Changeset: 8f4a06ce5fc0 for MonetDB
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diffs (truncated from 23449 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/clients/Tests/All b/clients/Tests/All
--- a/clients/Tests/All
+++ b/clients/Tests/All
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ exports
diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
@@ -31844,6 +31844,20 @@ command bat.hasAppendMode(b:bat[:any_1,:
 address BKChasAppendMode;
 comment return true if to this BAT is append only.
+command bat.imprintsize(b:bat[:oid,:dbl]):lng 
+address CMDBATimprintsize;
+comment Return the size of the imprints
+command bat.imprintsize(b:bat[:oid,:flt]):lng 
+address CMDBATimprintsize;
+command bat.imprintsize(b:bat[:oid,:lng]):lng 
+address CMDBATimprintsize;
+command bat.imprintsize(b:bat[:oid,:int]):lng 
+address CMDBATimprintsize;
+command bat.imprintsize(b:bat[:oid,:sht]):lng 
+address CMDBATimprintsize;
+command bat.imprintsize(b:bat[:oid,:bte]):lng 
+address CMDBATimprintsize;
 command bat.imprints(b:bat[:oid,:dbl]):void 
 address CMDBATimprints;
 comment Check/create an imprint index on the BAT
@@ -42493,7 +42507,7 @@ pattern sql.sysmon_pause(tag:sht):void
 address SYSMONpause;
 pattern sql.sysmon_queue() 
 address SYSMONqueue;
 address sql_storage;
 comment return a table with storage information 
diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures_nocfitsio.stable.out 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures_nocfitsio.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures_nocfitsio.stable.out
@@ -31844,6 +31844,34 @@ command bat.hasAppendMode(b:bat[:any_1,:
 address BKChasAppendMode;
 comment return true if to this BAT is append only.
+command bat.imprintsize(b:bat[:oid,:dbl]):lng 
+address CMDBATimprintsize;
+comment Return the size of the imprints
+command bat.imprintsize(b:bat[:oid,:flt]):lng 
+address CMDBATimprintsize;
+command bat.imprintsize(b:bat[:oid,:lng]):lng 
+address CMDBATimprintsize;
+command bat.imprintsize(b:bat[:oid,:int]):lng 
+address CMDBATimprintsize;
+command bat.imprintsize(b:bat[:oid,:sht]):lng 
+address CMDBATimprintsize;
+command bat.imprintsize(b:bat[:oid,:bte]):lng 
+address CMDBATimprintsize;
+command bat.imprints(b:bat[:oid,:dbl]):void 
+address CMDBATimprints;
+comment Check/create an imprint index on the BAT
+command bat.imprints(b:bat[:oid,:flt]):void 
+address CMDBATimprints;
+command bat.imprints(b:bat[:oid,:lng]):void 
+address CMDBATimprints;
+command bat.imprints(b:bat[:oid,:int]):void 
+address CMDBATimprints;
+command bat.imprints(b:bat[:oid,:sht]):void 
+address CMDBATimprints;
+command bat.imprints(b:bat[:oid,:bte]):void 
+address CMDBATimprints;
 command bat.intersectcand(a:bat[:oid,:oid],b:bat[:oid,:oid]):bat[:oid,:oid] 
 address BKCintersectcand;
 comment Intersect two candidate lists into one
@@ -31953,11 +31981,11 @@ address BKCorder;
 comment Sorts the BAT itself on the head, in place. 
 pattern bat.partition(b:bat[:oid,:any_1],pieces:int,n:int):bat[:oid,:any_1] 
-address CMDbatpartition2;
+address CMDBATpartition2;
 comment Create the n-th slice over the BAT broken into severral pieces.
 pattern bat.partition(b:bat[:oid,:any_1]):bat[:oid,:any_1]... 
-address CMDbatpartition;
+address CMDBATpartition;
 comment Create a serie of slices over the BAT argument. The BUNs are 
distributed evenly.
 command bat.reuseMap(b:bat[:oid,:any_1],del:bat[:oid,:oid]):bat[:oid,:oid] 
@@ -32200,7 +32228,7 @@ command bbp.getName(b:bat[:oid,:any_2]):
 address CMDbbpName;
 comment Map a BAT into its internal name
-command bbp.get() 
+command bbp.get() 
 address CMDbbp;
 comment bpp
@@ -39652,6 +39680,8 @@ command json.drop(nme:str):void
 address JSONdrop;
 comment Drop the JSON object name from the database
+command json.dump(j:json):void 
+address JSONdump;
 address JSONextract;
 comment Extract the given elems (kind id) from the given JSON object
@@ -39660,27 +39690,49 @@ command json.exportResult(o:streams,kind
 address JSONexportResult;
 comment Serialise the given JSON pointer into JSON format, respecting the MAPI 
-command json.filter(name:json,i:int):json 
+pattern json.fold(k:bat[:oid,:any]):json 
+address JSONfold;
+comment Combine the value list into a single json array object.
+pattern json.fold(k:bat[:oid,:str],v:bat[:oid,:any]):json 
+address JSONfold;
+comment Combine the key-value pairs into a single json object list.
+pattern json.fold(o:bat[:oid,:oid],k:bat[:oid,:str],v:bat[:oid,:any]):json 
+address JSONfold;
+comment Combine the key-value pairs into a single json object list.
+command json.filter(name:json,idx:lng,other:str):json 
+address JSONfilterArrayDefault;
+comment Extract a single array element
+command json.filter(name:json,idx:lng):json 
 address JSONfilterArray;
-comment Extract a single element from an array
-command json.filterall(name:json,s:str):json 
-address JSONfilterObjectAll;
-comment Filter the members of an object by name
-command json.filter(name:json,s:str):json 
-address JSONfilterObject;
-comment Filter the members of an object by name
+command json.filter(name:json,idx:int,other:str):json 
+address JSONfilterArrayDefault;
+command json.filter(name:json,idx:int):json 
+address JSONfilterArray;
+command json.filter(name:json,idx:sht,other:str):json 
+address JSONfilterArrayDefault;
+command json.filter(name:json,idx:sht):json 
+address JSONfilterArray;
+command json.filter(name:json,idx:bte,other:str):json 
+address JSONfilterArrayDefault;
+command json.filter(name:json,idx:bte):json 
+address JSONfilterArray;
+command json.filter(name:json,pathexpr:str):json 
+address JSONfilter;
+comment Filter all members of an object by a path expression, returning an 
array.Non-matching elements are skipped.
 command json.#fromstr():json 
 address JSONfromString;
 comment Validate a string to be JSON compliant. A NOOP if valid json, NULL 
-command json.isvalidarray(val:json):bit 
+command json.isarray(val:str):bit 
 address JSONisarray;
 comment Validate the string as a valid JSON array
-command json.isvalidobject(val:json):bit 
+command json.isobject(val:str):bit 
 address JSONisobject;
 comment Validate the string as a valid JSON object
@@ -39688,13 +39740,29 @@ command json.isvalid(val:str):bit
 address JSONisvalid;
 comment Validate the string as a valid JSON document
+command json.isarray(val:json):bit 
+address JSONisarray;
+comment Validate the string as a valid JSON array
+command json.isobject(val:json):bit 
+address JSONisobject;
+comment Validate the string as a valid JSON object
+command json.isvalid(val:json):bit 
+address JSONisvalid;
+comment Validate the string as a valid JSON document
+command json.integer(j:json):lng 
+address JSONjson2integer;
+comment Convert sinple JSON values to an integer, return nil upon error.
 command json.keys(val:json):bat[:oid,:str] 
-address JSONkeys;
+address JSONkeyTable;
 comment Expands the outermost JSON object names.
-command json.keyArray(val:json):str 
+command json.keyarray(val:json):json 
 address JSONkeyArray;
-comment Expands the outermost JSON object keys into a JSON array.
+comment Expands the outermost JSON object keys into a JSON value array.
 command json.load(nme:str) 
 address JSONload;
@@ -39708,27 +39776,9 @@ command json.nextid(kind:bat[:oid,:bte])
 address JSONnextid;
 comment Returns the next free id for the kind BAT
-pattern json.nest(k:bat[:oid,:dbl]):json 
-address JSONnest;
-comment Combine the value list into a single json array object.
-pattern json.nest(k:bat[:oid,:flt]):json 
-address JSONnest;
-pattern json.nest(k:bat[:oid,:lng]):json 
-address JSONnest;
-pattern json.nest(k:bat[:oid,:int]):json 
-address JSONnest;
-pattern json.nest(k:bat[:oid,:sht]):json 
-address JSONnest;
-pattern json.nest(k:bat[:oid,:str]):json 
-address JSONnest;
-pattern json.nest(k:bat[:oid,:str],v:bat[:oid,:any]):json 
-address JSONnest;
-comment Combine the key-value pairs into a single json object list.
-pattern json.nest(o:bat[:oid,:oid],k:bat[:oid,:str],v:bat[:oid,:any]):json 
-address JSONnest;
-comment Nest the key-value pairs with object identity into a list of JSON 
+command json.number(j:json):dbl 
+address JSONjson2number;
+comment Convert sinple JSON values to a double, return nil upon error.
 address JSONstr2json;
@@ -39739,10 +39789,6 @@ command json.print(o:streams,kind:bat[:o
 address JSONprint;
 comment Serialise the given JSON pointer into JSON format
-command json.path(js:json,e:str):json 
-address JSONpath;
-comment Simple JSON path accessor
 command json.prelude():void 
 address JSONprelude;
@@ -39769,9 +39815,13 @@ command json.str(j:json):str
 address JSONjson2str;
 comment Convert JSON to its string equivalent. Dealing with escape characters
-command json.text(js:json,e:str):str 
-address JSONtext;
-comment Simple JSON path accessor, returning the concatenated string
+command json.text(j:json,s:str):str 
+address JSONjson2textSeparator;
+comment Convert JSON values to their plain string equivalent, injecting a 
+command json.text(j:json):str 
+address JSONjson2text;
+comment Convert JSON values to their plain string equivalent.
 command json.#tostr():str 
 address JSONtoString;
@@ -39785,25 +39835,21 @@ pattern json.unwraptype(kind:bat[:oid,:b
 address JSONunwrap;
 comment Retrieve the type necessary to unwrap the given JSON array to
-command json.unnest(val:json):bat[:oid,:json] 
-address JSONunnestOne;
-comment Expands a JSON list to its elements.
-command json.unnest(val:json) (k:bat[:oid,:str],v:bat[:oid,:json]) 
-address JSONunnest;
+pattern json.unfold(val:json) 
+address JSONunfold;
 comment Expands the outermost JSON object into key-value pairs.
-command json.unnest(val:json) 
-address JSONunnestGrouped;
-comment Expands the outermost JSON object into key-value pairs with object 
+pattern json.unfold(val:json) (k:bat[:oid,:str],v:bat[:oid,:json]) 
+address JSONunfold;
+comment Expands the outermost JSON object into key-value pairs.
 command json.values(val:json):bat[:oid,:json] 
-address JSONvalues;
+address JSONvalueTable;
 comment Expands the outermost JSON values.
-command json.valueArray(val:json):str 
+command json.valuearray(val:json):json 
 address JSONvalueArray;
-comment Expands the outermost JSON object values into a JSON array.
+comment Expands the outermost JSON object values into a JSON value array.
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