Changeset: 9f4067ab77e4 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Oct2014
Log Message:

Update for upgrade code that makes sure we look in the sys schema

Unterschiede (30 Zeilen):

diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_scenario.c 
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_scenario.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/sql_scenario.c
@@ -860,17 +860,17 @@ sql_update_oct2014(Client c)
        pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "delete from _columns where 
table_id not in (select id from _tables);\n");
        /* add new columns */
-       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "insert into _columns values( 
(select max(id)+1 from _columns), 'system', 'boolean', 1, 0, (select id from 
_tables where name = 'schemas'), NULL, true, 4, NULL);\n");
-       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "insert into _columns values( 
(select max(id)+1 from _columns), 'varres', 'boolean', 1, 0, (select id from 
_tables where name = 'functions'), NULL, true, 7, NULL);\n");
-       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "insert into _columns values( 
(select max(id)+1 from _columns), 'vararg', 'boolean', 1, 0, (select id from 
_tables where name = 'functions'), NULL, true, 8, NULL);\n");
-       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "insert into _columns values( 
(select max(id)+1 from _columns), 'inout', 'tinyint', 8, 0, (select id from 
_tables where name = 'args'), NULL, true, 6, NULL);\n");
-       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "insert into _columns values( 
(select max(id)+1 from _columns), 'language', 'int', 32, 0, (select id from 
_tables where name = 'functions'), NULL, true, 9, NULL);\n");
-       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "delete from _columns where 
table_id in (select id from _tables where name = 'functions') and 
+       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "insert into _columns values( 
(select max(id)+1 from _columns), 'system', 'boolean', 1, 0, (select 
from _tables join schemas on where'sys' and'schemas'), NULL, true, 4, NULL);\n");
+       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "insert into _columns values( 
(select max(id)+1 from _columns), 'varres', 'boolean', 1, 0, (select 
from _tables join schemas on where'sys' and'functions'), NULL, true, 7, NULL);\n");
+       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "insert into _columns values( 
(select max(id)+1 from _columns), 'vararg', 'boolean', 1, 0, (select 
from _tables join schemas on where'sys' and'functions'), NULL, true, 8, NULL);\n");
+       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "insert into _columns values( 
(select max(id)+1 from _columns), 'inout', 'tinyint', 8, 0, (select 
from _tables join schemas on where'sys' and'args'), NULL, true, 6, NULL);\n");
+       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "insert into _columns values( 
(select max(id)+1 from _columns), 'language', 'int', 32, 0, (select 
from _tables join schemas on where'sys' and'functions'), NULL, true, 9, NULL);\n");
+       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "delete from _columns where 
table_id in (select from _tables join schemas on where'sys' and'functions') and name='sql';\n");
        /* correct column numbers */
-       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "update _columns set 
number='9' where name = 'schema_id' and table_id in (select id from _tables 
where name = 'functions');\n");
-       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "update _columns set 
number='7' where name = 'number' and table_id in (select id from _tables where 
name = 'args');\n");
-       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "update _columns set 
number='4' where name = 'language' and table_id in (select id from _tables 
where name = 'functions');\n");
+       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "update _columns set 
number='9' where name = 'schema_id' and table_id in (select from 
_tables join schemas on where'sys' 
+       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "update _columns set 
number='7' where name = 'number' and table_id in (select from 
_tables join schemas on where'sys' 
+       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "update _columns set 
number='4' where name = 'language' and table_id in (select from 
_tables join schemas on where'sys' 
        /* remove table return types (#..), ie tt_generated from
         * _tables/_columns */
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