Changeset: 38f4907254da for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: rdf
Log Message:

change selection of properties shown to the user
- choose discriminating, filled, text/datetime properties first; then 
discriminating, filled properties; then discriminating properties
- add all omitted properties to the output file without showing sample data
- remove reordering of props from printSampleData() because it is not used for 
generating survey data (instead, printFullSampleData() is used)

diffs (truncated from 527 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.c b/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.c
--- a/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.c
+++ b/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.c
@@ -5815,7 +5815,7 @@ void getTblName(str *name, oid nameId, B
 #if NO_OUTPUTFILE == 0 
-str printSampleData(CSSample *csSample, CSset *freqCSset, BAT *mbat, int num, 
int sampleVersion, PropStat *propStat){
+str printSampleData(CSSample *csSample, CSset *freqCSset, BAT *mbat, int num, 
int sampleVersion){
        int     i,j, k; 
        FILE    *fout, *fouttb, *foutis; 
@@ -5828,9 +5828,6 @@ str printSampleData(CSSample *csSample, 
        char*   schema = "rdf";
        CSSample        sample; 
        CS              freqCS; 
-       int*    propOrder;
-       int*    propOrderTfidf;
-       float*  tfidfValues;
        int     numPropsInSampleTable;
        char    objType = 0; 
        str     objStr;         
@@ -5935,82 +5932,6 @@ str printSampleData(CSSample *csSample, 
                //Number of tuples
                fprintf(fout, "%d\n",;
-               // Compute property order (descending by support) and number of 
properties that are printed
-               if (sampleVersion > 1) {
-                       int found = 0;
-                       numPropsInSampleTable = 
-                       propOrder = GDKmalloc(sizeof(int) * sample.numProp);
-                       propOrderTfidf = GDKmalloc(sizeof(int) * 
-                       tfidfValues = GDKmalloc(sizeof(float) * sample.numProp);
-                       for (j = 0; j < sample.numProp; ++j) {
-                               propOrder[j] = j;
-                               propOrderTfidf[j] = j;
-                       }
-                       // To get the top <NUM_PROP_SUPPORT_SAMPLE> properties, 
sort all properties descending by support.
-                       // The "subject" column remains at the first position 
regardless of its support.
-                       // Sort using insertion sort.
-                       for (j = 2; j < sample.numProp; ++j) {
-                               int tmpPos = propOrder[j];
-                               int tmpVal = freqCS.lstPropSupport[tmpPos];
-                               int k = j - 1;
-                               while (k >= 1 && 
freqCS.lstPropSupport[propOrder[k]] < tmpVal) { // sort descending
-                                       propOrder[k + 1] = propOrder[k];
-                                       k--;
-                               }
-                               propOrder[k + 1] = tmpPos;
-                       }
-                       // To get the top <NUM_PROP_TFIDF_SAMPLE> properties, 
sort all properties descending by tf-idf score.
-                       for (j = 1; j < sample.numProp; ++j) {
-                               float tfidf;
-                               BUN bun = 
BUNfnd(BATmirror(propStat->pBat),(ptr) &sample.lstProp[j]);
-                               if (bun == BUN_NONE) {
-                                       printf("Error: property not found\n");
-                               } else {
-                                       tfidf = propStat->tfidfs[bun];
-                               }
-                               tfidfValues[j] = tfidf;
-                       }
-                       // Sort using insertion sort. Ignore "subject" column
-                       for (j = 2; j < sample.numProp; ++j) {
-                               int tmpPos = propOrderTfidf[j];
-                               float tmpVal = tfidfValues[tmpPos];
-                               int k = j - 1;
-                               while (k >= 1 && tfidfValues[propOrderTfidf[k]] 
< tmpVal) { // sort descending
-                                       propOrderTfidf[k + 1] = 
-                                       k--;
-                               }
-                               propOrderTfidf[k + 1] = tmpPos;
-                       }
-                       // Add <NUM_PROP_TFIDF_SAMPLE> properties to propOrder 
that have a high tfidf score but are not yet in the top 1+NUM_PROP_TFIDF_SAMPLE 
values of propOrder
-                       for (j = 1; j < sample.numProp; ++j) {
-                               int prop, foundProp, bound;
-                               if (found == NUM_PROP_TFIDF_SAMPLE) break;
-                               prop = propOrderTfidf[j];
-                               // check if prop is already choosen
-                               foundProp = 0;
-                               bound = 
-                               for (k = 1; k < bound; ++k) {
-                                       if (propOrder[k] == prop) {
-                                               foundProp = 1;
-                                               break;
-                                       }
-                               }
-                               if (!foundProp) {
-                                       // add prop to propOrder
-                                       // overwriting values is okay because 
the original values at position >= (1+NUM_PROP_SUPPORT_SAMPLE) in propOrder are 
not needed anymore
propOrder[1+NUM_PROP_SUPPORT_SAMPLE+found] = prop;
-                                       found++;
-                               }
-                       }
-               } else {
-                       numPropsInSampleTable = sample.numProp; // all 
properties, no change in order because freqCS.lstPropSupport[] is not yet 
-               }
                //List of columns
                fprintf(fouttb,"SubjectCol string");
@@ -6020,15 +5941,12 @@ str printSampleData(CSSample *csSample, 
                isDescription = 0; 
                isImage = 0;
                isSite = 0; 
+               numPropsInSampleTable = 
                for (j = 0; j < numPropsInSampleTable; j++){
-                       int index = j;
-                       if (sampleVersion > 1){
-                               index = propOrder[index]; // apply mapping to 
change order of properties
-                       }
                        propStrShort = NULL;
-                       takeOid(sample.lstProp[index], &propStr);       
+                       takeOid(sample.lstProp[j], &propStr);   
                        getPropNameShort(&propStrShort, propStr);
                        fprintf(fout,";%s", propStrShort);
@@ -6059,7 +5977,7 @@ str printSampleData(CSSample *csSample, 
                                        strcmp(propStrShort,"fax_number") == 0 
                                        strcmp(propStrShort,"app_id") == 0 
-                               fprintf(fouttb,",\n%s_%d 
+                               fprintf(fouttb,",\n%s_%d 
                                fprintf(fouttb,",\n%s string",propStrShort);
@@ -6101,9 +6019,6 @@ str printSampleData(CSSample *csSample, 
                        for (j = 0; j < numPropsInSampleTable; j++){
                                int index = j;
-                               if (sampleVersion > 1){
-                                       index = propOrder[index]; // apply 
mapping to change order of properties
-                               }
                                objOid = sample.lstObj[index][k];
                                if (objOid == BUN_NONE){
@@ -6171,13 +6086,6 @@ str printSampleData(CSSample *csSample, 
                        fprintf(foutis, "echo \"COPY %d RECORDS INTO tbSample%d 
FROM 'ABSOLUTEPATH/tmp.txt'     USING DELIMITERS '|', '\\n'; \" > tmpload.sql 
\n", sample.numInstances, i);
                        fprintf(foutis, "mclient < tmpload.sql \n");
-               if (sampleVersion > 1) {
-                       GDKfree(propOrder);
-                       GDKfree(propOrderTfidf);
-                       GDKfree(tfidfValues);
-               }
@@ -6192,11 +6100,12 @@ str printSampleData(CSSample *csSample, 
 void printPropertyWithMarkers(FILE *fout, str propStr, CSSampleExtend 
*csSampleEx, CSPropTypes *csPropTypes, int tblId, int propId, BATiter mapi, BAT 
*mbat) {
+       CSSampleExtend  sample = csSampleEx[tblId];
        // print property string
        fprintf(fout, "%s", propStr);
        // add star (*) if multi-valued
-       if (csSampleEx[tblId].lstIsMVCol[propId]) {
+       if (sample.lstIsMVCol[propId]) {
                fprintf(fout, "*");
@@ -6208,7 +6117,7 @@ void printPropertyWithMarkers(FILE *fout
                        str nameStrShort;
-                       getStringName(csSampleEx[tblId].candidatesOrdered[0], 
&nameStr, mapi, mbat, 1);
+                       getStringName(sample.candidatesOrdered[0], &nameStr, 
mapi, mbat, 1);
                        getPropNameShort(&nameStrShort, nameStr);
                        fprintf(fout, "->%s", nameStrShort);
@@ -6225,6 +6134,152 @@ void printPropertyWithMarkers(FILE *fout
+// Compute property order and number of properties that are printed, and the 
list of remaining properties that is printed without sample data
+int* createPropertyOrder(int *numPropsInSampleTable, int 
**remainingProperties, CSset *freqCSset, CSSampleExtend *csSampleEx, int tblId, 
CSPropTypes *csPropTypes, PropStat *propStat) {
+       int             i;
+       CSSampleExtend  sample;
+       CSPropTypes     csPropType;
+       int             support; // support of this table
+       int             *propOrder; // return value, order of properties
+       int             propsAdded = 0; // how many properties are already 
added to propOrder
+       int             propsAddedRemaining = 0; // how many properties are 
already added to remainingProperties
+       int             *propOrderTfidf;
+       float           *tfidfValues;
+       char            *isFilled; // property is >=50% filled (non-NULL)
+       char            *isTextDate; // value has type string or datetime
+       char            *isAdded; // property is added to propOrder
+       sample = csSampleEx[tblId];
+       csPropType = csPropTypes[tblId];
+       // number of properties that will be shown to the user
+       (*numPropsInSampleTable) = 
+       // init arrays
+       propOrder = GDKmalloc(sizeof(int) * (*numPropsInSampleTable));
+       propOrderTfidf = GDKmalloc(sizeof(int) * sample.numProp);
+       tfidfValues = GDKmalloc(sizeof(float) * sample.numProp);
+       isFilled = GDKmalloc(sizeof(char) * sample.numProp);
+       isTextDate = GDKmalloc(sizeof(char) * sample.numProp);
+       isAdded = GDKmalloc(sizeof(char) * sample.numProp);
+       if (!propOrder || !propOrderTfidf || !tfidfValues || !isFilled || 
!isTextDate || !isAdded) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Couldn't malloc memory!\n");
+       }
+       for (i = 0; i < sample.numProp; ++i) {
+               propOrderTfidf[i] = i; // initial order
+               isFilled[i] = 0;
+               isTextDate[i] = 0;
+               isAdded[i] = 0;
+       }
+       if (sample.numProp > (*numPropsInSampleTable)) {
+               (*remainingProperties) = GDKmalloc(sizeof(int) * 
(sample.numProp - (*numPropsInSampleTable)));
+               if (!(*remainingProperties)) {
+                       fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Couldn't malloc memory!\n");
+               }
+       }
+       // create isFilled
+       support = freqCSset->items[sample.freqIdx].support;
+       for (i = 0; i < sample.numProp; ++i) {
+               int propSupport = sample.lstPropSupport[i];
+               if (propSupport*2 >= support) { // threshold 50%
+                       isFilled[i] = 1;
+               }
+       }
+       // create isTextDate
+       for (i = 0; i < sample.numProp; ++i) {
+               ObjectType defaultType = csPropType.lstPropTypes[i].defaultType;
+               if (defaultType == DATETIME || defaultType == STRING) {
+                       isTextDate[i] = 1;
+               }
+       }
+       // create tfidfValues
+       for (i = 0; i < sample.numProp; ++i) {
+               float tfidf;
+               BUN bun = BUNfnd(BATmirror(propStat->pBat),(ptr) 
+               if (bun == BUN_NONE) {
+                       printf("Error: property not found\n");
+               } else {
+                       tfidf = propStat->tfidfs[bun];
+               }
+               tfidfValues[i] = tfidf;
+       }
+       // create propOrderIdf: sort descending by tfidfValues (result: 
discriminating properties are sortedto the begin of the propOrderTfidf array) 
using insertion sort
+       for (i = 1; i < sample.numProp; ++i) {
+               int tmpPos = propOrderTfidf[i];
+               float tmpVal = tfidfValues[tmpPos];
+               int j = i - 1;
+               while (j >= 1 && tfidfValues[propOrderTfidf[j]] < tmpVal) { // 
sort descending
+                       propOrderTfidf[j + 1] = propOrderTfidf[j];
+                       j--;
+               }
+               propOrderTfidf[j + 1] = tmpPos;
+       }
+       // now add properties to propOrder array
+       // first round: properties with isFilled=1 and isTextDate=1, ordered by 
tfidfValues descending
+       for (i = 0; i < sample.numProp; ++i) {
+               int index = propOrderTfidf[i];
+               if (propsAdded >= (*numPropsInSampleTable)) break; // enough 
properties found
+               if (isFilled[index] && isTextDate[index]) {
+                       // add
+                       propOrder[propsAdded] = index;
+                       isAdded[index] = 1;
+                       propsAdded++;
+               }
+       }
+       // second round: properties with isFilled=1 and isTextDate=0, ordered 
by tfidfValues descending
+       for (i = 0; i < sample.numProp; ++i) {
+               int index = propOrderTfidf[i];
+               if (propsAdded >= (*numPropsInSampleTable)) break; // enough 
properties found
+               if (isFilled[index] && !isTextDate[index] && !isAdded[index]) {
+                       // add
+                       propOrder[propsAdded] = index;
+                       isAdded[index] = 1;
+                       propsAdded++;
+               }
+       }
+       // third round: properties ordered b tfidfValues descending
+       for (i = 0; i < sample.numProp; ++i) {
+               int index = propOrderTfidf[i];
+               if (propsAdded >= (*numPropsInSampleTable)) break; // enough 
properties found
+               if (!isAdded[index]) {
+                       // add
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