str):str 
-address OPTwrapper;
-comment Dead code optimizer
-pattern optimizer.deadcode():str 
-address OPTwrapper;
-pattern optimizer.dataflow(mod:str,fcn:str):str 
-address OPTwrapper;
-comment Dataflow bracket code injection
-pattern optimizer.dataflow():str 
-address OPTwrapper;
-pattern optimizer.evaluate(mod:str,fcn:str):str 
-address OPTwrapper;
-comment Evaluate constant expressions once.
-pattern optimizer.evaluate():str 
-address OPTwrapper;
-pattern optimizer.emptySet(mod:str,fcn:str):str 
-address OPTwrapper;
-comment Symbolic evaluation of empty BAT expressions
-pattern optimizer.emptySet():str 
-address OPTwrapper;
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