Changeset: d638889e4eea for MonetDB
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New optimizer  for generate series
It now also recognizes simple casting over series,
not materializing them, but introducing a new series
with the casted bounds.

Also fixed growing rangejoin activities.

diffs (truncated from 338 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/optimizer/opt_generator.c 
--- a/monetdb5/optimizer/opt_generator.c
+++ b/monetdb5/optimizer/opt_generator.c
@@ -25,118 +25,142 @@
  * Series generating module for integer, decimal, real, double and timestamps.
+#define errorCheck(P,MOD,I) \
+setModuleId(P, generatorRef);\
+typeChecker(cntxt->fdout, cntxt->nspace, mb, P, TRUE);\
+if(P->typechk == TYPE_UNKNOWN){\
+       setModuleId(P,MOD);\
+       typeChecker(cntxt->fdout, cntxt->nspace, mb, P, TRUE);\
+       setModuleId(series[I], generatorRef);\
+       setFunctionId(series[I], seriesRef);\
+       typeChecker(cntxt->fdout, cntxt->nspace, mb, series[I], TRUE);\
-static int
-assignedOnce(MalBlkPtr mb, int varid)
-       InstrPtr p;
-       int i,j, c=0;
-       for(i = 1; i< mb->stop; i++){
-               p = getInstrPtr(mb,i);
-               for( j = 0; j < p->retc; j++)
-               if( getArg(p,j) == varid){
-                       c++;
-                       break;
-               }
-       }
-       return c == 1;
-static int
-useCount(MalBlkPtr mb, int varid)
-       InstrPtr p;
-       int i,j, d,c=0;
-       for(i = 1; i< mb->stop; i++){
-               p = getInstrPtr(mb,i);
-               d= 0;
-               for( j = p->retc; j < p->argc; j++)
-               if( getArg(p,j) == varid)
-                       d++;
-               c += d > 0;
-       }
-       return c;
+#define casting(TPE)\
+                       k= getArg(p,1);\
+                       p->argc = p->retc;\
+                       q= newStmt(mb,calcRef,TPE##Ref);\
+                       setArgType(mb,q,0,TYPE_##TPE);\
+                       pushArgument(mb,q,getArg(series[k],1));\
+                       p = pushArgument(mb,p, getArg(q,0));\
+                       q= newStmt(mb,calcRef,TPE##Ref);\
+                       setArgType(mb,q,0,TYPE_##TPE);\
+                       pushArgument(mb,q,getArg(series[k],2));\
+                       p = pushArgument(mb,p, getArg(q,0));\
+                       if( p->argc == 4){\
+                               q= newStmt(mb,calcRef,TPE##Ref);\
+                               setArgType(mb,q,0,TYPE_##TPE);\
+                               pushArgument(mb,q,getArg(series[k],3));\
+                               p = pushArgument(mb,p, getArg(q,0));\
+                       }\
+                       setModuleId(p,generatorRef);\
+                       setFunctionId(p,parametersRef);\
+                       setVarUDFtype(mb,getArg(p,0));\
+                       series[getArg(p,0)] = p;\
+                       pushInstruction(mb,p);
 OPTgeneratorImplementation(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr 
-       InstrPtr p,q;
-       int i,j,k, actions=0, used, cases, blocked;
+       InstrPtr p,q, *old, *series;
+       int i, k, limit, actions=0;
+       str m;
+       str bteRef = getName("bte",3);
+       str shtRef = getName("sht",3);
+       str intRef = getName("int",3);
+       str lngRef = getName("lng",3);
+       str fltRef = getName("flt",3);
+       str dblRef = getName("dbl",3);
        (void) cntxt;
        (void) stk;
        (void) pci;
-       for( i=1; i < mb->stop; i++){
-               p = getInstrPtr(mb,i);
+       series = (InstrPtr*) GDKzalloc(sizeof(InstrPtr) * mb->vtop);
+    old= mb->stmt;
+    limit = mb->stop;
+    if ( newMalBlkStmt(mb,2 * mb->ssize) < 0) {
+               GDKfree(series);
+        return 0;
+       }
+       for( i=0; i < limit; i++){
+               p = old[i];
+               if ( p->token == ENDsymbol){
+                       pushInstruction(mb,p); 
+                       break;
+               }
                if ( getModuleId(p) == generatorRef && getFunctionId(p) == 
-                       /* found a target for propagation */
-                       used = 0;
-                       if ( assignedOnce(mb, getArg(p,0)) ){
-                               cases = useCount(mb, getArg(p,0));
-                               blocked = 0;
-                               for( j = i+1; j< mb->stop && blocked == 0; j++){
-                                       q = getInstrPtr(mb,j);
-                                       if ( getModuleId(q) == algebraRef && 
getFunctionId(q) == subselectRef && getArg(q,1) == getArg(p,0)){
-                                               setModuleId(q, generatorRef);
-                                               typeChecker(cntxt->fdout, 
cntxt->nspace, mb, q, TRUE);
-                                               used++;
-                                       } else
-                                       if ( getModuleId(q) == algebraRef && 
getFunctionId(q) == thetasubselectRef && getArg(q,1) == getArg(p,0)){
-                                               setModuleId(q, generatorRef);
-                                               typeChecker(cntxt->fdout, 
cntxt->nspace, mb, q, TRUE);
-                                               used++;
-                                       } else
-                                       if ( getModuleId(q) == algebraRef && 
getFunctionId(q) == leftfetchjoinRef && getArg(q,2) == getArg(p,0)){
-                                               // projection over a series
-                                               setModuleId(q, generatorRef);
-                                               typeChecker(cntxt->fdout, 
cntxt->nspace, mb, q, TRUE);
-                                               used++;
-                                       } else
-                                       if ( getModuleId(q) == algebraRef && 
getFunctionId(q) == joinRef && (getArg(q,2) == getArg(p,0) || getArg(q,3) == 
-                                               // projection over a series
-                                               setModuleId(q, generatorRef);
-                                               typeChecker(cntxt->fdout, 
cntxt->nspace, mb, q, TRUE);
-                                               if(q->typechk == TYPE_UNKNOWN){
-                                                       setModuleId(q, 
typeChecker(cntxt->fdout, cntxt->nspace, mb, q, TRUE);
-                                               } else
-                                                       used++;
-                                       } else
-                                       if ( getModuleId(q) == sqlRef && 
getFunctionId(q) ==  putName("exportValue",11) && 
isaBatType(getArgType(mb,p,0)) ){
-                                               // interface expects scalar 
type only, not expressable in MAL signature
-                                               blocked++;
-                                               mb->errors++;
-                                               showException(cntxt->fdout, 
MAL, "generate_series", "internal error, generate_series is a table producing 
-                                       }else 
-                                       if ( getModuleId(q) == languageRef && 
getFunctionId(q) == passRef && getArg(q,1) == getArg(p,0))
-                                               // nothing happens in this 
-                                               used++;
-                                       else {
-                                               // check for use without 
-                                               for(k = q->retc; k < q->argc; 
-                                               if( getArg(q,k) == getArg(p,0)){
-                                                       blocked++;
-                                               }
-                                               // materialize a copy and 
re-use where appropriate
-                                       }
+                       series[getArg(p,0)] = p;
+                       setModuleId(p, generatorRef);
+                       setFunctionId(p, parametersRef);
+                       typeChecker(cntxt->fdout, cntxt->nspace, mb, p, TRUE);
+                       pushInstruction(mb,p); 
+               } else
+               if ( getModuleId(p) == algebraRef && getFunctionId(p) == 
subselectRef && series[getArg(p,1)]){
+                       errorCheck(p,algebraRef,getArg(p,1));
+               } else
+               if ( getModuleId(p) == algebraRef && getFunctionId(p) == 
thetasubselectRef && series[getArg(p,1)]){
+                       errorCheck(p,algebraRef,getArg(p,1));
+               } else
+               if ( getModuleId(p) == algebraRef && getFunctionId(p) == 
leftfetchjoinRef && series[getArg(p,2)]){
+                       errorCheck(p,algebraRef,getArg(p,2));
+               } else
+               if ( getModuleId(p) == algebraRef && getFunctionId(p) == 
joinRef && series[getArg(p,2)] ){
+                       errorCheck(p,algebraRef,getArg(p,2));
+               } else
+               if ( getModuleId(p) == algebraRef && getFunctionId(p) == 
joinRef && series[getArg(p,3)]){
+                       errorCheck(p,algebraRef,getArg(p,3));
+               } else
+               if ( getModuleId(p) == sqlRef && getFunctionId(p) ==  
putName("exportValue",11) && isaBatType(getArgType(mb,p,0)) ){
+                       // interface expects scalar type only, not expressable 
in MAL signature
+                       mb->errors++;
+                       showException(cntxt->fdout, MAL, "generate_series", 
"internal error, generate_series is a table producing function");
+               }else 
+               if ( getModuleId(p) == batcalcRef && getFunctionId(p) == bteRef 
&& series[getArg(p,1)] && p->argc == 2 ){
+                       casting(bte);
+               } else
+               if ( getModuleId(p) == batcalcRef && getFunctionId(p) == shtRef 
&& series[getArg(p,1)] && p->argc == 2 ){
+                       casting(sht);
+               } else
+               if ( getModuleId(p) == batcalcRef && getFunctionId(p) == intRef 
&& series[getArg(p,1)] && p->argc == 2 ){
+                       casting(int);
+               } else
+               if ( getModuleId(p) == batcalcRef && getFunctionId(p) == lngRef 
&& series[getArg(p,1)] && p->argc == 2 ){
+                       casting(lng);
+               } else
+               if ( getModuleId(p) == batcalcRef && getFunctionId(p) == fltRef 
&& series[getArg(p,1)] && p->argc == 2 ){
+                       casting(flt);
+               } else
+               if ( getModuleId(p) == batcalcRef && getFunctionId(p) == dblRef 
&& series[getArg(p,1)] && p->argc == 2 ){
+                       casting(dbl);
+               } else
+               if ( getModuleId(p) == languageRef && getFunctionId(p) == 
passRef )
+                       pushInstruction(mb,p);
+               else {
+                       // check for use without conversion
+                       for(k = p->retc; k < p->argc; k++)
+                       if( series[getArg(p,k)]){
+                               m = getModuleId(p);
+                               setModuleId(p, generatorRef);
+                               typeChecker(cntxt->fdout, cntxt->nspace, mb, p, 
+                               if(p->typechk == TYPE_UNKNOWN){
+                                       setModuleId(p,m);
+                                       typeChecker(cntxt->fdout, 
cntxt->nspace, mb, p, TRUE);
+                                       setModuleId(series[getArg(p,k)], 
+                                       setFunctionId(series[getArg(p,k)], 
+                                       typeChecker(cntxt->fdout, 
cntxt->nspace, mb, series[getArg(p,k)], TRUE);
-                               // fix the original, only when all use cases 
are replaced by the overloaded function
-                               if(used == cases && blocked == 0){
-                                       setModuleId(p, generatorRef);
-                                       setFunctionId(p, parametersRef);
-                                       typeChecker(cntxt->fdout, 
cntxt->nspace, mb, p, TRUE);
-                               }
-                               if( used)
-                                       actions++;
-#ifdef VLT_DEBUG
-                               mnstr_printf(cntxt->fdout,"#generator target %d 
cases %d used %d error %d\n",getArg(p,0), cases, used, p->typechk);
+                       pushInstruction(mb,p);
+       for (i++; i < limit; i++)
+        pushInstruction(mb, old[i]);
+    GDKfree(old);
+    GDKfree(series);
 #ifdef VLT_DEBUG
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/generator/generator.c 
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/generator/generator.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/generator/generator.c
@@ -968,13 +968,14 @@ str VLTgenerator_join(Client cntxt, MalB
 #define VLTrangeExpand() \
-{      bln= BATextend(bln,BATgrows(bln));\
+{      limit+= cnt * (limit/(done?done:1)+1);\
+       bln= BATextend(bln, limit);\
        if( bln == NULL){\
-       brn= BATextend(brn,BATgrows(brn));\
+       brn= BATextend(brn, limit);\
        if( brn == NULL) {\
@@ -982,7 +983,6 @@ str VLTgenerator_join(Client cntxt, MalB
        ol = (oid*) Tloc(bln,BUNfirst(bln)) + c;\
        or = (oid*) Tloc(brn,BUNfirst(brn)) + c;\
-       limit= BATcapacity(bln);\
 /* The operands of a join operation can either be defined on a generator */
@@ -998,7 +998,7 @@ str VLTgenerator_join(Client cntxt, MalB
                throw(MAL,"generator.rangejoin","Illegal range");\
        vlow = (TPE*) Tloc(blow,BUNfirst(blow));\
        vhgh = (TPE*) Tloc(bhgh,BUNfirst(bhgh));\
-       for( ; cnt >0; cnt--, o++,vlow++,vhgh++){\
+       for( ; cnt >0; cnt--, done++, o++,vlow++,vhgh++){\
                f1 = f + floor(ABS(*vlow-f)/ABS(s)) * s;\
                if ( f1 < *vlow ) f1+= s;\
                w = (BUN) floor(ABS(f1-f)/ABS(s));\
@@ -1015,7 +1015,7 @@ str VLTgenerator_rangejoin(Client cntxt,
        BAT  *blow = NULL, *bhgh = NULL, *bln = NULL, *brn= NULL;
        bit li,ri;
-       BUN limit, cnt,c =0;
+       BUN limit, cnt, done=0, c =0;
        oid o= 0, *ol, *or;
        int tpe, incr=0;
        InstrPtr p = NULL;
@@ -1059,35 +1059,37 @@ str VLTgenerator_rangejoin(Client cntxt,
        /* The actual join code for generators be injected here */
        case TYPE_bte: VLTrangejoin(bte,abs); break; 
-       case TYPE_sht: //VLTrangejoin(sht,abs); break;
-       { sht f,f1,l,s; sht *vlow,*vhgh; BUN w;
-       f = *getArgReference_sht(stk,p, 1);
-       l = *getArgReference_sht(stk,p, 2);
+       case TYPE_sht: VLTrangejoin(sht,abs); break;
+       case TYPE_int: VLTrangejoin(int,abs); break;
+       case TYPE_lng: //VLTrangejoin(lng,llabs); break;
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