Changeset: a106642cfc16 for MonetDB
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Branch: geo
Log Message:

Distance with coordinates

diffs (219 lines):

diff --git a/geom/monetdb5/geom.h b/geom/monetdb5/geom.h
--- a/geom/monetdb5/geom.h
+++ b/geom/monetdb5/geom.h
@@ -267,4 +267,7 @@ geom_export str wkbCoordinateFromMBR_bat
 geom_export str wkbPointsContains_geom_bat(bat* outBAT_id, wkb** geomWKB, bat* 
xBAT_id, bat* yBAT_id, int* srid);
 geom_export str wkbFilteredPointsContains_geom_bat(bat* outBAT_id, wkb** 
geomWKB, bat* xBAT_id, bat* yBAT_id, bat* OIDsBAT_id, int* srid);
+geom_export str wkbPointsDistance_geom_bat(bat* outBAT_id, wkb** geomWKB, bat* 
xBAT_id, bat* yBAT_id, int* srid);
+geom_export str wkbFilteredPointsDistance_geom_bat(bat* outBAT_id, wkb** 
geomWKB, bat* xBAT_id, bat* yBAT_id, bat* OIDsBAT_id, int* srid);
 geom_export str wkbFilterWithImprints_geom_bat(bat*, wkb**, bat*, bat*);
diff --git a/geom/monetdb5/geomPoints.c b/geom/monetdb5/geomPoints.c
--- a/geom/monetdb5/geomPoints.c
+++ b/geom/monetdb5/geomPoints.c
@@ -292,6 +292,184 @@ clean:
        return ret;
+static BAT* BATDistance(wkb** geomWKB, BAT* geometriesBAT) {
+       BAT *outBAT = NULL;
+       BATiter geometriesBAT_iter;     
+       BUN p=0, q=0;
+       //check if the BAT has dense heads and are aligned
+       if (!BAThdense(geometriesBAT)) {
+               GDKerror("BATDistance: BAT must have dense heads");
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       //create a new BAT
+       if ((outBAT = BATnew(TYPE_void, ATOMindex("dbl"), 
BATcount(geometriesBAT), TRANSIENT)) == NULL) {
+               GDKerror("BATDistance: Could not create new BAT for the 
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       //set the first idx of the new BAT equal to that of the x BAT (which is 
equal to the y BAT)
+       BATseqbase(outBAT, geometriesBAT->hseqbase);
+       //iterator over the BATs        
+       geometriesBAT_iter = bat_iterator(geometriesBAT);
+       BATloop(geometriesBAT, p, q) { //iterate over all valid elements
+               str err = NULL;
+               double val = 0.0;
+               wkb *geometryWKB = (wkb*) BUNtail(geometriesBAT_iter, p);
+               if ((err = wkbDistance(&val, geomWKB, &geometryWKB)) != 
+                       BBPreleaseref(outBAT->batCacheid);
+                       GDKerror("BATDistance: %s", err);
+                       GDKfree(err);
+                       return NULL;
+               }
+               BUNappend(outBAT,&val,TRUE);
+       }
+       return outBAT;
+str wkbPointsDistance_geom_bat(bat* outBAT_id, wkb** geomWKB, bat* xBAT_id, 
bat* yBAT_id, int* srid) {
+       BAT *xBAT=NULL, *yBAT=NULL, *outBAT=NULL;
+       BAT *pointsBAT = NULL, *pointsWithSRIDBAT=NULL;
+       str ret=MAL_SUCCEED;
+       //get the descriptors of the BATs
+       if ((xBAT = BATdescriptor(*xBAT_id)) == NULL) {
+               throw(MAL, "batgeom.Distance", RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
+       }
+       if ((yBAT = BATdescriptor(*yBAT_id)) == NULL) {
+               BBPreleaseref(xBAT->batCacheid);
+               throw(MAL, "batgeom.Distance", RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
+       }
+       //check if the BATs have dense heads and are aligned
+       if (!BAThdense(xBAT) || !BAThdense(yBAT)) {
+               ret = createException(MAL, "batgeom.Distance", "BATs must have 
dense heads");
+               goto clean;
+       }
+       if(xBAT->hseqbase != yBAT->hseqbase || BATcount(xBAT) != 
BATcount(yBAT)) {
+               ret=createException(MAL, "batgeom.Distance", "BATs must be 
+               goto clean;
+       }
+       //here the BAT version of some contain function that takes the BATs of 
the x y coordinates should be called
+       //create the points BAT
+       if((pointsBAT = BATMakePoint2D(xBAT, yBAT)) == NULL) {
+               ret = createException(MAL, "batgeom.Distance", "Problem 
creating the points from the coordinates");
+               goto clean;
+       }
+       if((pointsWithSRIDBAT = BATSetSRID(pointsBAT, *srid)) == NULL) {
+               ret = createException(MAL, "batgeom.Distance", "Problem setting 
srid to the points");
+               goto clean;
+       }
+       if((outBAT = BATDistance(geomWKB, pointsWithSRIDBAT)) == NULL) {
+               ret = createException(MAL, "batgeom.Distance", "Problem 
evalauting the contains");
+               goto clean;
+       }
+       BBPkeepref(*outBAT_id = outBAT->batCacheid);
+       goto clean;
+       if(xBAT)
+               BBPreleaseref(xBAT->batCacheid);
+       if(yBAT)
+               BBPreleaseref(yBAT->batCacheid);
+       if(pointsBAT)
+               BBPreleaseref(pointsBAT->batCacheid);
+       if(pointsWithSRIDBAT)
+               BBPreleaseref(pointsWithSRIDBAT->batCacheid);
+       return ret;
+str wkbFilteredPointsDistance_geom_bat(bat* outBAT_id, wkb** geomWKB, bat* 
xBAT_id, bat* yBAT_id, bat* OIDsBAT_id, int* srid) {
*xFilteredBAT=NULL, *yFilteredBAT=NULL;
+       BAT *pointsBAT = NULL, *pointsWithSRIDBAT=NULL;
+       str ret=MAL_SUCCEED;
+       //get the descriptors of the BATs
+       if ((xBAT = BATdescriptor(*xBAT_id)) == NULL) {
+               throw(MAL, "batgeom.wkbDistanceFiltered", 
+       }
+       if ((yBAT = BATdescriptor(*yBAT_id)) == NULL) {
+               BBPreleaseref(xBAT->batCacheid);
+               throw(MAL, "batgeom.wkbDistanceFiltered", 
+       }
+       if ((OIDsBAT = BATdescriptor(*OIDsBAT_id)) == NULL) {
+               BBPreleaseref(xBAT->batCacheid);
+               BBPreleaseref(yBAT->batCacheid);
+               throw(MAL, "batgeom.wkbDistanceFiltered", 
+       }
+       //check if the BATs have dense heads and are aligned
+       if (!BAThdense(xBAT) || !BAThdense(yBAT) || !BAThdense(OIDsBAT)) {
+               ret = createException(MAL, "batgeom.wkbDistanceFiltered", "BATs 
must have dense heads");
+               goto clean;
+       }
+       if(xBAT->hseqbase != yBAT->hseqbase || BATcount(xBAT) != 
BATcount(yBAT)) {
+               ret=createException(MAL, "batgeom.wkbDistanceFiltered", "BATs 
must be aligned");
+               goto clean;
+       }
+       //project the x and y BATs
+       xFilteredBAT = BATproject(OIDsBAT, xBAT);
+       if(xFilteredBAT == NULL) {
+               ret=createException(MAL,"batgeom.wkbDistanceFiltered","Problem 
projecting xBAT");
+               goto clean;
+       }
+       yFilteredBAT = BATproject(OIDsBAT, yBAT);
+       if(xFilteredBAT == NULL) {
+               ret=createException(MAL,"batgeom.wkbDistanceFiltered","Problem 
projecting yBAT");
+               goto clean;
+       }
+       //here the BAT version of some contain function that takes the BATs of 
the x y coordinates should be called
+       //create the points BAT
+       if((pointsBAT = BATMakePoint2D(xFilteredBAT, yFilteredBAT)) == NULL) {
+               ret = createException(MAL, "batgeom.wkbDistanceFiltered", 
"Problem creating the points from the coordinates");
+               goto clean;
+       }
+       //set the srid  
+       if((pointsWithSRIDBAT = BATSetSRID(pointsBAT, *srid)) == NULL) {
+               ret = createException(MAL, "batgeom.wkbDistanceFiltered", 
"Problem setting srid to the points");
+               goto clean;
+       }
+       //check the contains
+       if((outBAT = BATDistance(geomWKB, pointsWithSRIDBAT)) == NULL) {
+               ret = createException(MAL, "batgeom.wkbDistanceFiltered", 
"Problem evalauting the contains");
+               goto clean;
+       }
+       BBPkeepref(*outBAT_id = outBAT->batCacheid);
+       goto clean;
+       if(xBAT)
+               BBPreleaseref(xBAT->batCacheid);
+       if(yBAT)
+               BBPreleaseref(yBAT->batCacheid);
+       if(OIDsBAT)
+               BBPreleaseref(OIDsBAT->batCacheid);
+       if(xFilteredBAT)
+               BBPreleaseref(xFilteredBAT->batCacheid);
+       if(yFilteredBAT)
+               BBPreleaseref(yFilteredBAT->batCacheid);
+       if(pointsBAT)
+               BBPreleaseref(pointsBAT->batCacheid);
+       if(pointsWithSRIDBAT)
+               BBPreleaseref(pointsWithSRIDBAT->batCacheid);
+       return ret;
 str wkbFilterWithImprints_geom_bat(bat* candidateOIDsBAT_id, wkb** geomWKB, 
bat* xBAT_id, bat* yBAT_id) {
        BAT *xBAT=NULL, *yBAT=NULL, *xCandidateOIDsBAT=NULL, 
        mbr* geomMBR;
diff --git a/geom/sql/40_geom.sql b/geom/sql/40_geom.sql
--- a/geom/sql/40_geom.sql
+++ b/geom/sql/40_geom.sql
@@ -4026,7 +4026,7 @@ CREATE FUNCTION mbr(geom Geometry) RETUR
 --Construct a Geometry from a WKT
 CREATE FUNCTION ST_WKTToSQL(wkt string) RETURNS Geometry external name 
---Construct a Geoemtry from a WKB
+--Construct a Geometry from a WKB
 --Obtaining WKT from Geometry
@@ -4057,6 +4057,7 @@ CREATE FUNCTION ST_Overlaps(geom1 Geomet
 CREATE FUNCTION ST_Relate(geom1 Geometry, geom2 Geometry, 
intersection_matrix_pattern string) RETURNS boolean EXTERNAL NAME geom."Relate";
 --Distance between Geometries
 CREATE FUNCTION ST_Distance(geom1 Geometry, geom2 Geometry) RETURNS double 
EXTERNAL NAME geom."Distance";
+CREATE FUNCTION ST_Distance(geom1 Geometry, xCoordinate double, yCoordinate 
double, srid integer) RETURNS boolean EXTERNAL NAME geom."Distance";
 --Functions that implement spatial operators
 CREATE FUNCTION ST_Intersection(geom1 Geometry, geom2 Geometry) RETURNS 
Geometry EXTERNAL NAME geom."Intersection";
 CREATE FUNCTION ST_Difference(geom1 Geometry, geom2 Geometry) RETURNS Geometry 
EXTERNAL NAME geom."Differnce";
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