Changeset: 53dbe101a585 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Feb2013
Log Message:

Some code cleanup.

diffs (137 lines):

diff --git a/gdk/gdk_storage.c b/gdk/gdk_storage.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_storage.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_storage.c
@@ -274,80 +274,84 @@ GDKextend(const char *fn, size_t size)
 GDKsave(const char *nme, const char *ext, void *buf, size_t size, storage_t 
-       int fd = -1, err = 0;
+       int err = 0;
        IODEBUG THRprintf(GDKstdout, "#GDKsave: name=%s, ext=%s, mode %d\n", 
nme, ext ? ext : "", (int) mode);
        if (mode == STORE_MMAP) {
-               /*
-                * Only dirty pages must be written to disk.
-                * Unchanged block will still be mapped on the file,
-                * reading those will be cheap.  Only the changed
-                * blocks are now mapped to swap space.  PUSHED OUT:
-                * due to rather horrendous performance caused by
-                * updating the image on disk.
-                *
-                * Maybe it is better to make use of MT_msync().  But
-                * then we would need to bring in a backup mechanism,
-                * in which stable images of the BATs are created at
-                * commit-time.
-                */
                if (size)
                        err = MT_msync(buf, size, MMAP_SYNC);
                if (err)
-                       GDKsyserror("GDKsave: error on: name=%s, ext=%s, 
mode=%d\n", nme, ext ? ext : "", (int) mode);
-               IODEBUG THRprintf(GDKstdout, "#MT_msync(buf " PTRFMT ", size " 
SZFMT ", MMAP_SYNC) = %d\n", PTRFMTCAST buf, size, err);
+                       GDKsyserror("GDKsave: error on: name=%s, ext=%s, "
+                                   "mode=%d\n", nme, ext ? ext : "",
+                                   (int) mode);
+               IODEBUG THRprintf(GDKstdout,
+                                 "#MT_msync(buf " PTRFMT ", size " SZFMT
+                                 ", MMAP_SYNC) = %d\n",
+                                 PTRFMTCAST buf, size, err);
        } else {
+               int fd;
                if ((fd = GDKfdlocate(nme, "wb", ext)) >= 0) {
                        /* write() on 64-bits Redhat for IA64 returns
                         * 32-bits signed result (= OS BUG)! write()
-                        * on Windows only takes int as size */
+                        * on Windows only takes unsigned int as
+                        * size */
                        while (size > 0) {
                                /* circumvent problems by writing huge
-                                * buffers in chunks <= 1GB */
-                               ssize_t ret = write(fd, buf, (unsigned) MIN(1 
<< 30, size));
+                                * buffers in chunks <= 1GiB */
+                               ssize_t ret;
+                               ret = write(fd, buf,
+                                           (unsigned) MIN(1 << 30, size));
                                if (ret < 0) {
                                        err = -1;
-                                       GDKsyserror("GDKsave: error " SSZFMT " 
on: name=%s, ext=%s, mode=%d\n", ret, nme, ext ? ext : "", (int) mode);
+                                       GDKsyserror("GDKsave: error " SSZFMT
+                                                   " on: name=%s, ext=%s, "
+                                                   "mode=%d\n", ret, nme,
+                                                   ext ? ext : "", (int) mode);
                                size -= ret;
                                buf = (void *) ((char *) buf + ret);
-                               IODEBUG THRprintf(GDKstdout, "#write(fd %d, buf 
" PTRFMT ", size %u) = " SSZFMT "\n", fd, PTRFMTCAST buf, (unsigned) MIN(1 << 
30, size), ret);
+                               IODEBUG THRprintf(GDKstdout,
+                                                 "#write(fd %d, buf " PTRFMT
+                                                 ", size %u) = " SSZFMT "\n",
+                                                 fd, PTRFMTCAST buf,
+                                                 (unsigned) MIN(1 << 30, size),
+                                                 ret);
+                       }
+                       if (!(GDKdebug & FORCEMITOMASK) &&
+#if defined(NATIVE_WIN32)
+                           _commit(fd) < 0
+#elif defined(HAVE_FDATASYNC)
+                           fdatasync(fd) < 0
+#elif defined(HAVE_FSYNC)
+                           fsync(fd) < 0
+                           0
+                               ) {
+                               GDKsyserror("GDKsave: error on: name=%s, "
+                                           "ext=%s, mode=%d\n", nme,
+                                           ext ? ext : "", (int) mode);
+                               err = -1;
+                       }
+                       err |= close(fd);
+                       if (err && GDKunlink(BATDIR, nme, ext)) {
+                               /* do not tolerate corrupt heap images
+                                * (BBPrecover on restart will kill
+                                * them) */
+                               GDKfatal("GDKsave: could not open: name=%s, "
+                                        "ext=%s, mode %d\n", nme,
+                                        ext ? ext : "", (int) mode);
                } else {
                        err = -1;
+                       GDKerror("GDKsave: failed name=%s, ext=%s, mode %d\n",
+                                nme, ext ? ext : "", (int) mode);
-       if (fd >= 0) {
-               if (!(GDKdebug & FORCEMITOMASK) &&
-#ifdef NATIVE_WIN32
-                       _commit(fd) < 0
-                       fdatasync(fd) < 0
-#ifdef HAVE_FSYNC
-                       fsync(fd) < 0
-                       0
-                       ) {
-                       GDKsyserror("GDKsave: error on: name=%s, ext=%s, 
mode=%d\n", nme, ext ? ext : "", (int) mode);
-                       err = -1;
-               }
-               err |= close(fd);
-               if (err && GDKunlink(BATDIR, nme, ext)) {
-                       /* do not tolerate corrupt heap images
-                        * (BBPrecover on restart will kill them) */
-                       GDKfatal("GDKsave: could not open: name=%s, ext=%s, 
mode %d\n", nme, ext ? ext : "", (int) mode);
-               }
-       } else if (mode != STORE_MMAP) {
-               GDKerror("GDKsave: failed name=%s, ext=%s, mode %d\n", nme, ext 
? ext : "", (int) mode);
-       }
        return err;
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