Changeset: 039d83babecf for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

controlrunner: fixed compilation with --enable-strict: check result of chdir()

Fabian says "Ignore the output. The idea is that the stuff below
will also fail, and therefore emit some error, but if that happens,
the world already is in such a bad shape that that most likely isn't
your biggest problem.
Hence a (void) probably does.
If not, a fake if. (exit(0) should be fine)."

diffs (28 lines):

diff --git a/tools/merovingian/daemon/controlrunner.c 
--- a/tools/merovingian/daemon/controlrunner.c
+++ b/tools/merovingian/daemon/controlrunner.c
@@ -384,7 +384,23 @@ static void ctl_handle_client(
                                                        char *vaultkey;
                                                        /* the child, pollute 
scope by loading BBP */
-                                                       chdir(q);
+                                                       if (chdir(q) < 0) {
+                                                               /* Fabian says 
"Ignore the output.
+                                                                * The idea is 
that the stuff below
+                                                                * will also 
fail, and therefore emit
+                                                                * some error, 
but if that happens,
+                                                                * the world 
already is in such a bad
+                                                                * shape that 
that most likely isn't
+                                                                * your biggest 
+                                                                * Hence a 
(void) probably does.
+                                                                * If not, a 
fake if.
+                                                                * (exit(0) 
should be fine)."
+                                                                * 
+                                                                */
Mfprintf(_mero_ctlerr, "%s: could not chdir to "
+                                                                       "'%s': 
%d: %s\n", origin, q, errno, strerror(errno));
+                                                               exit(0);
+                                                       }
                                                        buf2[0] = '\0';
                                                        if ((secretf = 
fopen(".vaultkey", "r")) != NULL) {
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