Changeset: 090742f9e58c for MonetDB
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Branch: SciQL-2
Log Message:

A few more sciql2sql

diffs (198 lines):

diff --git a/sql/test/sciql2sql/Tests/04_insert_05.sql 
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/test/sciql2sql/Tests/04_insert_05.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+--! CREATE ARRAY experiment(run date DIMENSION[TIMESTAMP '2010-01-01': 
INTERVAL '1' HOUR: TIMESTAMP '2010-01-01'], payload FLOAT DEFAULT 0.0 );
0.0 );
+--!INSERT INTO experiment SELECT tick, (next(payload) - payload)/ 
CAST(next(tick)-tick AS MINUTE) FROM timeseries;
+--!DROP ARRAY experiment;
+--!DROP ARRAY timeseries;
+CREATE TABLE experiment(run date CHECK( run >=TIMESTAMP '2010-01-01' and run < 
TIMESTAMP '2010-01-01'], payload FLOAT DEFAULT 0.0 );
+CREATE TABLE timeseries (tick TIMESTAMP, payload FLOAT DEFAULT 0.0 );
+INSERT INTO experiment SELECT tick, (next(payload) - payload)/ 
CAST(next(tick)-tick AS MINUTE) FROM timeseries;
+DROP TABLE experiment;
+DROP TABLE timeseries;
diff --git a/sql/test/sciql2sql/Tests/04_insert_06.sql 
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/test/sciql2sql/Tests/04_insert_06.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+-- An array without default cell values
+--! CREATE ARRAY ary (x INT DIMENSION [4], y INT DIMENSION [4], v1 INT, v2 
+--! SELECT * FROM ary;
+-- A basic INSERT stmt, should overwrite the NULL values
+--! INSERT INTO ary VALUES (1, 0, 10, 11), (1, 1, 11, 12), (1, 2, 12, 13), (1, 
3, 13, 14);
+--! SELECT * FROM ary;
+-- Does it work with all columns explicitly specified?
+--! INSERT INTO ary(x,y,v1,v2) VALUES (0, 3, 3, 4), (1, 3, 13, 14), (2, 3, 23, 
24), (3, 3, 33, 34);
+--! SELECT * FROM ary;
+-- All cells which y-dimension is 0 should get value 123 for its 'v2' column
+-- Also a check if it works with columns given in arbitrary order
+--! INSERT INTO ary(v2,y) VALUES (123, 0);
+--! SELECT * FROM ary;
+-- All cells which y-dimension is 0 should get value 321 for its 'v2' column
+-- This is to check if the second set of values indeed overwrite the first set 
of values in the same query
+--! INSERT INTO ary(v2,y) VALUES (123, 1), (321, 1);
+--! SELECT * FROM ary;
+-- Does it work with NULL values?
+--! INSERT INTO ary VALUES (1, 0, NULL, 11), (1, 1, 11, NULL), (1, 2, 12, 
NULL), (1, 3, NULL, 14);
+--! SELECT * FROM ary;
+--! DROP ARRAY ary;
+-- An array without default cell values
+CREATE TABLE ary (x INT CHECK(x>=0 and x <4), y INT (y>=0 and y<4), v1 INT, v2 
+INSERT INTO ary values
+(  0, 0, null, null),
+(  0, 1, null, null),
+(  0, 2, null, null),
+(  0, 3, null, null),
+(  1, 0, null, null),
+(  1, 1, null, null),
+(  1, 2, null, null),
+(  1, 3, null, null),
+(  2, 0, null, null),
+(  2, 1, null, null),
+(  2, 2, null, null),
+(  2, 3, null, null),
+(  3, 0, null, null),
+(  3, 1, null, null),
+(  3, 2, null, null),
+(  3, 3, null, null);
+-- A basic INSERT stmt, should overwrite the NULL values
+INSERT INTO ary VALUES (1, 0, 10, 11), (1, 1, 11, 12), (1, 2, 12, 13), (1, 3, 
13, 14);
+--!(  0, 0, null, null),
+--!(  0, 1, null, null),
+--!(  0, 2, null, null),
+--!(  0, 3, null, null),
+--!(  1, 0, 10, 11),
+--!(  1, 1, 11, 12),
+--!(  1, 2, 12, 13),
+--!(  1, 3, 13, 14),
+--!(  2, 0, null, null),
+--!(  2, 1, null, null),
+--!(  2, 2, null, null),
+--!(  2, 3, null, null),
+--!(  3, 0, null, null),
+--!(  3, 1, null, null),
+--!(  3, 2, null, null),
+--!(  3, 3, null, null);
+-- Does it work with all columns explicitly specified?
+INSERT INTO ary(x,y,v1,v2) VALUES (0, 3, 3, 4), (1, 3, 13, 14), (2, 3, 23, 
24), (3, 3, 33, 34);
+--!(  0, 0, null, null),
+--!(  0, 1, null, null),
+--!(  0, 2, null, null),
+--!(  0, 3, 3, 4),
+--!(  1, 0, 10, 11),
+--!(  1, 1, 11, 12),
+--!(  1, 2, 12, 13),
+--!(  1, 3, 13, 14),
+--!(  2, 0, null, null),
+--!(  2, 1, null, null),
+--!(  2, 2, null, null),
+--!(  2, 3, 23, 24),
+--!(  3, 0, null, null),
+--!(  3, 1, null, null),
+--!(  3, 2, null, null),
+--!(  3, 3, 33, 34);
+-- All cells which y-dimension is 0 should get value 123 for its 'v2' column
+-- Also a check if it works with columns given in arbitrary order
+INSERT INTO ary(v2,y) VALUES (123, 0);
+--!(  0, 0, null, 123),
+--!(  0, 1, null, null),
+--!(  0, 2, null, null),
+--!(  0, 3, 3, 4),
+--!(  1, 0, 10, 123),
+--!(  1, 1, 11, 12),
+--!(  1, 2, 12, 13),
+--!(  1, 3, 13, 14),
+--!(  2, 0, null, 123),
+--!(  2, 1, null, null),
+--!(  2, 2, null, null),
+--!(  2, 3, 23, 24),
+--!(  3, 0, null, 123),
+--!(  3, 1, null, null),
+--!(  3, 2, null, null),
+--!(  3, 3, 33, 34);
+-- All cells which y-dimension is 0 should get value 321 for its 'v2' column
+-- This is to check if the second set of values indeed overwrite the first set 
of values in the same query
+INSERT INTO ary(v2,y) VALUES (123, 1), (321, 1);
+--!(  0, 0, null, 123),
+--!(  0, 1, null, 123),
+--!(  0, 2, null, null),
+--!(  0, 3, 3, 4),
+--!(  1, 0, 10, 123),
+--!(  1, 1, 11, 123),
+--!(  1, 2, 12, 13),
+--!(  1, 3, 13, 14),
+--!(  2, 0, null, 123),
+--!(  2, 1, null, 123),
+--!(  2, 2, null, null),
+--!(  2, 3, 23, 24),
+--!(  3, 0, null, 123),
+--!(  3, 1, null, 123),
+--!(  3, 2, null, null),
+--!(  3, 3, 33, 34);
+-- Does it work with NULL values?
+INSERT INTO ary VALUES (1, 0, NULL, 11), (1, 1, 11, NULL), (1, 2, 12, NULL), 
(1, 3, NULL, 14);
+--!(  0, 0, null, 123),
+--!(  0, 1, null, 123),
+--!(  0, 2, null, null),
+--!(  0, 3, 3, 4),
+--!(  1, 0, null, 11),
+--!(  1, 1, 11, null),
+--!(  1, 2, 12, null),
+--!(  1, 3, 13, null),
+--!(  2, 0, null, 123),
+--!(  2, 1, null, 123),
+--!(  2, 2, null, null),
+--!(  2, 3, 23, 24),
+--!(  3, 0, null, 123),
+--!(  3, 1, null, 123),
+--!(  3, 2, null, null),
+--!(  3, 3, 33, 34);
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