Changeset: e31fcceece23 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: generator
Log Message:

Merge with default branch.

diffs (truncated from 335 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/gdk/gdk_logger.c b/gdk/gdk_logger.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_logger.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_logger.c
@@ -1159,160 +1159,13 @@ logger_new(int debug, char *fn, char *lo
        snprintf(bak, BUFSIZ, "%s_catalog", fn);
        bid = BBPindex(bak);
-       /* upgrade from old logger format; all errors are fatal since
-        * this should only happen on startup */
-       if (bid) {
-               /* split catalog -> catalog_bid, catalog_nme */
-               BAT *b = BATdescriptor(bid);
-               BAT *v;
-               if (b == 0)
-                       logger_fatal("Logger_new: inconsistent database, "
-                                    "'%s' does not exist",bak,0,0);
-               lg->catalog_bid = logbat_new(TYPE_int, BATSIZE, PERSISTENT);
-               lg->catalog_nme = logbat_new(TYPE_str, BATSIZE, PERSISTENT);
-               v = BATmark(b, 0);
-               if (v == NULL)
-                       logger_fatal("Logger_new: cannot create view on bat",
-                                    0, 0, 0);
-               if (BATappend(lg->catalog_bid, BATmirror(v), FALSE) == NULL)
-                       logger_fatal("Logger_new: BATappend failed", 0, 0, 0);
-               BBPunfix(v->batCacheid);
-               v = BATmark(BATmirror(b), 0);
-               if (v == NULL)
-                       logger_fatal("Logger_new: cannot create view on bat",
-                                    0, 0, 0);
-               if (BATappend(lg->catalog_nme, BATmirror(v), FALSE) == NULL)
-                       logger_fatal("Logger_new: BATappend failed", 0, 0, 0);
-               BBPunfix(v->batCacheid);
-               /* Make persistent */
-               bid = lg->catalog_bid->batCacheid;
-               BBPincref(bid, TRUE);
-               snprintf(bak, BUFSIZ, "%s_catalog_bid", fn);
-               if (BBPrename(lg->catalog_bid->batCacheid, bak) < 0)
-                       logger_fatal("Logger_new: BBPrename to %s failed",
-                                    bak, 0, 0);
-               /* Make persistent */
-               bid = lg->catalog_nme->batCacheid;
-               BBPincref(bid, TRUE);
-               snprintf(bak, BUFSIZ, "%s_catalog_nme", fn);
-               if (BBPrename(lg->catalog_nme->batCacheid, bak) < 0)
-                       logger_fatal("Logger_new: BBPrename to %s failed",
-                                    bak, 0, 0);
-               logbat_destroy(b);
-               /* split snapshots -> snapshots_bid, snapshots_tid */
-               bid = logger_find_bat(lg, "snapshots");
-               b = BATdescriptor(bid);
-               if (b == 0)
-                       logger_fatal("Logger_new: inconsistent database, '%s' "
-                                    "snapshots does not exist", bak, 0, 0);
-               lg->snapshots_bid = logbat_new(TYPE_int, 1, PERSISTENT);
-               if (lg->snapshots_bid == NULL)
-                       logger_fatal("Logger_new: cannot create snapshot bat",
-                                    0, 0, 0);
-               v = BATmark(b, 0);
-               if (v == NULL)
-                       logger_fatal("Logger_new: cannot create view on bat",
-                                    0, 0, 0);
-               if (BATappend(lg->snapshots_bid, BATmirror(v), FALSE) == NULL)
-                       logger_fatal("Logger_new: BATappend failed", 0, 0, 0);
-               BBPunfix(v->batCacheid);
-               snprintf(bak, BUFSIZ, "%s_snapshots_bid", fn);
-               if (BBPrename(lg->snapshots_bid->batCacheid, bak) < 0)
-                       logger_fatal("Logger_new: BBPrename to %s failed",
-                                    bak, 0, 0);
-               logger_add_bat(lg, lg->snapshots_bid, "snapshots_bid");
-               lg->snapshots_tid = logbat_new(TYPE_int, 1, PERSISTENT);
-               if (lg->snapshots_tid == NULL)
-                       logger_fatal("Logger_new: cannot create snapshot bat",
-                                    0, 0, 0);
-               v = BATmark(BATmirror(b), 0);
-               if (v == NULL)
-                       logger_fatal("Logger_new: cannot create view on bat",
-                                    0, 0, 0);
-               if (BATappend(lg->snapshots_tid, BATmirror(v), FALSE) == NULL)
-                       logger_fatal("Logger_new: BATappend failed", 0, 0, 0);
-               BBPunfix(v->batCacheid);
-               snprintf(bak, BUFSIZ, "%s_snapshots_tid", fn);
-               if (BBPrename(lg->snapshots_tid->batCacheid, bak) < 0)
-                       logger_fatal("Logger_new: BBPrename to %s failed",
-                                    bak, 0, 0);
-               logger_add_bat(lg, lg->snapshots_tid, "snapshots_tid");
-               logbat_destroy(b);
-               /* split seqs -> seqs_id, seqs_val */
-               bid = logger_find_bat(lg, "seqs");
-               b = BATdescriptor(bid);
-               if (b == 0)
-                       logger_fatal("Logger_new: inconsistent database, '%s' "
-                                    "seqs does not exist", bak, 0, 0);
-               lg->seqs_id = logbat_new(TYPE_int, 1, PERSISTENT);
-               if (lg->seqs_id == NULL)
-                       logger_fatal("Logger_new: cannot create sequences bat",
-                                    0, 0, 0);
-               v = BATmark(b, 0);
-               if (v == NULL)
-                       logger_fatal("Logger_new: cannot create view on bat",
-                                    0, 0, 0);
-               if (BATappend(lg->seqs_id, BATmirror(v), FALSE) == NULL)
-                       logger_fatal("Logger_new: BATappend failed", 0, 0, 0);
-               BBPunfix(v->batCacheid);
-               snprintf(bak, BUFSIZ, "%s_seqs_id", fn);
-               if (BBPrename(lg->seqs_id->batCacheid, bak) < 0)
-                       logger_fatal("Logger_new: BBPrename to %s failed",
-                                    bak, 0, 0);
-               logger_add_bat(lg, lg->seqs_id, "seqs_id");
-               lg->seqs_val = logbat_new(TYPE_lng, 1, PERSISTENT);
-               if (lg->seqs_val == NULL)
-                       logger_fatal("Logger_new: cannot create sequences bat",
-                                    0, 0, 0);
-               v = BATmark(BATmirror(b), 0);
-               if (v == NULL)
-                       logger_fatal("Logger_new: cannot create view on bat",
-                                    0, 0, 0);
-               if (BATappend(lg->seqs_val, BATmirror(v), FALSE) == NULL)
-                       logger_fatal("Logger_new: BATappend failed", 0, 0, 0);
-               BBPunfix(v->batCacheid);
-               snprintf(bak, BUFSIZ, "%s_seqs_val", fn);
-               if (BBPrename(lg->seqs_val->batCacheid, bak) < 0)
-                       logger_fatal("Logger_new: BBPrename to %s failed",
-                                    bak, 0, 0);
-               logger_add_bat(lg, lg->seqs_val, "seqs_val");
-               logbat_destroy(b);
-               if (bm_subcommit(lg->catalog_bid, lg->catalog_nme,
-                                lg->catalog_bid, lg->catalog_nme,
-                                NULL, lg->debug) < 0)
-                       logger_fatal("Logger_new: commit of logger conversion "
-                                    "failed", 0, 0, 0);
-               logbat_destroy(lg->catalog_bid);
-               logbat_destroy(lg->catalog_nme);
-               logbat_destroy(lg->snapshots_bid);
-               logbat_destroy(lg->snapshots_tid);
-               logbat_destroy(lg->seqs_id);
-               logbat_destroy(lg->seqs_val);
-               lg->catalog_bid = NULL;
-               lg->catalog_nme = NULL;
-               lg->snapshots_bid = NULL;
-               lg->snapshots_tid = NULL;
-               lg->seqs_id = NULL;
-               lg->seqs_val = NULL;
-       }
        snprintf(bak, BUFSIZ, "%s_catalog_bid", fn);
        catalog_bid = BBPindex(bak);
+       if (bid != 0 && catalog_bid == 0)
+               logger_fatal("Logger_new: ancient database, please upgrade "
+                            "first to Jan2014 (11.17.X) release", 0, 0, 0);
        if (catalog_bid == 0) {
                log_bid bid = 0;
diff --git a/sql/test/BugTracker/Tests/rank_over.SF-1691098.sql 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker/Tests/rank_over.SF-1691098.sql
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker/Tests/rank_over.SF-1691098.sql
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
-select RANK () OVER () as foo from tables;
+create table rankbug (id int);
+insert into rankbug values (42);
+insert into rankbug select * from rankbug;
+insert into rankbug select * from rankbug;
+insert into rankbug select * from rankbug;
+insert into rankbug select * from rankbug;
+insert into rankbug select * from rankbug;
+select RANK () OVER () as foo from rankbug;
+drop table rankbug;
diff --git a/sql/test/BugTracker/Tests/rank_over.SF-1691098.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker/Tests/rank_over.SF-1691098.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker/Tests/rank_over.SF-1691098.stable.out
@@ -24,8 +24,21 @@ Ready.
 # 16:03:46 >  Mtimeout -timeout 60 MapiClient -lsql -umonetdb -Pmonetdb 
--host=localhost --port=38533 
 # 16:03:46 >  
-#select RANK () OVER () as foo from tables;
-% .L # table_name
+#create table rankbug (id int);
+#insert into rankbug values (42);
+[ 1    ]
+#insert into rankbug select * from rankbug;
+[ 1    ]
+#insert into rankbug select * from rankbug;
+[ 2    ]
+#insert into rankbug select * from rankbug;
+[ 4    ]
+#insert into rankbug select * from rankbug;
+[ 8    ]
+#insert into rankbug select * from rankbug;
+[ 16   ]
+#select RANK () OVER () as foo from rankbug;
+% sys.L # table_name
 % foo # name
 % int # type
 % 2 # length
@@ -61,14 +74,7 @@ Ready.
 [ 30   ]
 [ 31   ]
 [ 32   ]
-[ 33   ]
-[ 34   ]
-[ 35   ]
-[ 36   ]
-[ 37   ]
-[ 38   ]
-[ 39   ]
-[ 40   ]
+#drop table rankbug;
 # 17:29:50 >  
 # 17:29:50 >  "Done."
diff --git a/sql/test/BugTracker/Tests/with_only_once.SF-1720293.sql 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker/Tests/with_only_once.SF-1720293.sql
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker/Tests/with_only_once.SF-1720293.sql
@@ -1,2 +1,10 @@
-WITH t AS ( SELECT count(*) FROM tables ) SELECT * FROM t;
-WITH t AS ( SELECT count(*) FROM tables ) SELECT * FROM t;
+create table withonlybug (id int);
+insert into withonlybug values (42);
+insert into withonlybug select * from withonlybug;
+insert into withonlybug select * from withonlybug;
+insert into withonlybug select * from withonlybug;
+insert into withonlybug select * from withonlybug;
+insert into withonlybug select * from withonlybug;
+WITH t AS ( SELECT count(*) FROM withonlybug ) SELECT * FROM t;
+WITH t AS ( SELECT count(*) FROM withonlybug ) SELECT * FROM t;
+drop table withonlybug;
diff --git a/sql/test/BugTracker/Tests/with_only_once.SF-1720293.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker/Tests/with_only_once.SF-1720293.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker/Tests/with_only_once.SF-1720293.stable.out
@@ -14,27 +14,63 @@ stdout of test 'with_only_once.SF-172029
 # MonetDB/SQL module v2.25.0 loaded
-#function user.main():void;
-#    clients.quit();
-#end main;
+# SQL catalog created, loading sql scripts once
+# loading sql script: 09_like.sql
+# loading sql script: 10_math.sql
+# loading sql script: 11_times.sql
+# loading sql script: 12_url.sql
+# loading sql script: 13_date.sql
+# loading sql script: 14_inet.sql
+# loading sql script: 15_querylog.sql
+# loading sql script: 16_tracelog.sql
+# loading sql script: 17_compress.sql
+# loading sql script: 18_dictionary.sql
+# loading sql script: 19_cluster.sql
+# loading sql script: 20_vacuum.sql
+# loading sql script: 21_dependency_functions.sql
+# loading sql script: 22_clients.sql
+# loading sql script: 23_skyserver.sql
+# loading sql script: 24_zorder.sql
+# loading sql script: 25_debug.sql
+# loading sql script: 26_sysmon.sql
+# loading sql script: 39_analytics.sql
+# loading sql script: 40_geom.sql
+# loading sql script: 46_gsl.sql
+# loading sql script: 75_storagemodel.sql
+# loading sql script: 80_statistics.sql
+# loading sql script: 80_udf.sql
+# loading sql script: 99_system.sql
+# 17:55:39 >  
+# 17:55:39 >  "mclient" "-lsql" "-ftest" "-Eutf-8" "-i" "-e" 
"--host=/var/tmp/mtest-30978" "--port=32166"
+# 17:55:39 >  
-# 22:41:45 >  
-# 22:41:45 >  Mtimeout -timeout 60 MapiClient -lsql -umonetdb -Pmonetdb 
--host=localhost --port=32869 
-# 22:41:45 >  
-#WITH t AS ( SELECT count(*) FROM tables ) SELECT * FROM t;
-% .t # table_name
+#create table withonlybug (id int);
+#insert into withonlybug values (42);
+[ 1    ]
+#insert into withonlybug select * from withonlybug;
+[ 1    ]
+#insert into withonlybug select * from withonlybug;
+[ 2    ]
+#insert into withonlybug select * from withonlybug;
+[ 4    ]
+#insert into withonlybug select * from withonlybug;
+[ 8    ]
+#insert into withonlybug select * from withonlybug;
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