Changeset: ac7402ed7bb0 for MonetDB
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Cast data types

float --> int

diffs (161 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.c b/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.c
--- a/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.c
+++ b/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.c
@@ -5960,78 +5960,6 @@ void fillMissingValueByNils(CStableStat*
-#if 0
-void getRealValue(void **returnValue, oid objOid, ObjectType objType, BATiter 
mapi, BAT *mapbat){
-       str     objStr; 
-       str     datetimeStr; 
-       BUN     bun;    
-       BUN     maxObjectURIOid =  ((oid)1 << (sizeof(BUN)*8 - NBITS_FOR_CSID - 
1)) - 1; //Base on getTblIdxFromS
-       float   realFloat; 
-       int     realInt; 
-       oid     realUri;
-       //printf("objOid = " BUNFMT " \n",objOid);
-       if (objType == URI || objType == BLANKNODE){
-               objOid = objOid - ((oid)objType << (sizeof(BUN)*8 - 4));
-               if (objOid < maxObjectURIOid){
-                       //takeOid(objOid, &objStr);             //TODO: Do we 
need to get URI string???
-                       //printf("From tokenizer URI object value: "BUNFMT " 
(str: %s) \n", objOid, objStr);
-               }
-               //else, this object value refers to a subject oid
-               //IDEA: Modify the function for calculating new subject Id:
-               //==> subjectID = TBLID ... tmpSoid ....              
-       }
-       else{
-               objOid = objOid - (objType*2 + 1) *  RDF_MIN_LITERAL;   /* Get 
the real objOid from Map or Tokenizer */ 
-               bun = BUNfirst(mapbat);
-               objStr = (str) BUNtail(mapi, bun + objOid); 
-               //printf("From mapbat BATcount= "BUNFMT" at position " BUNFMT 
": %s \n", BATcount(mapbat),  bun + objOid,objStr);
-       }
-       switch (objType)
-       {
-               case STRING:
-                       //printf("A String object value: %s \n",objStr);
-                       if (*returnValue != NULL) free(*returnValue);
-                       *returnValue = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * 
strlen(objStr) + 1); 
-                       memcpy(*returnValue,objStr, sizeof(char) * 
strlen(objStr) + 1);
-                       //printf("A String value of returnValue: %s \n", (char 
-                       break; 
-               case DATETIME:
-                       datetimeStr = getDateTimeFromRDFString(objStr);
-                       if (*returnValue != NULL) free(*returnValue);
-                       *returnValue = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * 
strlen(datetimeStr) + 1); 
-                       memcpy(*returnValue,datetimeStr,sizeof(char) * 
strlen(datetimeStr) + 1);
-                       free(datetimeStr); 
-                       //printf("A datetime object value: %s \n",(char 
-                       break; 
-               case INTEGER:
-                       //printf("Full object value: %s \n",objStr);
-                       realInt = getIntFromRDFString(objStr);
-                       (*returnValue) = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
-                       *(int*)(*returnValue) = realInt;
-                       //printf("A INTEGER object value: %d 
-                       break; 
-               case FLOAT:
-                       //printf("Full object value: %s \n",objStr);
-                       realFloat = getFloatFromRDFString(objStr);
-                       (*returnValue) = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float));
-                       *(float*)(*returnValue) = realFloat;
-                       //printf("A FLOAT object value: %f \n", 
-                       break; 
-               default: //URI or BLANK NODE            
-                       (*returnValue) = (oid*)malloc(sizeof(oid));
-                       realUri = objOid;
-                       *(oid*)(*returnValue) = realUri;
-                       //printf("A URI object value: " BUNFMT " \n", 
-       }
 void getRealValue(ValPtr returnValue, oid objOid, ObjectType objType, BATiter 
mapi, BAT *mapbat){
        str     objStr; 
@@ -6112,7 +6040,7 @@ str RDFdistTriplesToCSs(int *ret, bat *s
        int     lasttblIdx = -1; 
        int     lastColIdx = -1; 
        char    isSetLasttblIdx = 0;
-       char    objType; 
+       char    objType, defaultType; 
        char    tmpTableType = 0;
        int     i,j, k; 
@@ -6128,7 +6056,7 @@ str RDFdistTriplesToCSs(int *ret, bat *s
        char*   schema = "rdf";
        //void*         realObjValue = NULL;
        ValRecord       vrRealObjValue;
+       ValRecord       vrCastedObjValue; 
        if (TKNZRopen (NULL, &schema) != MAL_SUCCEED) {
                throw(RDF, "RDFdistTriplesToCSs",
@@ -6242,6 +6170,7 @@ str RDFdistTriplesToCSs(int *ret, bat *s
                istmpMVProp = 
+               defaultType = 
                if (istmpMVProp == 1){  // This is a multi-valued prop
                        //printf("Multi values prop \n"); 
@@ -6253,9 +6182,8 @@ str RDFdistTriplesToCSs(int *ret, bat *s
                        assert(objType != MULTIVALUES);         //TODO: Remove 
                        tmpMVColIdx = 
                        tmpBat = 
-                       //getRealValue(&realObjValue, *obt, objType, mi, mbat);
                        getRealValue(&vrRealObjValue, *obt, objType, mi, mbat);
                        for (i = 0; i < 
cstablestat->lstcstable[tblIdx].lstMVTables[tmpColIdx].numCol; i++){
                                tmpmvBat = 
@@ -6265,13 +6193,21 @@ str RDFdistTriplesToCSs(int *ret, bat *s
VALget(&vrRealObjValue), TRUE);
-                                       BUNappend(tmpmvBat, 
ATOMnilptr(tmpmvBat->ttype), TRUE); 
+                                       if (i == 0){    //The deafult type 
+                                               //Check whether we can cast the 
value to the default type value
+                                               if (rdfcast(objType, 
defaultType, &vrRealObjValue, &vrCastedObjValue) == 1){
+                                                       BUNappend(tmpmvBat, 
VALget(&vrCastedObjValue), TRUE);
+                                               }
+                                               else
+                                                       BUNappend(tmpmvBat, 
ATOMnilptr(tmpmvBat->ttype), TRUE);
+                                       }
+                                       else
+                                               BUNappend(tmpmvBat, 
ATOMnilptr(tmpmvBat->ttype), TRUE); 
-                       //free(realObjValue); 
-                       //realObjValue = NULL; 
                        if (numMultiValues == 0){       
@@ -6351,7 +6287,6 @@ str RDFdistTriplesToCSs(int *ret, bat *s
                //If S is not continuous meaning that some S's have missing 
values for this property. Fill nils for them.
                fillMissingValueByNils(cstablestat, csPropTypes, tblIdx, 
tmpColIdx, tmpColExIdx, tmpTableType, tmplastInsertedS + 1, (int)tmpSoid);
-               //getRealValue(&realObjValue, *obt, objType, mi, mbat);
                getRealValue(&vrRealObjValue, *obt, objType, mi, mbat);
                //if (objType == STRING) printf("Value returned by getRealValue 
is %s \n", (char*)realObjValue);
@@ -6359,8 +6294,6 @@ str RDFdistTriplesToCSs(int *ret, bat *s
                //BUNappend(curBat, (ptr) realObjValue, TRUE); 
                BUNappend(curBat, VALget(&vrRealObjValue), TRUE);
-               //free(realObjValue); 
-               //realObjValue = NULL; 
                //printf(BUNFMT": Table %d | column %d  for prop " BUNFMT " | 
sub " BUNFMT " | obj " BUNFMT "\n",p, tblIdx, 
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