Changeset: 783ad7f6662e for MonetDB
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Branch: default
Log Message:

approved output after conversion optimization

diffs (39 lines):

diff --git a/sql/benchmarks/tpch/Tests/17-plan.stable.out 
--- a/sql/benchmarks/tpch/Tests/17-plan.stable.out
+++ b/sql/benchmarks/tpch/Tests/17-plan.stable.out
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ project (
 | | | | | | ) [ lineitem.l_orderkey NOT NULL HASHCOL , lineitem.l_quantity NOT 
NULL, lineitem.l_extendedprice NOT NULL, part.p_partkey NOT NULL HASHCOL , 
sys.identity(lineitem.l_orderkey NOT NULL HASHCOL ) as L5.L5 ]
 | | | | | ) [ L4.l_partkey NOT NULL = part.p_partkey NOT NULL ]
 | | | | ) [ L5.L5 ] [ lineitem.l_quantity NOT NULL, lineitem.l_extendedprice 
NOT NULL, L5.L5, sys.avg no nil (double[L4.l_quantity NOT NULL] as 
lineitem.l_quantity) as L1.L1 ]
-| | | ) [ lineitem.l_quantity NOT NULL, lineitem.l_extendedprice NOT NULL, 
sys.sql_mul(double(53,1)[decimal(2,1) "2"], double(53,1)[L1] as L1) as L2.L2 ]
+| | | ) [ lineitem.l_quantity NOT NULL, lineitem.l_extendedprice NOT NULL, 
sys.sql_mul(double(53,1)[decimal(2,1) "2"], L1) as L2.L2 ]
 | | ) [ double(53,1)[lineitem.l_quantity NOT NULL] < L2.L2 ]
 | ) [  ] [ sys.sum no nil (lineitem.l_extendedprice NOT NULL) NOT NULL as 
L3.L3 ]
 ) [ sys.sql_div(decimal(18,5)[L3 NOT NULL] as L3, decimal(15,2)[decimal(2,1) 
"70"]) as L3.avg_yearly ]
diff --git a/sql/benchmarks/tpch/Tests/22-plan.stable.out 
--- a/sql/benchmarks/tpch/Tests/22-plan.stable.out
+++ b/sql/benchmarks/tpch/Tests/22-plan.stable.out
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ project (
 | | | | | | | | ) [ customer.c_acctbal NOT NULL > decimal(15,2)[decimal(3,2) 
"0"], sys.substring(varchar[customer.c_phone NOT NULL] as customer.c_phone, 
int[tinyint "1"], int[tinyint "2"]) in (varchar(15)[char(2) "13"], 
varchar(15)[char(2) "31"], varchar(15)[char(2) "23"], varchar(15)[char(2) 
"29"], varchar(15)[char(2) "30"], varchar(15)[char(2) "18"], 
varchar(15)[char(2) "17"]) ]
 | | | | | | | ) [  ] [ sys.avg no nil (double[customer.c_acctbal NOT NULL] as 
customer.c_acctbal) as L1.L1 ]
 | | | | | | ) [ L1 as L1.L1 ]
-| | | | | ) [ double(53,2)[customer.c_acctbal NOT NULL] > double(53,2)[L1.L1] ]
+| | | | | ) [ double(53,2)[customer.c_acctbal NOT NULL] > L1.L1 ]
 | | | | ) [ customer.c_custkey NOT NULL HASHCOL , customer.c_phone NOT NULL, 
customer.c_acctbal NOT NULL ],
 | | | | table(sys.orders) [ orders.o_custkey NOT NULL as L4.o_custkey ] COUNT 
 | | | ) [ L4.o_custkey NOT NULL = customer.c_custkey NOT NULL ]
diff --git 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker/Tests/between_with_column.SF-1959410.stable.err
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker/Tests/between_with_column.SF-1959410.stable.err
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ stderr of test 'between_with_column.SF-1
 # 10:53:08 >  mclient -lsql -umonetdb -Pmonetdb --host=alviss --port=39845 
 # 10:53:08 >  
-MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-23209/.s.monetdb.33225
+MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-20471/.s.monetdb.30833
 QUERY = select yea from t1959410d, t1959410e where age between 0.03 and id < 
30 ;
-ERROR = !types boolean(1,0) and double(53,2) are not equal
+ERROR = !types boolean(1,0) and double(53,0) are not equal
 # 10:53:08 >  
 # 10:53:08 >  Done.
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