Changeset: f2162c97d88f for MonetDB
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prepare next step of pqueue upgrade
Awaiting proper micro tests

diffs (truncated from 400 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/mal/Tests/pqueue2.mal 
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/mal/Tests/pqueue2.mal
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# enqueue something 
+bp:= pqueue.topn_min(a,b,0:wrd,false);
+bp:= pqueue.topn_min(a,b,1:wrd,false);
+bp:= pqueue.topn_min(a,b,2:wrd,false);
+bp:= pqueue.topn_min(a,b,3:wrd,false);
+bp:= pqueue.topn_min(a,b,4:wrd,false);
+bp:= pqueue.topn_min(a,b,5:wrd,false);
+bp:= pqueue.topn_min(a,b,6:wrd,false);
+bp:= pqueue.topn_min(a,b,7:wrd,false);
+bp:= pqueue.topn_min(a,b,8:wrd,false);
+bp:= pqueue.topn_max(a,b,0:wrd,false);
+bp:= pqueue.topn_max(a,b,1:wrd,false);
+bp:= pqueue.topn_max(a,b,2:wrd,false);
+bp:= pqueue.topn_max(a,b,3:wrd,false);
+bp:= pqueue.topn_max(a,b,4:wrd,false);
+bp:= pqueue.topn_max(a,b,5:wrd,false);
+bp:= pqueue.topn_max(a,b,6:wrd,false);
+bp:= pqueue.topn_max(a,b,7:wrd,false);
+bp:= pqueue.topn_max(a,b,8:wrd,false);
diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/mal/pqueue.c b/monetdb5/modules/mal/pqueue.c
--- a/monetdb5/modules/mal/pqueue.c
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/mal/pqueue.c
@@ -1409,7 +1409,7 @@ PQtopreplace_anymax(Client cntxt, MalBlk
 /* some new code for headless */
-#define QTOPN_shuffle(TYPE,OPER)\
+#define QTOPN_shuffle(TYPE,OPER,LAB)\
 {      TYPE *val = (TYPE *) Tloc(b,BUNfirst(b)), v;\
        for(o = 0; o < lim; o++){\
                v = val[o];\
@@ -1422,20 +1422,21 @@ PQtopreplace_anymax(Client cntxt, MalBlk
                        oo = tmp;\
                } else \
                if (elimdup && (TYPE) val[o] == (TYPE) val[idx[i]])\
-                       goto skipit##TYPE;\
+                       goto skipit##TYPE##LAB;\
                if( top < size)\
                        idx[top++] = oo;\
-               skipit##TYPE:;\
+               skipit##TYPE##LAB:;\
-str PQtopn_min(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci)
+str PQtopn_minmax(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci)
        int tpe, *ret;
        int elimdup;
        BAT *b,*bn;
        BUN i, size,top = 0;
        oid *idx, lim, o, oo, tmp;
+       int max = 0;
        (void) cntxt;
        ret = (int*) getArgReference(stk, pci, 0);
@@ -1443,6 +1444,7 @@ str PQtopn_min(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr m
        size = (BUN) *(wrd*) getArgReference(stk,pci,2);
        elimdup = *(bit*) getArgReference(stk,pci,3);
+       max = strstr(getFunctionId(pci),"max") != 0;
        b = BATdescriptor(*(bat *) getArgReference(stk, pci, 1));
        if (!b)
                throw(MAL, "topn_min", RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
@@ -1461,38 +1463,70 @@ str PQtopn_min(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr m
        if (!bn){
-               throw(MAL, "topn_min", RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
+               throw(MAL, getFunctionId(pci), RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
        // shuffle insert new values, keep it simple!
-       if( size)
-       switch(tpe){
-       case TYPE_bte: QTOPN_shuffle(bte,<) break;
-       case TYPE_sht: QTOPN_shuffle(sht,<) break;
-       case TYPE_int: QTOPN_shuffle(int,<) break;
-       case TYPE_wrd: QTOPN_shuffle(wrd,<) break;
-       case TYPE_lng: QTOPN_shuffle(lng,<) break;
-       case TYPE_flt: QTOPN_shuffle(flt,<) break;
-       case TYPE_dbl: QTOPN_shuffle(dbl,<) break;
-       default:
-       {       void  *v;
-               int k;
-               for(o = 0; o < lim; o++){
-                       v = (void*) Tloc(b,o);
-                       oo = o;
-                       for (i= 0; i<top; i++)
-                       if ( (k = atom_CMP( v, Tloc(b,idx[i]), tpe)) < 0) {
-                               v = Tloc(b,idx[i]);
-                               tmp = idx[i];
-                               idx[i]= oo;
-                               oo = tmp;
-                       } else 
-                       if (elimdup && k == 0)
-                               goto skipitdefault;
-                       if( top < size)
-                               idx[top++] = oo;
-                       skipitdefault:;
+       if( size){
+               if ( max )
+               switch(tpe){
+               case TYPE_bte: QTOPN_shuffle(bte,>,GTR) break;
+               case TYPE_sht: QTOPN_shuffle(sht,>,GTR) break;
+               case TYPE_int: QTOPN_shuffle(int,>,GTR) break;
+               case TYPE_wrd: QTOPN_shuffle(wrd,>,GTR) break;
+               case TYPE_lng: QTOPN_shuffle(lng,>,GTR) break;
+               case TYPE_flt: QTOPN_shuffle(flt,>,GTR) break;
+               case TYPE_dbl: QTOPN_shuffle(dbl,>,GTR) break;
+               default:
+               {       void  *v;
+                       int k;
+                       for(o = 0; o < lim; o++){
+                               v = (void*) Tloc(b,o);
+                               oo = o;
+                               for (i= 0; i<top; i++)
+                               if ( (k = atom_CMP( v, Tloc(b,idx[i]), tpe)) > 
0) {
+                                       v = Tloc(b,idx[i]);
+                                       tmp = idx[i];
+                                       idx[i]= oo;
+                                       oo = tmp;
+                               } else 
+                               if (elimdup && k == 0)
+                                       goto skipitdefaultGTR;
+                               if( top < size)
+                                       idx[top++] = oo;
+                               skipitdefaultGTR:;
+                       }
-       }
+               }
+               if ( max == 0 )
+               switch(tpe){
+               case TYPE_bte: QTOPN_shuffle(bte,<,LESS) break;
+               case TYPE_sht: QTOPN_shuffle(sht,<,LESS) break;
+               case TYPE_int: QTOPN_shuffle(int,<,LESS) break;
+               case TYPE_wrd: QTOPN_shuffle(wrd,<,LESS) break;
+               case TYPE_lng: QTOPN_shuffle(lng,<,LESS) break;
+               case TYPE_flt: QTOPN_shuffle(flt,<,LESS) break;
+               case TYPE_dbl: QTOPN_shuffle(dbl,<,LESS) break;
+               default:
+               {       void  *v;
+                       int k;
+                       for(o = 0; o < lim; o++){
+                               v = (void*) Tloc(b,o);
+                               oo = o;
+                               for (i= 0; i<top; i++)
+                               if ( (k = atom_CMP( v, Tloc(b,idx[i]), tpe)) < 
0) {
+                                       v = Tloc(b,idx[i]);
+                                       tmp = idx[i];
+                                       idx[i]= oo;
+                                       oo = tmp;
+                               } else 
+                               if (elimdup && k == 0)
+                                       goto skipitdefault;
+                               if( top < size)
+                                       idx[top++] = oo;
+                               skipitdefault:;
+                       }
+               }
+               }
        BATsetcount(bn, (BUN)  top);
@@ -1503,70 +1537,102 @@ str PQtopn_min(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr m
        return MAL_SUCCEED;
-str PQtopn_max(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci)
+str PQtopn2_minmax(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci)
        int tpe, *ret;
        int elimdup;
-       BAT *b,*bn;
+       BAT *a, *b,*bn;
        BUN i, size,top = 0;
        oid *idx, lim, o, oo, tmp;
+       int max = 0;
        (void) cntxt;
        ret = (int*) getArgReference(stk, pci, 0);
-       tpe = ATOMstorage(getColumnType(getArgType(mb, pci, 1)));
-       size = (BUN) *(wrd*) getArgReference(stk,pci,2);
-       elimdup = *(bit*) getArgReference(stk,pci,3);
+       tpe = ATOMstorage(getColumnType(getArgType(mb, pci, 2)));
+       size = (BUN) *(wrd*) getArgReference(stk,pci,3);
+       elimdup = *(bit*) getArgReference(stk,pci,4);
-       b = BATdescriptor(*(bat *) getArgReference(stk, pci, 1));
-       if (!b)
+       max = strstr(getFunctionId(pci),"max") != 0;
+       a = BATdescriptor(*(bat *) getArgReference(stk, pci, 1));
+       if (!a)
                throw(MAL, "topn_min", RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
+       b = BATdescriptor(*(bat *) getArgReference(stk, pci, 2));
+       if (!b){
+               BBPreleaseref(a->batCacheid);
+               throw(MAL, "topn_min", RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
+       }
        lim = BATcount(b);
-       if( b->tsorted){
-               bn = BATslice(b, BATcount(b) < size? BATcount(b):0, size);
-               BBPkeepref(*ret = bn->batCacheid);
-               BBPreleaseref(b->batCacheid);
-               return MAL_SUCCEED;
-       } 
        bn = BATnew(TYPE_void, TYPE_oid, size+1);
        idx = (oid*) Tloc(bn,BUNfirst(bn));
        if (!bn){
-               throw(MAL, "topn_min", RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
+               throw(MAL, getFunctionId(pci), RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
        // shuffle insert new values, keep it simple!
-       if( size)
-       switch(tpe){
-       case TYPE_bte: QTOPN_shuffle(bte,>) break;
-       case TYPE_sht: QTOPN_shuffle(sht,>) break;
-       case TYPE_int: QTOPN_shuffle(int,>) break;
-       case TYPE_wrd: QTOPN_shuffle(wrd,>) break;
-       case TYPE_lng: QTOPN_shuffle(lng,>) break;
-       case TYPE_flt: QTOPN_shuffle(flt,>) break;
-       case TYPE_dbl: QTOPN_shuffle(dbl,>) break;
-       default:
-       {       void  *v;
-               int k;
-               for(o = 0; o < lim; o++){
-                       v = (void*) Tloc(b,o);
-                       oo = o;
-                       for (i= 0; i<top; i++)
-                       if ( (k = atom_CMP( v, Tloc(b,idx[i]), tpe)) > 0) {
-                               v = Tloc(b,idx[i]);
-                               tmp = idx[i];
-                               idx[i]= oo;
-                               oo = tmp;
-                       } else 
-                       if (elimdup && k == 0)
-                               goto skipitdefault;
-                       if( top < size)
-                               idx[top++] = oo;
-                       skipitdefault:;
+       if( size){
+               if ( max ==0)
+               switch(tpe){
+               case TYPE_bte: QTOPN_shuffle(bte,>,GTR) break;
+               case TYPE_sht: QTOPN_shuffle(sht,>,GTR) break;
+               case TYPE_int: QTOPN_shuffle(int,>,GTR) break;
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