Changeset: 49eb9221eac3 for MonetDB
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Branch: transaction-replication
Log Message:

Pull out finding the persistent catalog in a separate function

diffs (88 lines):

diff --git a/gdk/gdk_logger.c b/gdk/gdk_logger.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_logger.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_logger.c
@@ -1185,6 +1185,43 @@ logger_create_catalog_file(int debug, lo
        return 1;
+/* find the persistent catalog. As non persistent bats
+ * require a logical reference we also add a logical
+ * reference for the persistent bats */
+static int
+logger_find_persistent_catalog(logger *lg, char *fn, FILE *fp, char *bak, bat 
*catalog_bid, bat *catalog_nme) {
+       BUN p, q;
+       BAT *b = BATdescriptor(*catalog_bid), *n;
+       if (b == 0)
+               logger_fatal("Logger_new: inconsistent database, catalog does 
not exist", 0, 0, 0);
+       snprintf(bak, BUFSIZ, "%s_catalog_nme", fn);
+       n = BATdescriptor(*catalog_nme);
+       if (n == 0)
+               logger_fatal("Logger_new: inconsistent database, catalog_nme 
does not exist", 0, 0, 0);
+       /* the catalog exists, and so should the log file */
+       if (fp == NULL) {
+               logger_fatal(
+                               "logger_new: there is a logger catalog, but no 
log file.\n"
+                                               "Are you sure you are using the 
correct combination of database\n"
+                                               "(--dbpath) and log directory 
(--set %s_logdir)?\n"
+                                               "If you have done a recent 
update of the server, it may be that your\n"
+                                               "logs are in an old location.  
You should then either use\n"
+                                               "--set %s_logdir=<path to old 
log directory> or move the old log\n"
+                                               "directory to the new location 
(%s).\n", fn, fn,
+                               lg->dir);
+               return 0;
+       }
+       lg->catalog_bid = b;
+       lg->catalog_nme = n;
+       BATloop(b, p, q) {
+               bat bid = *(log_bid *) Tloc(b, p);
+               BBPincref(bid, TRUE);
+       }
+       return 1;
 static logger *
 logger_new(int debug, char *fn, logger_settings *log_settings, int version, 
preversionfix_fptr prefuncp, postversionfix_fptr postfuncp)
@@ -1270,39 +1307,10 @@ logger_new(int debug, char *fn, logger_s
                        goto error;
        } else {
-               /* find the persistent catalog. As non persistent bats
-                * require a logical reference we also add a logical
-                * reference for the persistent bats */
-               BUN p, q;
-               BAT *b = BATdescriptor(catalog_bid), *n;
-               if (b == 0)
-                       logger_fatal("Logger_new: inconsistent database, 
catalog does not exist",0,0,0);
-               snprintf(bak, BUFSIZ, "%s_catalog_nme", fn);
                catalog_nme = BBPindex(bak);
-               n = BATdescriptor(catalog_nme);
-               if (n == 0)
-                       logger_fatal("Logger_new: inconsistent database, 
catalog_nme does not exist",0,0,0);
-               /* the catalog exists, and so should the log file */
-               if (fp == NULL) {
-                       logger_fatal("logger_new: there is a logger catalog, 
but no log file.\n"
-                                    "Are you sure you are using the correct 
combination of database\n"
-                                    "(--dbpath) and log directory (--set 
-                                    "If you have done a recent update of the 
server, it may be that your\n"
-                                    "logs are in an old location.  You should 
then either use\n"
-                                    "--set %s_logdir=<path to old log 
directory> or move the old log\n"
-                                    "directory to the new location (%s).\n",
-                                    fn, fn, lg->dir);
+               if (!logger_find_persistent_catalog(lg, fn, fp, bak, 
&catalog_bid, &catalog_nme)) {
                        goto error;
-               lg->catalog_bid = b;
-               lg->catalog_nme = n;
-               BATloop(b, p, q) {
-                       bat bid = *(log_bid *) Tloc(b, p);
-                       BBPincref(bid, TRUE);
-               }
        seqs_id = logger_find_bat(lg, "seqs_id");
        if (seqs_id == 0) {
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