Changeset: f638ef061c44 for MonetDB
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Branch: rdf
Log Message:

if type properties are available, add them to the survey data in any case

diffs (44 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.c b/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.c
--- a/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.c
+++ b/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.c
@@ -6381,7 +6381,7 @@ void printPropertyWithMarkers(FILE *fout
 // Compute property order and number of properties that are printed, and the 
list of remaining properties that is printed without sample data
-int* createPropertyOrder(int *numPropsInSampleTable, int 
**remainingProperties, CSset *freqCSset, CSSampleExtend *csSampleEx, int tblId, 
CSPropTypes *csPropTypes, PropStat *propStat) {
+int* createPropertyOrder(int *numPropsInSampleTable, int 
**remainingProperties, CSset *freqCSset, CSSampleExtend *csSampleEx, int tblId, 
CSPropTypes *csPropTypes, PropStat *propStat, char* isTypeProp) {
        int             i;
        CSSampleExtend  sample;
        CSPropTypes     csPropType;
@@ -6466,11 +6466,21 @@ int* createPropertyOrder(int *numPropsIn
        // now add properties to propOrder array
+       // add all type properties
+       for (i = 0; i < sample.numProp; ++i) {
+               if (propsAdded >= (*numPropsInSampleTable)) break; // enough 
properties found
+               if (isTypeProp[i]) { // do not use 'index' because the 
isTypeProp array uses the old order of properties
+                       propOrder[propsAdded] = i;
+                       isAdded[i] = 1;
+                       propsAdded++;
+               }
+       }
        // first round: properties with isFilled=1 and isTextDate=1, ordered by 
tfidfValues descending
        for (i = 0; i < sample.numProp; ++i) {
                int index = propOrderTfidf[i];
                if (propsAdded >= (*numPropsInSampleTable)) break; // enough 
properties found
-               if (isFilled[index] && isTextDate[index]) {
+               if (isFilled[index] && isTextDate[index] && !isAdded[index]) {
                        // add
                        propOrder[propsAdded] = index;
                        isAdded[index] = 1;
@@ -6702,7 +6712,7 @@ str printFullSampleData(CSSampleExtend *
                // order properties and get list of "remaining" properties that 
will be printed without sample data
                remainingProperties = NULL;
                numPropsInSampleTable = 0;
-               propOrder = createPropertyOrder(&numPropsInSampleTable, 
&remainingProperties, freqCSset, csSampleEx, i, csPropTypes, propStat);
+               propOrder = createPropertyOrder(&numPropsInSampleTable, 
&remainingProperties, freqCSset, csSampleEx, i, csPropTypes, propStat, 
                // print list of columns that did not make it to propOrder and 
are therefore printed without sample data
                if (sample.numProp > numPropsInSampleTable) {
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