Changeset: b2bf8485e3e6 for MonetDB
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Log Message:

Better count the groups within the pqueue.

diffs (179 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/mal/pqueue.c b/monetdb5/modules/mal/pqueue.c
--- a/monetdb5/modules/mal/pqueue.c
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/mal/pqueue.c
@@ -141,25 +141,28 @@ str PQtopn_minmax(Client cntxt, MalBlkPt
        return MAL_SUCCEED;
-/* some new code for headless */
 #define QTOPN_shuffle2(TYPE,OPER)\
 {      TYPE *val = (TYPE *) Tloc(b,BUNfirst(b));\
-       uniq = 0;\
        for(o = 0; o < lim; o++){\
-               if(uniq == size &&  !((TYPE) val[o] OPER##= (TYPE) 
val[idx[top-1]]) )\
-                       continue;\
                idx[top] = gdx[top] = o;\
-               uniq++;\
-               for (i= top; i>0; i--){\
+               for (i= top; i>0; i--)\
                        if( (TYPE) val[idx[i]] OPER (TYPE) val[idx[i-1]]){\
                                tmp= idx[i]; idx[i] = idx[i-1]; idx[i-1] = tmp;\
                                tmp= gdx[i]; gdx[i] = gdx[i-1]; gdx[i-1] = tmp;\
-                       } else if( (TYPE) val[idx[i]] == (TYPE) val[idx[i-1]]){\
-                               uniq--; gdx[i] = gdx[i-1];\
+                       } else\
+                       if( (TYPE) val[idx[i]] == (TYPE) val[idx[i-1]]){\
+                               gdx[i] = gdx[i-1];\
+                       } else break;\
+               uniq=0;\
+               for( i=1; i <= top; i++)\
+               if( gdx[i]!= gdx[i-1]){\
+                       uniq++;\
+                       if( uniq >= size) {\
+                               top = i;\
-                       } else break;\
+                       }\
-               top++;\
+               top= i;\
@@ -169,7 +172,7 @@ int tpe, *ret, *ret1;
        BAT *b,*bpiv, *bgid;
        BUN i, size, top = 0, uniq;
        oid *idx, *gdx, lim, o, tmp, off;
-       int max = 0, min =0;
+       int k=0, max = 0, min =0;
        (void) cntxt;
        ret = (int*) getArgReference(stk, pci, 0);
@@ -215,28 +218,30 @@ int tpe, *ret, *ret1;
                case TYPE_flt: QTOPN_shuffle2(flt,<) break;
                case TYPE_dbl: QTOPN_shuffle2(dbl,<) break;
-               {       int k;
-                       uniq = 0;
-                       for(o = 0; o < lim; o++){
-                               k = atom_CMP( Tloc(b,o), Tloc(b,idx[top-1]), 
tpe) > 0;
-                               if( uniq == size &&  k) 
-                                       continue;
-                               uniq++;
+               {       for(o = 0; o < lim; o++){
                                idx[top] = gdx[top] = o;
-                               for (i= top; i>0; i--){
+                               for (i= top; i>0; i--)
                                        if ( (k = atom_CMP( Tloc(b,idx[i]), 
Tloc(b,idx[i-1]), tpe)) < 0) {
                                                tmp= idx[i]; idx[i] = idx[i-1]; 
idx[i-1] = tmp;
                                                tmp= gdx[i]; gdx[i] = gdx[i-1]; 
gdx[i-1] = tmp;
-                                       } else if ( atom_CMP( Tloc(b,idx[i]), 
Tloc(b,idx[i-1]), tpe) == 0) {
+                                       } else
+                                       if( k == 0){
                                                gdx[i] = gdx[i-1];
-                                               uniq--;
+                                       } else break;
+                               uniq=0;
+                               for( i=1; i <= top; i++)
+                               if( gdx[i]!= gdx[i-1]){
+                                       uniq++;
+                                       if( uniq >= size) {
+                                               top = i;
-                                       } else break;
+                                       }
-                               top++;
+                               top= i;
                if ( max )
                case TYPE_bte: QTOPN_shuffle2(bte,>) break;
@@ -247,25 +252,26 @@ int tpe, *ret, *ret1;
                case TYPE_flt: QTOPN_shuffle2(flt,>) break;
                case TYPE_dbl: QTOPN_shuffle2(dbl,>) break;
-               {       int k;
-                       uniq = 0;
-                       for(o = 0; o < lim; o++){
-                               k = atom_CMP( Tloc(b,o), Tloc(b,idx[top-1]), 
tpe) < 0;
-                               if( uniq == size &&  k) 
-                                       continue;
-                               uniq++;
+               {       for(o = 0; o < lim; o++){
                                idx[top] = gdx[top] = o;
-                               for (i= top; i>0; i--){
+                               for (i= top; i>0; i--)
                                        if ( (k = atom_CMP( Tloc(b,idx[i]), 
Tloc(b,idx[i-1]), tpe)) > 0) {
                                                tmp= idx[i]; idx[i] = idx[i-1]; 
idx[i-1] = tmp;
                                                tmp= gdx[i]; gdx[i] = gdx[i-1]; 
gdx[i-1] = tmp;
-                                       } else if ( atom_CMP( Tloc(b,idx[i]), 
Tloc(b,idx[i-1]), tpe) == 0) {
+                                       } else
+                                       if( k == 0){
                                                gdx[i] = gdx[i-1];
-                                               uniq--;
+                                       } else break;
+                               uniq=0;
+                               for( i=1; i <= top; i++)
+                               if( gdx[i]!= gdx[i-1]){
+                                       uniq++;
+                                       if( uniq >= size) {
+                                               top = i;
-                                       } else break;
+                                       }
-                               top++;
+                               top= i;
@@ -287,32 +293,29 @@ int tpe, *ret, *ret1;
        return MAL_SUCCEED;
-/* some new code for headless */
 #define QTOPN_shuffle3(TYPE,OPER)\
 {      TYPE *val = (TYPE *) Tloc(a,BUNfirst(a));\
-       uniq = 0;\
-       gid = BUN_MAX;\
-       for(o = 0; uniq <= size && o < lim; o++){\
+       for(o = 0; o < lim; o++){\
                cpx[top] = bpx[o];\
                cgx[top] = bgx[o];\
-               if ( cgx[top] != gid){\
-                       gid = cgx[o];\
-                       top++;\
-                       uniq++;\
-                       continue;\
-               }\
-               if(uniq >= size &&  (TYPE) val[cpx[o]] OPER##= (TYPE) 
val[cpx[top-1]]) \
-                       continue;\
-               for (i= top; i>0; i--){\
-                       if ( cgx[i-1] != gid)\
-                               break;\
+               for (i= top; i>0; i--)\
                        if( (TYPE) val[cpx[i]] OPER (TYPE) val[cpx[i-1]]){\
                                tmp= cpx[i]; cpx[i] = cpx[i-1]; cpx[i-1] = tmp;\
                                tmp= cgx[i]; cgx[i] = cgx[i-1]; cgx[i-1] = tmp;\
                        } else\
+                       if( (TYPE) val[cpx[i]] == (TYPE) val[cpx[i-1]]){\
+                               cgx[i] = cgx[i-1];\
+                       } else break;\
+               uniq=0;\
+               for( i=1; i <= top; i++)\
+               if( cgx[i]!= cgx[i-1]){\
+                       uniq++;\
+                       if( uniq >= size) {\
+                               top = i;\
+                       }\
-               top++; \
+               top= i;\
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