Changeset: 58bf720e8e67 for MonetDB
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Branch: SciQL-2
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Fixed 'head of offset BAT ... is not aligned with head of offset BAT ...' error
given for tiles with pattern like 'GROUP BY a[x][y:y+1]' (i.e., one of the
dimension ranges has a single value)

With the implementation of non-rectangular tiles, the offset of the 'x'
dimension is generated using 'offsets()' producing a single offset, while the
offsets of the 'y' dimension is generated using 'array_series1()' producing a
list of offsets.  Thus, the two BATs are not aligned.

The currently solution is to detect if there is only one range spec., then use
'array_series1()' to generate a list of offsets for dimension 'x'.

rel.txt: document the extended use of e_column->f

sql_parser.y: removed the syntax for DISTINCT tiles (since we have decided to
 use HAVING instead), so that we can rely on the length of the data.lval of a
 GROUPBY symbol to detect the number of tile-range specs.

diffs (122 lines):

diff --git a/sql/rel.txt b/sql/rel.txt
--- a/sql/rel.txt
+++ b/sql/rel.txt
@@ -142,12 +142,17 @@ e_column
        -> l    optional relation name 
        -> r    expression name
        -> f    only used by the dimensional columns of the arrays
-                       a list of four lists, with each of them containing 
three expressions denoting the [start:step:stop] values
+                       a list of four lists, with each of them containing 
three or more
+                         expressions denoting the [start:step:stop] values
                        ->h->data: the initial range of the array
-                       ->h->next->data: for unbounded arrays, the range of the 
_current_ bounding box.
-                                        The same as ->h->data in case of fixed 
-                       ->h->next->next->data: the slicing range, is empty if 
there has been no slicing
-                       ->h->next->next->next->data: the tiling ranges, is 
empty if there has been no tiling
+                       ->h->next->data: the slicing range, is empty if there 
has been no slicing
+                       ->h->next->next->data: the tiling ranges, is empty if 
there has been no tiling
+                               for rectangular tiles, this is a list of three 
nodes, and there is no next
+                               for non-rectangular tiles, this is a list of 
one node
+                                       (i.e., the single dimention value);
+                                       more point-ranges are appended after 
this one
+                                               (i.e., 
+                                               and they are all lists of one 
        -> type 
diff --git a/sql/server/rel_select.c b/sql/server/rel_select.c
--- a/sql/server/rel_select.c
+++ b/sql/server/rel_select.c
@@ -2254,7 +2254,7 @@ static int
 static list *
-rel_arraytiling(mvc *sql, sql_rel **rel, symbol *tile_def, int f, str *aname)
+rel_arraytiling(mvc *sql, sql_rel **rel, symbol *tile_def, int f, str *aname, 
int oneRange)
        list *exps = new_exp_list(sql->sa), *offsets = NULL;
        node *n = NULL;
@@ -2386,10 +2386,21 @@ rel_arraytiling(mvc *sql, sql_rel **rel,
                        st = exp_subtype(d_rng->h->data);
                /* If a step is specified, we don't care what it exactly is, 
just treat
-                * it as an expression; otherwise get the step value from the 
dimension range */
-               exp_os_ste = (dlist_length(dn->data.lval) == 3) ?
-                       rel_check_type(sql, exp_subtype(d_rng->h->next->data), 
rel_value_exp(sql, rel, dn->data.lval->h->next->data.sym, sql_where, ek), 
type_cast) :
-                       (dlist_length(dn->data.lval) == 2)? exp_copy(sql->sa, 
d_rng->h->next->data) : NULL;
+                *  it as an expression;
+                * otherwise get the step value from the dimension range for 
+                *  spec. with only one range definition.
+                * That is, for tiling group by such as:
+                *   SELECT x, y, SUM(v) FROM a GROUP BY a[x][y:y+2];
+                * We want to use 'array_series1' to generate a list of offsets 
for 'x',
+                *  instead of using 'offsets' to generate a single value.
+                * This is because the impl. of tiled AGGR requires that the 
+                *  lists of all columns to be aligned (i.e., have the same 
+                */
+               if (dlist_length(dn->data.lval) == 3) {
+                       exp_os_ste = rel_check_type(sql, 
exp_subtype(d_rng->h->next->data), rel_value_exp(sql, rel, 
dn->data.lval->h->next->data.sym, sql_where, ek), type_cast);
+               } else if (dlist_length(dn->data.lval) == 2 || oneRange) {
+                       exp_os_ste = exp_copy(sql->sa, d_rng->h->next->data);
+               }
                /* array tiling range stop, which, in case of a single 
<index_term>, is
                 * just 'start+step' to make the range only include '0'.
@@ -2401,7 +2412,10 @@ rel_arraytiling(mvc *sql, sql_rel **rel,
                 *    an exp_atom with "0" if not specified (case SQL_COLUMN), 
                 *    append it to 'offsets'.
-               if (dlist_length(dn->data.lval) > 1) {
+               if (dlist_length(dn->data.lval) == 1 && oneRange) {
+                       exp_os_sto = exp_binop(sql->sa, exp_copy(sql->sa, 
exp_os_sta), exp_copy(sql->sa, exp_os_ste), 
+                                       sql_bind_func(sql->sa, 
sql->session->schema, "sql_add", st, st, F_FUNC));
+               } else if (dlist_length(dn->data.lval) > 1) {
                        sym_tsto = (dlist_length(dn->data.lval) == 2) ? 
dn->data.lval->h->next->data.sym : dn->data.lval->h->next->next->data.sym;
                        switch (sym_tsto->token) {
                                case SQL_COLUMN: /* '<column>' */
@@ -4930,7 +4944,8 @@ add_tiling_ranges(mvc *sql, list *l, lis
        for (nl = l->h, nr = r->h; nl && nr; nl = nl->next, nr = nr->next) {
                sql_exp *cl = nl->data, *cr = nr->data;
-               assert(cl->type == e_column && cl->f && cr->type == e_column && 
+               assert(cl->type == e_column && cl->f && cr->type == e_column && 
cr->f && strcmp(cl->name, cr->name) ==0);
                if (list_length(((list*)cr->f)->h->next->next->data) > 1) {
                        return sql_error(sql, 02, "SELECT: array tiles with 
mixed point range and interval range not supported yet\n");
@@ -4958,7 +4973,7 @@ rel_group_by(mvc *sql, sql_rel *rel, sym
                list *es = NULL;
                if (grp->token == SQL_ARRAY_DIM_SLICE) {
-                       if (!(es = rel_arraytiling(sql, &rel, grp, f, &aname)))
+                       if (!(es = rel_arraytiling(sql, &rel, grp, f, &aname, 
dlist_length(groupby->data.lval) ==1)))
                                return NULL;
                        /* FIXME: shouldn't we do the same error checks as the 
case of normal GROUP BY below? */
                        if (list_length(exps) == 0) {
@@ -4967,13 +4982,6 @@ rel_group_by(mvc *sql, sql_rel *rel, sym
                                exps = add_tiling_ranges(sql, exps, es);
                        found_sgb += 1;
-                       if (o->next->type == type_int) {
-                               if (o->next->data.i_val) {
-                                       /* TODO: how do we pass this 
information? */
-                                       return sql_error(sql, 02, "SELECT: 
DISTINCT array tiles not supported yet\n");
-                               }
-                               o = o->next; /* skip the node containing the 
DISTINCT information */
-                       }
                } else {
                        e = rel_column_ref(sql, &rel, grp, f);
diff --git a/sql/server/sql_parser.y b/sql/server/sql_parser.y
--- a/sql/server/sql_parser.y
+++ b/sql/server/sql_parser.y
@@ -3152,8 +3152,7 @@ table_name:
     /* empty */                  { $$ = NULL; }
  |  sqlGROUP BY column_ref_commalist { $$ = _symbol_create_list( SQL_GROUPBY, 
$3 );}
- |  sqlGROUP BY tiling_commalist { $$ = _symbol_create_list( SQL_GROUPBY, 
append_int($3,0) );}
- |  sqlGROUP BY DISTINCT tiling_commalist { $$ = _symbol_create_list( 
SQL_GROUPBY, append_int($4,1) );}
+ |  sqlGROUP BY tiling_commalist { $$ = _symbol_create_list( SQL_GROUPBY, $3 
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