Changeset: a84da8305e0b for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: int128
Log Message:

Merge with default branch.

diffs (truncated from 344 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/gdk/gdk_imprints.c b/gdk/gdk_imprints.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_imprints.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_imprints.c
@@ -695,9 +695,9 @@ do {                                    
                sprintf(imprints->dict->filename, "%s.dict", nme);
                /* TODO: better estimation for the size to alloc */
-               if (HEAPalloc(imprints->imps, b->T->heap.size/IMPS_PAGE,
+               if (HEAPalloc(imprints->imps, 
                                        imprints->bits/8) +
-                       HEAPalloc(imprints->dict, b->T->heap.size/IMPS_PAGE,
+                       HEAPalloc(imprints->dict, 
                                sizeof(cchdc_t)) < 0) {
                        GDKerror("#BATimprints: memory allocation error");
diff --git a/gdk/gdk_join.c b/gdk/gdk_join.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_join.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_join.c
@@ -1810,18 +1810,145 @@ BATsubjoin(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BAT *l,
+#define projectargs bn,l,r,nilcheck
+#define project_loop(NAME, TYPE)                                               
+static int                                                                     
+NAME##_##TYPE( BAT *bn, BAT *l, BAT *r, int nilcheck)                          
+       BUN n;                                                                  
+       oid lo, hi;                                                             
+       TYPE *rt, *bt;                                                          
+       TYPE v, prev = 0;                                                       
+       const oid *o;                                                           
+       o = (const oid *) Tloc(l, BUNfirst(l));                                 
+       rt = (TYPE *) Tloc(r, BUNfirst(r));                                     
+       bt = (TYPE *) Tloc(bn, BUNfirst(bn));                                   
+       n = BUNfirst(bn);                                                       
+       for (lo = 0, hi = lo + BATcount(l); lo < hi; lo++, o++, n++) {          
+               if (*o == oid_nil) {                                            
+                       bt[n] = TYPE##_nil;                                     
+                       bn->T->nonil = 0;                                       
+                       bn->T->nil = 1;                                         
+                       bn->tsorted = 0;                                        
+                       bn->trevsorted = 0;                                     
+                       bn->tkey = 0;                                           
+               } else if (*o < r->hseqbase ||                                  
+                       *o >= r->hseqbase + BATcount(r)) {                      
+                       GDKerror("BATproject: does not match always\n");        
+                       return GDK_FAIL;                                        
+               } else {                                                        
+                       v = rt[*o - r->hseqbase];                               
+                       bt[n] = v;                                              
+                       if (nilcheck && bn->T->nonil && v == TYPE##_nil) {      
+                               bn->T->nonil = 0;                               
+                               bn->T->nil = 1;                                 
+                       }                                                       
+                       if (lo && (bn->trevsorted | bn->tsorted | bn->tkey)) {  
+                               if (v > prev) {                                 
+                                       bn->trevsorted = 0;                     
+                                       if (!bn->tsorted)                       
+                                               bn->tkey = 0; /* can't be sure 
*/       \
+                               } else if (v < prev) {                          
+                                       bn->tsorted = 0;                        
+                                       if (!bn->trevsorted)                    
+                                               bn->tkey = 0; /* can't be sure 
*/       \
+                               } else {                                        
+                                       bn->tkey = 0; /* definitely */          
+                               }                                               
+                       }                                                       
+                       prev = v;                                               
+               }                                                               
+       }                                                                       
+       assert(n == BATcount(l));                                               
+       BATsetcount(bn, n);                                                     
+       return GDK_SUCCEED;                                                     
+#ifdef HAVE_HGE
+#define project_loop_hge(NAME) project_loop(NAME, hge)
+#define project_loop_hge(NAME)
+/* project type switch */
+#define project_type(NAME)               \
+       project_loop(NAME, bte)          \
+        project_loop(NAME, sht)          \
+        project_loop(NAME, int)          \
+        project_loop(NAME, flt)          \
+        project_loop(NAME, dbl)          \
+        project_loop(NAME, lng)         \
+        project_loop_hge(NAME)          
+static int
+project_any( BAT *bn, BAT *l, BAT *r, int nilcheck)
+       BUN n;
+       oid lo, hi;
+       BATiter ri, bni;
+       int (*cmp)(const void *, const void *) = BATatoms[r->ttype].atomCmp;
+       const void *nil = ATOMnilptr(r->ttype);
+       const void *v, *prev = NULL;
+       const oid *o;
+       int c;
+       o = (const oid *) Tloc(l, BUNfirst(l));
+       n = BUNfirst(bn);
+       ri = bat_iterator(r);
+       bni = bat_iterator(bn);
+       for (lo = 0, hi = lo + BATcount(l); lo < hi; lo++, o++, n++) {
+               if (*o == oid_nil) {
+                       tfastins_nocheck(bn, n, nil, Tsize(bn));
+                       bn->T->nonil = 0;
+                       bn->T->nil = 1;
+                       bn->tsorted = 0;
+                       bn->trevsorted = 0;
+                       bn->tkey = 0;
+               } else if (*o < r->hseqbase ||
+                       *o >= r->hseqbase + BATcount(r)) {
+                       GDKerror("BATproject: does not match always\n");
+                       goto bunins_failed;
+               } else {
+                       v = BUNtail(ri, *o - r->hseqbase + BUNfirst(r));
+                       tfastins_nocheck(bn, n, v, Tsize(bn));
+                       if (nilcheck && bn->T->nonil && cmp(v, nil) == 0) {
+                               bn->T->nonil = 0;
+                               bn->T->nil = 1;
+                       }
+                       if (prev && (bn->trevsorted | bn->tsorted | bn->tkey)) {
+                               c = cmp(prev, v);
+                               if (c < 0) {
+                                       bn->trevsorted = 0;
+                                       if (!bn->tsorted)
+                                               bn->tkey = 0; /* can't be sure 
+                               } else if (c > 0) {
+                                       bn->tsorted = 0;
+                                       if (!bn->trevsorted)
+                                               bn->tkey = 0; /* can't be sure 
+                               } else {
+                                       bn->tkey = 0; /* definitely */
+                               }
+                       }
+                       prev = BUNtail(bni, n);
+               }
+       }
+       assert(n == BATcount(l));
+       BATsetcount(bn, n);
+       return GDK_SUCCEED;
+       return GDK_FAIL;
 BAT *
 BATproject(BAT *l, BAT *r)
        BAT *bn;
-       const oid *o;
-       const void *nil = ATOMnilptr(r->ttype);
-       const void *v, *prev;
-       BATiter ri, bni;
        oid lo, hi;
-       BUN n;
-       int (*cmp)(const void *, const void *) = BATatoms[r->ttype].atomCmp;
-       int c;
+       int res, tpe = ATOMtype(r->ttype), nilcheck = 1, postprops = 0;
+       BUN lcount = BATcount(l), rcount = BATcount(r);
        ALGODEBUG fprintf(stderr, "#BATproject(l=%s#" BUNFMT "%s%s,"
                          "r=%s#" BUNFMT "[%s]%s%s)\n",
@@ -1855,6 +1982,7 @@ BATproject(BAT *l, BAT *r)
                return bn;
        if (l->ttype == TYPE_void || BATcount(l) == 0) {
+               const void *nil = ATOMnilptr(r->ttype);
                assert(BATcount(l) == 0 || l->tseqbase == oid_nil);
                bn = BATconstant(r->ttype, nil, BATcount(l));
                if (bn != NULL) {
@@ -1871,58 +1999,100 @@ BATproject(BAT *l, BAT *r)
                return bn;
        assert(l->ttype == TYPE_oid);
-       bn = BATnew(TYPE_void, ATOMtype(r->ttype), BATcount(l));
+       if (ATOMstorage(tpe) == TYPE_str && (!rcount || (lcount << 3) > 
rcount)) {
+               /* insert double-eliminated strings as ints */
+               tpe = r->T->width == 1 ? TYPE_bte : (r->T->width == 2 ? 
TYPE_sht : (r->T->width == 4 ? TYPE_int : TYPE_lng));
+               nilcheck = 0;
+       }
+       bn = BATnew(TYPE_void, tpe, BATcount(l));
        if (bn == NULL)
                return NULL;
-       o = (const oid *) Tloc(l, BUNfirst(l));
-       n = BUNfirst(bn);
-       ri = bat_iterator(r);
-       bni = bat_iterator(bn);
        /* be optimistic, we'll change this as needed */
        bn->T->nonil = 1;
        bn->T->nil = 0;
        bn->tsorted = 1;
        bn->trevsorted = 1;
        bn->tkey = 1;
-       prev = NULL;
-       for (lo = l->hseqbase, hi = lo + BATcount(l); lo < hi; lo++, o++, n++) {
-               if (*o == oid_nil) {
-                       tfastins_nocheck(bn, n, nil, Tsize(bn));
-                       bn->T->nonil = 0;
-                       bn->T->nil = 1;
-                       bn->tsorted = 0;
-                       bn->trevsorted = 0;
-                       bn->tkey = 0;
-               } else if (*o < r->hseqbase ||
-                          *o >= r->hseqbase + BATcount(r)) {
-                       GDKerror("BATproject: does not match always\n");
-                       goto bunins_failed;
+       /* "string type" */
+       if (tpe != ATOMtype(r->ttype)) {
+               bn->tsorted = 0;
+               bn->trevsorted = 0;
+               bn->tkey = 0;
+               postprops = 1;
+       }
+       if (l->T->nonil && r->T->nonil)
+               nilcheck = 0;
+       switch (tpe) {
+       case TYPE_bte:
+               res = project_bte(projectargs);
+               break;
+       case TYPE_sht:
+               res = project_sht(projectargs);
+               break;
+       case TYPE_int:
+               res = project_int(projectargs);
+               break;
+       case TYPE_flt:
+               res = project_flt(projectargs);
+               break;
+       case TYPE_dbl:
+               res = project_dbl(projectargs);
+               break;
+       case TYPE_lng:
+               res = project_lng(projectargs);
+               break;
+#ifdef HAVE_HGE
+       case TYPE_hge:
+               res = project_hge(projectargs);
+               break;
+       default:
+               res = project_any(projectargs);
+       }
+       /* handle string trick */
+       if (tpe != r->ttype && ATOMstorage(r->ttype) == TYPE_str) {
+               if (r->batRestricted == BAT_READ) {
+                       assert(r->T->vheap->parentid > 0);
+                       BBPshare(r->T->vheap->parentid);
+                       bn->T->vheap = r->T->vheap;
                } else {
-                       v = BUNtail(ri, *o - r->hseqbase + BUNfirst(r));
-                       tfastins_nocheck(bn, n, v, Tsize(bn));
-                       if (bn->T->nonil && cmp(v, nil) == 0) {
-                               bn->T->nonil = 0;
-                               bn->T->nil = 1;
+                       bn->T->vheap = (Heap *) GDKzalloc(sizeof(Heap));
+                       if (bn->T->vheap == NULL) 
+                               goto bunins_failed;
+                       bn->T->vheap->parentid = bn->batCacheid;
+                       if (r->T->vheap->filename) {
+                               char *nme = BBP_physical(bn->batCacheid);
+                                       bn->T->vheap->filename = (str) 
GDKmalloc(strlen(nme) + 12);
+                               if (bn->T->vheap->filename == NULL) 
+                                       goto bunins_failed;
+                               GDKfilepath(bn->T->vheap->filename, NULL, nme, 
-                       if (prev && (bn->trevsorted | bn->tsorted | bn->tkey)) {
-                               c = cmp(prev, v);
-                               if (c < 0) {
-                                       bn->trevsorted = 0;
-                                       if (!bn->tsorted)
-                                               bn->tkey = 0; /* can't be sure 
-                               } else if (c > 0) {
-                                       bn->tsorted = 0;
-                                       if (!bn->trevsorted)
-                                               bn->tkey = 0; /* can't be sure 
-                               } else {
-                                       bn->tkey = 0; /* definitely */
-                               }
-                       }
-                       prev = BUNtail(bni, n);
+                       if (HEAPcopy(bn->T->vheap, r->T->vheap) < 0) 
+                               goto bunins_failed;
+               bn->ttype = r->ttype;
+               bn->tvarsized = 1;
+               bn->T->width = r->T->width;
+               bn->T->shift = r->T->shift;
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