Changeset: 6d0ecf81d154 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Oct2014
Log Message:

Add some error checking.
If for some reason the translation of the UTF-8 file name to the
locale's character set fails, we want to know!

diffs (68 lines):

diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/sql.c b/sql/backends/monet5/sql.c
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/sql.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/sql.c
@@ -2760,29 +2760,58 @@ mvc_import_table_wrap(Client cntxt, MalB
                return msg;
        be = cntxt->sqlcontext;
        len = strlen((char *) (*T));
-       GDKstrFromStr(tsep = GDKmalloc(len + 1), *T, len);
+       if ((tsep = GDKmalloc(len + 1)) == NULL)
+               throw(MAL, "sql.copy_from", MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
+       GDKstrFromStr(tsep, *T, len);
        len = 0;
        len = strlen((char *) (*R));
-       GDKstrFromStr(rsep = GDKmalloc(len + 1), *R, len);
+       if ((rsep = GDKmalloc(len + 1)) == NULL) {
+               GDKfree(tsep);
+               throw(MAL, "sql.copy_from", MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
+       }
+       GDKstrFromStr(rsep, *R, len);
        len = 0;
        if (*S && strcmp(str_nil, *(char **) S)) {
                len = strlen((char *) (*S));
+               if ((ssep = GDKmalloc(len + 1)) == NULL) {
+                       GDKfree(tsep);
+                       GDKfree(rsep);
+                       throw(MAL, "sql.copy_from", MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
+               }
                GDKstrFromStr(ssep = GDKmalloc(len + 1), *S, len);
                len = 0;
-       STRcodeset(&cs);
-       STRIconv(&filename, fname, &utf8, &cs);
+       /* convert UTF-8 encoded file name to the character set of our
+        * own locale before passing it on to the system call */
+       if ((msg = STRcodeset(&cs)) != MAL_SUCCEED ||
+           (msg = STRIconv(&filename, fname, &utf8, &cs)) != MAL_SUCCEED) {
+               GDKfree(tsep);
+               GDKfree(rsep);
+               GDKfree(ssep);
+               return msg;
+       }
        len = strlen((char *) (*N));
-       GDKstrFromStr(ns = GDKmalloc(len + 1), *N, len);
+       if ((ns = GDKmalloc(len + 1)) == NULL) {
+               GDKfree(tsep);
+               GDKfree(rsep);
+               GDKfree(ssep);
+               throw(MAL, "sql.copy_from", MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
+       }
+       GDKstrFromStr(ns, *N, len);
        len = 0;
        ss = open_rastream(filename);
        if (!ss || mnstr_errnr(ss)) {
                int errnr = mnstr_errnr(ss);
                if (ss)
-               throw(IO, "", "could not open file '%s': %s", 
filename, strerror(errnr));
+               GDKfree(tsep);
+               GDKfree(rsep);
+               GDKfree(ssep);
+               GDKfree(ns);
+               throw(IO, "sql.copy_from", "could not open file '%s': %s", 
filename, strerror(errnr));
 #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 4
        s = bstream_create(ss, 0x20000);
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