Changeset: f6245c097bcc for MonetDB
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Improve the computation of S3S5 by pre-computing TFIDFs score for all CSs

diffs (196 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.c b/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.c
--- a/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.c
+++ b/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.c
@@ -2514,43 +2514,13 @@ float similarityScore(oid* arr1, oid* ar
 /*Using cosine similarity score with vector of tf-idfs for properties in each 
CS */
-float similarityScoreTFIDF(oid* arr1, oid* arr2, int m, int n, int 
*numCombineP, PropStat* propStat){
+float similarityScoreTFIDF(oid* arr1, oid* arr2, int m, int n, int 
+               TFIDFInfo *tfidfInfos, int mergeCSId1, int mergeCSId2){
        int i = 0, j = 0;
        int numOverlap = 0; 
-       float sumX2 = 0.0; 
-       float sumY2 = 0.0;
        float sumXY = 0.0;
-       BUN bun; 
-       BUN     p; 
-       float   tfidfV; 
-       for (i = 0; i < m; i++){
-               p = arr1[i]; 
-               bun = BUNfnd(BATmirror(propStat->pBat),(ptr) &p);
-               if (bun == BUN_NONE) {
-                       printf("This prop must be there!!!!\n");
-                       return 0.0; 
-               }
-               else{
-                       tfidfV = propStat->tfidfs[bun]; 
-                       sumX2 +=  tfidfV*tfidfV;        
-               }
-       }
-       for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
-               p = arr2[i]; 
-               bun = BUNfnd(BATmirror(propStat->pBat),(ptr) &p);
-               if (bun == BUN_NONE) {
-                       printf("This prop must be there!!!!\n");
-                       return 0.0; 
-               }
-               else{
-                       tfidfV = propStat->tfidfs[bun]; 
-                       sumY2 +=  tfidfV*tfidfV;        
-               }
-       }
        i = 0;
        j = 0;
        while( i < n && j < m )
@@ -2561,19 +2531,7 @@ float similarityScoreTFIDF(oid* arr1, oi
                else if( arr1[j] == arr2[i] )
-                       p = arr1[j];
-                       bun = BUNfnd(BATmirror(propStat->pBat),(ptr) &p);
-                       if (bun == BUN_NONE) {
-                               printf("This prop must be there!!!!\n");
-                               return 0.0; 
-                       }
-                       else{
-                               tfidfV = propStat->tfidfs[bun];  
-                               // We can do this because the tfidfs of a 
property in any CS
-                               // are the same
-                               sumXY += tfidfV*tfidfV;
-                       }
+                       sumXY += tfidfInfos[mergeCSId1].lsttfidfs[j] * 
@@ -2586,7 +2544,7 @@ float similarityScoreTFIDF(oid* arr1, oi
        *numCombineP = m + n - numOverlap;
-       return  ((float) sumXY / (sqrt(sumX2)*sqrt(sumY2)));
+       return  ((float) sumXY / (tfidfInfos[mergeCSId1].totalTFIDF * 
@@ -3655,6 +3613,39 @@ char isSemanticSimilar(int freqId1, int 
+void initTFIDFInfos(TFIDFInfo *tfidfInfos, int curNumMergeCS, oid* 
mergeCSFreqCSMap, CSset *freqCSset, PropStat *propStat){
+       int     i, j; 
+       int     freqId; 
+       CS      *cs;    
+       oid     p; 
+       float   tfidfV; 
+       float   sum; 
+       BUN     bun = BUN_NONE; 
+       for (i = 0; i < curNumMergeCS; i++){
+               freqId = mergeCSFreqCSMap[i];
+               cs = (CS*) &(freqCSset->items[freqId]);
+               tfidfInfos[i].freqId = freqId; 
+               tfidfInfos[i].lsttfidfs = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * 
+               sum = 0.0; 
+               for (j = 0; j < cs->numProp; j++){
+                       p = cs->lstProp[j]; 
+                       bun = BUNfnd(BATmirror(propStat->pBat),(ptr) &p);
+                       if (bun == BUN_NONE) {
+                               printf("This prop must be there!!!!\n");
+                       }
+                       else{
+                               tfidfV = propStat->tfidfs[bun]; 
+                               sum +=  tfidfV*tfidfV;  
+                       }
+                       tfidfInfos[i].lsttfidfs[j] = tfidfV; 
+               }
+               assert(sum > 0); 
+               tfidfInfos[i].totalTFIDF = sqrt(sum); 
+       }
 void mergeCSByS3S5(CSset *freqCSset, CSlabel** labels, oid* mergeCSFreqCSMap, 
int curNumMergeCS, oid *mergecsId,OntoUsageNode *ontoUsageTree, oid 
**ontmetadata, int ontmetadataCount){
        int             i, j, k; 
        int             freqId1, freqId2; 
@@ -3669,7 +3660,7 @@ void mergeCSByS3S5(CSset *freqCSset, CSl
        char            isLabelComparable = 0; 
        char            isSameLabel = 0; 
        oid             name;           /* Name of the common ancestor */
+       TFIDFInfo       *tfidfInfos;
@@ -3679,6 +3670,9 @@ void mergeCSByS3S5(CSset *freqCSset, CSl
        propStat = initPropStat();
        getPropStatisticsFromMergeCSs(propStat, curNumMergeCS, 
mergeCSFreqCSMap, freqCSset); /*TODO: Get PropStat from MaxCSs or From mergedCS 
+       tfidfInfos = (TFIDFInfo*)malloc(sizeof(TFIDFInfo) * curNumMergeCS); 
+       initTFIDFInfos(tfidfInfos, curNumMergeCS, mergeCSFreqCSMap, freqCSset, 
        for (i = 0; i < curNumMergeCS; i++){            
                freqId1 = mergeCSFreqCSMap[i];
@@ -3716,7 +3710,7 @@ void mergeCSByS3S5(CSset *freqCSset, CSl
                                        simscore = 
similarityScoreTFIDF(cs1->lstProp, cs2->lstProp,
cs1->numProp,cs2->numProp,&numCombineP, propStat);
cs1->numProp,cs2->numProp,&numCombineP, tfidfInfos, i, j);
                                        //printf("         Cosine = %f \n", 
@@ -3963,7 +3957,7 @@ static void getStatisticFinalCSs(CSset *
        printf("\nTotal " BUNFMT " triples, coverred by %d final CSs: %d  (%f 
percent) \n", BATcount(sbat), numTables, totalCoverage, 100 * 
        printf("Max number of triples coverred by one final CS: %d \n", 
        printf("Min number of triples coverred by one final CS: %d \n", 
-       printf("Avg number of triples coverred by one final CS: %f \n", 
+       if (numMergeCS != 0) printf("Avg number of triples coverred by one 
final CS: %f \n", (float)(totalCoverage/numMergeCS));
        //Check if remove all non-frequent Prop
        maxNumtriple = 0;
diff --git a/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.h b/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.h
--- a/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.h
+++ b/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.h
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ typedef struct PropStat {
 #define INIT_PROP_NUM  10
 #define INIT_CS_PER_PROP 10
-#define        USINGTFIDF      0
+#define        USINGTFIDF      1
 #define STOREFULLCS     1       /* Store full instance of a CS including the a 
subject and list of predicates, objects. 
                                   Only use this for finding the name of the 
table corresponding to that CS */
@@ -125,10 +125,12 @@ typedef struct PropStat {
 /* ---- For detecting dimension table */
 #define        NUM_ITERATION_FOR_IR    3       /* Number of iteration for 
indirect referrences to a CS (table) */
-#define IR_DIMENSION_THRESHOLD_PERCENTAGE      0.02    /* Score of indirect 
references that the CS can be considered as a dimension CS 
+#define IR_DIMENSION_THRESHOLD_PERCENTAGE      0.2     /* Score of indirect 
references that the CS can be considered as a dimension CS 
                                                           Number of IR 
references should be several times larger than the CS frequency
+//#define IR_DIMENSION_THRESHOLD_PERCENTAGE    0.02    //Value 0.2 is for 
example data only
 #define NOT_MERGE_DIMENSIONCS  1               /* Default: 1, 0: Is for 
example data */
 #define FILTER_INFREQ_FK_FOR_IR        1               /* We filter out all 
the dirty references from a CS */
@@ -162,6 +164,12 @@ typedef struct CS
        int     numConsistsOf; 
 } CS;
+typedef struct TFIDFInfo {
+       int     freqId;
+       float*  lsttfidfs;      //TFIDF score of each prop in a CS
+       float   totalTFIDF;     // sqrt of (Sum = Total tfidfV*tfidfV of all 
props in that CS)
+} TFIDFInfo; 
 typedef struct SubCS {
        //oid   csId; 
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