Changeset: ad94610d8298 for MonetDB
Added Files:
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

Merge with Jan2014 branch.

diffs (truncated from 3439 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/ b/sql/backends/monet5/
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/
@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ lib__sql = {
                sql_cast_impl_down_from_int.h \
                sql_cast_impl_up_to_flt.h \
                sql_cast_impl_up_to_int.h \
-               sql_round.c sql_bat2time.c sql_fround.c sql_rdf.c
+               sql_round.c sql_round_impl.h sql_bat2time.c \
+               sql_fround.c sql_fround_impl.h sql_rdf.c
        LIBS = ../../server/libsqlserver \
                   ../../storage/libstore \
                   ../../storage/bat/libbatstore \
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_fround.c b/sql/backends/monet5/sql_fround.c
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_fround.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/sql_fround.c
@@ -81,482 +81,21 @@ trunc(double val)
-static inline flt
-flt_dec_round_body_nonil(flt v, flt r)
-       assert(v != flt_nil);
+#define CONCAT_2(a, b)         a##b
+#define CONCAT_3(a, b, c)      a##b##c
-       return v / r;
+#define NIL(t)                 CONCAT_2(t, _nil)
+#define TPE(t)                 CONCAT_2(TYPE_, t)
+#define GDKmin(t)              CONCAT_3(GDK_, t, _min)
+#define GDKmax(t)              CONCAT_3(GDK_, t, _max)
+#define FUN(a, b)              CONCAT_3(a, _, b)
-static inline flt
-flt_dec_round_body(flt v, flt r)
-       /* shortcut nil */
-       if (v == flt_nil) {
-               return flt_nil;
-       } else {
-               return flt_dec_round_body_nonil(v, r);
-       }
+#define STRING(a)              #a
-flt_dec_round_wrap(flt *res, flt *v, flt *r)
-       /* basic sanity checks */
-       assert(res && v && r);
+#define TYPE flt
+#include "sql_fround_impl.h"
+#undef TYPE
-       *res = flt_dec_round_body(*v, *r);
-       return MAL_SUCCEED;
-flt_bat_dec_round_wrap(bat *_res, bat *_v, flt *r)
-       BAT *res, *v;
-       flt *src, *dst;
-       BUN i, cnt;
-       bit nonil;              /* TRUE: we know there are no NIL (NULL) values 
-       bit nil;                /* TRUE: we know there is at least one NIL 
(NULL) value */
-       /* basic sanity checks */
-       assert(_res && _v && r);
-       /* get argument BAT descriptor */
-       if ((v = BATdescriptor(*_v)) == NULL)
-               throw(MAL, "round", RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
-       /* more sanity checks */
-       if (!BAThdense(v)) {
-               BBPreleaseref(v->batCacheid);
-               throw(MAL, "round", "argument 1 must have a dense head");
-       }
-       if (v->ttype != TYPE_flt) {
-               BBPreleaseref(v->batCacheid);
-               throw(MAL, "round", "argument 1 must have a flt tail");
-       }
-       cnt = BATcount(v);
-       /* allocate result BAT */
-       res = BATnew(TYPE_void, TYPE_flt, cnt);
-       if (res == NULL) {
-               BBPreleaseref(v->batCacheid);
-               throw(MAL, "round", MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
-       }
-       /* access columns as arrays */
-       src = (flt *) Tloc(v, BUNfirst(v));
-       dst = (flt *) Tloc(res, BUNfirst(res));
-       nil = FALSE;
-       nonil = TRUE;
-       if (v->T->nonil == TRUE) {
-               for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
-                       dst[i] = flt_dec_round_body_nonil(src[i], *r);
-       } else {
-               for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
-                       if (src[i] == flt_nil) {
-                               nil = TRUE;
-                               nonil = FALSE;
-                               dst[i] = flt_nil;
-                       } else {
-                               dst[i] = flt_dec_round_body_nonil(src[i], *r);
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       /* set result BAT properties */
-       BATsetcount(res, cnt);
-       /* result head is aligned with agument head */
-       ALIGNsetH(res, v);
-       /* hard to predict correct tail properties in general */
-       res->T->nonil = nonil;
-       res->T->nil = nil;
-       res->tdense = FALSE;
-       res->tsorted = v->tsorted;
-       BATkey(BATmirror(res), FALSE);
-       /* release argument BAT descriptors */
-       BBPreleaseref(v->batCacheid);
-       /* keep result */
-       BBPkeepref(*_res = res->batCacheid);
-       return MAL_SUCCEED;
-static inline flt
-flt_round_body_nonil(flt v, bte r)
-       flt res = flt_nil;
-       assert(v != flt_nil);
-       if (r < 0) {
-               int d = -r;
-               flt rnd = (flt) (scales[d] >> 1);
-               res = (flt) (floor(((v + rnd) / ((flt) (scales[d])))) * 
-       } else if (r > 0) {
-               int d = r;
-               res = (flt) (floor(v * (flt) scales[d] + .5) / scales[d]);
-       } else {
-               res = (flt) round(v);
-       }
-       return res;
-static inline flt
-flt_round_body(flt v, bte r)
-       /* shortcut nil */
-       if (v == flt_nil) {
-               return flt_nil;
-       } else {
-               return flt_round_body_nonil(v, r);
-       }
-flt_round_wrap(flt *res, flt *v, bte *r)
-       /* basic sanity checks */
-       assert(res && v && r);
-       *res = flt_round_body(*v, *r);
-       return MAL_SUCCEED;
-flt_bat_round_wrap(bat *_res, bat *_v, bte *r)
-       BAT *res, *v;
-       flt *src, *dst;
-       BUN i, cnt;
-       bit nonil;              /* TRUE: we know there are no NIL (NULL) values 
-       bit nil;                /* TRUE: we know there is at least one NIL 
(NULL) value */
-       /* basic sanity checks */
-       assert(_res && _v && r);
-       /* get argument BAT descriptor */
-       if ((v = BATdescriptor(*_v)) == NULL)
-               throw(MAL, "round", RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
-       /* more sanity checks */
-       if (!BAThdense(v)) {
-               BBPreleaseref(v->batCacheid);
-               throw(MAL, "round", "argument 1 must have a dense head");
-       }
-       if (v->ttype != TYPE_flt) {
-               BBPreleaseref(v->batCacheid);
-               throw(MAL, "round", "argument 1 must have a flt tail");
-       }
-       cnt = BATcount(v);
-       /* allocate result BAT */
-       res = BATnew(TYPE_void, TYPE_flt, cnt);
-       if (res == NULL) {
-               BBPreleaseref(v->batCacheid);
-               throw(MAL, "round", MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
-       }
-       /* access columns as arrays */
-       src = (flt *) Tloc(v, BUNfirst(v));
-       dst = (flt *) Tloc(res, BUNfirst(res));
-       nil = FALSE;
-       nonil = TRUE;
-       if (v->T->nonil == TRUE) {
-               for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
-                       dst[i] = flt_round_body_nonil(src[i], *r);
-       } else {
-               for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
-                       if (src[i] == flt_nil) {
-                               nil = TRUE;
-                               nonil = FALSE;
-                               dst[i] = flt_nil;
-                       } else {
-                               dst[i] = flt_round_body_nonil(src[i], *r);
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       /* set result BAT properties */
-       BATsetcount(res, cnt);
-       /* result head is aligned with agument head */
-       ALIGNsetH(res, v);
-       /* hard to predict correct tail properties in general */
-       res->T->nonil = nonil;
-       res->T->nil = nil;
-       res->tdense = FALSE;
-       res->tsorted = v->tsorted;
-       BATkey(BATmirror(res), FALSE);
-       /* release argument BAT descriptors */
-       BBPreleaseref(v->batCacheid);
-       /* keep result */
-       BBPkeepref(*_res = res->batCacheid);
-       return MAL_SUCCEED;
-flt_trunc_wrap(flt *res, flt *v, int *r)
-       /* shortcut nil */
-       if (*v == flt_nil) {
-               *res = flt_nil;
-       } else if (*r < 0) {
-               int d = -*r;
-               *res = (flt) (trunc((*v) / ((flt) scales[d])) * scales[d]);
-       } else if (*r > 0) {
-               int d = *r;
-               *res = (flt) (trunc(*v * (flt) scales[d]) / ((flt) scales[d]));
-       } else {
-               *res = (flt) trunc(*v);
-       }
-       return MAL_SUCCEED;
-static inline dbl
-dbl_dec_round_body_nonil(dbl v, dbl r)
-       assert(v != dbl_nil);
-       return v / r;
-static inline dbl
-dbl_dec_round_body(dbl v, dbl r)
-       /* shortcut nil */
-       if (v == dbl_nil) {
-               return dbl_nil;
-       } else {
-               return dbl_dec_round_body_nonil(v, r);
-       }
-dbl_dec_round_wrap(dbl *res, dbl *v, dbl *r)
-       /* basic sanity checks */
-       assert(res && v && r);
-       *res = dbl_dec_round_body(*v, *r);
-       return MAL_SUCCEED;
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