Changeset: 4c11a7249163 for MonetDB
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Dropping a bunch of MAL signatures.

diffs (127 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/bat5.mal b/monetdb5/modules/kernel/bat5.mal
--- a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/bat5.mal
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/kernel/bat5.mal
@@ -29,14 +29,6 @@ command mirror(b:bat[:any_1,:any_2]) :ba
 address BKCmirror
 comment "Returns the head-mirror image of a BAT (two head columns).";
-#command insert(b:bat[:oid,:any_1], h:oid, t:any_1) :bat[:oid,:any_1]
-#address BKCinsert_bun
-#comment "Insert one BUN[h,t] in a BAT.";
-#command insert(b:bat[:oid,:any_1], h:oid, t:any_1, force:bit) 
-#address BKCinsert_bun_force
-#comment "Insert one BUN[h,t] in a BAT.";
 command replace(b:bat[:oid, :any_1], h:oid, t:any_1) :bat[:oid,:any_1]
 address BKCreplace_bun
 comment "Replace the tail value of one BUN that has some head value.";
@@ -45,18 +37,6 @@ command replace(b:bat[:oid, :any_1], h:o
 address BKCreplace_bun_force
 comment "Replace the tail value of one BUN that has some head value.";
-command delete(b:bat[:oid, :any_1], h:oid, t:any_1) :bat[:oid,:any_1]
-address BKCdelete_bun
-comment "Delete one specific BUN.";
-command insert(b:bat[:oid,:any_1], src:bat[:oid,:any_1]):bat[:oid,:any_1]
-address BKCinsert_bat
-comment "Insert all BUNs of the second BAT into the first.";
-command insert(b:bat[:oid,:any_1], src:bat[:oid,:any_1], 
-address BKCinsert_bat_force
-comment "Insert all BUNs of the second BAT into the first.";
 command replace(b:bat[:oid, :any_1], src:bat[:oid,:any_1]) :bat[:oid,:any_1]
 address BKCreplace_bat
 comment "Perform replace for all BUNs of the second BAT into the first.";
@@ -65,22 +45,6 @@ command replace(b:bat[:oid, :any_1], src
 address BKCreplace_bat_force
 comment "Perform replace for all BUNs of the second BAT into the first.";
-command inplace( o:bat[:oid,:any_1], id:oid, t:any_1) :bat[:oid,:any_1]
-address BKCbun_inplace
-comment "Inplace replace values on the given positions";
-command inplace( o:bat[:oid,:any_1], d:bat[:oid,:any_1]) :bat[:oid,:any_1]
-address BKCbat_inplace
-comment "Inplace replace values on the given positions";
-command inplace( o:bat[:oid,:any_1], id:oid, t:any_1, force:bit) 
-address BKCbun_inplace_force
-comment "Inplace replace values on the given positions";
-command inplace( o:bat[:oid,:any_1], d:bat[:oid,:any_1], force:bit) 
-address BKCbat_inplace_force
-comment "inplace replace values on the given locations";
 command delete(b:bat[:oid, :any_1], h:oid) :bat[:oid,:any_1]
 address BKCdelete
 comment "Delete all BUNs with a certain head value.";
@@ -116,13 +80,6 @@ address BKCappend_val_force_wrap
 comment "append the value u to i";
-command getAlpha(b:bat[:oid,:any_1]) :bat[:oid,:any_1] 
-address BKCgetAlpha
-comment "Obtain the list of BUNs added";
-command getDelta(b:bat[:oid,:any_1]) :bat[:oid,:any_1] 
-address BKCgetDelta
-comment "Obtain the list of BUNs deleted";
 command attach(tt:int, heapfile:str) :bat[:oid,:any_1]
 address BKCattach
 comment "Returns a new BAT with dense head and tail of the given type and uses
@@ -226,9 +183,6 @@ BAT administration has indeed changed.";
 command isPersistent( b:bat[:oid,:any_1]) :bit 
 address BKCisPersistent;
-command setPersistent( b:bat[:oid,:any_1],f:bit) :void
-address BKCpersists
-comment "Backward compatibility";
 command setPersistent( b:bat[:oid,:any_1]) :void
 address BKCsetPersistent
 comment "Make the BAT persistent.";
@@ -252,27 +206,6 @@ address BKCunload
 comment "Swapout a BAT to disk. Transient BATs can also be swapped out.     
         Returns whether the unload indeed happened. ";
-command setCold(b:bat[:oid,:any_1]) :void 
-address BKCsetColdBAT
-comment "Makes a BAT very cold for the BBP. The chance of being choses 
-        for swapout is big, afterwards.";
-command setHot(b:bat[:oid,:any_1]) :void 
-address BKCsetHotBAT
-comment "Makes a BAT very hot for the BBP. The chance of being chosen for 
-        swapout is small, afterwards.";
-command setMemoryMap(b:bat[:oid,:any_1], head_mode:int, tail_mode:int, 
hheap_mode:int, theap_mode:int) :bit 
-address BKCmmap
-comment "For each individual heap, you can change the allocation mode 
-        to either STORE_MEM or STORE_MMAP. Passing an int(nil) means:
-        no change.  Changing a dirty STORE_MEM heap into STORE_MMAP, 
-       will cause a BAT save (this has to happen before the heap can 
-        be mapped into virtual memory). These modes are persistent. ";
-command setMemoryMap(b:bat[:oid,:any_1], mode:int):bit 
-address BKCmmap2
-comment "Alias for mmap(b, mode, mode, mode, mode)";
 command setHash(b:bat[:oid,:any_1]):bit 
 address BKCsetHash
 comment "Create a hash structure on the column";
@@ -285,14 +218,6 @@ command isSynced (b1:bat[:oid,:any_1], b
 address BKCisSynced
 comment "Tests whether two BATs are synced or not. ";
-command shrink(b:bat[:oid,:any_1],del:bat[:oid,:oid]):bat[:oid,:any_1]
-address BKCshrinkBAT
-comment "Shrink the BAT based on a list of entries identified as 
-command shrinkMap(b:bat[:oid,:any_1],del:bat[:oid,:oid]):bat[:oid,:oid]
-address BKCshrinkBATmap
-comment "Derive the oid mapping for shrink BAT based on list of to-be-deleted";
 command reuse(b:bat[:oid,:any_1],del:bat[:oid,:oid]):bat[:oid,:any_1]
 address BKCreuseBAT
 comment "Shuffle the values around to restore a dense representation of buns.";
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