Changeset: 026d2c8bc8ee for MonetDB
Added Files:
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

Prepare split of
The first step in a dissection of the monster.
Splitting into *mal and the rest

times() has been removed. Also script 11_times
should be removed.

sql_cast.mal calls for a shell script
whereafter we can finish the first step in
the dissection.

diffs (truncated from 1794 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/mmath.mal 
--- a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/mmath.mal
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/kernel/mmath.mal
@@ -182,6 +182,10 @@ command rand{unsafe} () :int
 address MATHrandint
 comment "return a random number";
+command rand{unsafe} (v:int) :int 
+address MATHrandint
+comment "return a random number";
 command srand(seed:int) :void 
 address MATHsrandint
 comment "initialize the rand() function with a seed";
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/ b/sql/backends/monet5/
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ lib__sql = {
 headers_mal = {
        HEADERS = mal
        DIR = libdir/monetdb5
-       SOURCES =
+       SOURCES = sql_aggr_bte.mal  sql_aggr_flt.mal  sql_aggr_int.mal  
sql_aggr_lng.mal  sql_aggr_sht.mal  sql_aggr_wrd.mal  sql_cast.mal  
sql_inspect.mal  sql.mal  sql_octopus.mal  sql_rank.mal  sql_rdf.mal  
 headers_autoload = {
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/sql.mal b/sql/backends/monet5/sql.mal
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/sql.mal
@@ -0,0 +1,1055 @@
+# The contents of this file are subject to the MonetDB Public License
+# Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+# compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+# basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+# under the License.
+# The Original Code is the MonetDB Database System.
+# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is CWI.
+# Portions created by CWI are Copyright (C) 1997-July 2008 CWI.
+# Copyright August 2008-2013 MonetDB B.V.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+module batsql;
+module sql;
+pattern start():void 
+address SQLsession
+comment "Switch to processing SQL statements";
+pattern start2():void
+address SQLsession2
+comment "Switch to processing precompiled sql statements";
+pattern init():void
+address SQLinitEnvironment
+comment "Initialize the environment for MAL";
+pattern shutdown(delay:bte, force:bit):str
+address SQLshutdown_wrap;
+pattern shutdown(delay:sht, force:bit):str
+address SQLshutdown_wrap;
+pattern shutdown(delay:int, force:bit):str
+address SQLshutdown_wrap;
+pattern shutdown(delay:bte):str
+address SQLshutdown_wrap;
+pattern shutdown(delay:sht):str
+address SQLshutdown_wrap;
+pattern shutdown(delay:int):str
+address SQLshutdown_wrap;
+pattern mvc():int
+address SQLmvc
+comment "Get the multiversion catalog context. 
+Needed for correct statement dependencies
+(ie sql.update, should be after sql.bind in concurrent execution)";
+pattern trans(type:int,chain:int,name:str):void
+address SQLtransaction
+comment "A transaction statement (type can be commit,release,rollback or 
+pattern transaction{unsafe}()
+address SQLtransaction2
+comment "Start an autocommit transaction";
+pattern commit()
+address SQLcommit
+comment "Trigger the commit operation for a MAL block";
+pattern abort()
+address SQLabort
+comment "Trigger the abort operation for a MAL block";
+pattern catalog(type:int,sname:str,name:str,action:int):void
+address SQLcatalog;
+pattern catalog(type:int,sname:str,name:str,funcid:int,ft:int,action:int):void
+address SQLcatalog;
+address SQLcatalog;
+pattern catalog(type:int,sname:str,t:ptr):void
+address SQLcatalog;
+pattern catalog(type:int,sname:str,t:ptr,temp:int):void
+address SQLcatalog;
+pattern catalog(type:int,sname:str,t:ptr,restart:lng):void
+address SQLcatalog
+comment "a catalog statement";
+pattern catalog(type:int,grantee:str,role:str):void
+address SQLcatalog
+comment "a grant/revoke role statement";
+address SQLcatalog
+comment "a user catalog statement";
+address SQLcatalog
+comment "a grant/revoke privileges statement";
+pattern catalog(type:int,iname:str,itype:int,sname:str,tname:str...):void
+address SQLcatalog
+comment "a create index catalog statement";
+pattern eval(cmd:str):void 
+address SQLstatement;
+pattern eval(cmd:str, output:bit):void 
+address SQLstatement
+comment "Compile and execute a single sql statement (and optionaly send output 
on the output stream)";
+pattern include(fname:str):void 
+address SQLinclude
+comment "Compile and execute a sql statements on the file";
+pattern evalAlgebra(cmd:str, optimize:bit):void
+address RAstatement
+comment "Compile and execute a single 'relational algebra' statement";
+pattern assert(b:bit,msg:str):void
+address SQLassert;
+pattern assert(b:int,msg:str):void
+address SQLassertInt;
+pattern assert(b:wrd,msg:str):void
+address SQLassertWrd;
+pattern assert(b:lng,msg:str):void
+address SQLassertLng
+comment "Generate an exception when b!=0";
+pattern setVariable(mvc:int, varname:str, value:any_1 ):int
+address setVariable
+comment "Set the value of a session variable";
+pattern getVariable(mvc:int, varname:str ):any_1
+address getVariable
+comment "Get the value of a session variable";
+pattern logfile{unsafe}(filename:str):void 
+address mvc_logfile
+comment "Enable/disable saving the sql statement traces";
+pattern next_value( sname:str, sequence:str ):lng
+address mvc_next_value
+comment "return the next value of the sequence";
+pattern batsql.next_value( sname:bat[:oid,:str], sequence:str ) :bat[:oid,:lng]
+address mvc_bat_next_value
+comment "return the next value of the sequence";
+pattern get_value( sname:str, sequence:str ):lng
+address mvc_get_value
+comment "return the current value of the sequence";
+pattern restart{unsafe}( sname:str, sequence:str, start:lng ):lng
+address mvc_restart_seq
+comment "restart the sequence with value start";
+pattern bind_idxbat(mvc:int, schema:str, table:str, index:str, 
+address mvc_bind_idxbat_wrap
+comment "Bind the 'schema.table.index' BAT with access kind:
+       0 - base table
+       1 - inserts
+       2 - updates";
+pattern bind_idxbat(mvc:int, schema:str, table:str, index:str, 
+address mvc_bind_idxbat_wrap
+comment "Bind the 'schema.table.index' BAT with access kind:
+       0 - base table
+       1 - inserts
+       2 - updates";
+pattern bind_idxbat(mvc:int, schema:str, table:str, index:str, access:int, 
part_nr:int, nr_parts:int):bat[:oid,:any_1]
+address mvc_bind_idxbat_wrap
+comment "Bind the 'schema.table.index' BAT with access kind:
+       0 - base table
+       1 - inserts
+       2 - updates";
+pattern bind_idxbat(mvc:int, schema:str, table:str, index:str, access:int, 
part_nr:int, nr_parts:int)(uid:bat[:oid,:oid],uval:bat[:oid,:any_1])
+address mvc_bind_idxbat_wrap
+comment "Bind the 'schema.table.index' BAT with access kind:
+       0 - base table
+       1 - inserts
+       2 - updates";
+pattern bind(mvc:int, schema:str, table:str, column:str, access:int 
+address mvc_bind_wrap
+comment "Bind the 'schema.table.column' BAT with access kind:
+       0 - base table
+       1 - inserts
+       2 - updates";
+pattern bind(mvc:int, schema:str, table:str, column:str, access:int 
+address mvc_bind_wrap
+comment "Bind the 'schema.table.column' BAT with access kind:
+       0 - base table
+       1 - inserts
+       2 - updates";
+pattern bind(mvc:int, schema:str, table:str, column:str, access:int, 
part_nr:int, nr_parts:int ):bat[:oid,:any_1]
+address mvc_bind_wrap
+comment "Bind the 'schema.table.column' BAT partition with access kind:
+       0 - base table
+       1 - inserts
+       2 - updates";
+pattern bind(mvc:int, schema:str, table:str, column:str, access:int, 
part_nr:int, nr_parts:int )(uid:bat[:oid,:oid],uval:bat[:oid,:any_1])
+address mvc_bind_wrap
+comment "Bind the 'schema.table.column' BAT with access kind:
+       0 - base table
+       1 - inserts
+       2 - updates";
+command delta ( col:bat[:oid,:any_3], uid:bat[:oid,:oid], 
uval:bat[:oid,:any_3], ins:bat[:oid,:any_3] )
+               :bat[:oid,:any_3] 
+address DELTAbat
+comment "Return column bat with delta's applied.";
+command projectdelta( subselect:bat[:oid,:oid], col:bat[:oid,:any_3], 
uid:bat[:oid,:oid], uval:bat[:oid,:any_3], ins:bat[:oid,:any_3] ) 
+address DELTAproject
+comment "Return column bat with delta's applied.";
+command subdelta ( col:bat[:oid,:oid], cand:bat[:oid,:oid], 
uid:bat[:oid,:oid], uval:bat[:oid,:oid], ins:bat[:oid,:oid] ) :bat[:oid,:oid]
+address DELTAsub
+comment "Return a single bat of subselected delta.";
+command delta ( col:bat[:oid,:any_3], uid:bat[:oid,:oid], 
uval:bat[:oid,:any_3]) :bat[:oid,:any_3] 
+address DELTAbat2
+comment "Return column bat with delta's applied.";
+command projectdelta( subselect:bat[:oid,:oid], col:bat[:oid,:any_3], 
uid:bat[:oid,:oid], uval:bat[:oid,:any_3]) :bat[:oid,:any_3] 
+address DELTAproject2
+comment "Return column bat with delta's applied.";
+command subdelta ( col:bat[:oid,:oid], cand:bat[:oid,:oid], 
uid:bat[:oid,:oid], uval:bat[:oid,:oid]) :bat[:oid,:oid]
+address DELTAsub2
+comment "Return a single bat of subselected delta.";
+command getVersion(clientid:int):lng
+address mvc_getVersion
+comment "Return the database version identifier for a client";
+pattern append(mvc:int, sname:str, tname:str, cname:str, ins:any):int
+address mvc_append_wrap
+comment "Append b to the column tname.cname (possibly optimized to replace the 
insert bat of tname.cname (returns sequence number for order dependence)";
+pattern update(mvc:int, sname:str, tname:str, cname:str, rids:any, upd:any):int
+address mvc_update_wrap
+comment "Update the values of the column tname.cname";
+pattern clear_table{unsafe}(sname:str, tname:str) :wrd
+address mvc_clear_table_wrap
+comment "Clear table";
+pattern tid( mvc:int, sname:str, tname:str):bat[:oid,:any_3] 
+address SQLtid;
+pattern tid( mvc:int, sname:str, tname:str, part_nr:int, nr_parts:int 
+address SQLtid
+comment "Return the tables tid column.";
+pattern delete{unsafe}(mvc:int, sname:str, tname:str, b:any):int
+address mvc_delete_wrap
+comment "delete from table";
+pattern resultSet{unsafe}( nr_cols:int, sep:str, rsep:str, ssep:str, ns:str, 
order:any_1 ) :int 
+address mvc_result_file_wrap;
+pattern resultSet{unsafe}( nr_cols:int, sep:str, rsep:str, ssep:str, ns:str, 
order:bat[:oid,:any_1] ) :int 
+address mvc_result_file_wrap;
+pattern resultSet{unsafe}( nr_cols:int, qtype:int, order:any_1 ) :int 
+address mvc_result_row_wrap;
+pattern resultSet{unsafe}( nr_cols:int, qtype:int, order:bat[:oid,:any_1] ) 
+address mvc_result_table_wrap;
+pattern rsColumn{unsafe}(rs:int, tname:str, name:str, typename:str, 
digits:int, scale:int, val:any_1 ) :void
+address mvc_result_value_wrap
+comment "Add the value to the row query result";
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