Changeset: 24e0056303d6 for MonetDB
Removed Files:
Branch: Oct2014
Log Message:

R Connector: cleanup old test cases

Unterschiede (278 Zeilen):

diff --git a/clients/R/db.tests/monetdb.test.R 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/clients/R/db.tests/monetdb.test.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-drv <- dbDriver("MonetDB")
-con <- dbConnect(drv, "monetdbrtest")
-# overwrite variable to force destructor
-con <- dbConnect(drv, "monetdbrtest")
-con <- dbConnect(drv, "monetdbrtest")
-# basic MAPI/SQL test
-stopifnot(identical(dbGetQuery(con,"SELECT 'DPFKG!'")[[1]],"DPFKG!"))
-# remove test table
-if (dbExistsTable(con,"monetdbtest")) dbRemoveTable(con,"monetdbtest")
-# test raw handling
-dbSendUpdate(con,"CREATE TABLE monetdbtest (a varchar(10),b integer,c blob)")
-dbSendUpdate(con,"INSERT INTO monetdbtest VALUES ('one',1,'1111')")
-dbSendUpdate(con,"INSERT INTO monetdbtest VALUES ('two',2,'22222222')")
-stopifnot(identical(dbGetQuery(con,"SELECT count(*) FROM monetdbtest")[[1]],2))
-# write test table iris
-stopifnot("monetdbtest" %in% dbListTables(con))
-# get stuff, first very convenient
-iris2 <- dbReadTable(con,"monetdbtest")
-# then manually
-res <- dbSendQuery(con,"SELECT species, sepal_width FROM monetdbtest")
-stopifnot(dbColumnInfo(res)[[1,1]] == "species")
-stopifnot(dbColumnInfo(res)[[2,1]] == "sepal_width")
-stopifnot(dbGetInfo(res)$row.count == 150 && res@env$info$rows == 150)
-data <- fetch(res,10)
-stopifnot(dim(data)[[1]] == 10)
-stopifnot(dim(data)[[2]] == 2)
-stopifnot(res@env$delivered == 10)
-stopifnot(dbHasCompleted(res) == FALSE)
-data2 <- fetch(res,-1)
-stopifnot(dim(data2)[[1]] == 140)
-stopifnot(dbHasCompleted(res) == TRUE)
-# remove table again
-# test csv import
-file <- tempfile()
-iris3 <- dbReadTable(con,"monetdbtest")
-# test dbWriteTable
-conn <- con
-tname <- "mtcars"
-tsize <- function(conn,tname) 
-       as.integer(dbGetQuery(conn,paste0("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ",tname))[[1]])
-# clean up
-if (dbExistsTable(conn,tname))
-       dbRemoveTable(conn,tname)
-# table does not exist, append=F, overwrite=F, this should work
-# these should throw errors
-errorThrown <- F
 <<- T})
-errorThrown <- F
 <<- T})
-# this should be fine
-# append to existing table
-#thrice to catch null pointer errors
-#test merovingian control code
-stopifnot("monetdbrtest" %in% monetdbd.liststatus("monetdb")$dbname)
diff --git a/clients/R/db.tests/monetframe.test.R 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/clients/R/db.tests/monetframe.test.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-con <- dbConnect(dbDriver("MonetDB"), 
"monetdb://localhost:50000/monetdbrtest", "monetdb", "monetdb",timeout=100)
-table <- "monetframetest"
-fcmp <- function(f1,f2,epsilon) {
-       abs(f1-f2) < epsilon
-# basic MAPI/SQL test
-stopifnot(identical(dbGetQuery(con,"SELECT 'DPFKG!'")[[1]],"DPFKG!"))
-if (!dbExistsTable(con,table)) {
-       data(iris)
-       dbWriteTable(con,table,iris, overwrite=TRUE)
-# aight
-frame <- monet.frame(con,table)
-# we should get the very same from monet.frame and dbReadTable
-plaindata <- dbReadTable(con,table)
-# do as.vector / $ work?
-# does [] work?
-# names(), dim()
-stopifnot(dim(frame)[[1]] == 150)
-stopifnot(dim(frame)[[2]] == 5)
-# Ops
-stopifnot(identical(plaindata$sepal_length > 1.4,as.vector(frame$sepal_length 
> 1.4)))
-# Summary
-# Math
 * 1000,2))))
-# subset
-# have to realign row numbers for compat.
-sdf <- subset(plaindata,sepal_width > 3 & species == "setosa")
-rownames(sdf) <- 1:nrow(sdf)
-smf <-,sepal_width > 3 & species == "setosa"))
-# moar ops
-       sd(plaindata$sepal_width),
-       sd(frame$sepal_width)
-       var(plaindata$sepal_width),
-       var(frame$sepal_width)
diff --git a/clients/R/db.tests/sqlsurvey.test.R 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/clients/R/db.tests/sqlsurvey.test.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# install.packages("sqlsurvey", 
repos=c("","";), dep=TRUE)
-db <- dbConnect( MonetDB.R() , "monetdb://localhost/monetdbrtest")
-data( api )
-x <- apiclus1
-x$idkey <- 1:nrow( x )
-# monetdb doesn't like the column name `full`
-x$full <- NULL
-# load the apiclus1 data set into the monetdb
-dbWriteTable( db , 'apiclus1' , x , overwrite = TRUE )
-dclus1 <-
-               sqlsurvey(
-                               weight = 'pw' ,
-                               id = 'dnum' ,
-                               # fpc = 'fpc' ,
-                      = 'apiclus1' ,
-                               key = "idkey" ,
-                               database = "monetdb://localhost/monetdbrtest" ,
-                               driver = MonetDB.R() ,
-                               user = "monetdb" ,
-                               password = "monetdb" 
-               )
-# only a problem for factor variables..
-# these all work
-svymean( ~dname , dclus1 )
-svymean( ~dname , dclus1 , se = TRUE )
-svymean( ~dname , dclus1 , byvar = ~comp_imp )
-# then this breaks!
-svymean( ~dname , dclus1 , byvar = ~comp_imp , se = TRUE )
-# ..and now these same three commands no longer work!
-svymean( ~dname , dclus1 )
-svymean( ~dname , dclus1 , se = TRUE )
-svymean( ~dname , dclus1 , byvar = ~comp_imp )
-# but then actual queries do work
-dbGetQuery( db , 'select * from apiclus1 limit 2' )
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