Changeset: 00d1f0a8e647 for MonetDB
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Cleanup the manual generation

diffs (truncated from 523 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/mal/mal_module.c b/monetdb5/mal/mal_module.c
--- a/monetdb5/mal/mal_module.c
+++ b/monetdb5/mal/mal_module.c
@@ -49,13 +49,14 @@ static void clrModuleJump(str nme, Modul
                if( scopeJump[(int)(*nme)][(int)(*(nme+1))]== cur)
                        scopeJump[(int)(*nme)][(int)(*(nme+1))]= cur->sibling;
 void setModuleJump(str nme, Module cur){
                cur->sibling= scopeJump[(int)(*nme)][(int)(*(nme+1))];
                scopeJump[(int)(*nme)][(int)(*(nme+1))]= cur;
- * @+ Module scope management
+ * Module scope management
  * Upon system restart, the global scope is created. It is called "root" and
  * does not contain any symbol definitions. It merely functions as an anchor
  * point for the modules to be added later.
@@ -72,7 +73,6 @@ Module newModule(Module scope, str nme){
                cur->name = nme;
                cur->outer = NULL;
                cur->sibling = NULL;
-               cur->inheritance = TRUE;
                cur->subscope = NULL;
                cur->isAtomModule = FALSE;
@@ -253,61 +253,6 @@ void deleteSymbol(Module scope, Symbol p
- * Inheritance
- * The MAL type checker does not apply type inheritance. Such a functionality
- * can, however, be readily implemented with a MAL rewriter.
- *
- * An early version of the interpreter contained a simple inheritance scheme,
- * which quickly became too complex to manage properly.
- * The default inheritance sequence is derived from the include order.
- * Most recently modules shield older modules, unless the user has specified
- * an explicit module name. This dus not work for dynamically loaded modules,
- * which may cause existing programs to be falsely bound to new 
- *
- * The mechanism to control the inheritance structure consists of three 
- * First, a module can be excluded from automatic inheritance by setting a 
- * This leads to skipping it during function resoluation.
- * The second mechanism is to enforce a partial order among the scopes.
- * The routine setInheritance(F,S) ensures that module F is inspected
- * before module S. In case it does not hold, S is placed just after F.
- *
- * Since the modules are currently shared between all clients,
- * such reshufflings may have drastic side effects.
- * To circumvent this, we have to make a private copy of the Scope chain
- * and the lookup table. [TODO]
- */
-void setInheritanceMode(Module m,int flag){
-       (void) flag;
-       m->inheritance = 0;
-Module setInheritance(Module h, Module f, Module s){
-       Module fp, sp;
-       int i=0, j=0;
-       sp= h;
-       while(sp->outer && sp->outer->outer !=s) {
-               sp= s;
-               i++;
-       }
-       fp= h;
-       while(fp->outer !=f) {
-               fp= f;
-               j++;
-       }
-       if( j<i) return h;
-       if(h==s){
-               h= s->outer;
-               s->outer= f->outer;
-               f->outer=s;
-       } else {
-               sp->outer=s->outer;
-               s->outer = f->outer;
-               f->outer =s;
-       }
-       return h;
  * Searching the scope structure.
  * Finding a scope is unrestricted. For modules we explicitly look for
  * the start of a new module scope.
@@ -390,49 +335,6 @@ findInstruction(Module scope, MalBlkPtr 
        return 0;
-int displayModule(stream *f, Module v, str fcn, int listing){
-       Symbol s;
-       int k=0;
-       if( v == NULL || fcn == NULL) return 0;
-       s= v->subscope[(int)(*fcn)];
-       while(s!=NULL){
-               if( idcmp(s->name,fcn)==0 ) {
-                       printFunction(f,s->def,0,listing);
-                       k++;
-               }
-               s= s->peer;
-       }
-       return k;
-static void  printModuleScope(stream *fd, Module scope, int tab, int outer)
-       int j;
-       Module s=scope;
-       Symbol t;
-       mnstr_printf(fd,"%smodule %s",
-               (scope->isAtomModule?"atom ":""),s->name);
-       mnstr_printf(fd,"\n");
-       if( s->subscope)
-       for(j=0;j<MAXSCOPE;j++)
-       if(s->subscope[j]){
-               mnstr_printf(fd,"[%c]",j);
-               for(t= s->subscope[j];t!=NULL;t=t->peer) {
-                       mnstr_printf(fd," %s",t->name);
-                       if( getSignature(t)==NULL ||
-                           (getSignature(t)->fcn==0 &&
-                            getSignature(t)->token == COMMANDsymbol &&
-                            getSignature(t)->blk==0) )
-                           mnstr_printf(fd,"(?)");
-               }
-               mnstr_printf(fd,"\n");
-       }
-       mnstr_printf(fd,"\n");
-       if(outer && scope->outer) printModuleScope(fd,scope->outer,tab+1, 
 void showModules(stream *f, Module s)
        for(; s; s= s->outer) {
@@ -443,125 +345,15 @@ void showModules(stream *f, Module s)
-void debugModule(stream *f, Module start, str nme){
-       Module m;
-       if( nme==0 || *nme ==0) printModuleScope(f, start,0,TRUE);
-       else{
-               char *s;
-               for(s=nme;*s && (isalnum((int) *s) ||*s=='_');s++);
-               *s = 0;
-               m= findModule(start,nme);
-               if( m== NULL) mnstr_printf(f,"Module '%s' not found\n",nme);
-               else printModuleScope(f,m,0,FALSE);
-       }
  * The commands and operators come with a short description.
- * The dumpManual() command produces a single XML file for post
+ * The dumpManual() command produces a single file for post
  * processing and producing a system manual.
-void dumpManualHeader(stream *f){
-       mnstr_printf(f,"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n");
-       mnstr_printf(f,"<manual>\n");
-void dumpManualFooter(stream *f){
-       mnstr_printf(f,"</manual>\n");
 static int cmpModName(Module *f, Module *l){
        return strcmp((*f)->name, (*l)->name);
-void dumpManual(stream *f, Module s, int recursive){
-       int j;
-       Symbol t;
-       str ps, lnk, op=0, endtag=0;
-       InstrPtr sig;
-       Module list[256]; int k, top=0;
-       if(s==NULL || f==NULL){
-               return;
-       }
-       list[top++]=s;
-       while(s->outer && recursive){ list[top++]= s->outer;s=s->outer;}
-       if(top>1) qsort(list, top, sizeof(Module),
-               (int(*)(const void *, const void *))cmpModName);
-       for(k=0;k<top;k++){
-       s= list[k];
-       mnstr_printf(f,"<%smodule name=\"%s\">\n",
-               (s->isAtomModule?"atom":""),xmlChr(s->name));
-       if(s->help)
-               mnstr_printf(f,"%s\n",s->help);
-       if( s->subscope)
-       for(j=0;j<MAXSCOPE;j++)
-       if(s->subscope[j]){
-               for(t= s->subscope[j];t!=NULL;t=t->peer) {
-                       sig= getSignature(t);
-                       if(op==0 || strcmp(op,t->name)){
-                           if(endtag) mnstr_printf(f,"  </%s>\n",endtag);
-                           mnstr_printf(f,"  <%s",operatorName(sig->token));
-                           op = t->name;
-                           mnstr_printf(f,"  name=\"%s\">\n",xmlChr(op));
-                           if(t->def->help)
-                           mnstr_printf(f,"    <comment>%s</comment>\n",
-                               xmlChr(t->def->help));
-                           op= t->name;
-                           endtag= operatorName(sig->token);
-                       }
-                       ps= instruction2str(t->def,0,sig,0);
-                       lnk= strrchr(ps,'=');
-                       if(lnk && *(lnk+1)!='(') *lnk=0;
-                       mnstr_printf(f,"  <instantiation>\n");
-                       mnstr_printf(f,"    <signature>%s</signature>\n",
-                           xmlChr(strchr(ps,'(')));
-                       if(lnk)
-                       mnstr_printf(f,"    
-                       GDKfree(ps);
-                       if(t->def->help){
-                           mnstr_printf(f,"    <comment>%s</comment>\n",
-                               xmlChr(t->def->help));
-                       }
-                       mnstr_printf(f,"  </instantiation>\n");
-               }
-       }
-       if(endtag) mnstr_printf(f,"  </%s>\n",endtag);
-       mnstr_printf(f,"</%smodule>\n", (s->isAtomModule?"atom":""));
-       endtag=0;
-       }
-void dumpManualSection(stream *f, Module s){
-       int j;
-       Symbol t;
-       InstrPtr sig;
-       str ps;
-       char *pt;
-       if(s==NULL || f==NULL || s->subscope== NULL)
-               return;
-       mnstr_printf(f,"@table\n");
-       for(j=0;j<MAXSCOPE;j++)
-       if(s->subscope[j]){
-               for(t= s->subscope[j];t!=NULL;t=t->peer) {
-                       sig= getSignature(t);
-                       ps= instruction2str(t->def,0,sig,0);
-                       pt= strchr(ps,')');
-                       if(pt){
-                               pt++;
-                               *pt=0;
-                               mnstr_printf(f,"@tab %s\n",ps+1);
-                       } else
-                       mnstr_printf(f,"@tab %s\n",t->name);
-                       if( t->def->help)
-                               mnstr_printf(f," %s\n",t->def->help);
-               }
-       }
-       mnstr_printf(f,"@end table\n");
  * The manual overview merely lists the mod.function names
  * in texi format for inclusion in the documetation.
@@ -680,7 +472,6 @@ void dumpManualHelp(stream *f, Module s,
        if(top>1) qsort(list, top, sizeof(Module),
                (int(*)(const void *, const void *))cmpModName);
-       mnstr_printf(f,"@multitable @columnfractions .2 .8 \n");
                s= list[k];
                ftop = 0;
@@ -704,16 +495,16 @@ void dumpManualHelp(stream *f, Module s,
                for(j=0; j<ftop; j++)
                for(z=j+1; z<ftop; z++)
                if( strcmp(getFunctionId(fcn[j]),getFunctionId(fcn[z]))  >0) {
                        msg= hlp[j]; hlp[j]=hlp[z]; hlp[z]= msg;
                         sig= fcn[j]; fcn[j]=fcn[z]; fcn[z]= sig;
-               mnstr_printf(f,"@" "item\n");
                for(z=0; z<ftop; z++){
-                       mnstr_printf(f,"@" "item %s.%s\n",
-                               getModuleId(fcn[z]), getFunctionId(fcn[z]));
+                       mnstr_printf(f,"%s.%s", getModuleId(fcn[z]), 
                        if( hlp[z] ) {
                                str hlp_ = hlp[z];
                                size_t hlp_len = 2*strlen(hlp[z]) + 1;
@@ -725,32 +516,28 @@ void dumpManualHelp(stream *f, Module s,
                                        hlp_texi_len = hlp_len;
                                if (hlp_texi != NULL) {
-                                       str i = hlp[z];
-                                       str o = hlp_texi;
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