Changeset: 03761b7c2be2 for MonetDB
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Branch: geo
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Faster way to create PBSM index + command to create PBSM index (not final)

diffs (truncated from 374 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/geom/monetdb5/geom.h b/geom/monetdb5/geom.h
--- a/geom/monetdb5/geom.h
+++ b/geom/monetdb5/geom.h
@@ -276,3 +276,4 @@ geom_export str wkbFilterWithImprintsAnd
 geom_export int isLeft( double P0x, double P0y, double P1x, double P1y, double 
P2x, double P2y);
+geom_export str pbsmIndex_bat(int *res, int *xBAT_id, int *yBAT_id, double* 
xmin, double* ymin, double* xmax, double* ymax, char** filename);
diff --git a/geom/monetdb5/geom.mal b/geom/monetdb5/geom.mal
--- a/geom/monetdb5/geom.mal
+++ b/geom/monetdb5/geom.mal
@@ -443,6 +443,9 @@ geom.prelude();
 module batgeom;
+#unsafe prevents mitosis from parallelising it
+command pbsmIndex{unsafe}(x:bat[:oid,:dbl], y:bat[:oid,:dbl], xmin:dbl, 
ymin:dbl, xmax:dbl, ymax:dbl, filename:str) :bat[:oid,:int] address 
 #the 1 version of the functions use geos the 2 versions have custom 
 command Distance(a:bat[:oid,:wkb], b:bat[:oid,:wkb]) :bat[:oid,:dbl] address 
diff --git a/geom/monetdb5/geomPoints.c b/geom/monetdb5/geomPoints.c
--- a/geom/monetdb5/geomPoints.c
+++ b/geom/monetdb5/geomPoints.c
@@ -262,7 +262,8 @@ clean:
 //Aternative implementation of contains using the winding number method
 inline int isLeft( double P0x, double P0y, double P1x, double P1y, double P2x, 
double P2y) {
-    return ( ((P1x - P0x) * (P2y - P0y) - (P2x -  P0x) * (P1y - P0y)) >= 0.0 
); //set equal to include borders
+       //borders are not included
+    return ( ((P1x - P0x) * (P2y - P0y) - (P2x -  P0x) * (P1y - P0y)) > 0.0 ); 
 #define isRight(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2) isLeft(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2)-1
@@ -1009,14 +1010,227 @@ str wkbFilterWithImprints_geom_bat(bat* 
 /* PBSM */
 static char *
-PBSMcreateindex (const dbl *x, const dbl *y, BUN n, double minx, double maxx, 
double miny, double maxy) {
-       FILE *f;
+PBSMcomputeindex1(const dbl *x, const dbl *y, BUN n, double minx, double maxx, 
double miny, double maxy, oid seqbase) {
+       sht *cells;
        BAT *pbsm;
-        sht *cells;
        unsigned long i;
        int shift = sizeof(sht) * 8 / 2;
         sht prevCell, cell;
         unsigned long m = 0, prevO;
+       if((pbsm = BATnew(TYPE_void, TYPE_sht, n, TRANSIENT)) == NULL)
+               throw(MAL, "pbsm.createindex", MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
+       cells = (sht*) Tloc(pbsm, BUNfirst(pbsm));
+       // calculate the pbsm values
+       for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+               unsigned char cellx = ((x[i] - minx)/(maxx - minx))*UCHAR_MAX;
+                unsigned char celly = ((y[i] - miny)/(maxy - miny))*UCHAR_MAX;
+               cells[i] = ((((unsigned short) cellx) << shift)) | ((unsigned 
short) celly);
+       }
+       // order the BAT according to the cell values
+       /* set some properties */
+       BATsetcount(pbsm,n);
+       BATseqbase(pbsm, 0);
+       pbsm->hsorted = 1; 
+       pbsm->hrevsorted = (BATcount(pbsm) <= 1);
+       pbsm->tsorted = 0;
+       pbsm->trevsorted = 0;
+       pbsm->hdense = true;
+       pbsm->tdense = false;
+       BATseqbase(pbsm, seqbase);
+       BATmaterialize(pbsm);
+       //BATderiveProps(pbsm, false);
+       //BATassertProps(pbsm);
+       pbsm = BATorder(BATmirror(pbsm));
+       //BATprint(pbsm);
+       // compress the head
+        cells = (sht*) Hloc(pbsm, BUNfirst(pbsm));
+       oids  = (oid*) Tloc(pbsm, BUNfirst(pbsm));
+        prevCell = cells[0];
+        cell = cells[0];
+        m = 0;
+        prevO = 0;
+        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+                cell = cells[i];
+                if (cell == prevCell) {
+                        m++;
+                } else {
+                        pbsm_idx[cell - SHRT_MIN].offset = prevO;
+                        pbsm_idx[cell - SHRT_MIN].count = m;
+                        prevCell = cell;
+                        prevO = i;
+                        m = 1;
+                }
+        }
+        pbsm_idx[cell - SHRT_MIN].offset = prevO;
+        pbsm_idx[cell - SHRT_MIN].count = m;
+       // clean up
+       pbsm->T->heap.base = NULL; // need to keep the oids array
+        BBPreleaseref(pbsm->batCacheid);
+       return MAL_SUCCEED;
+static char *
+PBSMcomputeindex2(const dbl *x, const dbl *y, BUN n, double minx, double maxx, 
double miny, double maxy, oid seqbase) {
+       unsigned long *tmpCount;
+       unsigned long i;
+       int shift = sizeof(sht) * 8 / 2;
+       if ((pbsm_idx = GDKmalloc(USHRT_MAX * sizeof(pbsm_ptr))) == NULL)
+               throw(MAL, "pbsm.createindex", MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
+       if ((oids = GDKmalloc(n * sizeof(oid))) == NULL) {
+               GDKfree(pbsm_idx);
+               throw(MAL, "pbsm.createindex", MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
+       }
+       if ((tmpCount = GDKmalloc(USHRT_MAX * sizeof(unsigned long))) == NULL) {
+               GDKfree(pbsm_idx);
+               GDKfree(oids);
+               throw(MAL, "pbsm.createindex", MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
+       }
+       for (i = 0; i < USHRT_MAX; i++) {
+               pbsm_idx[i].count = 0;
+               pbsm_idx[i].offset = 0;
+       }
+       for (i = 0; i < USHRT_MAX; i++) {
+               tmpCount[i] = 0;
+       }
+       // count pbsm values per cell
+       for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+               unsigned char cellx = ((x[i] - minx)/(maxx - minx))*UCHAR_MAX;
+                unsigned char celly = ((y[i] - miny)/(maxy - miny))*UCHAR_MAX;
+               sht cell = ((((unsigned short) cellx) << shift)) | ((unsigned 
short) celly);
+               pbsm_idx[cell - SHRT_MIN].count++;      
+       }
+       // compute the offset values before filling in the oid array
+       pbsm_idx[0].offset = 0;
+       for (i = 1; i < USHRT_MAX; i++) {
+               pbsm_idx[i].offset = pbsm_idx[i-1].offset + pbsm_idx[i-1].count;
+       }
+       // fill in the oid array
+       for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+               unsigned char cellx = ((x[i] - minx)/(maxx - minx))*UCHAR_MAX;
+                unsigned char celly = ((y[i] - miny)/(maxy - miny))*UCHAR_MAX;
+               sht cell = ((((unsigned short) cellx) << shift)) | ((unsigned 
short) celly);
+               unsigned long position = pbsm_idx[cell - SHRT_MIN].offset + 
tmpCount[cell - SHRT_MIN];
+               oids[position] = i + seqbase;
+               tmpCount[cell - SHRT_MIN]++;
+       }
+       GDKfree(tmpCount);      
+       return MAL_SUCCEED;
+//creates the pbsm index and stores it in a file (provided by the user)
+str pbsmIndex_bat(int *res, int *xBAT_id, int *yBAT_id, double* xmin, double* 
ymin, double* xmax, double* ymax, char** filename1) {
+       BAT *xBAT=NULL, *yBAT=NULL;
+       double *x = NULL, *y=NULL;
+       char *idxFilename = NULL, *dataFilename = NULL;
+       char *idxEnding = ".idx";
+       char *dataEnding= ".dat";
+       FILE *f;
+       BUN n = 0;
+char* filename = *filename1;
+fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", filename);
+       //get the descriptors of the BATs
+       if ((xBAT = BATdescriptor(*xBAT_id)) == NULL) {
+               throw(MAL, "batgeom.pbsmIndex", RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
+       }
+       if ((yBAT = BATdescriptor(*yBAT_id)) == NULL) {
+               BBPreleaseref(xBAT->batCacheid);
+               throw(MAL, "batgeom.pbsmIndex", RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
+       }
+       //check if the BATs have dense heads and are aligned
+       if (!BAThdense(xBAT) || !BAThdense(yBAT)) {
+               BBPreleaseref(xBAT->batCacheid);
+               BBPreleaseref(yBAT->batCacheid);
+               return createException(MAL, "batgeom.pbsmIndex", "BATs must 
have dense heads");
+       }
+       if(xBAT->hseqbase != yBAT->hseqbase || BATcount(xBAT) != 
BATcount(yBAT)) {
+               BBPreleaseref(xBAT->batCacheid);
+               BBPreleaseref(yBAT->batCacheid);
+               return createException(MAL, "batgeom.pbsmIndex", "BATs must be 
+       }
+       n = BATcount(xBAT);
+       *res = 0;
+       /* get direct access to the tail arrays */
+        x = (dbl*) Tloc(xBAT, BUNfirst(xBAT));
+        y = (dbl*) Tloc(yBAT, BUNfirst(yBAT));
+       //crete the index
+       if (PBSMcomputeindex2(x, y, n, *xmin, *xmax, *ymin, *ymax, 0) != 
+               return createException(MAL, "batgeom.pbsmIndex", "Failed to 
compute index (2).");
+       }
+       //delete the files for the index if they arleady exist
+       idxFilename = (char*)GDKmalloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(filename)+5));
+       dataFilename = (char*)GDKmalloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(filename)+5));
+       strcpy(idxFilename, filename);
+       strcpy(idxFilename+strlen(filename), idxEnding);
+       strcpy(dataFilename, filename);
+       strcpy(dataFilename+strlen(filename), dataEnding);
+       /* Save the index for future use (sloppiness acknowledged) */
+       if ((f = fopen(idxFilename, "wb"))) {
+               if (fwrite(pbsm_idx, sizeof(pbsm_idx[0]), USHRT_MAX,f) != 
+                       fclose(f);
+                       GDKfree(pbsm_idx);
+                       GDKfree(oids);
+                       GDKfree(idxFilename);
+                       GDKfree(dataFilename);
+                       throw(MAL, "batgeom.pbsmIndex", "Could not save the 
PBSM index to disk (target: 20m-pbsm16.idx)");
+               }
+                fflush(f);
+                fclose(f);
+       }
+       if ((f = fopen(dataFilename, "wb"))) {
+               if (fwrite(oids, sizeof(oids[0]), n, f) != n) {
+                       fclose(f);
+                       GDKfree(pbsm_idx);
+                       GDKfree(oids);
+                       GDKfree(idxFilename);
+                       GDKfree(dataFilename);
+                       throw(MAL, "batgeom.pbsmIndex", "Could not save the 
PBSM index to disk (target: 20m-pbsm16.dat)");
+               }
+                fflush(f);
+                fclose(f);
+       }
+       GDKfree(idxFilename);
+       GDKfree(dataFilename);
+       return MAL_SUCCEED;
+static char *
+PBSMcreateindex (const dbl *x, const dbl *y, BUN n, double minx, double maxx, 
double miny, double maxy, oid seqbase) {
+       FILE *f;
+       unsigned long i;
        clock_t t = clock();
        assert (pbsm_idx == NULL && oids == NULL);
@@ -1065,72 +1279,14 @@ PBSMcreateindex (const dbl *x, const dbl
        /* No. Let's compute the grid! */
        // version 1
-       if((pbsm = BATnew(TYPE_void, TYPE_sht, n, TRANSIENT)) == NULL)
-               throw(MAL, "pbsm.createindex", MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
-       cells = (sht*) Tloc(pbsm, BUNfirst(pbsm));
-       // version 1: calculate the pbsm values
-       for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-               unsigned char cellx = ((x[i] - minx)/(maxx - minx))*UCHAR_MAX;
-                unsigned char celly = ((y[i] - miny)/(maxy - miny))*UCHAR_MAX;
-               cells[i] = ((((unsigned short) cellx) << shift)) | ((unsigned 
short) celly);
-       }
-       // version 1: order the BAT according to the cell values
-       /* set some properties */
-       BATsetcount(pbsm,n);
-       BATseqbase(pbsm, 0);
-       pbsm->hsorted = 1; 
-       pbsm->hrevsorted = (BATcount(pbsm) <= 1);
-       pbsm->tsorted = 0;
-       pbsm->trevsorted = 0;
-       pbsm->hdense = true;
-       pbsm->tdense = false;
-       BATmaterialize(pbsm);
-       //BATderiveProps(pbsm, false);
-       //BATassertProps(pbsm);
-       pbsm = BATorder(BATmirror(pbsm));
-       //BATprint(pbsm);
-       // version 1: compress the head
-        cells = (sht*) Hloc(pbsm, BUNfirst(pbsm));
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