Changeset: 55c89bdb7eea for MonetDB
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Branch: rdf
Log Message:

Change the way of getting values from BAT

diffs (236 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.c b/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.c
--- a/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.c
+++ b/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.c
@@ -6170,15 +6170,14 @@ str RDFgetRefCounts(int *ret, BAT *sbat,
-str RDFrelationships(int *ret, BAT *sbat, BATiter si, BATiter pi, BATiter oi,  
+str RDFrelationships(int *ret, BAT *sbat, BAT *pbat, BAT *obat, 
                oid *subjCSMap, oid *subjSubCSMap, SubCSSet *csSubCSSet, CSrel 
*csrelSet, BUN maxSoid, int maxNumPwithDup,int *csIdFreqIdxMap){
-str RDFrelationships(int *ret, BAT *sbat, BATiter si, BATiter pi, BATiter oi,
+str RDFrelationships(int *ret, BAT *sbat, BAT *pbat, BAT *obat,
                oid *subjCSMap, CSrel *csrelSet, BUN maxSoid, int 
maxNumPwithDup,int *csIdFreqIdxMap){
-       BUN             p, q; 
-       oid             *sbt = 0, *obt, *pbt;
+       oid             sbt = 0, obt, pbt;
        oid             curS;           /* current Subject oid */
        //oid           CSoid = 0;      /* Characteristic set oid */
        int             numPwithDup;    /* Number of properties for current S */
@@ -6191,8 +6190,9 @@ str RDFrelationships(int *ret, BAT *sbat
        char            isBlankNode; 
        oid             curP;
        int             from, to; 
+       oid             *sbatCursor = NULL, *pbatCursor = NULL, *obatCursor = 
+       int             p, first, last;
        if (BATcount(sbat) == 0) {
                throw(RDF, "rdf.RDFrelationships", "sbat must not be empty");
@@ -6206,13 +6206,20 @@ str RDFrelationships(int *ret, BAT *sbat
        curS = 0; 
        curP = BUN_NONE; 
-       BATloop(sbat, p, q){
-               sbt = (oid *) BUNtloc(si, p);           
-               from = csIdFreqIdxMap[subjCSMap[*sbt]];
+       sbatCursor = (oid *) Tloc(sbat, BUNfirst(sbat));
+       pbatCursor = (oid *) Tloc(pbat, BUNfirst(pbat));
+       obatCursor = (oid *) Tloc(obat, BUNfirst(obat));
+       first = 0; 
+       last = BATcount(sbat) -1; 
+       for (p = first; p <= last; p++){
+               sbt = sbatCursor[p];            
+               from = csIdFreqIdxMap[subjCSMap[sbt]];
                #if GETSUBCS_FORALL == 0
                if ( from == -1) continue; /* Do not consider infrequentCS */
-               if (*sbt != curS){
+               if (sbt != curS){
                        #if NEEDSUBCS
                        if (p != 0){    /* Not the first S */
                                returnSubCSid = addSubCS(buffTypes, 
numPwithDup, subjCSMap[curS], csSubCSSet);
@@ -6222,32 +6229,32 @@ str RDFrelationships(int *ret, BAT *sbat
-                       curS = *sbt; 
+                       curS = sbt; 
                        numPwithDup = 0;
                        curP = BUN_NONE; 
-               pbt = (oid *) BUNtloc(pi, p);
-               obt = (oid *) BUNtloc(oi, p); 
+               pbt = pbatCursor[p];
+               obt = obatCursor[p]; 
                /* Check type of object */
-               objType = getObjType(*obt);
+               objType = getObjType(obt);
                /* Look at the referenced CS Id using subjCSMap */
                isBlankNode = 0;
                //if (objType == URI || objType == BLANKNODE){
                if ((objType == URI || objType == BLANKNODE) && from != -1){
-                       realObjOid = (*obt) - ((oid) objType << (sizeof(BUN)*8 
- 4));
+                       realObjOid = (obt) - ((oid) objType << (sizeof(BUN)*8 - 
                        /* Only consider references to freqCS */        
                        if (realObjOid <= maxSoid && subjCSMap[realObjOid] != 
BUN_NONE && csIdFreqIdxMap[subjCSMap[realObjOid]] != -1){
                                to = csIdFreqIdxMap[subjCSMap[realObjOid]];
                                if (objType == BLANKNODE) isBlankNode = 1;
-                               addReltoCSRel(from, to, *pbt, &csrelSet[from], 
-                       }
-               }
-               if (curP == *pbt){
+                               addReltoCSRel(from, to, pbt, &csrelSet[from], 
+                       }
+               }
+               if (curP == pbt){
                        #if USE_MULTIPLICITY == 1       
                        // Update the object type for this P as MULTIVALUES     
                        buffTypes[numPwithDup-1] = MULTIVALUES; 
@@ -6259,14 +6266,14 @@ str RDFrelationships(int *ret, BAT *sbat
                        buffTypes[numPwithDup] = objType; 
-                       curP = *pbt; 
+                       curP = pbt; 
        #if NEEDSUBCS
        /* Check for the last CS */
-       returnSubCSid = addSubCS(buffTypes, numPwithDup, subjCSMap[*sbt], 
-       subjSubCSMap[*sbt] = returnSubCSid; 
+       returnSubCSid = addSubCS(buffTypes, numPwithDup, subjCSMap[sbt], 
+       subjSubCSMap[sbt] = returnSubCSid; 
        free (buffTypes); 
@@ -6356,11 +6363,10 @@ str addHighRefCSsToFreqCS(BAT *pOffsetBa
-str RDFExtractCSPropTypes(int *ret, BAT *sbat, BATiter si, BATiter pi, BATiter 
+str RDFExtractCSPropTypes(int *ret, BAT *sbat, BAT *pbat, BAT *obat,  
                oid *subjCSMap, int* csTblIdxMapping, CSPropTypes* csPropTypes, 
int maxNumPwithDup){
-       BUN             p, q; 
-       oid             *sbt = 0, *obt, *pbt;
+       oid             sbt , obt, pbt;
        oid             curS;           /* current Subject oid */
        //oid           CSoid = 0;      /* Characteristic set oid */
        int             numPwithDup;    /* Number of properties for current S */
@@ -6370,7 +6376,10 @@ str RDFExtractCSPropTypes(int *ret, BAT 
        int             **buffTypesCoverMV; /*Store the types of each value in 
a multi-value prop */            
        oid*            buffP;
        oid             curP; 
-       int             i;
+       int             i, p;
+       oid             *sbatCursor = NULL, *pbatCursor = NULL, *obatCursor = 
+       int             first, last;
        buffTypes = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * (maxNumPwithDup + 1)); 
        buffTypesCoverMV = (int **)malloc(sizeof(int*) * (maxNumPwithDup + 1));
@@ -6384,28 +6393,36 @@ str RDFExtractCSPropTypes(int *ret, BAT 
        curS = 0; 
        curP = BUN_NONE; 
-       BATloop(sbat, p, q){
-               sbt = (oid *) BUNtloc(si, p);           
-               if (*sbt != curS){
+       sbatCursor = (oid *) Tloc(sbat, BUNfirst(sbat));
+       pbatCursor = (oid *) Tloc(pbat, BUNfirst(pbat));
+       obatCursor = (oid *) Tloc(obat, BUNfirst(obat));
+       first = 0; 
+       last = BATcount(sbat) -1; 
+       for (p = first; p <= last; p++){
+               sbt = sbatCursor[p];
+               if (sbt != curS){
                        if (p != 0){    /* Not the first S */
                                addPropTypes(buffTypes, buffP, numPwithDup, 
buffCoverage, buffTypesCoverMV, subjCSMap[curS], csTblIdxMapping, csPropTypes);
-                       curS = *sbt; 
+                       curS = sbt; 
                        numPwithDup = 0;
                        curP = BUN_NONE; 
-               obt = (oid *) BUNtloc(oi, p); 
+               obt = obatCursor[p];
                /* Check type of object */
-               objType = getObjType(*obt);     /* Get two bits 63th, 62nd from 
object oid */
+               objType = getObjType(obt);      /* Get two bits 63th, 62nd from 
object oid */
                if (objType == BLANKNODE){      //BLANKNODE object values will 
be stored in the same column with URI object values      
                        objType = URI; 
-               pbt = (oid *) BUNtloc(pi, p);
-               if (curP == *pbt){
+               pbt = pbatCursor[p];
+               if (curP == pbt){
                        #if USE_MULTIPLICITY == 1       
                        // Update the object type for this P as MULTIVALUES     
                        buffTypes[numPwithDup-1] = MULTIVALUES; 
@@ -6422,10 +6439,10 @@ str RDFExtractCSPropTypes(int *ret, BAT 
                        buffTypesCoverMV[numPwithDup][(int)objType] = 1;
                        buffTypes[numPwithDup] = objType; 
-                       buffP[numPwithDup] = *pbt;
+                       buffP[numPwithDup] = pbt;
                        buffCoverage[numPwithDup] = 1; 
-                       curP = *pbt; 
+                       curP = pbt; 
@@ -9167,9 +9184,9 @@ RDFextractCSwithTypes(int *ret, bat *sba
        csSubCSSet = initCS_SubCSSets(*maxCSoid +1); 
-       RDFrelationships(ret, sbat, si, pi, oi, *subjCSMap, subjSubCSMap, 
csSubCSSet, csrelSet, *maxSoid, *maxNumPwithDup, csIdFreqIdxMap);
+       RDFrelationships(ret, sbat, pbat, obat, *subjCSMap, subjSubCSMap, 
csSubCSSet, csrelSet, *maxSoid, *maxNumPwithDup, csIdFreqIdxMap);
-       RDFrelationships(ret, sbat, si, pi, oi, *subjCSMap, csrelSet, *maxSoid, 
*maxNumPwithDup, csIdFreqIdxMap);
+       RDFrelationships(ret, sbat, pbat, obat, *subjCSMap, csrelSet, *maxSoid, 
*maxNumPwithDup, csIdFreqIdxMap);
        curT = clock(); 
@@ -9202,7 +9219,7 @@ RDFextractCSwithTypes(int *ret, bat *sba
        initCSPropTypesForBasicFreqCS(csPropTypes, freqCSset, 
        printf("Extract CSPropTypes from basic CS's \n");
-       RDFExtractCSPropTypes(ret, sbat, si, pi, oi, *subjCSMap, 
csIdFreqIdxMap, csPropTypes, *maxNumPwithDup);
+       RDFExtractCSPropTypes(ret, sbat, pbat, obat, *subjCSMap, 
csIdFreqIdxMap, csPropTypes, *maxNumPwithDup);
        printNumTypePerProp(csPropTypes, freqCSset->numCSadded, freqCSset);
        freeCSPropTypes(csPropTypes, freqCSset->numCSadded);
@@ -10851,7 +10868,7 @@ RDFreorganize(int *ret, CStableStat *cst
        initCSPropTypes(csPropTypes, freqCSset, numTables, labels);
        printf("Extract CSPropTypes \n");
-       RDFExtractCSPropTypes(ret, sbat, si, pi, oi, subjCSMap, 
csTblIdxMapping, csPropTypes, maxNumPwithDup);
+       RDFExtractCSPropTypes(ret, sbat, pbat, obat,  subjCSMap, 
csTblIdxMapping, csPropTypes, maxNumPwithDup);
        genCSPropTypesColIdx(csPropTypes, numTables, freqCSset);
        #if NO_OUTPUTFILE == 0
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