Changeset: ac685a95d5ca for MonetDB
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gdal & geotiff: fixed BAT reference counting & avoid accessing released 

diffs (235 lines):

diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/vaults/gdal/gdal.c 
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/vaults/gdal/gdal.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/vaults/gdal/gdal.c
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ GDALloadGreyscaleImage(bat *x, bat *y, b
        GDALDatasetH  hDataset;
        GDALRasterBandH hBand;
-       bat bidx = 0, bidy = 0;
+       bat bidx = 0, bidy = 0, bidi;
        int wid = 0, len = 0;
        BUN pixels = BUN_NONE;
        sht bps;
@@ -212,14 +212,15 @@ GDALloadGreyscaleImage(bat *x, bat *y, b
        resI->tsorted = FALSE;
        resI->trevsorted = FALSE;
        BATkey(BATmirror(resI), FALSE);
-       BBPkeepref(resI->batCacheid);
+       BBPkeepref(bidi = resI->batCacheid);
+       resI = NULL;
        /* Manually compute values for the X-dimension, since we know that its
         * range is [0:1:wid] and each of its value must be repeated 'len'
         * times with 1 #repeats */
        errbuf = ARRAYseries(&bidx, 0, 1, wid, 1, len);
        if (errbuf != MAL_SUCCEED) {
-               BBPdecref(resI->batCacheid, 1); /* undo the 
BBPkeepref(resI->batCacheid) above */
+               BBPdecref(bidi, 1); /* undo the BBPkeepref(resI->batCacheid) 
above */
                return createException(MAL, "gdal.loadimage", "Failed to create 
the X-dimension of %s", *fname);
        /* Manually compute values for the Y-dimension, since we know that its
@@ -227,25 +228,30 @@ GDALloadGreyscaleImage(bat *x, bat *y, b
         * with 'wid' #repeats */
        errbuf = ARRAYseries(&bidy, 0, 1, len, wid, 1);
        if (errbuf != MAL_SUCCEED) {
-               BBPdecref(resI->batCacheid, 1); /* undo the 
BBPkeepref(resI->batCacheid) above */
-               BBPdecref(resX->batCacheid, 1); /* undo the 
BBPkeepref(resX->batCacheid) by ARRAYseries_*() */
+               BBPdecref(bidi, 1); /* undo the BBPkeepref(resI->batCacheid) 
above */
+               BBPdecref(bidx, 1); /* undo the BBPkeepref(resX->batCacheid) by 
ARRAYseries_*() */
                return createException(MAL, "gdal.loadimage", "Failed to create 
the y-dimension of %s", *fname);
        resX = BATdescriptor(bidx); /* these should not fail... */
        resY = BATdescriptor(bidy);
        if (BATcount(resX) != pixels || BATcount(resY) != pixels) {
-               BBPdecref(resX->batCacheid, 1);
-               BBPdecref(resY->batCacheid, 1);
-               BBPdecref(resI->batCacheid, 1);
-               BBPunfix(resX->batCacheid);
-               BBPunfix(resY->batCacheid);
-               return createException(MAL, "gdal.loadimage", "X or Y dimension 
has invalid number of pixels. Got " BUNFMT "," BUNFMT " (!= " BUNFMT ")", 
BATcount(resX), BATcount(resY), pixels);
+               BUN cntX = BATcount(resX), cntY = BATcount(resY);
+               BBPunfix(bidx);     /* undo physical incref done by 
BATdescriptor(bidx) */
+               BBPunfix(bidy);     /* undo physical incref done by 
BATdescriptor(bidy) */
+               resX = resY = NULL;
+               BBPdecref(bidx, 1); /* undo the BBPkeepref(resX->batCacheid) by 
ARRAYseries_*() */
+               BBPdecref(bidy, 1); /* undo the BBPkeepref(resY->batCacheid) by 
ARRAYseries_*() */
+               BBPdecref(bidi, 1); /* undo the BBPkeepref(resI->batCacheid) 
above */
+               return createException(MAL, "gdal.loadimage", "X or Y dimension 
has invalid number of pixels. Got " BUNFMT "," BUNFMT " (!= " BUNFMT ")", cntX, 
cntY, pixels);
+       BBPunfix(resX->batCacheid); /* undo physical incref done by 
BATdescriptor(bidx) */
+       BBPunfix(resY->batCacheid); /* undo physical incref done by 
BATdescriptor(bidy) */
+       resX = resY = NULL;
-       *x = resX->batCacheid;
-       *y = resY->batCacheid;
-       *intensity = resI->batCacheid;
+       *x = bidx;
+       *y = bidy;
+       *intensity = bidi;
        return MAL_SUCCEED;
@@ -267,6 +273,7 @@ GDALimportImage(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr 
        char aname[20], buf[BUFSIZ], *s = buf;
        bte stat = 0;
        bat x, y, intensity;
+       BAT *bx, *by, *bi;
        msg = getSQLContext(cntxt, mb, &m, NULL);
        if (msg)
@@ -355,17 +362,30 @@ GDALimportImage(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr 
        col = mvc_bind_column(m, img, "x");
        if (col == NULL)
                return createException(MAL, "gdal.import", "Could not find 
\"%s\".\"x\"\n", aname);
-       store_funcs.append_col(m->session->tr, col, BATdescriptor(x), TYPE_bat);
+       bx = BATdescriptor(x);
+       store_funcs.append_col(m->session->tr, col, bx, TYPE_bat);
+       BBPunfix(x); /* release physical reference inherited from 
+       bx = NULL;
+       BBPdecref(x, 1); /* release logical reference inherited from 
GDALloadGreyscaleImage() */
        /* the 'y' dimension */
        col = mvc_bind_column(m, img, "y");
        if (col == NULL)
                return createException(MAL, "gdal.import", "Could not find 
\"%s\".\"y\"\n", aname);
-       store_funcs.append_col(m->session->tr, col, BATdescriptor(y), TYPE_bat);
+       by = BATdescriptor(y);
+       store_funcs.append_col(m->session->tr, col, by, TYPE_bat);
+       BBPunfix(y); /* release physical reference inherited from 
+       by = NULL;
+       BBPdecref(y, 1); /* release logical reference inherited from 
GDALloadGreyscaleImage() */
        /* the 'intensity' column */
        col = mvc_bind_column(m, img, "intensity");
        if (col == NULL)
                return createException(MAL, "gdal.import", "Could not find 
\"%s\".\"intensity\"\n", aname);
-       store_funcs.append_col(m->session->tr, col, BATdescriptor(intensity), 
+       bi = BATdescriptor(intensity);
+       store_funcs.append_col(m->session->tr, col, bi, TYPE_bat);
+       BBPunfix(intensity); /* release physical reference inherited from 
+       bi = NULL;
+       BBPdecref(intensity, 1); /* release logical reference inherited from 
GDALloadGreyscaleImage() */
        /* update the GDAL catalog to set status to 1 (loaded) */
        stat = 1;
        col = mvc_bind_column(m, fls, "status");
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/vaults/geotiff/geotiff.c 
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/vaults/geotiff/geotiff.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/vaults/geotiff/geotiff.c
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
 #include "array.h"
 #include <xtiffio.h>  /* for TIFF */
 /* FIXME: the use of the 'rs' schema should be reconsidered so that the geotiff
  * catalog can be integrated into the SQL catalog.
  * When removing the 'rs' schame, the code of client/mapiclient/dump.c MUST be
@@ -161,7 +160,7 @@ str
 GTIFFloadGreyscaleImage(bat *x, bat *y, bat *intensity, str *fname)
        TIFF *tif = (TIFF*)0;
-       bat bidx = 0, bidy = 0;
+       bat bidx = 0, bidy = 0, bidi = 0;
        int wid = 0, len = 0;
        BUN pixels = BUN_NONE;
        sht photoint, bps;
@@ -228,14 +227,15 @@ GTIFFloadGreyscaleImage(bat *x, bat *y, 
        resI->tsorted = FALSE;
        resI->trevsorted = FALSE;
        BATkey(BATmirror(resI), FALSE);
-       BBPkeepref(resI->batCacheid);
+       BBPkeepref(bidi = resI->batCacheid);
+       resI = NULL;
        /* Manually compute values for the X-dimension, since we know that its
         * range is [0:1:wid] and each of its value must be repeated 'len'
         * times with 1 #repeats */
        errbuf = ARRAYseries(&bidx, 0, 1, wid, len, 1);
        if (errbuf != MAL_SUCCEED) {
-               BBPdecref(resI->batCacheid, 1); /* undo the 
BBPkeepref(resI->batCacheid) above */
+               BBPdecref(bidi, 1); /* undo the BBPkeepref(resI->batCacheid) 
above */
                return createException(MAL, "geotiff.loadimage", "Failed to 
create the X-dimension of %s", *fname);
        /* Manually compute values for the Y-dimension, since we know that its
@@ -243,25 +243,30 @@ GTIFFloadGreyscaleImage(bat *x, bat *y, 
         * with 'wid' #repeats */
        errbuf = ARRAYseries(&bidy, 0, 1, len, 1, wid);
        if (errbuf != MAL_SUCCEED) {
-               BBPdecref(resI->batCacheid, 1); /* undo the 
BBPkeepref(resI->batCacheid) above */
-               BBPdecref(resX->batCacheid, 1); /* undo the 
BBPkeepref(resX->batCacheid) by ARRAYseries_*() */
+               BBPdecref(bidi, 1); /* undo the BBPkeepref(resI->batCacheid) 
above */
+               BBPdecref(bidy, 1); /* undo the BBPkeepref(resX->batCacheid) by 
ARRAYseries_*() */
                return createException(MAL, "geotiff.loadimage", "Failed to 
create the y-dimension of %s", *fname);
        resX = BATdescriptor(bidx); /* these should not fail... */
        resY = BATdescriptor(bidy);
        if (BATcount(resX) != pixels || BATcount(resY) != pixels) {
-               BBPdecref(resX->batCacheid, 1);
-               BBPdecref(resY->batCacheid, 1);
-               BBPdecref(resI->batCacheid, 1);
-               BBPunfix(resX->batCacheid);
-               BBPunfix(resY->batCacheid);
-               return createException(MAL, "geotiff.loadimage", "X or Y 
dimension has invalid number of pixels. Got " BUNFMT "," BUNFMT " (!= " BUNFMT 
")", BATcount(resX), BATcount(resY), pixels);
+               BUN cntX = BATcount(resX), cntY = BATcount(resY);
+               BBPunfix(bidx);     /* undo physical incref done by 
BATdescriptor(bidx) */
+               BBPunfix(bidi);     /* undo physical incref done by 
BATdescriptor(bidy) */
+               resX = resY = NULL;
+               BBPdecref(bidx, 1); /* undo the BBPkeepref(resX->batCacheid) by 
ARRAYseries_*() */
+               BBPdecref(bidy, 1); /* undo the BBPkeepref(resY->batCacheid) by 
ARRAYseries_*() */
+               BBPdecref(bidi, 1); /* undo the BBPkeepref(resI->batCacheid) 
above */
+               return createException(MAL, "geotiff.loadimage", "X or Y 
dimension has invalid number of pixels. Got " BUNFMT "," BUNFMT " (!= " BUNFMT 
")", cntX, cntY, pixels);
+       BBPunfix(resX->batCacheid); /* undo physical incref done by 
BATdescriptor(bidx) */
+       BBPunfix(resY->batCacheid); /* undo physical incref done by 
BATdescriptor(bidy) */
+       resX = resY = NULL;
-       *x = resX->batCacheid;
-       *y = resY->batCacheid;
-       *intensity = resI->batCacheid;
+       *x = bidx;
+       *y = bidy;
+       *intensity = bidi;
        return MAL_SUCCEED;
@@ -282,6 +287,7 @@ GTIFFimportImage(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr
        char aname[20], buf[BUFSIZ], *s = buf;
        bte stat = 0;
        bat x, y, intensity;
+       BAT *bx, *by, *bi;
        msg = getSQLContext(cntxt, mb, &m, NULL);
        if (msg)
@@ -370,17 +376,29 @@ GTIFFimportImage(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr
        col = mvc_bind_column(m, img, "x");
        if (col == NULL)
                return createException(MAL, "geotiff.import", "Could not find 
\"%s\".\"x\"\n", aname);
-       store_funcs.append_col(m->session->tr, col, BATdescriptor(x), TYPE_bat);
+       bx = BATdescriptor(x);
+       store_funcs.append_col(m->session->tr, col, bx, TYPE_bat);
+       BBPunfix(x);  /* release physical reference inherited from 
+       bx = NULL;
+       BBPdecref(x, 1); /* release logical reference inherited from 
GTIFFloadGreyscaleImage() */
        /* the 'y' dimension */
        col = mvc_bind_column(m, img, "y");
        if (col == NULL)
                return createException(MAL, "geotiff.import", "Could not find 
\"%s\".\"y\"\n", aname);
-       store_funcs.append_col(m->session->tr, col, BATdescriptor(y), TYPE_bat);
+       by = BATdescriptor(y);
+       store_funcs.append_col(m->session->tr, col, by, TYPE_bat);
+       BBPunfix(y); /* release physical reference inherited from 
BATdescriptor() */
+       by = NULL;
+       BBPdecref(y, 1); /* release logical reference inherited from 
GTIFFloadGreyscaleImage() */
        /* the 'intensity' column */
        col = mvc_bind_column(m, img, "intensity");
        if (col == NULL)
                return createException(MAL, "geotiff.import", "Could not find 
\"%s\".\"intensity\"\n", aname);
-       store_funcs.append_col(m->session->tr, col, BATdescriptor(intensity), 
+       bi = BATdescriptor(intensity);
+       store_funcs.append_col(m->session->tr, col, bi, TYPE_bat);
+       BBPunfix(intensity); /* release physical reference inherited from 
BATdescriptor() */
+       bi = NULL;
+       BBPdecref(intensity, 1); /* release logical reference inherited from 
GTIFFloadGreyscaleImage() */
        /* update the GeoTIFF catalog to set status to 1 (loaded) */
        stat = 1;
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