Changeset: 6d3ed2927209 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

Merge with Oct2014 branch.

diffs (truncated from 344 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/.hgtags b/.hgtags
--- a/.hgtags
+++ b/.hgtags
@@ -586,3 +586,5 @@ 2da8cbcb65ed56690bad29f089d996eac347b48d
 ee3d8e3af6aae6be6cfaa876a379a0751f164e97 Oct2014_7
 2da8cbcb65ed56690bad29f089d996eac347b48d Oct2014_SP1_release
 6607367487d91eb02c5eb7dfb9d96606f8f7c6f0 Oct2014_SP1_release
+e3d0eecdc35dc633fdd89157ba704f60f03756c1 Oct2014_9
+d98df578687e677ae3abbc0ba41e3bb0631ef08a Oct2014_SP2_release
diff --git a/MonetDB.spec b/MonetDB.spec
--- a/MonetDB.spec
+++ b/MonetDB.spec
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ Vendor: MonetDB BV <>
 Group: Applications/Databases
 License: MPL -
 BuildRequires: bison
 BuildRequires: bzip2-devel
@@ -960,6 +960,68 @@ mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/doc/MonetD
+* Fri Jan 23 2015 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.19.9-20150123
+- Rebuilt.
+- BZ#3467: Field aliases with '#' character excise field names in
+  result set.
+- BZ#3605: relational query without result
+- BZ#3619: Missing dll on MonetDB Start
+- BZ#3622: Type resolution error
+- BZ#3624: insert of incomplete or invalid ip address values in
+  inet column is silently accepted but the values are not stored (they
+  become/show nil)
+- BZ#3626: casting a type without alias results in program contains errors
+- BZ#3628: mclient and ODBC driver report 'type mismatch' when stddev_pop
+  used in a select which returns 0 rows
+- BZ#3629: IF THEN ELSEIF always evaluates the first test as true
+- BZ#3630: segv on rel_order_by_column_exp
+- BZ#3632: running make clean twice gives an error in clients/ruby/adapter
+- BZ#3633: Wrong result for HAVING with floating-point constant
+- BZ#3640: Missing implementation of scalar function: sql_sub(<date>,
+  <month interval>)
+- BZ#3641: SQL lexer fails to detect string end if it the last character
+- BZ#3642: Combined WHERE conditions less-than plus equals-to produce
+  incorrect results
+- BZ#3643: Missing implementations of scalar function: sql_sub(<timetz>,
+  arg2)
+- BZ#3644: COPY INTO fails to import "inet" data type when value has
+  prefix length in CIDR notation
+- BZ#3646: ORDER BY clause does not produce proper results on 'inet'
+  datatype
+- BZ#3649: recycler crashes with concurrent transactions
+* Mon Jan 19 2015 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.19.9-20150123
+- sql: Fixed a typo in a column name of the sys.tablestoragemodel view
+  (auxillary changed to auxiliary).
+* Tue Jan 13 2015 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.19.9-20150123
+- clients: Changes to the Perl interface, thanks to Stefan O'Rear:
+  1. removes "use sigtrap", because this has global effects and should
+  not be used by modules, only by the application.
+  2. allows Perl 5.8.1+ Unicode strings to be passed to quote() and
+  included in statements (UTF-8 encoded, as expected by Monet's str
+  module)
+  3. quote and unquote now use the same quoting rules as the MonetDB
+  server, allowing for all characters except NUL to be round-tripped
+  4. several character loops have been reimplemented in regex for much
+  greater performance
+  5. micro-optimizations to the result fetch loop
+  6. block boundaries are preserved in piggyback data so that Xclose is
+  not appended or prepended to a SQL command
+  7. diagnostic messages #foo before a result header are ignored, this
+  is necessary to use recycler_pipe
+  8. fail quickly and loudly if we receive a continuation prompt (or any
+  other response that starts with a non-ASCII character)
+  9. header lines must start with %, not merely contain %, fixing a bug
+  when querying a table where string values contain %
+  10. after closing a large resultset, account for the fact that a reply
+  will come and do not lose sync
+  11. allow a MAPI_TRACE environment variable to dump wire protocol
+  frames to standard output
+  12. fixes maximum MAPI block size to match the server limit of 16k.
+  previously would crash on blocks larger than 16k
 * Fri Nov 21 2014 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.19.7-20141121
 - Rebuilt.
diff --git a/clients/ChangeLog-Archive b/clients/ChangeLog-Archive
--- a/clients/ChangeLog-Archive
+++ b/clients/ChangeLog-Archive
@@ -1,6 +1,33 @@
 # This file contains past ChangeLog entries
+* Tue Jan 13 2015 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.19.9-20150123
+- Changes to the Perl interface, thanks to Stefan O'Rear:
+  1. removes "use sigtrap", because this has global effects and should
+  not be used by modules, only by the application.
+  2. allows Perl 5.8.1+ Unicode strings to be passed to quote() and
+  included in statements (UTF-8 encoded, as expected by Monet's str
+  module)
+  3. quote and unquote now use the same quoting rules as the MonetDB
+  server, allowing for all characters except NUL to be round-tripped
+  4. several character loops have been reimplemented in regex for much
+  greater performance
+  5. micro-optimizations to the result fetch loop
+  6. block boundaries are preserved in piggyback data so that Xclose is
+  not appended or prepended to a SQL command
+  7. diagnostic messages #foo before a result header are ignored, this
+  is necessary to use recycler_pipe
+  8. fail quickly and loudly if we receive a continuation prompt (or any
+  other response that starts with a non-ASCII character)
+  9. header lines must start with %, not merely contain %, fixing a bug
+  when querying a table where string values contain %
+  10. after closing a large resultset, account for the fact that a reply
+  will come and do not lose sync
+  11. allow a MAPI_TRACE environment variable to dump wire protocol
+  frames to standard output
+  12. fixes maximum MAPI block size to match the server limit of 16k.
+  previously would crash on blocks larger than 16k
 * Tue Apr  1 2014 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.17.15-20140508
 - ODBC: Implemented {call procedure-name(...)} escape.  The version
   {?=call ...} is not implemented.
diff --git a/clients/ChangeLog.Oct2014 b/clients/ChangeLog.Oct2014
--- a/clients/ChangeLog.Oct2014
+++ b/clients/ChangeLog.Oct2014
@@ -1,30 +1,3 @@
 # ChangeLog file for clients
 # This file is updated with Maddlog
-* Tue Jan 13 2015 Sjoerd Mullender <>
-- Changes to the Perl interface, thanks to Stefan O'Rear:
-  1. removes "use sigtrap", because this has global effects and should
-  not be used by modules, only by the application.
-  2. allows Perl 5.8.1+ Unicode strings to be passed to quote() and
-  included in statements (UTF-8 encoded, as expected by Monet's str
-  module)
-  3. quote and unquote now use the same quoting rules as the MonetDB
-  server, allowing for all characters except NUL to be round-tripped
-  4. several character loops have been reimplemented in regex for much
-  greater performance
-  5. micro-optimizations to the result fetch loop
-  6. block boundaries are preserved in piggyback data so that Xclose is
-  not appended or prepended to a SQL command
-  7. diagnostic messages #foo before a result header are ignored, this
-  is necessary to use recycler_pipe
-  8. fail quickly and loudly if we receive a continuation prompt (or any
-  other response that starts with a non-ASCII character)
-  9. header lines must start with %, not merely contain %, fixing a bug
-  when querying a table where string values contain %
-  10. after closing a large resultset, account for the fact that a reply
-  will come and do not lose sync
-  11. allow a MAPI_TRACE environment variable to dump wire protocol
-  frames to standard output
-  12. fixes maximum MAPI block size to match the server limit of 16k.
-  previously would crash on blocks larger than 16k
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,74 @@
+monetdb (11.19.9-20150123) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Rebuilt.
+  * BZ#3467: Field aliases with '#' character excise field names in
+    result set.
+  * BZ#3605: relational query without result
+  * BZ#3619: Missing dll on MonetDB Start
+  * BZ#3622: Type resolution error
+  * BZ#3624: insert of incomplete or invalid ip address values in
+    inet column is silently accepted but the values are not stored (they
+    become/show nil)
+  * BZ#3626: casting a type without alias results in program contains errors
+  * BZ#3628: mclient and ODBC driver report 'type mismatch' when stddev_pop
+    used in a select which returns 0 rows
+  * BZ#3629: IF THEN ELSEIF always evaluates the first test as true
+  * BZ#3630: segv on rel_order_by_column_exp
+  * BZ#3632: running make clean twice gives an error in clients/ruby/adapter
+  * BZ#3633: Wrong result for HAVING with floating-point constant
+  * BZ#3640: Missing implementation of scalar function: sql_sub(<date>,
+    <month interval>)
+  * BZ#3641: SQL lexer fails to detect string end if it the last character
+  * BZ#3642: Combined WHERE conditions less-than plus equals-to produce
+    incorrect results
+  * BZ#3643: Missing implementations of scalar function: sql_sub(<timetz>,
+    arg2)
+  * BZ#3644: COPY INTO fails to import "inet" data type when value has
+    prefix length in CIDR notation
+  * BZ#3646: ORDER BY clause does not produce proper results on 'inet'
+    datatype
+  * BZ#3649: recycler crashes with concurrent transactions
+ -- Sjoerd Mullender <>  Fri, 23 Jan 2015 13:21:50 +0100
+monetdb (11.19.9-20150123) unstable; urgency=low
+  * sql: Fixed a typo in a column name of the sys.tablestoragemodel view
+    (auxillary changed to auxiliary).
+ -- Sjoerd Mullender <>  Mon, 19 Jan 2015 13:21:50 +0100
+monetdb (11.19.9-20150123) unstable; urgency=low
+  * clients: Changes to the Perl interface, thanks to Stefan O'Rear:
+    1. removes "use sigtrap", because this has global effects and should
+    not be used by modules, only by the application.
+    2. allows Perl 5.8.1+ Unicode strings to be passed to quote() and
+    included in statements (UTF-8 encoded, as expected by Monet's str
+    module)
+    3. quote and unquote now use the same quoting rules as the MonetDB
+    server, allowing for all characters except NUL to be round-tripped
+    4. several character loops have been reimplemented in regex for much
+    greater performance
+    5. micro-optimizations to the result fetch loop
+    6. block boundaries are preserved in piggyback data so that Xclose is
+    not appended or prepended to a SQL command
+    7. diagnostic messages #foo before a result header are ignored, this
+    is necessary to use recycler_pipe
+    8. fail quickly and loudly if we receive a continuation prompt (or any
+    other response that starts with a non-ASCII character)
+    9. header lines must start with %, not merely contain %, fixing a bug
+    when querying a table where string values contain %
+    10. after closing a large resultset, account for the fact that a reply
+    will come and do not lose sync
+    11. allow a MAPI_TRACE environment variable to dump wire protocol
+    frames to standard output
+    12. fixes maximum MAPI block size to match the server limit of 16k.
+    previously would crash on blocks larger than 16k
+ -- Sjoerd Mullender <>  Tue, 13 Jan 2015 13:21:50 +0100
 monetdb (11.19.7-20141121) unstable; urgency=low
   * Rebuilt.
diff --git a/java/ b/java/
--- a/java/
+++ b/java/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ JAVA_HOME = @JAVA_HOME@
 ant_distjdbc = {
        DIR = datadir/monetdb/lib
-       FILES = monetdb-mcl-1.10.jar monetdb-jdbc-2.13.jar jdbcclient.jar
+       FILES = monetdb-mcl-1.11.jar monetdb-jdbc-2.14.jar jdbcclient.jar
 ant_distmerocontrol = {
diff --git a/java/ b/java/
--- a/java/
+++ b/java/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 # major release number
 # minor release number
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ MCL_MINOR=10
 # major release number
 # minor release number
 # an additional identifying string
 # the default port to connect on, if no port given when using SQL
diff --git a/java/pom.xml b/java/pom.xml
--- a/java/pom.xml
+++ b/java/pom.xml
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ All Rights Reserved.
-       <version>2.13</version>
+       <version>2.14</version>
        <description>MonetDB JDBC driver</description>
diff --git a/java/release.txt b/java/release.txt
--- a/java/release.txt
+++ b/java/release.txt
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-MonetDB JDBC driver version 2.13 (Liberica/MCL-1.10)
+MonetDB JDBC driver version 2.14 (Liberica/MCL-1.11)
 Fabian Groffen <>
-Release date: 2014-11-20
+Release date: 2015-01-23
 This JDBC driver is designed for use with MonetDB, a main-memory
diff --git a/libversions b/libversions
--- a/libversions
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